The Language of Law Dr Susan Schuppli & Carey Young UCL Festival of Culture London Tuesday 5 June 2018
The Language of Law | 12:30 – 14:00 | Main Quad Temporary Pop Up 101
Dr Susan Schuppli, Goldsmiths Department of Visual Cultures; Carey Young, UCL Slade School of Fine Art
Words have been termed the ‘essential tools of law’. The language of law creates a culture and ‘world’ of its own, in which neutrality and ‘reasonableness’ are obligated, and yet the untrained have little comprehension nor indeed opportunities for insight into these processes. Lawyers see language as a minefield, full of potential for vagueness, ambiguity and imprecision. Since Cicero, the art of rhetoric has been understood as key to legal skill; since Bentham, law’s language has been theorised as an interplay between the real and the fictional. This event will consider the fascinating relationship between law and aesthetics through a discussion between two renowned visual artists and researchers who use legal language and materials within their artistic works: Carey Young (UCL Slade School of Fine Art) and Dr Susan Schuppli (Goldsmiths Department of Visual Cultures).
See webpage –