university of michigan dearborn electrical engineering curriculum

This course introduces important theory and modern technology in robot vision. Monochrome and color vision in man and machines, image quantization edge detection, image enhancement, image restoration, color analysis and processing, multispectral image processing, texture analysis, image coding and compression, morphology, geometrical image modifications. Design circuits such as switching circuits, power suppliers, amplifiers, oscillators, non-linear circuits. Permission of instructor required. ECE566 Mechatronics 3 Credit Hours. *An asterisk denotes that a course may be taken concurrently. Programming concepts for DSP processors such as addressing, instruction set, execution control, pipelining, parallel processing and peripherals are discussed. (F,YR), ECE5545 Sec. Topics relating to Software Development for engineering applications will be discussed. Students cannot take both ECE428 and ECE528 for degree credit. Various hardware and software aspects will be introduces, with particular emphasis on the constraints intrinsic to such system. ECE650 Info Theory in Elec Comm 3 Credit Hours. Students will gain understanding of the language, formalism, and methods of pattern recognition. Semiconductors. VHDL and commercial CAD packages for VLSI design. In addition, the student will learn how to perform computer simulations of various statistical and neural network models, and learn how to select appropriate model parameters, such as network architecture, hidden layer size, and learning rate. Exempted courses must be replaced with ECE courses from within the degree program. Three lecture hours per week. Three lecture hours per week. Prior to enrollment, a project proposal must be prepared and approved by the instructor and department chair. The goal of this course is to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, issues, solutions, and state-of-the-art research and best practices pertaining to the cyber-security of the modern power grids, also known as "smart power grids". Students may complete the professional elective in several ways: (1) Elect the thesis ECE 699 (6 hours) to work under the supervision of a faculty advisor, (2) Take direct study by ECE 591 (3 credits), and one EE courses at graduate level, (3) take two EE courses listed in II. Students desiring admission to the program must have earned a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and/or Computer Engineering with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. II. These are partial lists and will be expanded and updated from time to time. Mathematical representation of digital control systems; z-transform and difference equations; classical and state space methods of analysis and design; direct digital control of industrial processes. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE514 VLSI Design 3 Credit Hours. The Electrical Engineering program is also offered online throughCECS Online. The study of intelligent vehicle systems includes system architectures, sensors, and algorithms. (YR), ECE554 Embedded Systems 3 Credit Hours, Survey of real time, sampled data systems and embedded applications, e.g. This course is intended to expose students to fundamentals of security primitives specific to CPSs and to apply them to a broad range of current and future security challenges that such systems are facing. major in ECE is an applied research-oriented doctoral degree designed to address the growing needs of industry for engineering professionals with advanced knowledge, technical skills, and the ability to conduct high quality applied research in electrical and computer engineering. Analysis of layout and the design of subsystems. Part of the coursework involves a project concerning the analysis and design of a multimedia-based system. Review semiconductor circuit elements in detail to model devices for circuit analysis. Three lecture hours per week. Multi-tasking. This course will give students an introduction to power electronics technology, such as converter analysis and design. These may include data structures, algorithm complexity, personal software development process, team software process, Six sigma, DFSS, software techniques, software engineering application, and software design. ECE679 Adv Intelligent Sys 3 Credit Hours. 3135935498 (Work) . Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2102 +1 (734) 647-7000 . Algorithms and methods for video and audio processing and effects will be reviewed. Representative topics include: Intelligent systems design, training and evaluation, decision trees, Bayesian learning, reinforcement learning. Students desiring admission to the program must have earned a Bachelor's degree in Electrical and/or Computer Engineering with an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher. Orcid identifier 0000-0001-6591-8515. Part of the coursework involves a project concerning the analysis and design of a multimedia-based system. Additional cognate options may be approved by the ECE department. This course introduces the architectural fundamentals and features of programmable digital signal processors. Mechatronics, as an engineering discipline, is the synergistic combination of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, control engineering, and computer science, all integrated through the design process. Impact of modern materials on commercial product performance; representative illustrations from product areas such as automotive vehicles, commercial aircraft, recreational equipment, and electronic products. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, ECE614 Ctrl Networks for Embedded Sys 3 Credit Hours. Study of automotive sensory requirements; types of sensors; available sensors and future needs. Take any two Additional ECE courses at the graduate level. Three lecture hours per week. Pipelining, vector processing, and array processing techniques. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE695 Master's Project 3 Credit Hours. Integrated circuit processing, bonding and packaging. The course will cover topics such as advances in Internet, wireless communications and sensor networks, wireless networked control systems, vehicular networks, smart grid, cloud computing, multimedia networking, and network security. Students are expected to earn a B or better in every graduate course to be credited toward the degree requirements, however, a maximum of two grades of B- will be accepted. Computer control of machines and processes. Respected. Numeric representations and arithmetic concepts are discussed, which include fixed-point and floating-point representation of numbers, native data word width, and IEE-754 floating-point representation. ECE553 Sftware/Hrdware Rapid Protyp 3 Credit Hours, Rapid prototyping technology is primarily aimed at reducing the lead times and costs associated with new product development. Curriculum requirement sheets and sample course sequences are available through the Office of Advising and Academic Success. Review of probability and random variables. This course (1) includes communication models for monitoring and controlling the electrical system, specific legacy protocols and modern approaches, such as IEC 61850, and (2) covers introductory topics in cyber-physical systems (CPSs) security for power grids. (W). The following are suggested specializations. ECE5121 Mod & Des of Electrnic Cir&Sys 3 Credit Hours. Team oriented course project to provide hands-on experience may be required. Three lecture hours per week. A basic introduction to modern wireless communication principles and architectures. Robotic systems other than manipulators will be introduced at the end of this course. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer ScienceCan enroll if Major is Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Information Sys Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, ECE615 Advanced Power Electronics 3 Credit Hours. EECS 351: Digital Signal Processing and Analysis. University of Michigan--Dearborn Engineering School Overview Dearborn, MI Explore Map The College of Engineering and Computer Science at University of Michigan--Dearborn has a rolling. The course will cover computer simulations of various neural network models and simulations. Students cannot take both ECE415 and ECE5425 for degree credit. Formal models of operating systems. With 9 top-ten engineering departments in a university with 95 top-ranked programs, we offer you thousands of opportunities to make a difference in the world. Example topics include DC, induction, synchronous and reluctance drives; industrial and residential application of power electronics; practical aspects of design of power electronics devices including heat sink and magnetic components designs. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE552 Fuzzy Systems 3 Credit Hours. Impactful Research: Building on $50M of research, EE faculty and students are leaders in transferring technology from the lab to real-world products impacting sustainability, communication and information systems, security, computers, and more. Lecture and assignment topics include embedded software architectures and modular software frameworks for robotics, modern computer hardware, robot perception and embedded image processing, automatic code generation from higher level modeling languages (such as MATLAB and Simulink), deployment considerations, as well as other selected advanced topics. (F,W,S), ECE980 Pre-Cand Dissertation Research 1 to 9 Credit Hours, Full Title: Pre-Candidate Dissertation Research Layered techniques in operating systems. Students whose undergraduate background is in a field other than Electrical or Computer Engineering may be given conditional admission and required to take preparatory courses in electrical and/or computer engineering. Effect of tolerances of circuit elements on the performance of the circuit behavior will be analyzed. This course covers advanced technologies in power electronics with emphasis on hybrid vehicle and renewable applications. Channel models, signal generation and reception are explored. Topics include signals and data transmission, modulation, encoding, and public carriers and network architectures; data link network layer, and transport layer protocols; case studies of existing and emerging networks; wireless, embedded, and conventional wired systems. The Master of Science in Human-Centered Design and Engineering requires a minimum of 31 graduate credit hours. The course covers such topics innovative multimedia interfaces, design ethics, psychological principles, cognitive models, interaction principles, requirements analysis, project management, I/O devices, standards and styles guides, and visual design principles. Thus, the data sets, performance requirements, operational environment, and need for reliability and robustness necessitate a different approach to network design. The degree is offered with a concentration area in either Data Science and Machine Learning (DS/ML), Autonomous systems (AS), or Microelectronics and Integrated Circuits (MI). Three lectures hours per week. 4901 Evergreen Road. Three lectures hours per week. The ECE Department offers an evening program of 30 credit hours, leading to the degree of Master of Science in Engineering (Electrical Engineering). Three lecture hours per week. digital controllers, diagnostic systems. Detroit, Michigan, United States. The course objectives are to familiarize the students with the basic concepts of electromechanical energy conversion and electric drive systems. The basics of digital audio will be covered, including sampling, quantization, and compression standards. (F,W,S), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is or DoctorateCan enroll if Major is, ECE990 Doctoral Dissertation 1 to 9 Credit Hours, Full Title: Doctoral Dissertation Research All projects must be undertaken with one or more students under the supervision of the instructor. ECE576 Information Engineering 3 Credit Hours. The course will focus on intelligent systems in solving complex problems. Students seeking transfer credit must abide by the criteria for transferring credit for masters programs as outlined on the Request for Graduate Transfer Credit application and in accordance with the campuss Transfer Credit Policy. Students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in every semester. Essential facts about the UM Dearborn BS in Electrical Engineeringprogram: Average salary of grads, cost, average debt load, and more. Three lecture hours per week. This course covers selected topics in applied mathematics useful in science and engineering fields, including: solution of linear equations, polynomial interpolation and approximation, solution of nonlinear equations, roots of polynomials, resultants, approximation by orthogonal functions (includes Fourier series), ordinary differential equations, optimization, calculus of variations, probability and stochastic processes, computational geometry, and differential geometry. For each subsytem, the discussion includes relevant methods for understanding and constructing the model of the environment or planning and controlling the motion of the robot. This course will introduce students to multimedia design tools for dynamic media (video and audio). (F), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Rackham or Graduate or Doctorate or Can enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE618 Advanced Grid Protection 3 Credit Hours. ECE5831 Pat Rec & Neural Netwks 3 Credit Hours. Project oriented course. The following are suggested specializations. (F), ECE555 Stochastic Processes 3 Credit Hours. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Level is Rackham or Graduate, ECE525 Multimedia Data Stor & Retr 3 Credit Hours. Information engineering applications will be discussed. General Curriculum Requirements and Sample Course Sequences Electrical Engineering Core Curriculum Chart Electrical and Computer Engineering 2050 - Institute for Advanced Vehicle Systems Building 4901 Evergreen Road Dearborn, MI 48128 View on Map Phone: 313-593-5420 Office Hours Sunday: Closed Monday: 9:00 am-5:00 pm Students cannot receive credit for both ECE4881 and ECE588. ECE586 Digital Image Processing 3 Credit Hours. Three lecture hours per week. EECS at Michigan Established. Introduction to linear spaces and operators; mathematical description of multiple input-output systems; state variables and state transition matrix; controllability and observability and its application to irreducible realization of transfer function matrices; state variable estimation; controller synthesis by state feedback; stability of linear systems; analysis of composite systems. The course discussed the manufacturing of discrete components, integrated circuits, hybrid circuits and modules, advances packages, printed circuit boards, optical components, and MEMS products. In consultation with a faculty advisor a student will prepare a proposal describing the work to be performed for approval by the department. Models and relevant parameters of display technologies (video and printer) will be discussed. VLSI computer structures. ECE587 Sel Top:Image Proc/Mach Vision 3 Credit Hours. Three lecture hours per week. . Orcid identifier 0000-0001-6591-8515. The electrical engineering program prepares a student to select from a broad range of career possibilities in design, development, manufacturing, sales, administration, and research. Please confirm your cognate course selections with the ECE Department, via e-mail, prior to registering. A cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher is required in order to be eligible to receive the MSE (EE) degree. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Rackham or GraduateCan enroll if Major is Software Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Mechanical Engineering, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, ECE505 Intro to Embedded Systems 3 Credit Hours. Core Courses (Select 3 courses from the following), Specialization Courses (Select 3 courses from the following lists). In addition, students must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher in every semester. The course will cover topics such as electrified powertrain configurations. Self guided lab assignments. The course introduces the fundamentals of speech processing using digital signal processing methods and techniques. Selected examples include applications such as voltage regulators and battery chargers. ECE516 Electronic Materials & IC Proc 3 Credit Hours. Machine sensing and diagnostic systems. Three lecture hours per week. Topics include active safety system architecture, enabling technologies for such systems, and future directions. Topics will include basic flight principles of fixed-wing and rotary-wing aircraft, inertial representations in 3D space, the principles of Bayesian state estimation, visual odometry, path planning, and autonomous navigation. These embedded control networks differ from information technology (IT) networks in that the primary users are not humans, but sensors, actuators, and embedded processors. Three lecture hours per week. This class includes assignments to reinforce learning and uses industry leading edge hardware to simulate control and monitoring of real world scenarios. Term project. Review of discrete-time signals and systems, introduction of discrete-time random signals and variables, linear signal models, nonparametric power spectrum estimation, least-squares filtering and prediction, signal modeling and parametric spectral estimation, selected topics. Then, theoretical methods for analyzing the kinematic and dynamic properties of a mobile robot are discussed, followed by the discussion on the key subsystems of a mobile robot, including perception, localization, planning and control. Control will include the classic PID control, position and force control, and trajectory tracking. Topics include statistical signal processing, multi-rate systems, bank of filter design, multi-resolution formation of wavelet, the discrete wavelet transform, wavelet-based digital signal processing. In terms of technical and engineering issues, students will learn basic data analysis techniques and computer programming tools. These include an introduction to CMOS circuits, their characterization and performance estimation. Coverage of the next generation of active automotive safety systems including intelligent cruise control, lane departure warning, virtual camber, and back-up and blind spot warning systems. The majority of these techniques are heavily based on probabilistic reasoning and optimization-two areas with wide applicability in intelligent robotic systems. Students will work with various tools and techniques used by attackers to compromise active as well as passive sensors. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Software Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, ECE5791 Vehicle Power Management 3 Credit Hours. A list of faculty advisors for the MSE-Electrical Engineering program is provided below. ECE569 Computer-Based Automation 3 Credit Hours. Elect the thesis ECE 699 (6 credits) to work under the supervision of a faculty advisor; Take direct study by ECE 591 (3 credits), and one ECE course at the graduate level; Complete ECE 505 and ECE 510 as directed by ECE Department if undergraduate degree is not in Electrical Engineering/Computer Engineering disciplines; Take two additional ECE courses at the graduate level. Data flow computers. (W), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Graduate or Rackham or DoctorateCan enroll if College is Engineering and Computer Science, ECE646 Adv Elec Drive Transportation 3 Credit Hours. Source models and source coding, channel and channel models, information measure, mutual information and entropy, coding for discrete sources such as variable-length codes and optimum variable-length encoding procedure, discrete memoryless channels and capacity, techniques for coding and decoding such as parity-check codes, cyclic codes, and Hamming codes, quantization and error analysis, coding techniques such as DPCM, run-length coding, sub-band coding, transform coding. The topics covered in this course include DC machines, permanent magnet AC machines, induction machines, and switched reluctance motors and drives. (W), ECE578 Advanced Operating Systems 3 Credit Hours. Advanced techniques and uses in operating system design. The student will submit a report on the project and give an oral presentation to a panel of faculty members at the close of the term. automatic code generation from higher level modeling languages such as MATLAB and Simulink, and working with single-board computers and digital signal processors (DSP). A high level-overview of different types of mobile robots is presented first. Three lecture hours per week. In terms of business, students will learn how to identify customer needs and think like an entrepreneur. Design of real time systems. EECS 373: Introduction to Embedded System Design ( video overview) EECS 381: Object-Oriented and Advanced Programming. Previous undergraduate or graduate coursework deemed substantially similar to MSE core courses may qualify to exempt students from those core courses. Three lecture hours per week. (YR), This course covers two major aspects of humanoid robots, locomotion and manipulation. ECE 5121 Modeling & Design of Elec Cir. The University of Michigan, Dearborn campus operates one main suburban campus with an estimated land size of just over 200 acres along with the subordinating Fairlane Campus containing the Fairlane Center North (FCN) and the Fairlane Center South (FCS) amongst a few other buildings. ECE517 Adv Pwr Electrncs&Motor Drvs 3 Credit Hours. (YR), ECE5541 Embedded Networks 3 Credit Hours. This course addresses the analysis and design of discrete time signals and systems. Operating systems for parallel architectures. Topics include cyberspaces, techniques for generating virtual worlds in engineering applications, building blocks of virtual environments including hardware and software. 1080 - Administration Building. Theoretical aspects and algebraic structure of sequential machines. Graduate students electing the thesis option, working under the general supervision of a member of the department faculty, are expected to plan and carry out the work themselves. The program may be completed entirely on campus, entirely online, or through a combination of on-campus and online courses. . ECE560 Modern Control Theory 3 Credit Hours. Topics include multidimensional signal analysis methodologies, signal representation, 2-D FIR filter, 2-D recursive systems and IIR filters, spectral estimation and methods, multidimensional signal restoration applications in 2-D and 3-D image processing, reconstruction, and feature estimation. Distributed operating systems. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Mechanical Engineering, Computer & Information Science, Electrical Engineering, ECE691 Adv Directed Studies 1 to 3 Credit Hours. A team-based term project may be required. ), Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCannot enroll if Major is Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, ECE512 Analog Filter Design 3 Credit Hours. The degree-seeking graduate application for Summer 2023 will close at 11:59 PM EST on April 19. Applications of PR. BS in Electrical Engineering at University Of Michigan Dearborn 2023: Check Course Fees, Eligibility, Application Deadline for Electrical Engineering at University Of Michigan Dearborn (UM Dearborn) at Yocket. architectures, real-time principles and concerns, sensor and actuator interfacing, PIO feedback This course will introduce students to design tools for multimedia systems. Introduction to the fundamental concepts of data mining including data exploration, pre-and post-processing, OLAP, predictive modeling, association analysis, and clustering. Basic concepts of digital video will be reviewed, such as resolution and compression standards. A project will be required. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Level is Doctorate or Rackham or Graduate or Can enroll if Major is Computer & Information Science, Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Mechanical Engineering, Automotive Systems Engineering, Electrical Engineering, ECE5422 Grid Protection 3 Credit Hours. The D.Eng. The University of Michigan is open to prospective students from all walks of life, and we're glad you're considering us. Embedded specification and design techniques. Prerequisite(s): (ECE570 and ECE5701) or CIS 627, ECE675 Computer Architecture II 3 Credit Hours. A special topics course providing an in-depth examination of one or several areas in image processing and/or machine vision. Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Student at the University of Michigan-Dearborn | Learn more about Hussein Hazime's work experience, education, connections & more by visiting their profile on . Failure mechanisms and interconnect lifetime prediction. ECE537 Data Mining 3 Credit Hours. Special projects for laboratory or library investigation with the intent of developing initiative and resourcefulness. Course work includes building up a SaaS project. The student will submit a report of the project and give an oral presentation to a panel of faculty members at the close of the term. programs. The purpose of this course is to let students get familiar with the traditional mathematical description of a robotic system and understand fundamental concepts and principles in robotics, to enable students to derive equations of motion for robotic systems, analyze their kinematic and dynamic properties, and design control strategies, and also to have students gain knowledge and experience about commonly-used robotic systems and mechanisms. The topics include: review of information measure; random process and vector description of signals and noise; optimum receiver principles; signaling alternatives; channel capacity; block and convolutional coding; waveform estimation concepts. Characterization of complete and incomplete machines, decomposition and state assignment problems. This course covers advanced topics in embedded systems in the context of modern robotics. Three lecture hours per week. Seek out a major that aligns with your interests and values through one of our engineering programs. This is a research seminar on advanced topics in intelligent systems. Random Variables using probability density and distribution functions, functions of a random variable, and conditional and joint probabilities. In terms of art and media, students will learn the basics of human perception, communication, and aesthetics. This course covers the EMC requirements and EMC test methods for large systems. Overview of embedded operating systems, cross-development techniques & tools. Three lecture hours per week. A strong foundation the theoretical principles and techniques from science, engineering, and mathematics needed for advanced engineering design and development. Introduction to modern digital computer logic. aerospace, maritime, vehicular, industrial) as an enabler of flexible and robust system design. Devices include diodes, bipolar junction transistors, MOSFETs and operational amplifiers. The student will learn how to mathematically pose the machine learning problems of function approximation/supervised learning, associative memory and self-organization, and analytically derive some well-known learning rules, including backprop. Three lecture hours per week. Projects can be faculty-generated, self-generated, and/or work related. Three lecture hours per week. Academic advising is primarily done by faculty advisors with expertise in the area and with the support of our knowledgeable graduate staff. Restriction(s): Can enroll if Class is GraduateCan enroll if Major is Mechanical Engineering, Industrial & Systems Engin, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering, ECE542 Intr to Pwr Mgmt & Reliability 3 Credit Hours. Students will be exposed to a broad range of advanced topics including power converter topologies; DC-DC, DC-AC, AC-DC and AC-AC power conversions; advanced power semiconductor devices; large-signal and small-signal modeling of power electronics converters; controller design; magnetic design; applications of power electronics in renewable energy and power systems; and computer simulation and modeling. Sampling, quantization, and switched reluctance motors and drives is also offered throughCECS. Course addresses the analysis and design and with the ECE department understanding of the coursework a. 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