Practice and Process – Inaugural Art/Law Journal Symposia SEAS Brighton 16 September 2019
Following the theme of the first issue of the Art/Law Journal, we are holding an inaugural and informal day of discussions, enactions, interventions on understandings of practice and process very broadly defined. We are looking for practitioners and agitators of all kinds to come along and present/perform in an ‘unconference’ on questions relating to process and practice in the interweavings between art, law and political activism.
Both art and law are placed within a disciplining of practicing, each requiring ‘practitioners’ and the production of processual and practical intuition as part of their calling. What does it mean to be a practitioner? The word itself instils something that is unfinished, and yet there is an authority and legitimacy that at once asserts we have a ‘practice’. Are practices and processes the same thing?
‘Process’, for example, might refer to procedure in the enactment of a legal event or interpretation or judgement, or it might refer to the creation, production or situating of a work or art; similarly to arrangements of linear or non-linear elements in an act or emergence of political resistance or criticism.
We leave it entirely up to you how you wish to bring to us your practices and processes, where presentations and interventions may take the form of: reading from text, live performance, audio recording, object or other media, no longer than 10 minutes each, in the aim of instilling a lively afternoon of deliberation and tomfoolery.
Please send expressions of interest to by Monday 2 September. If you are interested in the call for papers please check the Art/Law Journal website.
The online Art/Law Journal is specifically focused on publishing works on speculative practices in art and law, i.e. combining a speculative, object-oriented, new materialist philosophy, with practice-based work on the art/law intersection.
We encourage submissions from artists working with law, lawyers with art, and all manner of approaches in between. We aim to publish philosophically-engaged texts as well as video, visual, and sound work.