Wondering where some of your favourite memes during the USS strike have come from? Who the creative mind behind the inspired ‘Do you Believe in Life after Work’ that has made its way up and down the country in the last few weeks?

Well, it’s no other than the pretty amazing Anna Gumucio Ramberg, first class law graduate from Sussex Law School, now undertaking an Msc Social Sciences as part of their ESRC funded Doctoral Training. Anna is a much loved member of the Sussex Law School, and has been a pivotal member of the USS Strike Events Team and key to the radical resistance to the proposed pensions changes and the wider issues of privatisation of higher education taking place at Sussex.
Anna’s memes have been found around campus picket lines, occupations, demos, across the country, from staff to students using their fantastic creative agit prop. Most well known ones are of course ‘Do you Believe in Life after Work’, ‘The University is a Factory: Shut it Down’, and ‘Fouc Ault This Pensions Nonsense’, and we are very happy to be sharing them all with you today! Download and use them widely would be the advice!
Props for Anna, the law behind the memes, further demonstrating the import of visual affect within the liminal spaces resistance and law!
Anna’s PhD is a Foucaultian, critical legal exploration of vessels, rights and borders within the violence and law of forced migration. They have also written on the Prevent Duty for Critical Legal Thinking.

Check out Anna’s collection of memes below …