Four Legs Good by Jack Tan Leeds Town Hall 24 November 2018
Four Legs Good
by Jack Tan
Takes place at Leeds Town Hall
On 24 November, three court hearings will take place at the times listed below. Please note: Anyone is welcome to attend all or part of any of the hearings – just drop in to the public gallery of the courtroom. You only need to book if you wish to sit on a jury.
- 1pm Sheepworrying (90 minutes)
Hearing (60 minutes), followed by jury deliberation in public (20 minutes), verdict and sentencing (10 minutes) - 3pm Signal Crayfish (60 minutes)
Court of appeal hearing (50 minutes), followed by judges deliberation in public (10 minutes) - 5pm Dangerous Dog (90 minutes)
Hearing (60 minutes), followed by jury deliberation in public (20 minutes), verdict and sentencing (10 minutes)
An exhibition will also be available to view in Leeds Town Hall corridors.
Four Legs Good is a contemporary revival of the medieval animal trials which took place in Britain and throughout Europe, where animals who had been accused of committing crimes were brought to court, provided defence counsel and prosecuted in full hearings before a judge.
For Compass 2018, artist Jack Tan will reimagine Leeds Town Hall as the site of a fictional Department of Animal Justice and stage a series of live ‘moot’ animal trials where practising barristers will argue claims brought by or against animal clients, before a judge and jury at the old Victorian courtroom in Leeds Town Hall.
Exploring the legal framework which surrounds humans, animals and our shared environment, the work invites us to reconsider our understanding of the position of humans in relation to animals and the environment. As you walk around Leeds Town Hall, you will encounter what appears to be a working Animal Court evidenced by signage, court leaflets, legal heritage displays and a court website.
If you have access requirements please contact