by Arthur MacTaggart I have no training in art. My creativity at school was limited to doodles on my books. And yet now, I find that art has become a crucial tool. About a decade ago, my life went off the rails, and I was sentenced to a short spell in prison. …
Category: Articles

A Day of Art/Law – Reflections on the Live Art and Discussions at the Out(Law) Exhibition (SEAS) Socially Engaged Art Salon
A Day of Art/Law – Reflections on the Live Art and Discussions at the Out(Law) Exhibition (SEAS) Socially Engaged Art Salon by Giselle Jones BMECP Centre Brighton 14th September 2019. On 14thSeptember, the out(Law) exhibition, hosted a live art intervention Margarita X: A Case Study by artist Janina Moninska, followed by…

Squatters’ Rights – Animal Squat and Radical Art/Law Education
by Double Why of Dog Section Press. Animal Squat is a radical book for children. I say “for children” with a bit of hesitation, because I don’t like to set age boundaries. Maybe a better definition would be an illustrated book with a small amount of text, which makes it easier to read. I say…

XR, Law and Creative Rebellion
by Mothiur Rahman Mothiur Rahman, a member of the Art/Law Network and involved in the recent phenomena of Extinction Rebellion sums up some of the key points of the movement that may be of interest to those working on the art/law intersection. ‘XR’ has an interesting Declaration of Rebellion as well as the proposed…

Migrant’s Gift by Akila Richards
Migrant’s Gift by Akila Richards Artist and playwright Akila Richards shares her work on migration and colonialism through recounting experience within her practice of writing and her embroidered clothing. Her recent work appeared in digital animation and text on clothes for collective exhibition at ONCA Gallery, Constructed Geographies. The broad theme of the exhibition allowed each artist…

Redistributing the Sensible: The Brighton Homeless Bill of Rights by David Thomas
Redistributing the Sensible: The Brighton Homeless Bill of Rights by David Thomas We have a homelessness crisis. You need only walk the streets of Brighton and Hove, or any city in the country, to see it. But the street homeless that you see are only the visible symptom, the intolerable crux, of the housing crisis…

Integrative Arts and the Art of Attachment by Joanna Parker
Integrative Arts psychotherapist Jo Parker speaks of her involvement in Brighton Oasis Project (BOP)’s ‘Art of Attachment’ project, and how art can transcend and transform in the name of justice. ‘The authentic voice may not be the one you want to hear. All true art is subversive at some level or other, but it doesn’t…

Response to Jane Hinde’s As They Fell
by Sean Mulcahy From 6-8 September we ran an Art/Law Stream at the Critical Legal Conference. We were very lucky to have the artist and lawyer Jane Hinde come and share her work in installation from, as well as an inspiring talk on her work as a practitioner in both the law and art. Below…

‘Who Told You Freedom Is Easy?’ Some Art/Law Impressions of Temporary Autonomous Art
By Andy Marlow Lawyer and Birkbeck LLM Student TAA Brighton, 2008 It is 4:24 p.m. on 5thMay 2018, and I sit in the ‘Royal Shit’ room at ‘Temporary Autonomous Art’. Around me are pieces of artwork that fit well the name of the group who decorated this space. There is a poster of…

Art for International Law – Freedom Flotilla
by James Godfrey James Godfrey is a member of the Art/Law Network and part of the Campaign and Media Team of the Freedom Flotilla Coalition Responding to ongoing calls from Gaza to break the Israeli blockade deemed illegal under international law, four Freedom Flotilla boats have recently set sail in July 2018 from different ports in Scandinavia. After…

Research Methods in Environmental Law – Launched!
by Dr Victoria Brooks, Lecturer in Law, University of Westminster On 17 May, Research Methods in Environmental Law, edited by Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos and Victoria Brooks, was officially launched at the University of Westminster. The event took place in a small lecture theatre, with some wonderful quick-fire and occasionally dramatic contributions from some of the authors from…

Guess Who? The Law Behind your Favourite USS Strike Memes
Wondering where some of your favourite memes during the USS strike have come from? Who the creative mind behind the inspired ‘Do you Believe in Life after Work’ that has made its way up and down the country in the last few weeks? Anna, the law behind the memes! Well, it’s no other than the…

Lessons in Unionising the Future: The Art of Estrangement and Critical Pedagogy on the Picket Line
By Heather McKnight “Strangeness that does not betray and sell us has a wholly different effect. It makes the beholder look up; it seems artful, not artificial; it reveals its own quality in its otherness” Ernst Bloch – Alienation and Estranagement (1970) Last week I joined the Sussex picket of the national University and College…

Breaking Law’s Fourth Wall
Breaking Law’s Fourth Wall by Sean Mulcahy Law in the Limelight has been a series of workshops built in many ways on emerging legal performance scholarship,[1] exploring the relationship between theatre, performance and law. The third workshop in the series focused on the fourth wall, the invisible and imagined wall that exists between the audience…

Art/Law Network
Art/Law Network By Lucy Finchett-Maddock The Conscious Lawyer 2 2017 10-12 The Art/Law Network is a gathering of artists, lawyers, agitators, coming together to work and collaborate for change. Never before has there been such a call for social transformation, where individuals, practitioners, artists and activists of all backgrounds are seeking new and alternative ways…

Law as Social Sculpture
Practicing the Legal Profession as a Social Sculptress by Isabel Añino Granados Madrid 17 May 2017 It is been a while since I had a first glimpse of how art and law are interconnected and how one can work in the field of law even in practical cases from an artistic perspective. To do so one…