moorish american national affairs

Book. The American Declaration of the Rights and Duties of Man Exhibit P - Declaration on the Principals of International Law Exhibit Q . You can try to dialing this number: (281) 406-0312 - or find more information on their website: L, T, P, F, & J are the sacred values, holy philosophy and true tools of life of every Moorish Citizen. The Supreme Grand Council of Moorish Science Temples of America National Headquarters P.O. The acountability of our Grand Body of Executive Rulers to the Council of Elders and the accountability of the National Grand Sheik of the Theocracy to the people, make for a strong and united nation of Moorish Americans. No citizen is to put in danger or accuse falsely His Brother or Sister on any occasion at all that may harm His Brother or Sister, because Allah is Love. With us all citizens must proclaim their Nationality and we are teaching our people their Nationality and their Divine Creed that they may know that they are a part and a parcel of this said Government, and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery. A small number of Moors have been involved in shootings,bank robberiesand murders. Your domain registration is pending. Several recent incidents highlight Moorish sovereigns propensity for violence and criminal activity: SPLC is a nonprofit, tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization (EIN: 63-0598743), Local Policing and Immigration Enforcement, Request for Legal Assistance Economic Justice, The Washitaw Nation and Moorish Sovereign Citizens. While mans evils to man are made sufferable, evil is not requisite to man, And: When a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object evinces projections, by your National Criminal Justice Commission, to disproportionately incarcerated 63% of Moorish Men between the ages of 18 and 36 by the Year 2020 with programs in place to eradicate their family structure by displacement of the Father Heads of household and by glorifying the fallen state of 8.2 million Single Moms among its Women; it is their Natural Right, it becomes their Duty to unfold away from such government, and to provide new guards for their future security: The below 'International Proclamation' is a MUST STUDY for all Moors! Read More. That whenever any form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is then becomes the just right of the people to abandon it and to institute new government, laying its foundation on the Omnipotent Principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice; and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their safety and happiness. Article 21. But consuls are entitled to consular immunities, which protect them from local law and jurisdiction in. When a misnomered African American people, amidst the Catch and Release Systems of Racial Profiling, compile 20% of U.S. Travelers but form 80% of those stopped by State Action Law Enforcements; and mandatory minimums disproportionately warehouse their youths; and Death Penalties, including Federal Prisoners, are constituted by 70% staple of ex-slaves who total less than 15% of the General Population. might use that term without bothering to cite the primary source they are referencing as the definition of the term Black race. If you or your organization has evidence to the contrary, kindly post the primary sources in the. The unproclaimed Moorish cannot be distinguished or protected from other persons subjected to the assumable jurisdiction of the 14th Amendment. Recently, Moorish sovereign citizens have engaged in violent confrontations with law enforcement. Highest quality for the lowest cost. Enacted on 22nd August 2009,the Divine Constitution and By-Laws of Moorish Americais largely based on the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedon and Justice set out by our Great Father, Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali El Hajj (Prophet Noble Drew Ali) in his M.S.T. On July 3, 2021, eleven members of Rise of the Moors, including its leader, were approached by a state trooper while their vehicles were stopped on Interstate 95 in Wakefield, Massachusetts. There are Seven Postulates articulated in the Constitution of this divinely prepared Government: The Grand National Emblem, (Crescent-Moon (Last Quarter) and Five-Pointed Open Green Star) illustrates the maximum God Status to be As above so below because the Moorish are indeed the Star. All citizens must promptly attend their meetings and become a part and a partial of all uplifting acts of Moorish America. gateway to the article iii. Department of Library and Archives of Wisdom, 12. It is the open pentagram that makes Our Flag is over 100,000 years old and should not be confused with the flag of present day Morocco who exchanged the divine Principles of L, T, P, F, & J for the Five Pillars of Islam in 1492. The only location in any discipline and field of human activity where the term black racial groups of Africa can be found is in that document. From here the wise will find it only to be a breakfast fight. Unlock Your Devices Potential !!!!! Terms such as Haitian or Negro can be used in addition to Black or African American.. The Moorish sovereign citizen movement has no unified leadership. Natural Citizens are not confined to non-governmental organizations but are duty bound to proclaim their free national name, to be recognized by their government in which they must live. Number one on the agenda of the Moorish Government is to launch a continous census to accumulate data/registrations, properly educating Moorish Americans about the necessities and resposibilities of Moorish American Citizenship in compliance with United Nations criteria. In several instances, this belief in immunity from legal authority has led some Moorish sovereigns to initiate violent confrontations with law enforcement. In Moorish legal filings, Moorish sovereign citizens refer to themselves with a series of Africanized names that incorporate the words bey or el, or a combination of the two. If you are looking to exercise 'consular jurisdiction', then you MUST know the law language of your Treaty and the 'Foreign Policy' of the UNITED STATES (Inc.) regarding your Treaty. Albeit the Moorish Peoples must elevate their thoughts from the stagnant graves of mental slavery, accepted nationless existence and self hatred in order to take their rightful status in the affairs of men. ~ Our Mission Statement~. Neither has the Moorish Americans been free to be themselves in the 140 years (1865) since their emancipation from Negro Chattel Slavery, while under the Assumable Jurisdiction of the U.S. 14th and 15th Amendments of granted privileges; separated from the Rights guaranteed to all free National Citizens in the body of Her Constitution. Since then Morocco has not recognized their Moorish Forefathers as those named among the Faithful. The origins of the Moorish sovereign citizen movement are difficult to ascertain and often misunderstood. Millon of jf.Mt Wrtt in !be ature of :Jfart 3L equest ebibence Information JUscoberp anb iBisdosu I Ie Jnttrnational jDotumtnt 70103090000276105324 ForTheReoonJ, To Be Read Into The Record Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal- Notice to Principal is Notice to jgent xhibit C . Primary activities by these groups include the teaching of training seminars and videotaped classes that instruct participants on how to carry out financial scams and frauds common to sovereign groups. The Moorish Americans, through Rights Of Divinity, have come forth as a clean and pure people, empowered with the inalienable birthright to be an upright, independent and fearless Nation. Consular court: Courts held by the consuls of one country, within the territory of another, under authority given by treaty, for the settlement of civil cases. Box 379594 - Chicago, Illinois 60637 Supreme Body - Grand Body Board of Trustees Powers and Duties :. Home; Corporate Services; Academic Services; About us; Select Page Citizens are they who have established or submitted themselves to the protection, promotions and general welfare of their individual and collective rights. Only then can we, The Moorish American Nation, be truly free, a whole ancient people with Constitution de jure and accepted intact by the nations of the earth. The Rise of the Moors is one such group, which donned paramilitary style uniforms and participated in firearms training. This role of overseeing Government action is facilitated by certain components: the Grand National Chairman, in the name of the Government, who is currently stationed in Virginia Territory. A Divine Warning by The Prophet For The Nations: The citizens of all free national governments, according to their national constitution are all of one family bearing one free national name. We have the inherent Rights to lands, air and waterways originally civilized, inhabited and cultivated by our Ancient Forefathers and to insure the sanctity of our Men, Women, Children and their prosperity. Act 1. might use that term without bothering to cite the primary source they are referencing as the definition of the term Black race. the exercise of their consular functions. Moorish sovereign group members have been known to wear paramilitary style uniforms with patches of the Moorish flag, and to operate vehicles modified to resemble police patrol cars (equipped with a police insignia on the door panels and light bar). The granted privilege of the Negro Vote cannot be counted as One Man One Vote while the 3/5 Clause remain cloaked in the esoteric word Person thereby rendering from a peopleless people the clandestine three-to-make-one ballot at the discretion of the citizens to be cast hither thither or where ever to favor their will: When six score and fifteen years of post Slavery and emancipation of African Nationals have not yielded their just Nationalization, Colonization, Reparations nor Self-Education but depleted for the economical, political, industrial, religious entertainment and competitive advantages of the United States, it is only befitting in the course of justice for the Moorish Americans to best honor the benevolence of that Government through a Treaty of Peace and Friendship; rather than be a census tumor on the body of that State: When the colonies, corporations, towns, cities, homes, travel ways and means we have planted are not our own. Therefore since there is no distinction between a Black Slave and a Free Black on the credit side of righteousness; hence in the matter of the bearers of Slave Names the standard doors of selective Citizenship are forever sealed, either by national descent, choice or naturalization. These employ the undeniable doctrine of the Great God and Man are in fact one. n.1. They will never enjoy the peace of a society while latent in the perpetual Sin of Slavery: Whenas Negroes, Blacks and Colored People have not received their Divine Rights, unmolested by other citizens, whereas they can cast a free National ballot at the polls under their free National Constitution of the States Government and not under a granted privilege, as has been the existing condition for many generations. The word consul derives from the Latin word consulo which means 'to consult', because these officers consulted with the senate on administrative measures. These groups primarily operated throughout the Southeastern, Northeastern and Midwestern United States. Consular court is the proper venue where Moors obtain their remedy! They must also ensure the coordination of Government action and prevent different ministers from taking contradictory initiatives through his arbitration. Details of the issue involving our Moorish American National We will review the information and respond back to you accordingly. Cliam your nationality Get your national Tax exempt ID, Drivers License, Passport, Heath Card, and all the benefit that the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA REPUBLIC ONTARIO SERVICES. Until that date arrives where any individual or institution can show by the scientific method, how they arrived at a number other than 0 for the number of black racial groups of Africa, the number that exist anywhere in this universe is exactly 0. are part and parcel to its government; however, M.N.R.P. the Divine Constitution and By-Laws of Moorish America. These and more are alll matters that the Moorish American Government will address in the International venues of Justice. This Treaty is proof of there being two (2) jurisdictions that are foreign to each other, and are operating at North America for the purpose of amity and commerce: (1) the United States Republic of North America and (2) the Moroccan Empire which is the home government of the land. Moorish sovereign citizens have also been known to affiliate with otherantisemiticgroups as well as with criminal organizations. What are black racial groups of Africa The controlling U.S. federal administrative regulation is Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity, Federal Register Notice, October 30, 1997, OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET, Revisions to the Standards for the Classification of Federal Data on Race and Ethnicity, AGENCY: Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs which defines Black or African American Black or African American. Still they net a 700% increase to U.S. Prison Industrial Plantations since 1985 Congressional Sentencing Guidelines: When we, as free Nationals, have our leaders stifled and disallowed to call together the wise men of our people, to consult among them with freedom, and heareth the opinion of them all; no magistrates to be just nor ministers to be wise; Fathers without land, wealth nor autonomy cannot smile upon the flourishments of our arts, neither gain strength from the sciences improved beneath the culture of our hands to be inherited to our sons and daughters: When any Government confounds the historical die of a slave-weakened people into the Maya of an illusionous Black History, that severs them from the worthiness of their ancient forefathers and ostracizing them from The Family of Nations and the Human Family from whence they derived: When those who call themselves Jews, bearing no credit on the scale of nationality, receive 6.5 Billion Dollars in Reparations, with another compassionate measure of compensations to Japanese-Americans joined with sovereign powers and immunities; Yet no apology nor gratitude to those survivors of 400 years of slavery in America; the later 225 years of which were under the American flag: When the system of Education is steeped in Euro-Nationalism and surface degrees of colour rather than character; when a Religion, forced upon Slaves during the time of Slavery, yield an observance of a God that is not our own nor graced with the Divine and National freedom of We, as a Pure and Clean People. Verdiacee Turner Goston) retired, the original Washitaw group fell apart, replaced with a variety of different groups and individuals taking up the Washitaw Nation mantle. and the Treaty Rights of peace and friendship 1836, Drafted by Grand Sheik Taj Tarik Bey in 2011. What is the phone number of Moorish American National Affairs? International Affairs; MULTIMEDIA; Professor's Non-public Sharing Utility; RIGHTS CARD; MOORISH MEDIA EXPERTS! Learn how it works, and see h Aseer The Duke Of Tiers: Freemasonry Exposed!Mogul Minds Network: Aseer, the Duke of Tiers, is possibly the most well known Moorish scholar in the country and in this interview we got into everything from untold POC history in the Americas and Moorish world influence to exposing freemasonry. Allah is my protector, my guide and my salvation by night and by day, thru his Holy Prophet Drew Ali, Amen. Consular court is the proper venue where Moors obtain their remedy! A governmental representative living in a foreign country to oversee commercial and, ters involving the representative's home country and its citizens in that foreign country. Too often groups not proclaiming your free national name before your Constituted Government have been mislead like bleeding lambs to the courts of lions. Islam. exercise jurisdiction over their countrymen, their persons are inviolable, their residences may be used as asylums in the case of war or tumult, and in fact they possess more than the ordinary diplomatic immunities. T.J. Lawrence, A Hand-book of Public International Law 8687 (10th ed. Moorish sovereign citizens often display an emblem that consists of a scarlet red rectangular banner or flag with a five-pointed green star located just left of center. In contrast, Moorish sovereign citizen groups generally are small, consisting of a couple of dozen followers, many of whom are nominally led by one or two charismatic individuals who profit from the promotion of Moorish doctrines and the preparation and sale of bogus legal documents to those embracing their Moorish nationality or heritage. Black's Law Dictionary, 5th Edition (page 286): they must either submit to its operation or not contract with him. moorish american consular court. Abdullah told police they were traveling from Rhode Island, where their headquarters is located, to Maine for training. We will address the remnant ills resulting from post- traumatic conditions and mental slavery which many Moorish Americans have now. The term literally has no rational meaning. Your straw-man is a non-living, non-breathing fictitious corporate Entity that has the same name as you except in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. So today there is not just one Washitaw Nation, but many, making it one of the most important wings of the Moorish sovereign citizen movement., The Washitaw Nation appears to be the earliest sovereign citizen group that began merging Moorish identity and heritage with sovereign citizen concepts. But this is a New Era of time now and all men now must proclaim their free National Name to be recognized by the government in which they live and the nations of the earth. And there has been no record documented, since the enactment of the 13th Amendment, to reflect the naturalization clause by treaty, application, nor judicial hearing, nor petition, nor declaration of allegiance in true intercourse to the Moorish American, of lawful age and be accepted, by choice, as naturalized citizens of the United States. 03-6403-3757 This "Second Great Awakening" of the Divine and National Movement defined and manifested United States of America Republic [U.S.A.R. so precision or even reasonable approximation is impossible. Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples of the Land. Natural Citizens are not confined to non-governmental organizations but are duty bound to proclaim their free national name, to be recognized by their government in which they must live. Russell El: How Nationality Works (And Makes You A First-Class Citizen)Do you know what makes you a first-class citizen? The 12 Departments of the M.A.G.are as follows : 1. UNITED STATES RELINQUISH CONSULAR JURISDICTION IN MOROCCO. There. Thus, the United States established United States consular courts in Morocco by authority of such Treaty. They use this perceived immunity to justify refusing to pay taxes, buy auto insurance, register their vehicles and to defraud banks and other lending institutions. The Five pointed open Green Star has represented the Moorish since the fall of man. class by fiat; a legal fiction having no basis whatsoever. The National Grand Sheik is not the hierarchical superior of the other ministers. Consuls are not diplomatic agents; they perform various services for a state or its subjects in another state, without, however, representing the former in the full sense. The last of the United States consular courts (Morocco) was abolished in 1956. They "direct the actions of the Government, according to ACT 1 of the Divine Constitution of Moorish America and in principle set out the essential political guidelines. The Moorish Americans who are the descendants of the Ancient Moabites whom inhabited the northwestern and southwestern shores of Africa (Including the northwestern territories we now call the Americas) are in lawful pursuit of our actual freedom. (VIDEO) The Mystery Of The Cocaine Mummies (1996)Documentary questioning whether mummies found with high levels of cocaine provide proof of early trade routes between Egypt and South America. The Assistant Grand Sheik is to assist the Grand Sheik in all affairs if he lives according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, and it is known before the citizens . Narrated by Leonard Nimoy. [sanford, florida republic [32772]] phone number: (912) 509-6046. email address: The 3step-ladder of Salvation (Belief, Faith and Fruition) personifies the Moorish return-climb from a Human State to their rightful status of The Great God as one. national descendant birth and naturalization. Self-declared Moorish sovereigns have also been arrested in all regions of the country and many major cities within the United States. Simply put, these and all activities of the Moorish American National Government are to establish Domestic and International recognition for the Moorish American Nation/Government and to effectively address the health, interests, rights and needs of the Moorish American people. The National Grand Sheik may never force them to take a decision which they areunwilling to. Check out our updates below. This has caused confusion among the media and law enforcement who mistakenly link the groups together. Indeed, our only atonement is to the Creator of all nations, both the lion and the lamb. in assemble of the Great Grand Body, under the Protection, Guidance and Salvation of the Great God of our Ancient Forefathers, Master of the Day of Judgment, for the resolution in the intent of our actions, do, in our Free National Name, publicly Proclaim and Declare that We are a Ordained People, and of right ought to be, Free, Upright and Independent. Moorish American National AffairsLeave your email in the comments for . The citizens of all free national governments, according to their national constitution are all of one family bearing one free national name. It might surprise you that your nationality is one of the most important factors in determining your equality and citizenship status in America. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Still, due to the magnanimous blow from the setting maul, it may take the prosperities of the mighty Moorish another generation or two before they can decipher their unalienable birthrights and national advantages of freedom nourished from the breast of their Divine Constitution. Where are the coordinates of the Moorish American National Affairs? Only then can we, The Moorish American Nation, be truly free, a whole ancient people with Constitution de jure and accepted intact by the nations of the earth. In honor Always Moorish National Republic Federal Government For the following Corporate STATES: STATE OF CONNECTICUT Great Seal National Association of Moorish Affairs [141 Weston Street #1145 HARTFORD CONNECTICUT . That is the same definition of Black or African American used by the U.S. Census Bureau, and other agencies. Allah the Father of the universe, the Father of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. This irrelevancy of whether a Negro is a slave or free is reiterated in Section Four of the Fourteenth Amendment: When a people with over 9.6 million State Certified Professionals, four million Muslims, over eight million members of Freemasonry and other Secret Societies, numerous Celebrities of every field, over 200 Mayors and Governors, forty members of Congressional Black Caucus a host of officials, appointed Judges, a U.S. Justice here and The Hague, a People with over 90% Christian Leaders and Followers. From this die of court and State-owned Slavery alone, they have no rights that the true Citizens are bound to respect. fiat in the cited U.S. administrative agency document do not exist anywhere, not only not in Africa, any institution or individual is defied to refute the above stated fact by, if the number you conclude exist is more than 0 (zero), posting the precise number of so-called black racial groups of Africa, with the included work, specifically, citations to primary sources, showing how you and your organization reached the conclusion. the mission of the moorish national republic federal government north east amexem territories and dominions is to uplift fallen humanity and to convey love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. If a Citizen of the United States should kill or wound a Moor, or, on the contrary, if a Moor shall kill or wound a Citizen of the United States, the Law of the Country shall take place, and equal Justice shall be rendered, the Consul assisting at the Trial; and if any Delinquent shall make his escape, the Consul shall not be answerable for him in any manner whatever. As if every other person believed in the same folklore born in the United States as they do, and like them, did not bother to read the actual definition of the term, given that officially, no Black race officially exists in either Germany or France. Some Moorish sovereigns are known to affiliate with the MSTA, but certainly not all MSTA chapters are linked to sovereign citizens. In some cases, their fraudulent activity is part of a larger sovereign practice called the redemption doctrine. It declares that Moors (like all sovereigns) can incorporate themselves, thereby allowing individuals to use themselves as personal assets worth tens of millions of dollars. Until that date arrives where any individual or institution can show by the scientific method, how they arrived at a number other than 0 for the number of black racial groups of Africa, the number that exist anywhere in this universe is exactly 0. Dr. Alim El Bey, You are not to pay taxes to foreigners who are doing business within the borders of YOUR ancestral estate. Judah Son on YouTube, Since we are not citizens of the united States, we owe no tax obligations to the government of the United States. For some who identify themselves as "Moor," "Moorish" or something similar, there is a belief that a fictitious 1787 treaty between the United States and Morocco grants them immunity from U.S. law. Department of Transportation, Highways and Telepathy, 10. To provide with the necessary credentials for recognizing our Ambassadors, Sheiks, Attaches and National Representatives; and firmly establish a perpetual communication for our securities. THE MOORISH AMERICAN NATIONAL BALLOT . All Moorish Americans must keep their hearts and minds pure with love and their bodies clean with water. The group was in possession of guns and other tactical gear, none of which was licensed, including their vehicles. The 65 words compiling The Divine Constitution of Moorish America is the most powerful instrument ever written in the history of the Human Family for the ultimate deliverance of a Nation. Members of the Moorish sovereigns, called Moors, have come into conflict with federal and state authorities over their refusal to obey laws and government regulations. The Moorish American Birthright of Independence. academics, politicians, activists, etc. As indicated in the preface, we will address race theory itself, an ongoing fraud on a grand scale, in the third volume of this series. This is why all NBC and Negro Masons alike have no sovereign rule of their women and children. Consuls are not diplomatic agents, so, unless a treaty provides otherwise, they do not enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. Let the idea of Moorish-Fest Destiny become the torch that lights . Teaching True History! We, as a Clean and Pure Nation, do not have enemies, foes or adversaries nor do we possess the intent to create their likes from among the Sons of Man. When the communities within the Sovereign States, where the descendants of ex-slaves reside, are baited with imported drugs, weapons and economical allurements concealed with hooks of crimes, punishment and death; while they, the Nationless ones, are neither the owners, transporters, the military nor minters of U.S. currencies and have no controlling interest in these creations. , bank robberiesand murders the issue involving our Moorish American National Affairs major cities the. Legal fiction having no basis whatsoever, this belief in immunity from legal authority has led some Moorish have... Law and jurisdiction in by Grand Sheik may never force them to take a decision they! 5Th Edition ( page 286 ): they must also ensure the coordination Government! Is located, to Maine for training them from local law and jurisdiction in your Nationality is one group. ; a legal fiction having no basis whatsoever enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities ; will. 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