Entropi Arddangosfa / Exhibition Cei Llechi Caernarfon 26 – 30 November 2023
5 – 8pm, 26.11.2023
Stiwdio Gelf / Art Studio
Cei Llechi, Caernarfon
Ar agor / Open daily 10am – 4pm
27 – 30.11.2023
Tocyn / Ticket – Eventbrite
Manon Awst, Lucy F-M, Anders Hultkvist, Distant Animals, Catrin Menai, Gwenllian Spink
a nifer o berfformwyr yn cynnwys / and many performers including:
Zoë Skoulding, Sarah Pogoda, Lee Duggan, Lowri Hedd, Charlie Blake, Esyllt Lewis,
Hedydd Ioan, Rhys Trimble, Steffan Phillips, Buddug Robert, Layla Hignell-Tully
‘Entropi’ is the Welsh word for ‘entropy’, which denotes at once disorder, decay, as well as transformation. In scientific terms, it is the way organisms propel movement between one state to the next, whereby wholes become the sum of their parts as a system reacts, interacts, and incorporates its environment. Some of the most inspiring results of entropy are found within organic processes such as the unfurling of a leaf, the following of the fibonacci sequence, and the complex patterns of nature as they appear, flourish and wither away. Another may be the stretching tendrils of mycelium as its hyphae reach out through the soil to initiate further networks and connections. Over time these fungal links will shift, alter and die away as they respond to their ecology and form new ones.
The exhibition takes the concept of entropy as a starting point to explore materials, place and their transformation over time. It is grounded in Cei Llechi, a new creative development which attracts local visitors and tourists, and a charged historical location of production and industry, where slate was formerly shipped to other lands (Cei Llechi meaning ‘Slate Quay’). The quay was once an important part of the area’s transportation system with direct rail connection to the Nantlle quarries from 1828 and to the national rail network from the 1860s. Beyond slate, the site has been host to a range of materials, their making and transformation, with traces found of netting, boat-repair, copper and coal-bins, ship and wood yards, limekilns and a foundry.
We look forward to seeing you at the launch followed by an evening of creativity to follow, and any time you want to come along the rest of the week.
Manon, Lucy et al.
Mae ‘entropi’ yn dynodi anhrefn a phydredd, yn ogystal â thrawsnewid. Yn wyddonol, dyma’r ffordd y mae organebau yn sbarduno symudiad rhwng un cyflwr a’r llall. Dyma lle y daw’r cyfan at ei gilydd wrth i system ymateb, rhyngweithio ac ymgorffori ei hamgylchedd. Mae rhai o ganlyniadau mwyaf difyr entropi i’w cael mewn prosesau organig, er enghraifft wrth i ddeilen ymledu, yn y modd y mae dilyniant Fibonacci i’w weld, ac wrth i batrymau cymhleth natur ymddangos, ffynnu a gwywo. Un arall efallai yw tendrils ymestynnol myseliwm wrth i’w edau estyn allan drwy’r pridd i gychwyn rhwydweithiau a chysylltiadau pellach. Dros amser, bydd y cysylltiadau ffwngaidd hyn yn addasu, newid a marw wrth iddynt ymateb i’w hecoleg a ffurfio rhai newydd.
Yn yr arddangosfa, mae’r cysyniad o entropi yn fan cychwyn i archwilio deunyddiau, ymdeimlad o le a’u trawsnewidiad dros amser. Mae Cei Llechi yn ddatblygiad creadigol newydd sy’n denu ymwelwyr lleol a thwristiaid, ac yn safle hanesyddol, diwydiannol o bwys, lle’r oedd llechi’n cael eu cludo dros y dŵr i diroedd eraill. Ar un adeg, bu’r cei yn rhan bwysig o drafnidiaeth yr ardal gyda chysylltiad uniongyrchol â chwareli Nantlle o 1828 a’r rhwydwaith rheilffyrdd cenedlaethol o’r 1860au. Tu hwnt i lechi, mae’r safle wedi bod yn gartref i amrywiaeth o ddeunyddiau, wrth iddynt gael eu creu a’u ffurfio, gydag olion o waith creu rhwydi a thrwsio cychod, biniau copr a glo, iardiau llongau a phren, odynau calch a ffowndri.
Edrychwn ymlaen i’ch gweld chi yn yr agoriad, yn ystod y noson o berfformiadau, ac unrhyw bryd yr hoffech alw heibio yn ystod gweddill yr wythnos.
Manon, Lucy et al.