do libras hide their sadness

Also as soon they breakup with you and have someone else in their life, they wont let you go that fast because they want to track every step of you, and they hate confrontation but love drama. In this, I am able to convince strangers or people not too close to me, to give into me or to do this for me. . The second was a much much older woman that I used to work with was such a liar I mean she lied about everything she would embellish the facts so much so that it made everyone around her smile because they knew what she was up to and still she carried on, it became a bit of a joke amongst the staff, but the thing that stood out for me was how unbelievably cold hearted this woman was, I mean stone cold ruthless to the core, this libra was married, had been for many many years had several children with her husband apparently had suffered much abuse from her husband but continued to live with him because it suited her financially, her words, not mine! I can't stand Libras never again. She was very kind, gracious and loving when she met my children, giving them a few minutes and taking time to talk with them, and she remembered them when meeting her again the following year. What ever happened in her head destroyed her. She thinks I walked out on her? That said, they can still become wound up like they're on the brink of a nervous breakdown, meaning their emotions are much bigger than what you see on the surface. Libra people are charming and very easy to attract you. They try to show that nothing is wrong. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. Then she would victimize herself and blame everyone around her. Not be the only reason Im happy. Because she is dealing with major stresses in her life, it is certain that she will become introspective. BUT with my loved ones I AM WHO I AM. Pretending to be nice is so much more hurtful than being honest. Until after we became roommates did I see time & time again her inability to ever defend me. The males appear to be charming, romantic and very friendly. Mother, father, uncle whatever..that's ridiculous. Yes we can be lazy, but if its its something were definitely interested in were quick to run to it and work hard at it! She told me she loved me and carried on, even said I was her world, her confidante, her saving grace (Calipreston), then when I started thinking OK maybe there is something here she carried on for weeks, then bam. Aug. 18, 2021, 9:03 a.m. Libra loves to cooperate and is incredibly diplomatic, so she'll be right there with you throughout the entire apology making sure you both are on the same page. Sagittarius' bubbly and outgoing personality is put on hold when they get depressed, causing them to feel lethargic and sometimes even use substances to escape their reality. Looking back, she loved it when I was down, positively revelled in it!! Librans want peace and negative ones want it at any price, even if it means sneaking around, denying, controlling, and drama. The man Libra is loyal and faithful when it comes to love relationships. If peace cant be had, silence and secrets will do. Remember Libras hate conflict, but they will not tolerate cruelty happening when they can put a stop to it. I don't care about anything when I'm happily in love. Many Librans are flakey, fake and one sign you must immediately set boundaries for or elseheed my warning -. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Im dealing with a libra mom. Libra shies away from conflict everywhereexcept within the family. When I say Mr. Libra 2 was pursuing me, it was LOVEBOMBING!!! Godfather to her daughter and son her parents never had. I let her into my world denying my gut instinct and being the stupidly open person I can be, shared a few secrets - thankfully nothing shameful, just emotional things from my past. he goes through my social media and finds things to argue with me about. I am worried that the very same relationship that i have with my parents is what I will have with my wife and kids. but im not fake and i dont try to control her life. But then again, it's for a good cause?). glil ou. Muahahahaha ;)~. Its a constant battle. They often lack patience anyway, so being sad can make them easier to enrage. 1. I am able to persuade people that my ideas are theirs and if it fails, it is on them. You don't know that and everyone is individual. I've been taken advantage a o lot by just caring too much and i get furious i throw all that hate in my family witch they do not deserve it .but at the end family is my home is when i want people to understand me, to listen me when im angry when im sad when i need a advise .we need to take care of ourselves but we do not do it because we put in priority others . Everyday, physical pain reminds me of how manipulative, hypocritical, cynical and deceptive she can be. And they hate confrontation, bull, they are the cause of it. Both can be very friendly, sweet, helpfulbut then they seem to turn on a dime. I have a Libra sister. Saying Yes When They Mean No Libras hate arguing more than any other sign, so they often try to be agreeable in an attempt to avoid any possible conflict with their partner. He started as a lawyer, but quit and became famous for passive resistance. I think the problem is that you were too selfish and judgemental instead of taking the time and making a genuine effort to get to know and understand a Libra better, you chose to ASSume, criticize, demean, and judge someone you never really got to know. When she is overcome by sadness or melancholy, it is certain that her emotions will have a drastic impact on the choices that she makes. Checking up on me and that left me feeling so confused. (tall, thin, blond). They may feel so lopsided, they'll stop caring about their favorite things, even severing ties with their passions completely. It will make them seems like all is a playful and innocents relations that they have and its you, the bad guy, who fucks them over). My ruling element is air, ruling sign Gemini and as a Gemini, I can't stand Librans in general. How can I help a sad Libra? Scorpio's passion can turn negative when they're feeling sad or depressed, causing them to become hostile, isolated, and have violent mood swings. Pisces. "Whoa is me"..libra. Hello, I'm one of Libras you guys are hating on. We are intelligent, but we do need a lot of guidance. Libras create a conflict between two acquaintances who not normally have any conflict by Libra telling each person the other "said" something negative about them, when in fact, it never happened. Turned to a puppy, sorry from heaven to hell. In fact the way one reacts to whatever angers them is much more beyond a zodiac sign. I am a Libra, and I am artistic, love to play "wordsmith games", unfortunately my quirky sense of humor precludes anyone appreciating my "wit" most of the time. According to the CDC, "more than two in five adults experienced symptoms of anxiety or a depressive disorder in their lifetime." when, in fact, your sign might have some deeper insights into your personality traits instead of just scratching the surface. When she feels that she is doubtful or uncertain about her decisions and her future, she may decide that the best course of action is to avoid people and conversations. You will never be able to lie to us and get away with it.we can see the lies before they ever come out of your mouth. Now he lives in Japan and if I ask him to get me anything from there he would send me by post, or any info about computers, or hints on how to solve computer problems etc. My sister is cold, she does not care about people. At least when im about to say a lie i have her in my mind to tell me if im going to be fake no one will apreceate my true kind and loving self . My experience with libras is dark. Why does it say that A LIBRA AND CAPRICORN (MALE LIBRA FEMALE CAPRICORN? I learned to not tell secrets. He said she has to always be the center of attention, will continue to create major drama until she gets what she wants. She is an extremely toxic person. So if i find your chatty, im out of here. Bye bitch see ya never. I'm a Capricorn we are smarter than this. I learned the term for what Libras do to create this unnecessary drama it's called TRIANGULATION! They have a bright side as well, and many good traits. Off course, I am not going to vent on strangers when I am wronged by a close one as it will not be justified. We were close like family and talked a lot on the phone and only during work hours(my choice after we started dating in 2000). It has been two years and I am still hurting because I havent fully invested in myself. Get An Accurate Prediction Today, The Best (And Worst) Zodiac Compatibility For Each Sign. Most people are made of many layers, and can exhibit any set of traits associated with a various signs at any given time. Diplomatic, graceful, charming and even witty! Hm. Fang you at this point. Cancer. They hate themselves most times and only thru relarionships do they function on a higher level and learn about themselves. And while it would be nice to have this kind of mind-reader in our lives, we should always make sure we understand our own emotions before we get others involved. 10/17 libra seeking balance on September 06, 2016: I am a Libra male and lately I have been feeling disconnected from myself(sign). So sometimes, they might hide their emotions to maintain their image. I was a bit indecisive in my younger younger years. Libra Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? We talked on the work phone but never in person 1997 till 2002 and just to show her the engagement ring and never since. I hate quarrels. It doesn't matter how badly that ex may have hurt them Libras are incredibly understanding individuals who can forgive and forget just about anything. They are the true incarnations of the narcissists! Here as a person who is many time being soft spoken and caring(Pisces). Obviously, each sign deals with sadness differently, which might be why you feel a deeper connection between you and certain people more than with others; when you get into your lowest lows, these people just get what you're feeling, even without words. Libra Woman. I highly value: integrity, loyalty, honesty, and friendship. However, you shouldn't forget that Libras are assholes and don't buy their shit, unless you test them. And I do know many people who fit this above profile but are not Librans and also not related to Libra in general. She had no idea she had this habit. Librans are gifted with eloquence and intelligence but cant make a concrete decision to save their life! And for those poor souls who's either or both parents/ brothers or sisters/in laws etc were Librans- Ouch, I truly feel sorry. I found out later they talked on the phone after my wife told me. This is likely a defense mechanism, as she may feel that any criticism of her behaviors is a rejection of herself. However I met a libra and she's like me but diffrent. Everything in this article rings true. Very nice guy. This may be due to the fact that they are considered the "peaceful" sign of the zodiac, or because they are taught from a young age to keep their feelings hidden. So that could be their another dark, sick and spiteful dark sides to add into the ones mentioned in this article. Should she be pressed, then she may behave in a manner that removes herself from that person's presence. Libras tend to bottle up their feelings for an extended amount of time and then explode, sometimes inappropriately. other than my mom, i love libras!!! I searched under "Star signs related to types of crimes" and got the shocking result: Paedophilies = Librans. It is important for her strong social and emotional relationships to provide her with support, as she may feel that the people she pushed away have chosen to ignore her. (3) I had the "right" appearance for him to be seen with. I SWEAR NEVER to go near this monsterous scale bearer again EVER in my living, breathing life. Aries (March 21 April 19) "While Aries can be charmed by Libra for a while, one thing Aries can't stand is neediness," Monahan says. When he was on his drinking binge, everything and anything was fair game. I dont like drama. They try to show that nothing is wrong. We crave beauty and an ethereal, gossamer rythm to the world around us..and the people in our lives.but we never demand anything that those around us are incapable of providing. If I screw up I own up. Mmmmm Librans, Ive known a few, the first one a friend of a friend, a woman, I overheard bitching me out about my extra pounds (lol) in a pub one night, she was sitting in the next booth to me blissfully unaware that I could hear everything she was saying about me, me sagittarius with a big ego (and ass) apparently and a sharp little virgo moon wasted no time in letting her have my arrows, it shut her up! Found them all to be selfish, controlling, manioulative, held grudges, calulating, little empathy towards others. I was cohabitating with one under her suggestion and without a thought (being a male & feeling totally cloud 9 to be asked), I experienced a life changing event. I let her Stew in her own poop made it worst. The normally outgoing sign can become isolated, and may binge-eat or become too lethargic to do anything. If they are only pretending to be brilliant, there's no way they will capture my attention beyond the first sentence, as they are bland and phoney, and I simply will not respect them. im sorry manipulative, insecure to the point where they compete with their friends(trying to outshine me and gets moody cos it doesnt work), full of lies.. attention seeking. The thing I don't like is how they can gossip VERY negatively about people (behind their back) but talk in their "sweet tones" and are charming and complimentary to you in person -- that you may not know that the Libra IS the source of the negative and/or false rumors. This funk can have lasting effects until a Capricorn really gets back to their old self. Why loyalty. He will talk to you for hours about anything. She wrote many books, you should read one of them. We can seem very listlessdifficult to make definitive decisions and standards that are near impossible to reach for those in our livesand the world in general. We have been doing that since 1989 to 2004 we did hookup a few times before 1996 none since then no longer felt right. Libras may also do this because they want to be liked and accepted by thoe around them. Especially those of you who have been in relationships with 2 or 3 Libras in a row, are you crazy or just looking to make yourself miserable. So heres my opinion on us (Librans.). Likewise, when Libras initiate a split, they often lead with agreeable, ambiguous language (for instance, Libras would rather "take a break" than "break up"). there was no pleasing her no matter what i did. Libra women, when sad or upset, often find that their behaviors betray their emotional turmoil. Modern men do not hide their emotions. With that infinite patience also come a storm brewing inside that once boils over will look something like the Dark Phoenix rising to burn the earth to nothing. So it depends on the individual Libra guy and his particular situation. LIBRA: Libra tends to swallow their anger and sadness. A lot of Librans a prone to having gallstones, kidney and dental problems. Virgo Man Not Texting Back: What Do I Do? I was a fool sheltering her from all her accusers but they were actually right all along. This just says a lot. Sometimes physicall abuse they dont care if your 3 or 95but when they know if anyone else finds out they can get in trouble they know how make them shut up before they even think about it. They often hide whatever thoughts they have in their minds because they want the people around them to accept and like them. Lolz, I think your Sun might be among those Scorpio stars. But that is a learned thing. This can harm their relationship with others. Caregivers who mask their own emotions can also reinforce the idea that you should do the same . They become more serious and tense, less tolerant, and are plagued with feelings of worry when thinking about the future. Then he would get mad insanely mad when ignored. Unfortunately, some people are selfish, insensitive, and don't know how to value a sincere person like myself. Libras are known to hide their real feelings in order to avoid conflicts with the people around them. Whoever wrote thiswrote it in a condescending way towards libraswhat is there zodiac? They need someone to talk to about their problems, in order to help them navigate life. However if we recognize triggers - then it stands to reason that we can develop better coping mechanisms. Born Oct. 2, 1869, this photo was taken about 1929. I was married to a Leo before with Virgo tendencies and was totally miserable. Let him ask a few questions that were way out of line before lost my temper & told him to plz back the hell off. I honestly think they smell it. As long as you are not looking for clear advice or decision making, 4) When we love, we love with every part of our heart, we are absolutely ready to drop anything and everything for you. The stereotype that portrays us like a sweet candy floss and charming lucky charms is so misleading. I see a lot of my dark traits right there. They will go to great lengths to achieve it, but those lengths depend on that particular Libra. Keep it light and simple. Dark-side Librans ignore or hush up reports of pain or unpleasantness and fool themselves that things they don't acknowledge didn't happen. Cancer is often emotional, needy, and will even cry after insignificant events, even if they see how silly they were acting after the fact. (2) I didn't have to work (I had investment income). me, me, me..lie. They can't believe us about her. ( I'm an aquarius.) But that's a 1 way thing. Finally, to our regret, years later we gave up and let the kids go since she was ruining our and their lives in the process of her severe selfishness. Not friends, lovers, wife or husbands, especially not your confidante. Libras aren't always recognized for being sensitive. Then found out he had suffered a bad injury. People try to tap into that vulnerability and "twist the knife" unless I hide it from them. Like the diet sodas they love, negative Librans are artificially sweet. She has a lot of planets in Leo. Knowing of her as a libra, I'd expect her to make negotiations and try to change things to her liking, but I'm usually the one having to do that. I stupidly had them pegged as pacifists, harmless COULD I BE MORE WRONG? Undoubtedly, they are much easier than the older generation, succumb to feelings. I'm going to be very honest, I was pretty ruthless with my ex wife, especially in the latter part of our marriage. As a typical Libran male, I am well aware of my faults. The other two Libras were two different guys at my college who literally went 20 miles out of their way to pursue me (and later stalked) me after I rejected them, ended communications. And I suspect that he would sexually rape his ex-wife little sister when she was about 10 y/o and I was about 14, but then I never had any proofs of it nor she ever said anything about it, like I myself never did say a word with fear, when I was being raped for all those nights. What makes worse about him is that he is double faced and people can only see his bright side, that he is helpful to people, he helps my sister financially, he cares about my parents and is looking after them. Leo isn't one to hide their feelings, so they usually display their stress openly. Second thought about this subjectwe all have negative traits, can't have the positive without the negative. Boy was I so wrong and regretted holding on for so long. 1.) I ended up feeling hurt and confused because I saw the signs that said he didnt want to be with me but kept pursuing anyways. OH YEAHHH The'yre some sexy bad azzes. They can feel like they are no longer in control of their life, so they can start being more impulsive, blind with rage, and even fail to get worked up about their normal habits something that usually keeps them sane. You may want to look in the mirror first. But do love a tennis match with a Libra! They are so gracious and generous that friends are shocked when they first see Libra throw a tantrum, or realize that Libra told a lie. I guarantee there was as much yelling in his home as there is in every Libra home. I strongly dislike negativity and conflict. They may share common general characteristics but that's it. Do Libras Hide Their Emotions? Oops Mr. Libra "forgot" his wallet at his apartment (he insisted I come in so I would have to sit in a hot car) clever way to get a female in a Libra males apartment. Hello, i am a libra woman Oct 16th, so kinda right there in the middle and i wont lie and say i wasnt offended by this article bc yes! I also appreciate the creativity of this author by portraying Libra's negative image since I was really bored of those charming and peaceful stories about Libras ..cheers and peace. She avoided me like the plague, lol. They don't do petty gossip; instead, they pride themselves on being a person people can confide in. If you make the point to be present in her life, then she will appreciate the support that you are offering her. I once got angry at one of my siblings and I zoned out while I was close to their neck to chock them. In fact she spent a good time saying she expected to speak to my partner, but in a very roundabout way! Lets not forget Vladimir putin ffs! Visit SAMHSA's website, or call 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or 1-800-273-TALK (8255). There are Librans whom I both like and despise for this quality, depending on what they've got to say. However, it is possible that they do not feel that her behaviors are purposefully harmful. I completely agree with this. Are looking for the meaning of life, the chronically lazy and manipulate the environment to work for them. We lie bc we love people so much that we hate seeing any sadness in them, and also to protect ourselves from the evil and hurt of the world. He can be flirty but is seldom emotional. We will love to the ends of time and to our very detriment and will give chance after chance after chance to prove your self. I used to believe a long term childhood freind was my true freind. They are the most hypocritical people, will never hear the truth from them. Hard to believe? Hehe. I will never approach you or talk to you because I already gotten more than a 1k people that you know and I know on my side. Dont tell libras your secrets or anything. And sometimes I just make fun of people- for instance if they make racist comments and I'm just having a beer on Sunday night, instead of punching them in the face I get this attitude of smiling from ear to ear, looking them straight in the eye and and making them feel like shit. This might take some time, but once you go to yourself first for consolation and try some introspection, you can learn how to manage your emotions around others and even figure out what makes you feel better in times of stress or sadness, helping you bounce back quicker and better than ever. Libras are the nicest people of all the signs until you rub us the wrong way. Often, they can feel hopeless, but they. What The. I am a only child also raised by a Libra mother. But he would always appear out of the blue and say things like everything happens for a reason. Those born on cusps etc, may be very different than the normal Libra. Break out of your shell and be the life of the party. (Mr. Libra perceived that as "popular"). trying to be frends with my friends cos she doesnt have any.. she wud sit in the room with her guys.. when they leave she comes and sits in the room where im relaxing with my frends. Mr. Libra 2 was buying me gifts, showing up at my house (uninvited) and sent me a message saying he "Loved me with every fiber of his being"! seems the guys dont stay very long wonder why . Candice NY from NYC on December 02, 2018: Libras are great as long as you keep it superficial. Cutting corners and working smarter not harder is their catchphrase. every sign has a dark side but a libra??? Curse you Libra for messing men's life everywhere you go. Try to spend plenty of quality time with your Libra because they value one-on-one time and often aren't happy being alone. Simply with using second person nouns such as "You can," and "You should.". I cant speak for every libra but i know I hate myself everyday and wish i were never born bc of how i can be, i especially should've never been reckless and had children to carry my guilt. I had a friend (we are both libras) she was a thieth she stole a couple of pens and a notebook in school and when i asked her why she did that she told me infrond of my face that ive stolen from her too (witch i did not) she said such big lies for her grades that i cant stand it any more . I put it together that all this DRAMA and out-of-the blue nonsensical conflicts always seemed to connect back to Mr. Libra 2, He was always the mutual link. Then two years passed and her excuse was "I was going through it mentally and didn't want you to deal with my shit" Umm what are friends for?? We are the balance of all of the signsthe only sign in all the Zodiac that can bridge the void between each sign and become the great arbitrator of the cosmos (Sound grandiose and pompous..welcome to the world of Libra..but..we all also know it's true ;) ). I was married to a Virgo woman, one who heavily did the virgo thing which is pessimistically driven to chastise and be judgmental to the end. The one I know best is so selfish, vindictive that she doesn't care who's life she ruins while in the process of getting what she wants. How can two people who are different yet the same say the same thing about me? Being a person people can confide in ruling sign Gemini and as a typical Libran MALE I! Upset, often find that their behaviors betray their emotional turmoil being sad can make them easier to enrage,! Knife '' unless I hide it from them in her life, then she become., sweet, helpfulbut then they seem to turn on a higher level and learn about.. Not harder is their catchphrase her Stew in her own poop made it Worst persuade! Cant make a concrete decision to save their life his home as there is in every home... That portrays us like a sweet candy floss and charming lucky charms is so much more hurtful than being.... Dark side but a Libra and she 's like me but diffrent removes! 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