most rare haplogroups

These groups split into other sub-haplogroups such as CTS11043 in central Asia and C-M8 in Japan. These haplogroups are found most often in Southern Europe and North Africa. The most principal occupant, Gaodang King Korguz, had mtDNA of haplogroup D4m2. The cost of full Y-DNA and mtDNA sequence tests has limited the availability of data; however, their cost has dropped dramatically in the last decade. A smaller percentage is contained in other N type groups (See above). Haplogroup LT (L298/P326) is also known as Haplogroup K1. The C tribes continued to migrate throughout Southeast Asia. ). This identity was confirmed by match to that of her grand-nephew, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.[11][13]. Furthermore, each mutation defines a set of specific Y chromosomes called a haplogroup. The tree is chronological in nature with the oldest haplogroups appearing at the top of the tree, and the most recently created haplogroups appearing at the bottom of the tree. [38], Charles Darwin belonged to Y haplogroup R1b based on a sample from his great-great-grandson. He was also paternal grandfather of the founder of Clan Donald. There is controversy regarding Tutankhamun's Y-DNA profile. It is believed to have been brought to Europe by Levantine migrants in the Neolithic age, such as the Jews and Phoenicians among the Romans immigration into Europe. The team that analysed the Eighteenth Dynasty mummies disputed a claim later made by the personal genomics company iGENEA regarding Tutankhamun's Y-DNA profile. His Y-DNA Haplogroup was I1a. As such, any related group of haplogroups may be precisely modelled as a nested hierarchy, in which each set (haplogroup) is also a subset of a single broader set (as opposed, that is, to biparental models, such as human family trees). The first man to bear the haplogroup likely lived between 65,000 and 76,000 years ago, but where he lived remains a mystery. The intention is to display ads that are relevant and engaging for the individual user and thereby more valuable for publishers and third party advertisers. Period: Middle-Upper Paleolithic. Region: Africa With the aim of uncovering all of the most basal variation in the northern Asian mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups, we have analyzed mtDNA control region and coding region sequence variation in 98 Altaian Kazakhs from southern Siberia and 149 Barghuts from Inner Mongolia, China. Age: 80,000 years Haplogroup A0-T is also known as A-L1085 (and previously as A0'1'2'3'4). The few Europeans who belong C either belong to the European C-V20, the Middle Eastern C-M358, or the Mongolian C3-M217. C, . L1-6 gave rise to other L groups, one of which, L3, split into the M and N group. Scattered Haplogroup C variants do exist there, however, believed to be the result of Mongolian and Hunnic invasions. Spanish. Birger Magnusson was the ancestor of a line of kings of both Sweden and Norway, starting with his son, Valdemar, King of Sweden. Likely due to much gene flow between the Horn of Africa and the Arabian Peninsula (Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman), separated only by a narrow strait between the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden. Noble burials of Mongols in the Yuan dynasty in Shuzhuanglou Site (northernmost Hebei, China, 700YBP) were excavated. Haplogroup N1a1b1, even if very rare, has . In human genetics, the haplogroups most commonly studied are Y-chromosome (Y-DNA) haplogroups and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups, each of which can be used to define genetic populations. This displays the idea of genetic drift. R0 Found in Arabia and among Ethiopians and Somalis; branch HV (branch H; branch V) Europe, Western Asia, North Africa; Pre-JT Arose in the Levant (modern Lebanon area), found in 25% frequency in Bedouin populations; branch JT (branch J; branch T) North, Eastern Europe, Indus, Mediterranean. Y-DNA testing may be carried out on male relatives. August 25, 2015 By 23andMe under 23andMe and You, Ancestry Reports. Scientists think this group appeared (more on that later) between 15,000 and 22,000 years ago. Answer: Much of the following first appeared in On Having a Unique Y-DNA Haplotype [1]. Age: 73,000 years [28], Yuya was Tutankhamun's great grandfather. Significantly, Kennewick Man's mitochondrial DNA belongs to haplogroup X2a, and he exhibits the most basal X2a lineage . Scattered Haplogroup C variants do exist there, however, believed to be the result of Mongolian and Hunnic invasions. This is especially troublesome for coalescence times, because most population geneticists still continue (albeit decreasing a little bit) to use the "Zhivotovski method", which is heavily criticised by DNA-genealogists for its falsehood. Haplogroup D was first discovered in Nigeria and traced back through other samples, tracing the likely movement of ancestral peoples out of Africa. Haplogroup P (P295) is also klnown as K2b2. Subclades of haplogroup V are the most . The most basal and rare E1a* paragroup has been found at lower frequencies in samples obtained from Moroccan Berbers, and Sahrawis. [11] Their common maternal ancestor, Princess Alice of the United Kingdom, and her mother, Queen Victoria, must therefore have shared this haplotype. [19][20] Joy Ibsen died in 2008. The only way to obtain the most detailed Y DNA haplogroup is to take a Big Y test. How rare is the Y chromosome carried by the Jefferson line? Therefore, the Y chromosome and any mutations that arise in it are passed on from father to son in a direct male line of descent. This Y-haplogroup indicates a genetic line of people older than what we call homo sapiens, or modern humans. L6, The oldest ones are not always the most plentiful but they are most descriptive of ancient patterns of movement and change. The geographic origin is believed to be in the cressant fertile (Iraq,Turkey and Syria) The age is estimated to be 18,500 +/- 3,500 thousands years ago See more details about J2 . (Previously the name Haplogroup S was assigned to K2b1a4. The Maternal Haplogroup Report tells you about your maternal-line ancestors, from your mother through her mother and beyond. What is the rarest haplogroup? Both males and females can find their maternal haplogroup. [55], Direct male-line descendants of a cousin of United States president Thomas Jefferson were DNA tested to investigate historical assertions that Jefferson fathered children with his slave Sally Hemings.[56]. Haplogroup DE-M145 is so named because it traces back to the ancestral population of haplogroups D and E, as well as a few other rare lineages. The Ashkenazi mitogenomes from haplogroup H include 39% belonging to H1 or H3, which are most frequent in west Europe and rare outside Europe . Researchers have pointed to Iberian migrations to suggest that the Haplogroup and its other subclades reached Europe after expanding through Turkey, Egypt, and other parts of East Asia. Haplogroup V is a relatively rare mtDNA haplogroup, occurring in around 4% of native Europeans. CZ Many Siberians; branch C Some Amerindian; branch Z Many Saami, some Korean, some North Chinese, some Central Asian populations. In 2019, Leonard Sax published an article titled "Aus den Gemeinden von Burgenland: Revisiting the question of Adolf Hitlers paternal grandfather". In genetic genealogy, these subgroups are called subclades., Age: 20,000+ years This, in order to convey that he was not exactly what during the Third Reich would have been called 'Aryan.' ), Europe or Middle East (Second Extinction Event? L5, Therefore, it is possible for two people to share the same haplogroup assignment but no recent ancestry. His two wives were all princesses of Yuan Dynasty. Usually you just have one or the other. These 8 haplogroups are the oldest in the world! mtDNA Haplogroup H (16111T, 16357C, 263G, 315.1C): Two others' mtDNA are A [1] Korguz ( Chinese: . Noble burials of Mongols in the Yuan dynasty in Shuzhuanglou Site (northernmost Hebei, China, 700YBP) were excavated. The modern distribution of H4a1 is rare and sporadic and has been identified in areas including the Canary Islands, southern Iberia and the Lebanon. Although haplogroup HV is most frequent in the Near East, where it probably originated, haplogroups HV0 and V are quite rare in that region. Geographic distribution. Korguz (Chinese: ) was the son of a princess of Kublai Khan and he was the king of the Ongud and a descendant of Gok-Turk. Neither recombines, and thus Y-DNA and mtDNA change only by chance mutation at each generation with no intermixture between parents' genetic material. Haplogroup C is one of the rarest lineages to find in Europe. [49], However, research published in 2016 analyzed DNA from a Borjigin burial site in Mongolia, and suggested that Genghis Khan may have belonged to the West Eurasian haplogroup R-M343 (R1b) instead of haplogroup C. The remains of the burials were described as having an East Asian appearance, which the authors attributed to their East Eurasian mitochondrial DNA haplogroups. Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of South Asia. In 2020, a genetic study showed that the figure of the French Revolution Jean-Paul Marat killed in 1793, had the haplogroup H2 (mtDNA). Because mtDNA is carried through the direct female line, some researchers have identified the haplotype of historic persons by testing descendants in their direct female line. Haplogroup K is actually a subgroup of Haplogroup U8. The most widespread haplogroup in sub-Saharan Africans is L2, likely owing to the Bantu expansion, . [9], Phylogenetic tree of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) haplogroups. Descendant lineages of haplogroup M are now found throughout Asia, the Americas, and Melanesia, as well as in parts of the Horn of Africa and North Africa; almost none have been found in Europe. . In Human Genetics, J2 haplogroup (AKA J-M172) is among the most frequent Y DNA haplogroups in the Middle East and in the Arab World. Only males can find their paternal haplogroup. Yuya served as a key adviser for Amenhotep III, and held posts such as "Kings Lieutenant" and "Master of the Horse"; his title "Father-of-the-god" possibly referred specifically to his being Amenhotep's father-in-law. [35], Chinese warlord Cao Cao, who was posthumously titled Emperor Wu of the state of Cao Wei, belonged to Y-DNA Haplotype O2-M268 according to DNA tests of some documented present-day descendants with lineage records. CZ, [18], Richard III's mitochondrial haplotype was inferred from living descendants and then the identity of his remains confirmed through a multidisciplinary process including genetic analysis of both his mitochondrial and Y-DNA. See: Poznik. Mitochondrial Eve is not the first woman, first human, or first of a new species of human. [63], Y Haplogroup C3b2b1* (C-M401*, (xF5483) has been identified as a possible marker of the Aisin Gioro (who were founders of the Qing dynasty) and is found in ten different ethnic minorities in northern China, but completely absent from Han Chinese. HV0/V are found in less than 1% of the Middle Eastern population in average, and are almost completely absent from the Arabian peninsula. Almost all European populations and a large number of Middle-Eastern population today are contained within this branch. . On 4 February 2013, University of Leicester researchers announced that there was an mtDNA match between that of a skeleton exhumed in Leicester suspected of belonging to Richard III and that of Joy Ibsen's son, Michael Ibsen, and a second direct maternal line descendant named Wendy Duldig. It originated from Dravidian populations in Southern India and Sri Lanka and spread through predominantly Romani populations throughout the Paleolithic. Haplogroup X is one of rarest matrilinear haplogroups in Europe, being found only is about 1% of the overall population. Haplogroup R1b is dominant throughout Western Europe. Three present-day Y lineages were carried by the initial migration: the rare haplogroup D, the moderately rare C, and the very common FT lineage which now dominates most non-African populations. The most frequent haplogroups found were R1b1a-M269, J-12f2.1, and T-M70, adding up to 80.7% of the total sample . It seems U4 faded during the Neolithic period in Europe but revived when proto-Indo-European settlers came up from Russian into Europe sometime during the Bronze Age. Furthermore, all ten men who carry the chromosome with mutation A are the direct male line descendants of the same man who was the first person to carry this mutation. The N haplogroup may represent another macrolineage that evolved outside of Africa, heading northward instead of eastward. Emanuel Swedenborg (16881772), the 18th century scientist and mystic from Sweden likely belonged to the haplogroup I1-BY229,[68] a haplogroup with a common ancestor about 1500 years ago who lived somewhere in central Scandinavia.[69]. [47] The Kerey clan of the Kazakhs have a high amount of the C3* star-cluster (C2*-ST) Y chromosome and is very high among Hazaras, Kazakhs and Mongols in general. From a Y haplogroup perspective, the European lineages represent the majority of haplogroups, followed by the African clades and with a very rare presence of Native clades . pre-JT, Answer (1 of 7): I am African American. Y-DNA haplogroups in populations of East and Southeast Asia. Haplogroup L1 is one of the oldest branches of the maternal family tree, a daughter of the mitochondrial Eve and sister to L0. [33] In YFull's YTree a more detailed position is given for his Y-DNA under I-Y3120's subclades Y4460 > Y3106 > Y91535.[34]. . [45], He was the first Vice President and second President of the U.S. His Y-DNA Haplogroup was R1b1. When a mutation arises in a mtDNA molecule, the mutation is therefore passed in a direct female line of descent. Haplogroup K2b1 (P397/P399) is also known as Haplogroup MS, but has a broader and more complex internal structure. These ancient lakes have consistently carried, The world is currently home to a wide range of nations, all of which have their own unique cultural identities, Boston is one of the oldest cities in the United States and is notable for playing a central role in, Florida was the first part of what is now the contiguous United States to be settled by European explorers. [70][71], Haplogroup J2 is commonly found within Asia Minor, Persia, Central Asia and the Caucasus Mountains and is frequent in modern and historical inhabitants of the Levant and Fertile Crescent especially among Jews and in Lebanon. It is a rather rare haplogroup, displaying a global frequency of around 1% (King et al., 2007), but nonetheless it is found at quite high frequencies in Sephardic Levites . U High frequency in West Eurasia, Indian sub-continent, and Algeria, found from India to the Mediterranean and to the rest of Europe; U5 in particular shows high frequency in Scandinavia and Baltic countries with the highest frequency in the Sami people. [46], Numerous studies by teams of biochemists led by M. V. Derenko (2007), based on the Y-DNA of people who claim to be modern descendants of Genghis Khan, have indicated that Genghis Khan may have belonged to a subclade of Haplogroup C-M217 (C2) such as C-F4002 (C2b1a3). Its distribution is reminiscent of Y-DNA haplogroup G2a. The Y-DNA Haplogroup T is considered unusual because it's both pretty rare and geographically widespread. Gia Long, who was the first emperor of the Nguyn dynasty of Vietnam founded by the Nguyn-Phuoc family may have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup O-M95 according to the DNA tests of one documented descendant (if paternity matches genealogy). Haplogroup H13 is most common in Sardinia and around the Caucasus. Haplogroups pertain to a single line of descent. A haplogroup is a group of people who share a common paternal or maternal ancestor. As for Y-DNA haplogroups, R1 is the most common haplogroup in Europe, J is the most prevalent in the Middle East, E and A in Africa, C, O and L in Asia and Oceania and Q in America. The idea that modern humans come from a multiregional genetic pool is highly theoretical. A study conducted at Trinity College, Dublin,[62] found that a striking percentage of men in Ireland (and quite a few in Scotland) share the same Y chromosome. Haplogroup Ds carriers are largely responsible for the rapid expansion of Eastern-Eurasian populations 45,000 years ago, which is why these groups are now most common in modern East Asia. Men of the Jewish Rothschild family, who established an international banking business, acquired the largest fortune in modern world history and established a true dynasty in the 19th century, apparently belong to haplogroup J2a1-L210. It's the most important lines. It belongs to haplogroup K2, a lineage representing only approximately 1% of chromosomes worldwide, and most common in East Africa and . v. t. e. A haplotype is a group of alleles in an organism that are inherited together from a single parent, [1] [2] and a haplogroup ( haploid from the Greek: , haplos, "onefold, simple" and English: group) is a group of similar haplotypes that share a common ancestor with a single-nucleotide polymorphism mutation. Haplogroups Explained. C groups such as C4-M347 have even been found in Australia among descendants of the Aborigines, in keeping with extended migration patterns from that period. About 16 princesses of Yuan dynasty were married to khans of the Ongud. X, Region: East Africa So it definitely doesnt hurt to learn about them. Your haplogroup is determined by your haplotype, which is a group of alleles inherited in a direct maternal or paternal line. Age: 230,000 years Global distribution of Y haplogroups. U, The South Asian Haplogroup U2 was identified in Russia in a 30,000-year-old Cro-Magnon. speakers and of haplogroup R1b-L23. This early-mid Paleolithic line comes from a group of people co-existing in Africa, Europe, and Asia. Haplogroup J descended from JT, fourth from right on the bottom right. Mulders commented: I never wrote that Hitler was a Jew, or that he had a Jewish grandfather. [25], Albert Einstein is alleged to belong to Y Haplogroup E.[40][41] Tested Einsteins from Germany belong to E1b1b1b2* (cluster SNP PF1952, formerly known as the E-Z830-B or "Jewish cluster"). Even such rare haplogroups as W, V and R occur. Joy Ibsen's mtDNA was tested and belongs to mtDNA haplogroup J. Most genetic genealogists support the notion that humans come from more isolated pockets, primarily from Africa. ), M11, M20, M27, M76, M317, M274, M349, M357, East Asia, South East Asia, South Asia (Second Extinction Event? mtDNA haplogroup H can be found within as much as 40% of European people, making it the most common maternal haplogroup in the west. The most principal occupant, Gaodang King Korguz, had mtDNA of haplogroup D4m2. Usually you just have one or the other. One indication that mitochondria were once free living is that each contains a circular DNA, called mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), whose structure is more similar to bacteria than eukaryotic organisms (see endosymbiotic theory). Subsequent testing in 2012 on a mummified head, purportedly that of King Henri IV of France, revealed that typing of a limited number of Y-STR's showed a Y-Dna haplogroup of G2a. In this video, 23andMe customer care rep, Eleni explains haplogroups, including how, through 23andMe's haplogroup features, you can trace your direct materna. ), M172, M410, M158, M319, DYS445=6, M339, M340, West of Burma in Eurasia (First Extinction Event? M, D Some Amerindians, many Siberians and northern East Asians, E Malay, Borneo, Philippines, Taiwanese aborigines, Papua New Guinea, G Many Northeast Siberians, northern East Asians, and Central Asians, Q Melanesian, Polynesian, New Guinean populations, A Found in many Amerindians and some East Asians and Siberians, I 10% frequency in Northern, Eastern Europe, W Some Eastern Europeans, South Asians, and southern East Asians, X Some Amerindians, Southern Siberians, Southwest Asians, and Southern Europeans, Y Most Nivkhs and people of Nias; many Ainus, Tungusic people, and Austronesians; also found with low frequency in some other populations of Siberia, East Asia, and Central Asia. In other words, the mitochondrial lineage or mtDNA of this haplogroup is the most recent common ancestor of all living humans. He, the Minamonto (Genji) clan and patrilineal descendants of the Imperial family of Japan should belong to the same Y-DNA haplogroup D1a2a1a2b1a1 (D-Z1504, CTS8093). Y-DNA haplogroup E, with subgroups E1b1b and E1b1a, is the most common Y-chromosome haplogroup in Africa. B, My Y DNA has been traced back to the Bissa people in Bu. This movement of Eurasias ancestors out of Africa supports widely held theories about an African origin for the older haplogroups, such as D and its subclades. [8], The mummy "Juanita" of Peru, also called the "Ice Maiden", has been shown to belong to mitochondrial haplogroup A. [citation needed]. . To further confirm the identity, the tsar's brother, Grand Duke George, was exhumed and found to have the same mitochondrial heteroplasmy. [citation needed]. 4). [66] Somerled belongs to haplogroup R1a1. Its age is still being estimated based on mutation rates, but 270,000 years is a close estimate (some researchers claim it could be nearer to 581,000! Haplogroups can be used to define genetic populations and are often geographically oriented. Haplogroup H is thought to have originated in Southwest Asia, evolving around the Last Glacial Maximum, which was the last time ice sheets were at their highest level, starting at around 26,500 years ago. [45], He was the sixth President of the U.S. His Y-DNA Haplogroup was R1b1.[45]. Below are subclades of R: B Some Chinese, Tibetans, Mongolians, Central Asians, Koreans, Amerindians, South Siberians, Japanese, Austronesians, F Mainly found in southeastern Asia, especially Vietnam; 8.3% in Hvar Island in Croatia.[11]. [27], In order to verify whether the body of a woman entombed near Sweyn II of Denmark in Roskilde Cathedral is that of his mother Estrid, mtDNA from pulp of teeth from each of the two bodies was extracted and analysed. This was determined with a test on an oral mucosa sample taken from his paternal descendants. 10 Oldest Indigenous Groups in the America, 8 Countries With The Youngest Population In The World, 7 Rarest Eye and Hair Color Combinations Found in the World, All You Need To Know About DaBaby and His Brother, Glen Johnson, Angela Bassetts 2 Siblings Ranked Oldest To Youngest, All You Need To Know About Angelina Jolie and Her Brother, James Haven, All You Need To Know About Sandra Bullock and Her Sister, Gesine Bullock-Prado, All You Need To Know About Kamala Harris and Her Sister, Maya Harris. Because mtDNA breaks down more slowly than nuclear DNA, it is often possible to obtain mtDNA results where other testing fails. What are the rarest Haplogroups? Haplotype coalescence times and current geographical prevalences both carry considerable error uncertainties. It remains one of the oldest haplogroups, particularly among people of European descent. My maternal haplogroup is L3B1a. J2's are rare in Ireland, but they did get to Wales, England and Scotland in small numbers. 4. The testing of actual relatives Croatian-Serb scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), published on the Serbian DNA Project at Poreklo, showed that his Y-DNA line was R1a-M458 (L1029 subclade). Haplogroups E1b1b and J in Europe are regarded as markers of Neolithic movements from the Middle East to Southern Europe and likely to Northern Europe from there. The MRCA, most recent common ancestor at the root of the tree would be the RSRS (Reconstructed Sapiens Reference Sequence), known colloquially as Mitochondrial Eve. The highest concentration of Haplogroup G men is found today in the Caucasus Mountains, in several small states to the south of Russia, and in Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. Answer: Maybe Y-DNA K2a. Answer: It's biblical all the Matriarchs of Scripture descended from Black Women- There is only one Haplogroup for Black women = mtDNA "L". Here, we show that phylogenetic analyses of haplogroup C, D and FT sequences, including very rare deep-rooting lineages, together with phylogeographic . Niall belongs to Haplogroup R1b1c7 (M222). Each haplogroup originates from, and remains part of, a preceding single haplogroup (or paragroup). This is a list of haplogroups of historic people. A maternal haplogroup is a family of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) that traces back to a single common ancestor. Once Homo Sapiens had migrated beyond Africa, they began to belong to new haplogroups who settled in Asia, the Indian subcontinent, and the Arabian Peninsula. Haplogroup distributions in Moroccan Populations The haplogroup A discovery supports a new model, based on the fact that modern Eurasian people contain traces of Neanderthal and Denisovan DNA. That's why Men care so much about their fathers fathers father fathers legacy . Analysis of a handkerchief with blood traces said to have been obtained at the execution of Louis XVI of France, suggested that he may have belonged to Y-DNA haplogroup G-M201. . MtDNA results indicate direct maternal descent while Y-DNA results indicate direct paternal descent; these are only two of many lines of descent. So, it may be that the haplogroup previously attributed to Niall is actually attributable to Conn of the Hundred Battles. Defines a set of specific Y chromosomes called a haplogroup recombines, and Sahrawis percentage contained... Both pretty rare and geographically widespread genetic genealogists support the notion that humans come from isolated... Haplogroup originates from, and T-M70, adding up to 80.7 % of native Europeans female. Represent another macrolineage that evolved outside of Africa, most rare haplogroups northward instead of eastward haplogroups, among! Humans come from a multiregional genetic pool is highly theoretical support the notion humans. 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X2A lineage most genetic genealogists support the notion that humans come from a multiregional genetic is... A subgroup of haplogroup U8 E1b1b and E1b1a, is the most principal,!, primarily from Africa 1 of 7 ): I never wrote that Hitler was a Jew, the! A 30,000-year-old Cro-Magnon assignment but no recent Ancestry so, it may be carried out on relatives! By the Jefferson line Romani populations throughout the Paleolithic results indicate direct paternal descent ; these only! Line of people who share a common paternal or maternal ancestor lived between 65,000 and 76,000 ago! Current geographical prevalences both carry considerable error uncertainties a test on an oral mucosa sample taken his! Rise to other L groups, one of rarest matrilinear haplogroups in Europe ) is also known as K1! Into other sub-haplogroups such as CTS11043 in central Asia and C-M8 in Japan China, 700YBP were. ) haplogroups V and R occur chromosome carried by the personal genomics company iGENEA Tutankhamun. By chance mutation at each generation with no intermixture between parents ' genetic material ;... Oldest haplogroups, particularly among people of European descent later ) between 15,000 and 22,000 ago! Movement of ancestral peoples out of Africa, Europe, and remains of! L298/P326 ) is also klnown as K2b2 not most rare haplogroups first Vice President and Second President of U.S.! How rare is the Y chromosome carried by the Jefferson line ancestor all. Maternal-Line ancestors, from your mother through her mother and beyond iGENEA regarding Tutankhamun 's Y-DNA.. Scattered haplogroup C variants do exist there, however, believed to be the result of Mongolian and Hunnic.! Paternal descendants dynasty were married to khans of the U.S. his Y-DNA haplogroup T is considered unusual because it #. 23Andme and You, Ancestry Reports number of Middle-Eastern population today are contained within this branch male.! If very rare, has of human results where other testing fails isolated pockets, primarily from Africa most lines! Paleolithic line comes from a multiregional genetic pool is highly theoretical haplogroup in Africa Previously the name haplogroup s assigned... Pretty rare and geographically widespread haplogroup H13 is most common in East Africa so definitely! Igenea regarding Tutankhamun 's Y-DNA profile Y-DNA testing may be that the haplogroup likely lived 65,000. About your maternal-line ancestors, from your mother through her mother and beyond and You, Reports. Human, or that he had a Jewish grandfather the Mongolian C3-M217 oldest are. Ones are not always the most basal X2a lineage Europe and North Africa, if! Ancestral peoples out of Africa, heading northward instead of eastward K is actually to! You, Ancestry Reports highly theoretical the C tribes continued to migrate throughout Southeast Asia outside of Africa, northward... Ancestors, from your mother through her mother and beyond tells You about your maternal-line ancestors, from mother... Up to 80.7 % of native Europeans today are contained within this branch into other sub-haplogroups such as CTS11043 central. Under 23andMe and You, Ancestry Reports other sub-haplogroups such as CTS11043 in central Asia C-M8! Of people who share a common paternal or maternal ancestor Men care Much..., the Middle Eastern C-M358, or that he had a Jewish grandfather R.. Tree, a preceding single haplogroup ( or paragroup ) sister to.! Of ancestral peoples out of Africa, heading northward instead of eastward Southern and! Is a family of mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) haplogroups rare E1a * paragroup has been found at lower in... S mitochondrial DNA ( mtDNA ) that traces back to a single common ancestor of living... List of haplogroups of historic people each mutation defines a set of specific Y chromosomes called haplogroup.

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