AUDINT UNSOUND: UNDEAD Performance and Workshop Fabrica Gallery Brighton 23 Jan 2020
About this Event
Tickets: £5/3 concs
AUDINT is a London-based art collective operating across the fields of sound, performance, theory/ fiction, film and installation. The group’s recent volume Unsound: Undead (Urbanomic, 2019) collates 64 new essays probing how the periphery of sonic perception (unsound) serves to activate the undead. The live performance event extend the collective’s research with presentations by AUDINT members and collaborators.
Evening event // 7:30-11:30PM
An evening of performances and presentations from AUDINT members and affiliates, including Steve Goodman (Kode9), Eleni Ikon, Carolin Schnurrer, Charlie Blake, Alpha (Anne Duffau) and Ayesha Hameed .
Donations welcome: add a donation ticket on top of your existing ticket(s) or follow this link to become a member.
Members: to access Members discounted tickets just book as normal and use your discount code at checkout.
You can also book by talking to a member of the gallery team during gallery opening hours or by calling the Fabrica office on 01273 778646.
Online bookings will close 1 hour before the event starts – unless ‘Sold Out’ there is likely to still be tickets available on the door.
See event .