mike parsons ministry

I discovered the answer to this is yes and no. VAT registration number GB297839624. If love is limited, it is not love. Heart/universe imagecourtesy offinemayer via Pixabay. There will be no end to the increase of His government or of peace,On the throne of David and over his kingdom,To establish it and to uphold it with justice and righteousnessFrom then on and forevermore. Find the obituary of David Michael "Mike" Pennell (1951 - 2023) from Taylorsville, NC. Eden the Garden of God Its just a really exciting time. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being (John 1:3). So which meaning is correct? Choose to watch or just listen: videos, audios, PDF slides and printer-friendly text PDFs are included and its absolutely FREE to stream or download. This is where the rubber really hits the road because to live loving means we demonstrate the love that we have received to others. Look at the passage again in the Mirror Bible: Consequently, as difficult as it may seem, you ought to divorce yourselves from sentimental attachment to the pre-figuring doctrine of the Messiah, which was designed to carry us like a vessel over the ocean of prophetic dispensation into the completeness of the fulfilled promise. Confess and call things into being. Each year he issues a free series in which he reflects on those journals. For recordings, please go to https://freedomarc.org/engagingfather. the ability to engage and re-engage those encounters at will, and to mature in River of Life And it always changes for the better: everything that I have experienced of God has only ever been better than I ever thought it could be. Each of this series of blog posts is adapted from Mikes latest FREE video series on Unconditional Love. You should do this, you should do that. In the end I just gave up doing that. The completeness of the fulfilled promise that is Jesus. Terms and conditions apply. He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. Mike has in recent times been the Commissioning Editor for BRF, and before that taught Systematic Theology in Murdoch University and Vose . I wanted to do something, but that again is just the programming that makes love conditional: we are programmed to think we have to do something. About Vision Destiny Several years ago, Mike began journaling his daily encounters with God in the realms of heaven and in his own heart and spirit. These activations are audio only, and are best used in conjunction with the relevant blog posts. Therefore we can just be. This deception is what creates this false hell narrative in which such a god would torture his children eternally. That is a wonderful state, such a place of rest: all the striving, all the performance, everything goes. Then join us from March 8th to 10th, either in person or via the livestream, for, The cost of the livestream for the Engaging The Father conference is, The Book Depository (free delivery worldwide), 190. Back in August 2015 I wrote an article alerting people to the fact that a man called JOHN CROWDER was coming to 'minister' in Ballyclare and that article can be . That has been done, so we rest in it: we can just be, we dont have to do. So we live in every day being a new day (so for me, we live in the eighth day, not the seventh). You make your first payment when you sign up. Yes, God is love, but He is also just. As if His justice contradicts His love! You can download and import one of these to read on your Kindle app or device if you choose. Jesus said, Love one another as I have loved you, and so people strive to love others, because it is hard sometimes when they are perhaps not very nice to you. Mar 2006 - Present17 years 1 month. And He put all things in subjection under His feet, and gave Him as head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all(Eph 1:20-23). He is also head of the body, the church; and He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead so that He will come to have first place in everything. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we can no longer offer a click to donate option. They extrapolated that, at the speed of light in the beginning, seven days then would equate to something over 13 billion years now. And if we are living in that place of living loved, then we can love living. Mike is an internationally acclaimed speaker and author, creator of the Engaging God programme. Patreon does not allow us to cancel for you. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. *Note Sadly, because of abuse by scammers we are unable to offer a click to donate option. for more information and a free 2-week trial for the Engaging God programme. Your spirit grows stronger through exercise; spiritual exercises train and equip your spirit to connect with God, to flow in revelation, and to rule in your life. He always upholds His part of the deal. From the very beginning of the birth of the church, the religious spirit, operating in the Judaizers, tried to get believers back under the Law of Moses (and is still pursuing the same agenda today). And the Father said, Knowing the depth, height, breadth and length of my unconditional love multi-dimensionally is what this age is designed to accomplish. I do not want to do things because I should do them. . Mike Parsons - The Court of Accusation. I am a happy heretic, enjoying skiing down the slope of orthodoxy to discover and explore a whole new vista beyond the limits of my understanding. I used to think I would one day have to give account for all those things I havent fulfilled. I would have always said that I believed that God is love but my understanding of that love is very different now that I know it by experience. No, we are living in perpetual Sabbath. I really wanted to know what was happening. In the third tier, this will be limited to only 10 people and each person will be able to have a monthly one-to-one zoom mentoring session with me. Or, do not be pressed into a religious or political mould, shaped or formed by the political and religious systems you live under, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. We cannot renew our own minds, however hard we try. We have a right to bring judgment to change things in this realm, and eventually to have access to stand among those who are operating in the heaven of heavens. God is going to bring good out of everything, even the things where we may not have heard clearly (or even at all). But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you. (John 14:26). Mike Parsons Speaker and author, creator of the Engaging God programme and presenter of Mystic Mentoring on YouTube. For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself is doing; and the Father will show Him greater works than these, so that you will marvel. (John 5:20). Engage God through Jesus (the Way, Truth and Life) in the realms of heaven and within your own spirit and heart; and take up your responsibility as a mature son [daughter] in Gods kingdom. On this blog we are just at the beginning of a new series of posts about preparing for our destiny. The first Zoom gatherings and personal mentoring sessions will thenbegin in April. In reality I do not want to be labelled with a one particular set of beliefs because that is so limiting and restricting. Hours, every day, training my spirit to discern the words of God, to flow, and to build up my spiritual senses. Company number 10359676. He is the fulfilment of every promise and covenant: everything is fulfilled in him. Yes, His love is a purifying, refining fire, a consuming fire: it will consume every hindrance and objection and anything that comes in the way of us entering into the depth of unconditional love. Beyond the Physical Realm) Im really looking forward to connecting with more like-minded people to share this amazing journey with God. We are the temple now, a holy temple in the Lord, and this is the most wonderful part a dwelling of God in the Spirit. (Grace replaces the law; innocence supersedes sin-consciousness.) Yes, God is love, but He is also righteous. As if His righteousness contradicts His love! If you want to get fit and have rippling muscles in the natural, you have to go to the gym and train, session by session, week after week, until you build muscles. Please note that we are now inviting you to take part in the full release of the programme, not the alpha or beta test groups]. There are a number of teaching series which are NOT part of Engaging God - these are available for purchase for a one-time payment if you wish. For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth were realized through Jesus Christ. In reality, the word translated wrath can equally well be rendered as passion. God is passionate about anything that hinders our coming into relationship with Him. None of these things will be obviously public they will be very private, for those who are signing up to that group. Speaker, author and YouTube channel host. So lets receive grace and mercy every day and know there is no mark to attain. The Angel of the Lord admonished Joshua,the High Priest, who was standing in the presence of God in the heavens and said. We are already unconditionally loved and forgiven and everything has been accomplished, so we can live in rest and discover our true identity as sons from that place of rest, rather than doing all the things we are doing to prove we are sons. and I will grant you free access Mike Parsons. Mike and his guests presented The Restoration of All Things 3online event from 17-20 June 2021. He has no Plan B, C or D. Now, there is a teaching which says He has. That is His will: that we would be before Him in love. Are all things actually all things? Therefore Jesus answered and was saying to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing; for whatever the Father does, these things the Son also does in the same way. (John 5:19). And what I have understood and experienced is that love can only be unconditional. He continually enables us to walk in our destiny: and it is more about who we are than what we do. It was not a place of fear, just of not being able to see anything and resting in complete stillness before Him. The reason they are trying to pick a fight with you in the first place is because of their own understanding of what you might believe. But I believed they were true because that is what other people believed, at least in whatever stream I was in at the time. Mike Parsons FREE video series for 2022/3. Get the recordings of all six 2018 'Sons Arise!' And in Hebrew context, 11 is actually a much more likely answer than 2. among these who are standing here Engaging at the Arc the names of God identity and destiny (with crystal bowl) Revealing just how good I AM is has not been easy, as all that I do to unveil the truth of love is being twisted into lies and deception. Now I have discovered this myself when I have been talking to people who really want to pick an argument. Click here to order the livestream/recordings. So the God I thought I knew 20 years ago or even 12 is now a distant memory. We are based in the UK, so all our prices are in British Pounds (GBP). With religion, you get a lot of shoulds. The journey itself is important, not a series of destinations, because it is a journey of relationship and that journey will inevitably bring me to a completely fully restored perspective. If that is not all our experience then we have ceased the journey, content with our systematic theological understanding of a God who is infinite, creating a box for that God that is only a prison for our minds. The true reality of who They (Father, Son and Spirit) truly are emerged from the rubble that was my deconstructed mind into the glorious light of revelation. Or you can use the blue button to contact us about making a one-time gift. For a moment, stop and embrace that. Free to watchon this blog: this YouTube video of the first session ofExpanding our Reality, our finalSons Arise! Creation itself will inevitably be set free from its bondage and slavery to the corruption of our sonship by the revealing of the true mystic sons of God who have arisen and are shining with loves light. Every religious system will get you to try to do something to earn what you already have. To start with, it wasnt accepted and they were called cranks, but eventually some more mainstream scientists also discovered that light was slowing down. We will manifest the rule of heaven on earth,just as Jesus did. And God is not just looking at this world, He is engaged within each and every person to bring us all into the reality of our relationship and inclusion in Christ. Some is even free of charge. We will look at them in more detail later on in this series, but I will just list some of them for now: 1. I have engaged with the heart of God, discovering who I am and discovering that state of being at rest, that state of consciousness which is an awareness of the heart of God. If I focus on how much transformation is still needed, that can put pressure on me, because I am not there yet. And His limitless grace and triumphant mercy ensure that we will all know his love unconditionally, one way or another, however long it takes. Better still, become a patron and join us live for the next recording they are normally on the second Sunday of each month at 7pm UK time. The desires of the flesh are not good, and we have to accept that. If that link does not work for you, please search My Journey Beyond Beyond on your chosen retailers website. They are smiling and enjoying talking about you; because they are talking about who they know you to be, rather than who you think you are. Get it today! Also, by supporting us on Patreon, you can help us in our local work to help disadvantaged people. We need instead to get revelationof what scripture is really saying. I am now an atheist to the god I previously worshipped as he never existed other than as a figment of my religious imagination. My point here is that we need to understand the context of the eternal purposes of God. Patreon will then continue to collect your pledge each calendar month on (or as close as possible to) the same date until you cancel in your Patreon account. Visitation will be held on Wednesday, March 1st 2023 at 7:00 PM at the Salem Funeral and Cremation Services - Reynolda Rd (2951 Reynolda Rd, Winston-Salem, NC 27106). Choose to watch or just listen: videos, audios, PDF slides and printer-friendly text PDFs are included and its absolutely FREE to stream or download. Conferences and Intensives 2018. God gives us a continual purification of that scroll of our life, and when we choose poorly or with wrong motive He does not hold it against us. And that is how God works. The great shift we are experiencing will have great impact, beyond most peoples understanding, and will be the catalyst for the restoration of all things. Let that sink in. Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd. Freedom Apostolic Resources, Freedom Apostolic Resource Centre, FreedomARC and Freedom ARC are trading names of Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd., a not-for-profit company registered in England. Mike Parsons with Jeremy Westcott - God is Love God is love and that love is unconditional. A church in England carries a lot of material and all things that are Mine are Yours, and Yours are Mine; and I have been glorified in them. (John 17:10). We use the creative power of our consciousness to create reality. By supporting us on Patreon you can partner with us in taking the message of Gods unconditional love, limitless grace and triumphant mercy to a bigger global audience, helping us help the sons of God to arise and find their true identity and heavenly position and their authority. Mike gives step by step instruction on how to stop the dealings of accusers in your life. He sets the agenda of what He wants to deal with when He wants to deal with it and I just have to agree with Him and cooperate with Him. The cross was an amazing love transaction that dealt with the legal consequences of mankinds lost identity. Rev Dr Mike Parsons. Even after Jesus returns, and we go into the age to come, the kingdom will go on increasing. River of Life activation (from 269. Mike first started teaching the Engaging God programme in 2016. I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams and the fat of fattened cattle; and I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs, or goats. (Isaiah 1:11). If I just enjoy being where I am and continue the journey, it will take me to where I will be. Enveloped with the frequency of His love (with crystal bowl) Click here to see it. We are who He says we are, so His love enables us to be face to face with Him without fear (because perfect love casts out fear). Mike Parsons will be teaching new material and addressing the subject in ways we have never heard before. That will dial everything down so that all (all people, all beings, all things throughout creation) can begin to discover Gods original intention and purpose for them, which is what will be restored in the restoration of all things. Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, of instruction about washings and laying on of hands, and about the resurrection of the dead and eternal judgment. The Commission voted on February 22, 2023, and Dr. Boggs has accepted the position. Registered office: Freedom Centre, 1 Howard Avenue, Barnstaple EX32 8QA, UK. Our self-paced monthly subscription program for the Joshua Generation. In this single-session teaching, Mike talks us through his foundational daily meditative practice. Patreon funds are not going to me or any one individual but will help support our small team increase our capacity to share the message that God is love. It will not end when Jesus returns and there are a new heavens and a new earth. Now all this is not to say that God doesnt have things for us to accomplish in relationship with Him; but it is the way we do it rather than a series of things that we have to fulfil. In my previous book, My Journey Beyond Beyond, I shared my life story on the quest for true reality in my relationship with God as my Father. If we are in the seventh millennium, then why isnt there rest? Freedom Apostolic Ministries Ltd. is a not-for-profit company registered in England. It is impossible to keep the Law: Jesus made that very clear. So all of the doctrines that were programmed into me about who He was the angry God, the God who needs appeasing, the Old Testament God as opposed to the New Testament God all of these confusing things I finally realised I only believed they were true because I had never actually met Him. However, when you click to subscribe to or purchase anything from our site, you will automatically be charged in your own currency. 2. However, if you contact us, we will get back to you with a simple means of giving. NW Ekklesia Published on Sep 19, 2016 Learn how to function in this court for your community, your friends and yourself. All these attributes have to be experienced: that is what God is working to do in our lives constantly, to enable us to experience the reality of who He is and so discover who we are. My journey Beyond Beyond on your Kindle app or device if you choose passion! Earn what you already have he reflects on those journals receive grace and mercy day! 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