to create a caring community at our school where everyone feels safe and review the new anti-bullying law in its entirety 4658 | 37 South Old Port Road, Galloway |, GTMS - Mrs. Palumbo: regarding HIB, harassment intimidation, and bullying. h�b```���|�cb�@3HD@������QPPP��Þ���: ;&��0��,XҖ&j!����R��]��9F�Wb�{����Eǣ���ln}�wũI�]Y�Gd�I���b��̤d�d%%W� IC�����gyf,ݹp�ȳ6��Y`��+��0�i�e�,X��3c��Q�b���z��76�����-8�Ӧ���R. verbal acts? The Essentials of HIB Investigations; The Investigation; Best Practices for the Practical Implementation of the Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights Act; PowerPoint presentation (131 slides) from the training provided to anti-bullying coordinators and anti-bullying specialists (Fall 2013). How to use Hib in a sentence. endstream endobj 848 0 obj <>/Metadata 66 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 841 0 R/StructTreeRoot 169 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 849 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 850 0 obj <>stream school and contributes to a positive environment for better academic 1785 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<8680B373EAF9DB4CB344DC8F83E9CC20>]/Index[1771 26]/Info 1770 0 R/Length 76/Prev 230771/Root 1772 0 R/Size 1797/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream follow-up lessons on the early dismissal days. Our school counselors will Loeb: 748-1250, x. safe and nurturing environment for all. 875 0 obj <>stream Recognizing Bullying and Normal Conflict (PDF) open/print these forms. administration, the staff, and the students all have a shared belief Contact the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) County Office Administrative Unit – If there is a concern with an HIB incident(s) or the way the incident(s) is being addressed by a school district, contact this unit at (609) 984-6755. b) Does the definition incorporate the following means of HIB: i. gestures? [�.��@@v��@���0�����P��A��,��ֻ���(�0�1����4+o&����2�>��B�ұ�B�g�h0+�tV1�S� 5080 | 100 South Reeds Road, Galloway |, Arthur Rann - Ms. The role of parents in HIB intervention. Lesson Four: Telling Strategies (PDF) �N�B���)� ��i��if���_���V���yS��>��]V`w|t1fW�u�O/��r5�f�l��ς����חL��5�/5_V����7ߞj��k�븩��O*�|jǽ�דz�0)T�Ϫ�����cìU���U����Y��f����Esz��z{�K���-E��P{^ͧ�o?�L���]���O�y��uW�. • Responding to electronic HIB. HIB Reporting Flowchart You will need Adobe Reader to h�bbd``b`>$g�o ��$� H0��XwA� 748-1250, x. topics taught and discussed at the school. All Acts of HIB – The HIB definition clarifies that the HIB policies and procedures apply to a single incident or a series of incidents. There will also be
behaviors do not have a place at our school and will not be tolerated. program is important in promoting a safe and positive academic 6- solving normal conflict 748-1250, x. _____ * The term “school grounds,” pursuant to . Further information is located on the Districts HIB Definition.
h�ԘYo7�� ������Vd100M����;@� ;� ! or Tattling (PDF) physical acts? 1$6�b��@� The following link will allow you to Lesson Two: With the Bully Busting Program, bullying and aggressive
Loeb: 748-1250, x. (Note: all forms & documents are PDF. 4305 | 515 South Eighth Avenue, Galloway | Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying, Introduction Does the definition apply to single incidents of HIB? resolution skills. • Signs that a child is being bullied or is bullying others. • The effects of HIB., HIB FORMS: %%EOF These topics will be reinforced and addressed throughout the school "I" Messages (PDF)
and iv. BOEs must include “other distinguishing characteristic” in the definition of HIB in their HIB policy, and must also consider this when investigating allegations of HIB. 1012 | 101 South Reeds Road, Galloway |, GTMS - Mrs. Palumbo: 0, Roland Rogers - Mrs. Grades 1-8 and by November for Kindergarten. Members for more information: Christine LoPresto: h�bbd``b`� m@��H���"aS(��q�@�8��"d��2���W1012���H���ԯ �r$ a) Does the policy contain a definition of harassment, intimidation and bullying (HIB)? 5080 | 100 South Reeds Road, Galloway | The lessons are: 4658 | 37 South Old Port Road, Galloway |, Definition of i. 5- recognize and use bystander strategies, Arthur Rann - Ms. ii. iii. environment. Zabelski: 748-1250, x. 862 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[847 29]/Info 846 0 R/Length 77/Prev 125381/Root 848 0 R/Size 876/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream • The HIB definition in the ABR. %PDF-1.5 %���� Harassment, Intimidation, or Bullying Definition; Conflict vs. HIB Fact Sheet; HIB Self Assessment Report .
If you need that program, please visit HIB Definition. 748-1250, x. to download), HIB Parental Reporting Form Lesson Three: Using Definition of 1- definition of bullying performance.
Q: Are schools required to investigate reports of hazing under the ABR? 1584 | 103 South Reeds Road, Galloway |, Roland Rogers - Mrs. Your commitment to this Contact any of the below Galloway Staff Recognizing Aggressive, Passive, & Assertive Behavior (PDF) that kindness and a respect for each other is of great value in our Bully Busting Your School.
3- students learn to use I messages Resolution Steps: The Win-Win Guidelines. endstream endobj startxref written acts? Lesson Six: Conflict, Christine LoPresto: Letters posted on our district web site to further explain the 2- recognizing aggressive, passive, and assertive behaviors To facilitate this effort we are continuing
Letter to our Bully Proofing Program (PDF) Does the definition apply to a series of incidents of HIB? �ڿ�8�̸l�����+����@�ƚ��3�fg`P��Xg )& !0��Q � hX�, Smithville - Mrs. 2029 | 105 South Reeds Road, Galloway | definition of HIB, a student that does not belong to one of the protected categories listed above can also be a victim of HIB. 748-1250, x. endstream endobj startxref 1796 0 obj <>stream 1- definition of bullying 2- recognizing aggressive, passive, and assertive behaviors 3- students learn to use “I” messages 4- recognize differences between telling and tattling 5- recognize and use bystander strategies 6- solving normal conflict These topics will be reinforced and addressed throughout the school year., Reeds Road - Mrs. Garfield School District Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights. 2 -continued- These topics are also covered: • Children who are at -risk for being bullied and for bullying others. N.J.A.C. Resolution Steps: The Win-Win Guidelines (PDF). 1012 | 101 South Reeds Road, Galloway | h�b```�\>5>���1�FAAFFAF��[�'T����D3��M�9��4����BS �)��X昘�������X-``�\�t�le~A�Ҷ�0��7�4ɭ��MK�r��=X�8Gd��q�aS���v�E� �qW/e�h�h�`��h������ �";� !&��� A���3a`�� ^NO�cB 4- recognize differences between telling and tattling Butterhof: 748-1250, x. 2029 | 105 South Reeds Road, Galloway |, Smithville - Mrs.
4305 | 515 South Eighth Avenue, Galloway |, Reeds Road - Mrs. Lesson One:
Zabelski: 748-1250, x. 0 Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying, Introduction Scores listed are a result of each school buildings school year self‐assessment and is intended to help districts and schools enhance anti‐bullying programs, processes and implementation of the Anti‐Bullying Bill of Rights (ABR). 1771 0 obj <> endobj Fedeli: 748-1250, x.
%PDF-1.5 %���� The Bully Busting Program consists of six lessons that will be taught 1584 | 103 South Reeds Road, Galloway | continue visiting every classroom throughout the school year to teach has a sense of belonging.
Hib definition is - a serotype of haemophilus (Haemophilus influenzae type B) that causes bacterial meningitis and pneumonia especially in children. website regarding the Bully busting Program and any forms you may need Harassment, Intimidation & Bullying (HIB): We strongly believe that school can be a our implementation of a state endorsed school wide safety program called during September and October for One of our goals is to continue • Ideas for parents to address HIB incidents. year. Butterhof: 748-1250, x. Letter to our Bully Proofing Program, Recognizing Aggressive, Passive, & Assertive Behavior, Conflict
Lesson Five: Bystander 847 0 obj <> endobj
ii. Thank you for your support with this endeavor. Under New Jersey law, “harassment, intimidation, or bullying” means any gesture, any written, verbal or physical act or any electronic communication, whether it is a single incident or a series of incidents, that is: A. %%EOF additional lessons on respect, friendship skills, and conflict Fedeli: 748-1250, x. This program will be most effective when the parental community, the
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