A Day of Art/Law – Reflections on the Live Art and Discussions at the Out(Law) Exhibition (SEAS) Socially Engaged Art Salon by Giselle Jones BMECP Centre Brighton 14th September 2019. On 14thSeptember, the out(Law) exhibition, hosted a live art intervention Margarita X: A Case Study by artist Janina Moninska, followed by…
Category: Exhibitions

out(Law) Exhibition SEAS Socially Engaged Art Salon Brighton 7-29 September 2019
Sometimes we are outside, very rarely are we in. Hitting the highway and running for the hills may seem the most Butch Cassidy of remedies, in true renegade form. But these days, can we ever get outside law? Scroll on our screens and we find T’s&C’s, we wrench at those who are encamped and…

Lawscaping at the Venice Biennale
The event, ‘Escaping the Lawscape: a participatory game in the Giardini of Venice Art Biennale’, is drawn directly from Professor Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos’s research on the lawscape. The action, which took place during the three days of the Venice Art Biennale opening from 8 to 10 May, was commissioned by the Dallas Pavilion 2019 and was…

Migrant’s Gift by Akila Richards
Migrant’s Gift by Akila Richards Artist and playwright Akila Richards shares her work on migration and colonialism through recounting experience within her practice of writing and her embroidered clothing. Her recent work appeared in digital animation and text on clothes for collective exhibition at ONCA Gallery, Constructed Geographies. The broad theme of the exhibition allowed each artist…

Response to Jane Hinde’s As They Fell
by Sean Mulcahy From 6-8 September we ran an Art/Law Stream at the Critical Legal Conference. We were very lucky to have the artist and lawyer Jane Hinde come and share her work in installation from, as well as an inspiring talk on her work as a practitioner in both the law and art. Below…

Art/Law Stream at the Critical Legal Conference
The Sculpture Walk From 6-8 September we were delighted to host our first (and hopefully not last!) fantastic Art/Law Stream at the Critical Legal Conference, this year hosted by the Open University Law School, Milton Keynes. We had some brilliant interventions on the art/law/aesthetics/politics intersection, from scoping legal objects and artefacts with Swastee…

‘Who Told You Freedom Is Easy?’ Some Art/Law Impressions of Temporary Autonomous Art
By Andy Marlow Lawyer and Birkbeck LLM Student TAA Brighton, 2008 It is 4:24 p.m. on 5thMay 2018, and I sit in the ‘Royal Shit’ room at ‘Temporary Autonomous Art’. Around me are pieces of artwork that fit well the name of the group who decorated this space. There is a poster of…

Distant Animals, StreetLaw Brighton and Art/Law Network at the Tate Exchange ‘Who are we?’ Project
Last Sunday we were very excited to join members of The Hostile Environment Collective for the Tate Exchange ‘Who are we?’ Project Hostile Environment Tour. Liberty, Hunger for Freedom strikers, SOAS Detainee Support, Protest Stencil and other grass roots groups were also there Wednesday 23rd – Sunday 27th May as part of the programme of events. Artist and…