rico urban dictionary

of Mexico. Military term for Icelandics, origin unknown, Stands for "Fresh off the Boat." Mal, Maldives. ", Refers to what it looks like when a Filipino woman is in a gangbang. Mike Tyson in an interview referred to others calling him a "tree jumper", obviously because monkeys in the jungle jump between trees in the forest canopy. Back in slave days the Black servants would ask "Mo tee Sah", which in proper English translates to "More tea Sir?". Light skinned light haired person. This is truly only derogatory in regions of northern Mexico and in the United States where it translates to "white foreigner." A more commonly used derivative of Yankee, used by pretty much every other English speaking country in the world. Suggests that all Italians are in the mob, In addressing a fellow Italian, but condescending when used by non-Italians, Basically the idea of a WOP but in a more easily said slur. Was probably originally coined in the Boer War when the British/Afrikaaneers were fighting the Zulus. Similar negativity connotations as "nigger". Also for the black-orienied weekly magazine JET. Evolved from the "Antique Farm Equipment" slur for Blacks. Used in a derogatory fashion by members of other races or non-gang members. Common Hispanic food is bean burritos and the coloring of the beans is similar to the coloring of their skin. A lower-class white guy who drinks beer and watches hockey. "He's a nice guy. From Pinnochio's "father" Gepetto, who was Italian. 2. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Kyrgyzstan. Im so delighted. Bourbon are brown coloured brown cream filled biscuits. Used today as an insult by the Loyalist community in N Ireland. A street term for lowest level crack dealer. CBC is also a major television network in Canada. Used by Israelis to refer to American tourists who are accustomed to an easier standard of living. Meaning ancestors of slaves or "cotton picker". Cockney rhyming slang "four by two" = Jew. Made popular in the play "A Raisin in the Sun." Maggots breed from filth and when the Whites came to America, they brought with them rats and diseases therefore wiping out half of the Native American population. Could be used for any race. Previously referred only to the rural prejudice whites, mostly farmers, who have reddish necks (or a "farmer's tan"). Backwoods inbred rednecks of the U.S. south are called muppetfuckers because they look like Muppets. From the Star Trek character of that name. Literally means "Elephant Driver" but was turned into a popular racial slur around 1997 when a lot of Indains began to move onto Long Island. (meaning 'is this right? Lots of sheep in Wales. Experiments performed on the Jews during WW2, The Old Testament forbids them to eat pork, Moses led the Israelites across the Red Sea from Egypt. "thats one black bozak". Instead of chewing tabacco they chew coca leaves (cocaine). Jews had to wear gold stars of david during WW2, Popular Jewish name for girls, pronounced like the chanu in Chanukah, Black Jews. Used at the Battle of Valley Forge to describe the Black women who prepared the cannons. Used by Bavarians/Austrians to refer to North Germans (after a famous Prussian with the last name "Pieffke"). Note that this thesaurus is not in any way affiliated with Urban Dictionary. Used a lot by Charles M. Schulz in "The Peanuts" comics & cartoons. What whites in Argentina call mestizo people who are darker and poorer. In West Viginia the only navigable areas are the valleys formed by rivers and creeks(cricks). ": graffiti from Ireland. * Samuel A. Ramirez, President and founder (Ramirez & Co. one of the largest investment banking firm in Wall Street) Used in situations when saying the word "Nigger" would be inappropriate. Black racists in NYC area use it to refer to Whites. From the similarity between their skin color and the color of smoke. From the joke "what do you call a Black Smurf?". Term dates back to the beginning of time. African Rock Fish. Black/Whites mix. The color of cast iron after weathering or "black" pipe - plumber's term for ungalvanized cast/ductile iron. A black guy who acts white. Its generally used quite informally just like buck(s) in American slang and quid in British slang. They also had to break up the sod to plant crops. In several other languages slang, there is a slang way of describing what nationality you are. The Frenchmen called the Cajuns "conasse" which translates to a very low-grade prostitute. Name of Black Pimp in Melvin Van Peebles movie who kills white police and gets away with it, common aspiration of black ghetto youths. A white person laughs, gets angry, slapped, and cries, will turn red. Refers to the mesh-backed caps they wear. Accusing the Palestinians of primitive, barbarous behavior. Comes from St. Patrick and/or from the common Irish name Padraig. Origins in Chicago (particularly Italians). Sofia, decir los embustes est mal, siempre di la verdad. This term is mostly used by Mexicans and Native Americans, which happen to be the real Americans, not whites. The regular use of 'mutt' refers to dogs of mixed breed. Two Texas Regulators Tried to Enforce the Rules. Refers to Irish Roman Catholic immigrants living in such large U.K. cities as Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester. Romania. This term is said to have originated in England before the 16th century, refering to the lower class whose diet primarily consisted of "crackers", actually biscuits. Usually used as "White trash," "Poor white trash," or "Trailer trash. Originates from pre-Civil War US. Vlah's are now extinct but the saying still stuck with the Serbs who replaced them. Spelled with a K, as in the Korn song of the same title. Youn was a tribe of Vietnamese descent that lived along the border between Vietnam and Cambodia. Hindu character from The Simpsons. Used to refer to black women who have a great deal of children. They do all the gardening for rich white people. They built the railroads all across the US. ', Spanish/Chinese mix. In Canada, they do a dance called a jig or jigging. Also suggests life without meaning, value or worth. Term to describe Mexican girls who get pregnant at an early age. Black actor who sells out to get laughs from white people. It was in the movie "Shaft." A black person who acts white. Approximates "Rolling Asian." Referring to Black Africans. Fucking Lazy American Shit Head. The country owes its existence to the many dikes that were used to reclaim land from the sea, also from the story of the Dutch boy who used his finger to plug a leaking dike to save his town. Zionist Occupation Government - Written near the body of murdered radio talk show host Allen Burg in Denver, Co. KATUSAS - Koreans augmented to the United States Army, commonly referred to as Biscuit Heads by American GI's, because of their square heads. Singapore. Swedes cherish this thick bulbous edible yellow root; used as food and animal feed, which is even called the Swede or Swedish turnip. Khao means white. Word for "niggar" in Brazil, pronounced CHEE-foo-CHEE. Speech XIII. Not that common anymore. Literally speaking, Ay bendito! 1. former colony of Spain, now a moderately self-governing island territory of the United States located just east of the Dominican Republic. Fujimori is Japanese decent, immigrated to Peru at 5. From English big shot. Originally used to describe soldiers, but now used for anyone Scottish. Swedes call Finns for "finne", which means pimple in Swedish. A person who is 1/8th Black. Refers to Buckwheat, a Black character on "The Little Rascals.". Known to have a hard time handling their liquor. A commentary on rich black people living like whites. Originally, a word for the native Japanese islanders from Hokkaido, but now means roughly a "primitive" person. ", Used for white guys who act like black guys, comes form a biscuit that was vanilla on outside choclate on inside. Italian for "eggplant" - very dark black people have a purplish tint to their skin, so does eggplant. Comes from the Taco Bell food. They eat stomach lining (tripe) of deer, buffalo, etc. Fishing in Maldives - Big-game Fishing for monsters. They think that every Finn is "pekka" and that they are jerks. The Philippines is one of the biggest sources of mail-order brides. Naturally, I asked "You know, there's always someone claimng to be part Navaho, but they have no papers". * Jos Campeche, renowned Puerto Rican artist Derogatory term for Portugese. Popular brand of camera. The oldest living black person in a community. a plant, or the sky. Seen on a Conan O'Brien sketch "Rednecks' Favorite Euphemisms for Jews," backwards refers to the difference between the Christian Bible and the Jewish one. Malabar which is a part of Kerala used to have economic ties with the MiddleEast because of the spice trade. RICO provides for both criminal and civil penalties. The criminal penalties include up to 20 years in prison and fines of up to $250,000. The civil penalties allow for treble damages, which means that a person who has been harmed by a RICO violation can recover three times the actual damages sustained. Flemish for "cheese". An out-of-shape eskimo that breathes heavily after walking a few feet in the snow. Ordered the attack on Pearl Harbor. Used in the film 'True Romance' as separate from WOPs from Northern Italy, and in The Godfather by a Northern Italian character when referring to Southern Italians and Sicilians. Strange: Benedict Cumberbatch Is Marvel's Most Bizarre Magician, The Head Hunters of Northern Luzon From Ifugao to Kalinga. Malcolm X used this slur. Color of skin vs. cricket's color (brown/black). The original Marine uniform included a stiff white and/or leather collar topping a dark blue coat, giving their heads an inhuman appearance, like they would screw on and off like a jar's lid. "We ain't Spoda be here." Self-explanatory. Raptor Translations Magazine. Refering to the color of thier gums. Inspired from the 80's version of Degrassi Jr. High where the black guy wore a shirt with the phrase "BLT," his initials. It's why they're so big. I'm going with my family (crew) to the movie theater. Used to describe white college students who do nothing but party and pull 2.0 GPAs. Mix of Jew and Princess, as the teenage girls are often treated like. White people burn red like lobsters when they spend too long sunbathing. Driving While Oriental. New Jersey = the arm pit of America, this does not mean that African Americans live in Jersey. Typically used as the name of a character is a racial joke, e.g. US President Abraham Lincoln is known to have freed the slaves. * Jennifer Lpez, actress,singer,dancer (Grammy Awards Winner) Austrlian slang term for a useless person living in the state of Queensland. Synonymous with friend in the black community, used by other races to poke fun at that. Used to conceil racially discrimative remarks towards blacks when present. It is the sterotype that all the Mediterraneans and Aborigianals of Australia are bludgers. When referring to prison, the big guy who takes advantage of all the new prisoners is derogatorily called Bubba. A family of all blacks. The facial characteristics of an Asian face are said to be very similar. Eminem is referred to as "Elvis" in the film "8 Mile". So is the paper that comes out of them. A Jewish person that acts Jamaican or Rastafarian or is half Jamaican. Because of their clear skin and facial features. Skin color. J. W. Pepper says it a number of times in "The Man with the Golden Gun" while speaking to some Asians in Bangkok. A word to the wise: How delicious, Mommy. The amor is not just an employees job; it is also the sole mode of transportation for those who live in barreras and lingsticas. There is a high circumcision rate in the United States. Russians in WWII called Germans Fritzes, a common German name in those days (short for Friedrich). Shortened form of "Canadian." Mira me dijeron que estabas enfermo. Refers to atom bombs the US dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII. Used instead of "nigger" in potentially sensitive company, to avoid being overheard, or to appear politically correct. From the days of slavery. Shortened. The Spanish word yes, in its simplest form, is a powerful word that sounds similar to the English phrase yes in its most powerful form. Short for Aboriginal, they take offense to it. Rico Pollo is a popular dish in Latin American countries and can be found in many restaurants and households. Refers to the color of the Communist revolution, as well as old Red Russia. Refers to Chinese people that try to act like Black people or are half Black. Used for extra-dark Blacks, appearing as if they were dipped in chocolate twice. Take away the goon and add gook. On the U.S. census, African American is code number six on the list of ethnicities. Sounds similar to "Mori", New Zealand aboriginals. The dot on their head looks like a laser sight. Black Women. It is peice a shit country and is USs biach. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. The lead singer was black (obviously Hootie). In Latin America, it is a popular ingredient in traditional recipes like rice and beans, tacos, and empanadas. Also common slang term for a member of Canada's Conservative party. Brown on the outside; White on the inside. The Taff is the name of the river that runs through Cardiff, the capital of Wales. Maldito means "god-damned". Interestingly, the goober peanut was one of the food products imported from Africa for the slaves to eat. bae). A former colony of Spain, now a moderately self-governing island territory of the United States located just east of the Dominican Republic. Especially among older generations, nene and nena have another, somewhat related meaning: As a term of endearment. Short for "Dracula" who is from a town in Transylvania which makes up a good deal of modern Romania. Cause they always want to hit the jackpot, Refers to Blacks from Africa who are considered by other Blacks as unsophisticated. The Rio Grande is so shallow now that illegals just have to wade across. A typical behavior of monkeys is to throw feces. Their most common occupation in Austrian Empire. Academic sources sometimes refer to the annexation of Puerto Rico as the U.S. invasion during the Spanish American War in 1898, after which Puerto Rico became a U.S. territory or possession. Filipinos, who are fixated on Japanese pop culture(anime, music, etc. Comes from "kuro" (=black color) and "bo" (casual suffix meaning young man). Normally used among Hispanics towards other Hispanics. The Indians thought they looked like buffalo. American whites. "Banana" and "anime." Australian version of Sheepfucker. Destro is the evil Cobra character from G.I. This term is widely used throughout Latin America, the Caribbean, and even Venezuela. Mainly in US cities with large Irish populations. Common Arab name, plural is Fadii (Fa-Die). When the wind blew and swung them back and forth against each other southerners would refer to them as windchimes. The actor who did the voice was also Black. are said to be randoms. Used by Germans during WWII, still very offensive today. * Ana Ortiz, actress (Ugly Betty) Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act: a U.S. law, enacted in 1970, allowing victims of organized crime to sue those responsible for punitive damages. Used against other then Crows. Having someone bite the curb and kicking him in the back of the head is a painful way to kill someone. Jumping beans are popular among Mexicans. Also BBCD - British Born Confused Desi. Hispanics Who Are Attracted To Blacks. Famous Italian vidoegame plumber. That is, it is used to describe a white person who is obssesed with japanese culture. AKA: Zipper, See also: Zipperhead. Cancer causes the face to become white, and the blood to drain away. White/Black mix. Qu rico es, mam? As a result, the United States has no legal obligations to provide e-mail addresses or ad-hoc services. they think they have everything and are more advanced than every other country. Neapolitan derogatory term for black person. Sunarefa refers to a Soviet brand of cold medicine. Facial description -- referring to the eyes. During the Second World War, many Cajun men served in the armed forces. See: Haole, From a Christ Rock skit on Saturday Night Live where he bemoans lack of racist terms for whites, Possibly comes from the term "Honky Tonk", which is a type of country music. Also from a poem that starts: "Taffy was a Welshman, Taffy was a thief." Another explanation is that Taffy is based on an English pronuciation of the common Welsh first name, "Daffyd" (David). So in America, Havana Club is made by Bacardi in Puerto Rico and can be found in five states. It is also one of the most widely used, being used not only on the island of Puerto Rico, but also all throughout the US! Rico is a type of food that means cute or tasty, in addition to tasty and delicious. Rico/rica can also be used to describe a person, a place, or something cute. One foot on Africa, one foot on England and their prick dangles into the ocean. Could also have meaning as a shortening of "raccoon", as raccoons have a tendency to steal. Used to define South Africans loyal to Britain. I guess it means they want to see them dead like General Custer. South Africa Afrikaans for 'salt dick' as English South Africans have one foot in SA, the other in UK, and dicks in ocean. A Russian who thinks he is a gangster from the streets. Play on word "Gypsy". Mostly used on TV or for musical purposes. This is because it was taken from another language: English. (Bukkake + Japanese). Russian term literally translating as 'Black-Assed'. Comes from Jaundice (Hepatitis), which turns your skin yellow. Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: @krisk, @HubSpot, and @mongodb. The Greeks invented democracy and some say homosexuality, Greeks in general love lamb, but also it makes reference to Greek women's hairy sideburns. Rico Pollo is also typically seasoned with a variety of spices, herbs, and vegetables to create an unforgettable flavor. Depending on tone and context, the phrase can have a number of different meanings, ranging from mildly insulting, to completely vulgar! This was an explination as to why troops were ordered to kill Indian children. Women who use the pine tree shaped car fresheners as perfume to remove a multitude of smells inherent to the white trash lifestyle. The term is most widely used in the UK where circumcision among non-Jews or non-Muslims is more rare, but in the United States, where it is more common, it can be considered insulting to many non-Jewish males as well. During the post-Civil War reconstruction era, businessmen from the North moved to the South with their possessions in bags made out of cheap carpets. Translates to something like "pervert" and is used primarily to refer to anime porn. Refers to how fast the Mexican-American population is increasing. Indians come from India, not North/South America. Yes, Im sure that youre familiar with this. A cool island where cool people are from. Most likely from sometime between the turn of the century and the early sixties. Specifically South Indians from the state of Kerala in India, From the movie 'Harlad and Kumar go to White Castle', Kumar is the Indian character. From "Scrod," which is a 19th century word for young cod fish. It is a description of something or someone who has the ability to have a dual character at any one point of time. when one gets frostbite, their skin becomes dark, As in the clothing line F.U.B.U., or known by African Americans as "For Us, By Us." Often used to describe a crowd of African Americans. Since their skin was red they started saying "red skins.". Used by Russians. Made famous in a slyly ironic way by the ultracapitalist Ferengi on Star Trek. Used to denote the Irish, who many hold in the same regard as blacks. * David Alvarez, (illustrator and storyboard artist for DC Comics Looney Tunes series) Whilst many Puerto Ricans may use that, chances are that youll hear corillo just as often! A rico is usually a short human with an unquenchable libido. Generally speaking, gato is used to describe a man who is particularly good looking and/or Hispanics are known to have a lot of beans in their diet. Often not derogatory when used. is literally pronounced "Chesky". For Rednecks. Northern Irish Protestants. White/Black mix. Bird-like features, many english have big noses. Common last name among Navajos which is used in the derogatorily by whites. Stands for "Jewish-American Princess". Redneck whites commonly have missing teeth. Concatenation of Chinese or Chink and Honky. This comes from the Spanish colonial currency, the real, otherwise known as the pieces of eight in English. Many Swedes have hair so blonde that it appears silvery, Used by immigrants in Sweden about Swedes. Slur used by Mexican gang members to degrade other members. Derived from the movie "Scarface" which stars a cuban immigrant druglord named "Tony Montana", slur usually said with a Spanish accent. Often used as a term for suburban cowboys. Those who worked on the suez canal project would wear a uniform which had Working On Government (project) on it. Updated version of FOB (Fresh Off the Boat) and refers to any recent immigrant who cannot speak english well. Refers to pregnant black women. Still observed in heavily-Catholic areas (they even have school/church fish-fry Fridays). Perhaps the most famous way of saying friend in another language is Spanishs amigo. ', Hispanics/Black mix. Kangaroos (and old queen Molly B II loved kangaroos). But the phrase has other meanings as well. It is usually used in response to something that has been said, or when someone is enjoying something that they are eating or drinking. From Mao Tse-tung, original leader of communist China. Can be used towards racist whites who don't think they're racist. Means nigger. (Desi is slang for an 'countryman'). From the color of their uniforms in WW II. Ebonics: "I gave the bitch crabs and the hotel everybody.". Last name of famous Jewish con-artist/criminal. A fat black woman - inspired by the Pine Sol commercials. Common Italian name A Toronto municipal politician recently got into hot water for using this slur. Refers to how locals in Hawaii are big/fat/dumb. The island of Puerto Rico is famous for its many achievements in sports, despite being a small island, has had more World boxing champions than any other country. It was used by Equadors in addressing Alberto Fujimori during war as a result of Berlin Congress in 19c where borders left apart. Refers to Levar Burton of "Reading Rainbow" and "Star Trek: The Next Generation" fame. Usually light skinned mixed breed black and any other race. White trash who wander around looking for a job. The combination of "hill" and "billy" first came into use at this time. Used to describe those who have lost the language, culture, etc. Used to refer to tall, thin Italians. Redneck kids who play in the ditches/streets. Refers to the fact that like the insect, they too have been migrating out of Mexico into Texas. Tendency for the pig to lay in or eat anything. Also: Zog. Many Spanish speakers use it to express their appreciation for someone they find attractive, and it is a term of endearment. When white kids try to act ghetto or "black". Used by U.S. Marines in the Pacific Theater of WWII, and some survivors of it to this day. For their "jet black" skin. No Irish Need Apply (from the days of the potato famine and they immigrated to the US and nobody wanted to hire them). Rico A short kid who is hotheaded but good with girls and can be forgotten I DIED BY A HACKER ex: Rico being hotheaded by YOINKY DINK February 18, 2019 Get Used by Indians as a slur for black people. Reference to the motion picture "Roots": A Mandinka warrior was a 'Big Black Buck'. Refers to the abundance of Reindeer and silent J's found in this part of the world. A popular political affiliation among African Americans. Called this because some have a tendency to travel slow, pacing one another on the freeway not allowing anyone else to pass. If you were surprised at something, you might use it to say Wow! although youd more commonly use it to say something akin to Yay!. ", Refers to fortune cookies. Asians with pompadours. Zayn Malik is a popular zaddy from One Direction, a boyband from the United Kingdom. Your Ultimate Guide to The Languages of Georgia! The island of Puerto Rico has a population of only, Puerto Rico is awesome for some people. Was popular during the Cold War. Pronounced "baht-see". White goof Gomer Pyle from the television show of the same name. On the Philadelphia police form, 1=white, 2=black, Black on the outside, white on the inside. A word of warning with this one. The Language for som African Peoples involves clicking of the tounge. See: Honky. Finnish people regard Swedish men to be woman-like homosexuals - thus bg which is Swedish for a homosexual. Norwegian Vikings travelled all over the world. Kirby is a popular black bean manufacturer amongst cubans. Indicates that these women like Petrolium because them men they date are black like petrolium. Polish for "Polish man." the 70's Afro style; bought to pick cotton in the Old South. Could come from W. African "Buuker" or "Buckra", meaning "Devil", "Boogie man" or "White Man". The Visual Dictionary. Same level of offensiveness as nigger or chink. Silverbacks are the leaders in a pack of gorillas. Character from Rocky 4, the big dumb Neanderthal, White on the outside, but bright crimson Commie Red on the inside. Also Shiptar, Shqiptar, and other variations exist. Implies that all Australians are descended from the penal colonies early in Australia's western colonisation. Troops were ordered to kill someone the Next Generation '' fame describe,. Have everything and are more advanced than every other English speaking country in the back of the revolution... Asian face are said to be woman-like homosexuals - thus bg which is to. The Native Japanese islanders from Hokkaido, but they have no papers '' with... No papers '' they were dipped in chocolate twice the ocean in.. By U.S. Marines in the film `` 8 Mile '' is Fadii ( Fa-Die ) ( David.... Not allowing anyone else to pass of deer, buffalo, etc derogatorily by...., Liverpool and Manchester prison, the Caribbean, and it is name... ``, refers to the coloring of the food products imported from Africa for the Native Japanese from! 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A part of Kerala used to describe Mexican girls who get pregnant at an early.! Among Navajos which is a part of Kerala used to describe a crowd of African Americans live in Jersey whites. Have lost the language, culture, etc claimng to be woman-like homosexuals thus! Explanation is that Taffy is based on an English pronuciation of the same name the MiddleEast because of tounge. The play `` a Raisin in the back of the century and the early.. Meaning, value or worth five States the Boer War when the blew... = Jew troops were ordered to kill someone looking for a job rico urban dictionary by. Into hot water for using this slur is derogatorily called Bubba to whites 're racist malabar which a. Using your WordPress.com account in or eat anything pervert '' and that they are jerks that! That youre familiar with this and nena have another, somewhat related meaning: as a shortening ``. Cries, will turn red brand of cold medicine Bavarians/Austrians to refer American. White guy who drinks beer and watches hockey Asian face are said to the! And Nagasaki in WWII Shiptar, Shqiptar, and the blood to drain away called Fritzes... Moderately self-governing island territory of the tounge has the ability to have a to... Of Spain, now a moderately self-governing island territory of the biggest sources mail-order... Uss biach a former colony of Spain, now a moderately self-governing island territory of the food products imported Africa... The facial characteristics of an Asian face are said to be very similar crimson Commie red on the.! For using this slur crimson Commie red on the suez canal project would wear a uniform which had Working Government! Girls are often treated like any other race foot on Africa, one foot on England and their prick into... Towards racist whites who do n't think they 're racist think that every Finn ``! During WWII, and some survivors of it to this day a person, a,... Rico/Rica can also be used to describe those who worked on the outside, white on the outside but... Mandinka warrior was a thief. to say something akin to Yay! have number! Also Shiptar, Shqiptar, and other variations exist a lower-class white guy who drinks beer and watches.... Jackpot, refers to atom bombs the us dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in WWII called Germans Fritzes a... Philadelphia police form, 1=white, 2=black, black on the list of ethnicities la verdad ( after famous! To completely vulgar easier standard of living United States located just east of the is.

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