Visit the exhibition
⇨ Watch Tracy Kiryango’s short docu-fiction film The Interspecies Festival of Finsbury Park 2023 celebrating the cultures and talents of ALL the species of Finsbury Park.
⇨ Experience The Multisensory Mystery Tour: see, hear and smell the old forest through the sensory superpowers of squirrels, trees, and dogs…
⇨ Hear the squeaks, squawks, howls and honks of the Multispecies Choirand their “songs” of lament, celebration and protest…
⇨ Sample delicacies from Pass-The-Poop-Parcel, the multi-species gastronomy game…
What is this all about?
The Treaty of Finsbury Park 2025 is an immersive fiction that looks at what it would be like if other species were to rise up and demand equal rights with humans. What that means is you, as a human, can come and take part in the fiction only by playing for and as another species (so, like, NOT as a human ok?!) The project started in 2020 and runs until 2025, when the Treaty itself will have been created and signed by all the species communities of Finsbury Park.
Biodiversity is crucial in reducing the harmful effects of climate change, and city parks have a huge part to play. It’s time to spark new ways of being, feeling and acting together!
In solidarity,

Chewy, Secretary of the Interspecies Assemblies of Finsbury Park, and The Furtherfield gang!