The Sculpture Walk From 6-8 September we were delighted to host our first (and hopefully not last!) fantastic Art/Law Stream at the Critical Legal Conference, this year hosted by the Open University Law School, Milton Keynes. We had some brilliant interventions on the art/law/aesthetics/politics intersection, from scoping legal objects and artefacts with Swastee…
Month: September 2018

‘Who Told You Freedom Is Easy?’ Some Art/Law Impressions of Temporary Autonomous Art
By Andy Marlow Lawyer and Birkbeck LLM Student TAA Brighton, 2008 It is 4:24 p.m. on 5thMay 2018, and I sit in the ‘Royal Shit’ room at ‘Temporary Autonomous Art’. Around me are pieces of artwork that fit well the name of the group who decorated this space. There is a poster of…