advantages and disadvantages of clinical supervision in education

MARGIE: Betty, as you know, I'm beginning to wind down my career and am looking forward to retirement in 2 years. Staff Guest Posts The most common models are the traditional model, the mentorship model, and the peer consultation model. BILL: I'll provide you with as much background in substance abuse treatment as I can and also try to help you develop as a social worker to meet your career goals. First, I have six sponsees. It's working really well for you. That's a good start. KATE: In the future, perhaps we can make suggestions to administrators on how we'd prefer the process and communication to flow. Help the counselor to allay clients' anxiety or concerns by coaching the counselor through methods for presenting the direct observation methods to the client. Pay me now or pay me later. The choice is up to you. Having a good personality can range from having good self-esteem, having a need for achievement and success, to organization skills. Master Supervisor Note: At this point Stan might: Use her solution in a dialog to expand the context so she can generalize the solution to other situations she may encounter. GLORIA: So you see the value of implementing an EBP approach such as MI as long as it stays close to our 12-Step roots. If we reduced that burnout through supervision, we'd keep them here longer, and their treatment of clients would improve. Surely more than the time we're investing in their training. Observation was very helpful to me. I've been in the field for a long time, and I know what works is my relationship with people. In this conversation, they can explore the purpose of the lesson, the strategies they will use to teach it, and how they will assess what they want students to learn. Given his emphasis on billable hours and reducing nonreimbursable activities, Ella knows that introducing these changes in the agency will not be easy, but she comes to Jonathan with her plan for supervision, asking for his endorsement. Try refreshing the page, or contact customer support. `:IRZnF#~h/-*B2Ji,SFub/g<55z1hD7fWWu1\1q7M$Owh{CzdeRM+ ,y>p2 S[3]d4+LOvSH. So, what do you think you need to do now? I hope that distinction is clear for you. It is agency policy to promote from within whenever possible. Supervision is an invaluable resource for any clinician. When teachers begin to question their own choices, the children will begin to see that and act accordingly., The only reason I did this, was because my principal knew I needed help and wanted for the students to learn, but also for me to grow. [Bill and Jan set the time for the next supervision session and discuss what is expected for the next session and end the discussion with both excited about the process.]. The coaching can involve observations, or any other work the pair do together to improve the teaching practices of the mentee. When the supervisee and supervisor share the same orientation, modeling is maximized as the supervisor teaches-and theory is more integrated into training. A huge disadvantage for her was a continuous trend of employee dissatisfaction. Essentials of Contemporary Management. LARRY: So you're convinced this is a good thing? From the discussion of being angry at clients who continue to drink, Juanita becomes aware that the sessions she has cancelled with clients were all with drinking men.]. In this vignette, a counselor has been promoted from within a work group to a supervisor position over the counselors she worked with as a peer. Does that mean I can't go? She is bilingual, understands the stresses and cultural dynamics faced by recent Central American immigrants living in the United States, works well with female clients, and gets along well with other staff. Learning a new strategy requires training, mentoring, and coaching. Protecting and advocating for supervisees, defending them to senior administrators and buffering them from rapid changes. May 2018 You can discuss clinical matters and casework in retrospect, helping to enhance your skills for future practice. Act, then reflect again later on the decision. June 2022 In this chapter, through vignettes, you will meet eight clinical supervisors with a variety of skill levels, a number of their supervisees, and an administrator. Many staff have settled into their ways of doing counseling and might take time to adjust to receiving clinical supervision and make noticeable improvements in their skills. I met with Gene and Susan [the agency director] about ten days ago and expressed an interest in applying for the position. To demonstrate how to establish a supportive supervisory relationship and build rapport. We need to be mindful of those boundaries just because of the closeness of our community. Advantages and types of Motivation. In what ways do you wish to grow professionally? ELOISE: Yes, but she just stops by when she's here. Data analysis is the process of looking at instructional data, such as assessments or observations, to discover patterns that can be addressed by refining the teaching strategy. I'm not sure where to begin or even what I need. To describe the benefits and rationale of clinical supervision. Perhaps we can discuss that relationship and the impact of seeing her outside the agency at functions. Perhaps we can discuss what's ahead for you. The success of peer group supervision is affected by supervisees' varying commitment and irregular attendance. May 2020 Prevents stress and burnout. This will give you time to schedule the observation. The following are steps to ethical decisionmaking: Recognize the ethical issues by asking whether there is potentially something harmful personally, professionally, or clinically. Remember, no method of observation should ever exceed the client's level of comfort so as to be detrimental to the therapeutic process. The supervisors also have issues of their own. And you're going to do this without spending any money? No, we would not be doing this simply for money. But the courses only gave brief reference as to how to work with and supervise counselors who last week were her peers. If the teacher and students parents have not developed a good rapport, this too may affect language diversity in schools. Members must agree on the time, location, and frequency of meetings, as well as the organizational structure and goals of the meetings and limits of confidentiality. Jackie would talk about who she was, her model of supervision, and why this work was important to her. We've spoken about that together, how tired we can become. If it's OK, I'd like to return to the earlier question about whether you have any thoughts about what you want from our supervision together. I like that I get to try new things. Discussing this material in supervision, in reference to clients in treatment. Listen reflectively to these concerns without being dismissive or ignoring the anxiety; noting that these feelings are common may help normalize the counselor's concerns. March 2017 Evidence from systematic reviews and more recent empirical studies of the benefits of supervision in other professions include greater job satisfaction, professional development and the ability to cope with job . It would, in effect, run the risk of making the decision for Eloise, rather than helping her come to an ethical decision on her own. A lack of shared understanding to the purpose of the supervision, and a lack of ongoing support and engagement from leadership and organisations were also found to be barriers to effective clinical supervision. There are other areas that I'd also like to be more proficient in, such as doing marriage and family counseling. Below are some examples of the benefits that supervision can have for your professional practice. Master Supervisor Note: It would be easy for Kate at this point to triangulate the communication, making Gene and Susan the bad guys. However, Kate skillfully identifies Maggie's feelings, provides self-reflection on how she'd feel if in a similar situation, without polarizing the process and the others involved. Get the facts. I also think that an important part of developing a professional identity is receiving coaching from an experienced person, and perhaps Margaret can assist in that area too. [A discussion follows when they discuss the training system, who might serve as a consultant for the advanced training, and how the coding system works and can be incorporated into the clinical supervision system. JAN: I have a beginning understanding of the type of supervisor you are. However, if you are a clinician, consider seeking out clinical supervision to help you improve your practice. The terms clinical supervisor and clinical supervision are often used in reference to the training and education of student clinicians, recognizing that supervision is part of the training and education process. [Bill provides an overview of his work, academic experiences, and primary model of counseling and supervision.]. BETTY: Oh, that scares me a bit. When I see her and how hard she's working, it inspires me because I know that struggle. She has taught in K-12 for more than 15 years, and higher education for ten years. It's sounding like money. You can also search online directories such as the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapys Find a Supervisor tool. Advantages. [A discussion follows about what will happen in supervision when Walt presents his case.]. What will that cost? She had limited substance abuse treatment experience in a field work placement and sees her current employment as a stepping stone to private practice after she receives her social work license. At first I hated being observed and taped. He would be direct but not necessarily confrontational. He responds in a supportive but direct manner, as you will see. January 2018 This will help the mentee recognize any patterns in the data. We all learn from watching each other work, finding new ways of dealing with clinical issues. The rewards for fulfillment of the contract (such as clinical privileging or increased compensation). ATTC Leadership Institute ( And, there are many resources available to help you find the right supervisor. This is not to condone unethical behavior but to be mindful of cultural issues as they affect the context of counseling. ELOISE: Well, she goes to the women's AA meeting that I go to. JAN: In my second year I was at an EAP clinic. . Supervisors or managers must have good qualities, be responsible for many things, and be able to set a good example for several groups of people. Master Supervisor Note: One of the most effective ways to lead is by example. The goal of our supervision time is to help you to be the best counselor possible. What do you think? Yes, we find ourselves in situations that potentially have a dual quality to them. If you are looking for more guidance and feedback, the traditional model may be right for you. All rights reserved. STAN: I understand the dilemma we find ourselves in as counselors. [Laughter.] April 2017 I'd like to know a bit about you. First, the experienced teacher and their mentee or student teacher meet for a pre-observation conference. Copyright 2022 MantraCare Corporation | All Rights Reserved. (Glickman, Gordon and Ross-Gordon, 2014, p. 254) A solution for that would be scheduling common preparation time during the school day. JONATHAN: Wow, I'm impressed. This will allow Margaret to develop her supervision skills. BETTY: I don't know. A Level 2 supervisor might get into an argument about the quality of counselors at the agency. I'd benefit from your reflections. We want to be responsive to your needs, not just impose something on you. What action most respects the rights of all parties? The vignette addresses the necessary systems of mentorship that can be involved, what ought to be in Betty's IDP, and the coaching Margie will provide to Betty. The EAP referral is to address personal life issues that are not the concern of her employer. Although some immediate results will be seen, long-term results can best be measured over the long term. JAN: Will I be criticized by others, perhaps those without as much formal training as I have? To demonstrate how to help an employee get the help necessary to address personal (nonwork-related) life problems that affect the work environment. Counselors should briefly explore client concerns about taping and observation, and respect their right not to be observed. January 2021 One grapples with the challenges of a new position, and another works to create a legacy. Although I must admit, she does remind me of myself when I was in early recovery. Several of my clients were alcoholics, my first introduction to substance abuse. ELLA: If we support them further, they could do an even better job. Let's go back to the videotape and discuss what else is happening in the session. Without that endorsement, supervision systems will not be successful. So, there are several things that I think are important for us to consider today. It's been very challenging developing plans with them and encouraging their attendance and working with their treatment plans on a more active level because I'm definitely sensing the resistance. To understand the resistance and impediments in the field to the implementation of EBPs. These are important issues for you to address in your own personal counseling and therapy. People have a high regard for her clinical skills. Despite its numerous advantages which supervisors have it has several limitations when it is used. Alicia reminds me of myself when I was in early recovery. That's unprofessional. %PDF-1.5 A supervisor needs to have a good personality to influence their behavior and approach to manage people and resources. You can find more information about our expectations and requirements for registration renewal on our CPD webpages here. At the training, I learned of a system where a supervisor would spend about 3 hours a week supervising her counselors. Can you tell me what she was like and what she did that made her a good supervisor? STAN: I agree. I like the idea of talking to others and getting their impressions of the process and their suggestions on how to best make it work. In the past month, Juanita has come late to work on a number of occasions and missed several client appointments. Maybe we can return to the training issue you raised earlier. STAN: This is difficult for you. December 2017 Let me check it out to see if I am being clear.. MELISSA: Well, Juanita, I'm sorry you have to cope with all that's going on, but I don't feel you need to apologize for anything last week. I hope we can work out a plan to help you get the help you need and also be sure that the pressures you are experiencing don't spill over into your work with clients. Format. Choose a supervisor whose style matches your needs. It was great to read your blog. It can contribute to nation-building and reconciliation." Knowledge is power and with that knowledge you will not have the determination and ability to know how to fight for your rights and use what has been established before us. All Our relationships with the clients and each other are the most important because that's how we serve the clients. We have an excellent team and do good work. Maggie feels like she has a voice in the process and feels listened to and understood. Clinical supervision can be defined as a collaborative relationship between an experienced professional, known as the supervisor, and someone who is receiving or has received services. The following elements might be included: The purpose, goals, and objectives of supervision. What do you think? I think your misgivings will go away after a couple of sessions with Walt. The goal is to make the counselor a better counselor. Clinical supervision is a So, what is it you're suggesting? Linda had also described that supervising for so long over several years' time, it becomes second-nature to oneself. The session ends with an agreement to begin writing an IDP and decide on the next steps for their mentorship. She also has a managerial style that needs to soften a bit. Very quickly, though, I really saw the benefits of observation and learned a lot from the experience. [The vignette picks up with the beginning of the next clinical supervisory session.]. It's been fun for this last year. What helps is to be with a group of sober men. When you present a case, we all grow and benefit. I'll call the EAP this afternoon. Perhaps you could tell that board that if we can retain a staff member for 612 months longer, we'll save the agency far more than you've invested in supervision. You care very deeply for her. The term clinical supervision, in this context, was borrowed from the medical profession and has since become what's used to describe the practice of experienced teachers coaching younger, inexperienced teachers to improve their ability to teach in a classroom setting. I'd like to hear how it is different with Alicia. Classroom management is crucial, and can definitely make a difference in-between a well ran room and a chaotic classroom. The criteria and methods of evaluation and outcome measures. Do you think they would also be willing to help Jorge if he is willing to come with me? A supervisor should be supplied with full information and knowledge on all matters affecting the working of his work unit. MELISSA: And I appreciate that, and I want you to know that I value your work. That's what's important to me. We'll meet as a group for supervision for an hour a week, and we'll discuss the session that was videotaped or observed that week, with one of you leading the discussion. MAGGIE: I appreciate your listening to my venting and I think you understand how I'm feeling. The first time, maybe I could sit in when you're working on a case that you have confidence about so we can see how you accomplish the session's goals. She pops in just to say hi, for not more than 5 minutes. Instead, acknowledge to staff that this is new, that you have things to learn, and that, with their assistance, you can work as a team. We have money in the budget for training. The support you receive from your fellow coworkers is key in an education workforce. But that turns counseling into a sterile activity, and we're detached and removed from their pain. Clinical supervision can also support you. Jaime and I work well together. KATE: Yes, Kevin, it seems strange for me too, I have to admit. It may be helpful to begin with the idea that observation gives us a chance to learn from each other. Then you can move into a discussion about the benefits and cost-effectiveness of certain observation methods. [Bill and Jan continue to discuss her experience with supervision, what worked best, what she found most useful and supportive.]. To illustrate the mentoring, coaching, and educational functions of supervision. I'd ask that you read it and next time we meet, if we concur, I'd like a written statement from you endorsing the plan. [Melissa and Juanita continue to discuss some of her cases and her efforts to work with more challenging clients. I have a list of upcoming training events. She explains that in the restaurant business, you most likely will not ever have the same schedule from one week to the next. Would that help us all feel more comfortable with an EBP? Get unlimited access to over 84,000 lessons. Effectiveness and supervisee enjoyment diminish when competitiveness, criticism, inconsistency of members, and absence of support are prevalent. My clients need decent jobs and to be accepted as Latino men being sober in their community. endstream endobj 110 0 obj <>stream [Laughing.] Observe how the supervisor must address the counselor's job performance, provide emotional support for the counselor, and, at the same time, not get involved in the counselor's personal life. And why this work was important to her should ever exceed the client 's level comfort. With me efforts to work on a number of occasions and missed client... Gives us a chance to learn from each other work the advantages and disadvantages of clinical supervision in education do together to improve teaching! You 're suggesting model, the experienced teacher and students parents have not a... Year I was in early recovery from within whenever possible do together to improve the practices... From their pain seeing her outside the agency director ] about ten days ago and expressed an interest in for. 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