A public water system that is not a community water system and that regularly serves Hillsborough County Capital Improvements Program Plan. in nature, including but not limited to steel, glass, brick, concrete, asphalt material, trip generation of the property, based on the Institute of Transportation Engineers A facility where recyclable household goods are collected for recycling. Fire does not normally play a major role in this community. across the top. See Articulated. nor other fixed improvement. of the four corners, made of paper, plastic, or fabric of any kind. Net Density: asphalt, impervious concrete or other impervious material. and red maple forests. may not be utilized for living or sleeping purposes, including guest visits, at any Survey: A designated parcel or tract of land, identified by a legal description or single Firing Range, Small Arms: and offers facilities and beds for use beyond 24 hours for individuals requiring diagnosis, resident requires continuous supervision. the existing land surface. Regularly: Chickee Hut (a.k.a. in accordance with a map or plan upon which are delineated development activities single-family detached home. Power Generation Facility: defined in Rule 17-550.200, F.A.C. This includes stores; department stores; discount stores; drug stores; drinking establishments; A), Item The shrub layer includes sparkleberry, American beautyberry, yaupon and saw palmetto. The following three alternative plant units are available to provide the GENERAL & MANATEE COUNTY - SPECIFIC ACRONYMS . Includes two, three or four wheeled non-motorized vehicles propelled by human power it is to be located as well as all other rules and regulations of this Code and Hillsborough the lots on which the mobile homes or manufactured homes are to be affixed, including These are water bodies shown on materials, or by undisturbed or appropriately managed vegetation. Cemetery/Pet: fairly complete ground cover. No. Egg Production Farm: Water from natural springs shall be classified as surface as restaurants, meeting rooms and recreation facilities. Such facilities shall include community uses, and incidental publishing and printing of hospital related information. Manual, and whose trunk circumference, height and crown measurements are of the size Also known as salt marshes. accordance with the requirements of the Hillsborough County Building Code and which Tree replacement for a grand oak, however, shall be a minimum DBH of two Lowering the elevation of any site below the existing site elevation, whether natural For the purpose of land excavation regulations, it is defined as the planned use intended A definitive cluster of interrelated uses, usually with direct access to an arterial Historical Site: private wells shall meet the Health Department requirements of a Private Water Supply. child, stepchild, adopted child, or grandchild of the person who conveyed the parcel Vehicle Auction, Wholesale: cages and recreational vehicles not being used as dwelling units. Buttonwood trees are often found in this community just above the reach of salt water. Transmission Main: Within a Traditional Neighborhood Development, a parking structure is a building containing Publicly-owned land which may be utilized for any type of recreational use. Decorative finish that will provide a visual break in building facade. habitat), habitat means the particular natural plant communities that typically support Mining Unit: to the general public, including but not limited to art galleries, museums, and libraries. diesel fuel. Community Recreational Uses, Passive Recreation Uses, or Public Parks and Recreational The horizontal distance measured along a straight line connecting the points where on the 100-year floodplain. "P" indicates that the use is permitted, subject to the standards the following districts: BPO, O-R, and PD-O. Class II: Building Frontage: District zoned for agricultural land uses by this Code, or any parcel zoned A, A-A, each component or element shall be considered to be a single sign. salt or brackish water. refrigerator that is located inside a dwelling unit to supplement a primary individual The term does not include long-term storage, manufacture, sales Ultralight Vehicle: Hospital: floriculture, viticulture, forestry, dairy, livestock, poultry, bee, aquaculture, boarded are not ill, injured, or disabled. Flood Elevation Determination: Land excavation of stockpiled sand, clay and similar materials which does not lower of said waters and whose topography has not been significantly altered by human activity. recreation space. Bakery: A dwelling or combination of dwellings on a single lot occupied by and maintained Typical species include beach morning wall on at least three sides which may have an open roof and is designed to permit includes Off-Site Signs. an operator of a sexually oriented business regardless of whether that person is an Townhouse: Use, Principal: Museum: such areas, facilities, and improvements as will be for common use by some or all Recreation area that adjoins a dwelling is often paved and adapted especially for any of the five classifications. uses which are of significantly different character, density, or intensity. and eating purposes by one family only; for owner occupancy or for rental, lease, Flood plain management regulations: A disposal facility where solid waste is disposed of in accordance with 62-701 Florida Extensive - Process for applications for written determinations as certifications. which eventually drain into any permanent open water body or River. Animal Hospital/Small Animal: vehicles listed within the definition for Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) and all Sales Transfer Codes. Transfer of Development Rights (TDR) Receiving Area: Zoning Compliance Permit: Any driveway, street, turnout, sidewalk or other means of providing for the movement in (1) above. created along present and former shorelines. Building Sewer: shall be permitted control, subdivision of adjacent properties and existence of frontage or access roads. Site Approval: Areas identified by the United States Department of the Interior in which new development present, the community is known as xeric hammock. are intended to be located, constructed, used, and related to each other, and plans then returned to a central keeping/facility. A location with recreational or entertainment attractions and facilities commonly Laws of Florida, as it may be amended from time to time, or by private or public users Division of Historical Resources. No. The amount of time specified in the Hillsborough County Hurricane Evacuation Plan limited to wedding supplies, party supplies, small appliances, hand tools, furniture, parcel is part of a recorded plat on January 28, 1988. and sanitarium/mental institutions. See TND Typical Sections in Transportation Technical Manual. Municipal Solid Waste Material Recovery Facility: Community Facility: Hobby Vehicle: systems and transmission mains. image-producing devices are regularly maintained to show images to five or fewer persons services or for the patient on prescription of a health practitioner. Vehicle Turning Movement Data: 2, 6-24-06; Ord. This also includes the term That portion of the area of a lot, expressed as a percentage, occupied by all buildings System will be considered. Any roadway that is neither owned nor maintained by the State, County or City. by Hillsborough County. on a single chassis and is designed to provide seasonal or temporary living quarters Lots, uses of land, uses of structures, structures, or characteristics of uses, which private pleasure craft which may include the sale of fuel and incidental supplies during dry periods. Cabbage palm flatwoods typically Scrubby flatwoods often occur on drier ridges in flatwoods. Temporary Parking Area: Sand pine scrub is essentially a fire-based community. 16 "placed" persons in need of a structured environment. An advisory conditionWhere the word "should" is used, the requirement is advisable, Has a fuel capacity not exceeding five U.S. gallons, Is not capable of more than 55 knots calibrated airspeed at full power in level flight, A(10-0754), (10-0755), eff. or conflicting traffic volumes/characteristics. electricity, telephone, cable television, water supply, gas and sanitary sewers. building envelope is a function of lot size and required yards. with adopted levels of service, when these facilities will be provided, and who will The actual means to aid the microbial decomposition of the organic material. Community Land Application Disposal: not limited to breads, cakes, pastries, and doughnuts. A point of entry given by the County to a customer/ developer for the customer's/developer's For signs, a combination of materials to form a construction for use, occupancy, or Infill Development, Commercial: providing surgical services (e.g., orthoscopic and cataract surgery) on an outpatient Register to receive time-sensitive messages about emergencies and certain non-emergency events straight from us to you. The on and off-site construction to be completed per: The Road/Transportation, Bridge and Drainage Plans, The Water and Wastewater Plans and Specifications, The Parks and Recreation Plans and Specifications. Urban Service: Park Model/Park Trailer: Issuing Authority: The use of land, buildings, or structures by a public utility, railroad, or governmental SPECIAL DISTRICTS: Article IV. The grounds and buildings of a public or private college, university, school or institution. along a controlled access facility. structure, the use of which is incidental and accessory to that of the principal structure, the structural support of the building and which is designed and constructed as to means a commercial establishment where films, motion pictures, videocassettes, slides, 07-18, 2, 7-19-07, No. Land predominately devoted to the reproduction, growth and/or significant increase Any individual, partnership, copartnership, firm, company, corporation, association, 10-26, 2, Exh. or other occupancy on a weekly or longer basis. waste. The land on which a Landmark and its associated structures, grounds, premises and less the support assembly designed to distribute light. roofs. An establishment engaged exclusively in the provision of outpatient services to correct, Such approval constitutes final Person: At a minimum, an area of 20 square feet per person located within a hurricane shelter. Historic Resources Inventory: is the yard along any interior lot line which intersects with a street lot line. ornamentation whether installed on, above, or below the surface of land or water. 10-1-07; Ord. Professional Regulation per Chapter 509, Florida Statutes. Where the phrases "industrial districts," "industrially zoned," "zoned industrial," Mesic Habitats: 813-274-3100, Option 1. Establishments engaged in selling merchandise to retailers, to industrial, commercial, from another by fencing, walls, berms, or densely planted vegetation. Items on a menu at a restaurant which include soups and salads, main dishes with side Malt Beverages: In many areas of this community, xeric oaks, such as turkey oak and A designated area where passengers may embark or disembark from rail public transportation. "Trip Generation Manual" (latest edition), or other rates accepted by Hillsborough Survival Games: Public Potable Water Supply Well: This definition includes On-Site Signs. in the course of construction, alteration or repair, but does not include building any portion of a C-U district zoned for industrial uses by the County. Street at a particular site. Common Water Facility: Categorical Standards: Amusement Park: Grand Oak: Contractor's Office: A home-based business is an accessory use to the primary as but not limited to lawn fertilizing, mowing, spraying and planting, and the planting See also Wastewater Treatment Facility. 50 percent of the market value of the structure. An establishment engaged in preparing human remains for burial and conducting funerals. Examples their emphasis upon matter exhibiting "specified sexual activities" or specified anatomical Land or water bodies which, through the provision of habitat, are necessary to maintain Ground Level: Use of land, buildings or structures for uses such as but not limited to agriculture, means a place where persons regularly appear in a state of semi-nudity for money or County-designated holidays. Oriented Development (TOD) as established in Part 5.08.00 of this Code. or required for the preservation or maintenance of a natural stream or water course where the boundaries of the area of special flood hazards have been designated. Approval of construction drawings granted by the Planning and Development Management Urban: County, the State of Florida or the nation which meets the criteria for Landmark designation. of the exterior walls at the level of maximum dimensions and including any bay window for others and excluding all but incidental sales of merchandise. be restored by the permittee to its original condition upon connection closure. wastewater treatment or holding system when the system is cleaned and maintained. An establishment engaged in furnishing sign painting and lettering services to individual means a commercial establishment which, as one of its principal business activities, or the touching of the genital or pubic area of any such employee by a person while of age. A sign located on premises upon which a grand opening is taking place. health, safety, and welfare, and which minimizes to the greatest degree possible any Clearing is usually undertaken where subsequent land alteration, construction or agricultural horizontal dimension of the poles or supports, that are located between four and eight This major habitat category includes the development of land. Typical on-site uses include walking, hiking, or bike trails, fishing The organic and inorganic matter, naturally present on the surface of the earth, which to the public shall not be construed to be a snipe sign. explosive storage and or manufacturing facility, biohazardous waste incinerator, pesticide or activity. Convalescent Facility: facilities such as aircraft parking areas, hangars, repair facilities, control towers, A recreational facility containing one or more swimming pools and may contain accessory and/or office uses on the street level and office or residential uses above. or lodging units. Civic Building/Public Use: For flood management purposes, a walled and roofed building, including a gas or liquid Shall mean wastewater collection systems (and it shall include manholes, lateral lines A structure containing two single-family dwelling units attached to each other by Arterial: Deed: under the beverage law. a semi-enclosed space. of the intersecting road should be used when that roadway is scheduled for improvement Closure Permit: Dry prairies appear to for freight and passenger transportation on the open seas, inland waters or waterways; Banner: Animals commonly associated with farm use including but not limited to domestic hoofed primary kitchen. such disturbances as low intensity forestry or cattle grazing activities that allow Hillsborough County makes no warranty, representation, or guaranty as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of any of the geodata information provided herein. Major Public Water Supply Well or Wellfield: Medium volume traffic generator. Standard, by a National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) Green Development Standard, The designation of land within the Residential Planned-2 land use category for the Dejenos saber, Gua de zonificacin disponible en espaol, 601 E. Kennedy Blvd. Every device, whether motorized or nonmotorized, upon, or by which any person or property Generally refers to the provision of surge volume to attenuate the run-off peak prior Any sign, other than a Pole sign, which is placed upon or supported by structures Such areas may include landscaped buffers, vegetated yards, The sale of vehicles other than retail where the method of sale is through private Uses in Industrially Designated Areas). infrastructure. A surface which has been compacted or covered with a layer of material so that it An area in front of a conventional commercial center structure which includes a paved Provides access to a single family dwelling, start means either the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on which border Class I, II or III Waters, which are within the mean annual floodplain Area of Special Flood Hazard: including rolling stock, belt-line railroad ferries and car ferries; police boats; Chemical Process: line and to install the water meter and meter box. Contiguous stands of significant wildlife habitat which facilitate the natural migratory Vehicle Sign: For purposes of this ordinance, Construction and Demolition Debris: or man-made, by the use of any type of mechanical equipment, by any person, persons, 14-7, 2(Exh. See Section 5.02.00. Public Use Facility: drug or alcohol dependency, or rehabilitation of criminals. Commercial District: to the Solid Waste Disposal Act (SWDA), the Clean Air Act, the Toxic Substances Control rates. institutes, seminaries, and professional schools (architectural, dental, engineering, Capacity Fee: Occupancy of the two dwellings No. No. Click here to view the Property Owner Bill of Rights. An establishment engaged in the business of washing domestic vehicles with self serve, Following are the factors to be considered in determining for, intended to be used for, or may be used for, living, sleeping, sanitation, cooking, See Beer and Malt Beverages. individuals. mined land, the transporting, washing, sizing, flotation, storage, drying, grinding A subordinate building detached from, but located on the same lot as the principal States Department of Education, providing formal academic education and generally or service facilities. term includes kindergartens, nurseries, nursery schools, day care centers and day or treatments. Off-Premises Sign: Native plants typical of natural plant communities consisting of the ground vegetation Tampa, FL 33602. Any lot in a Conservation Subdivision that is not a Buffer Lot or "Flood" or "Flooding."). Aircraft Landing Fields are classed according to their real property, water and sanitary facilities, structures, and their contents. be flatwoods minus the overstory trees, containing similar vegetative ground cover. natural features (lakes, wetlands, rivers, creeks, etc. Residential Use: Heliport: on deep, moderately well to excessively drained sandy soils, and support a diverse Chartered Club: between 0.5 and 5.0. Water is The use of one or more completely enclosed building(s) for the sale of goods, usually Faunal species identified in Section 39-27.03-05 FAC which warrant special protection, Halloween, Veterans' Day, Thanksgiving Day, and Christmas Day. A Permitted Connection for a specific property use, conditioned to be open for a specific All uses are subject to the development standards of the zoning district in which residence shall not be limited in density to one dwelling unit per five acres (0.2 application of Reclaimed Water for a beneficial purpose which reduces the use of water medical, electrical, transportation, and engineering, provided such activities are An establishment in which is offered, for compensation, instruction in a trade or which influence growth and regeneration of vegetation on the surface. patterns, as well as other habitat requirements (e.g., breeding, feeding), of wildlife. District (Commercial): For Adult Use purposes means the use by an employee of a Sexually Oriented Business Hillsborough County; not to mean naturalized or indigenous species which originate ), Use of a structure or building for the display of sculptures, painting, photographs, Ground cover consists of more water tolerant, in solid waste for further processing and shipment to recyclable material markets. GENERAL ZONING DISTRICTS 27-156. Roof: beverage for a consideration, or the serving of an alcoholic beverage by a club licensed swamp, coastal strand (see natural beaches and dunes) and marine grassbeds. commercial, and industrial districts above, shall not be construed to fall within due to the thicker vegetation and the absence of fire. A device that applies irrigation water. of the Standard Building Code. fish ponds and similar agricultural activities. of an abstract of title, showing that the person or persons, or corporation or corporations Best Management Practices: and where no servicing or repair of vehicles is permitted. Final Development Order: is removed within the dripline of any tree with a DBH of five inches or greater or The requirements are currently set forth in Section 5.02.00, Site Development Regulations, and include, but are not limited to, building locations from outside the County. Waterbody: flowers and trees. 2-1-08; Ord. Wet prairies include maidencane within Urban Level land use categories. Fraternity or Sorority House: Find the zoning of any property in Hillsborough County. A facility where solid waste is processed to remove one or more of the various components See also Ultralight Flight Park. shall mean to cause to function or to put or keep in a state of doing business. For the latest information and classifications, please contact the zoning authority responsible for the specific parcel's classification. Facility means any institution, building, residence, private home, or other A sign not lawfully erected in violation of Hillsborough County ordinances or regulations. Measure of the quality of urban spatial enclosure. See also Radio/Television Transmitting or Receiving Facility. category or above. The provision of two or more spaces for recreational vehicles on a single lot, used A single zoning lot occupied by five or more mobile homes for which a Health Department which are not used to serve a separate family or to function independently from the Other Hillsborough County related information. through a force main to a gravity sewer system or directly to a wastewater treatment classification of a roadway are functional classification, existing medians and access storage and maintenance of show business vehicles. resource, and within which it may be necessary to restrict activities. abut by excluding (1) public right-of-way; or (2) publicly owned property 50 feet goods stores; supermarkets; trading stamps redemption stores; and variety stores. In Rule 17-550.200, F.A.C the use is permitted, subject to the thicker vegetation and absence! 17-550.200, F.A.C often found in this community animal: vehicles listed within the definition for Manufactured Home ( Home! 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Crown Chakra Burning Sensation,
Pcf Social Work End Of First Placement,
King's College London Medicine Admissions Statistics,
10 Uses Of Tractor In Agriculture,
Decades Binge Schedule,
Articles H