ssrc idrf acceptance rate

Powered by Invision Community. Fellowship amounts vary depending on the research plan, with a per-fellowship average of $20,000. The only exception seems have to been the previous inauguration year, when they reached out on 01/28. Alright who's gonna reach out to Pam and ask for an update? Best of luck to you! Nigerias 2023 Elections: Which Way Democracy? 04/27 - Usually they send decisions out last week of April / early May. Thank you for sharing. Based on the reviewers' comments, it looks like my language training and having multiple in-country supervisors and institutional affiliations were decisive. 6/2; received notification of acceptance at 4:23pm est. However, between first and second round, my portal displayed "Finalist Submission" under the tab "Needs Attention" before I received a transcript request via email. I guess we shouldn't expect anything until the end of the month or September? (I've never created a page before, so please fix if I did something wrong or left something out), I know that it all IS a crapshoot, but things like this SHOULDN'T be a crapshoot, if you know what I mean:-) you're right though, applying widely and frequently is obviously the best way to improve chances of getting something eventually. Does anyone know when the results will be sent out? What the fuck are we supposed to make of this? Complete all PhD requirements except on-site research by the time the fellowship begins. I personally got messages from my POIs about their budget related issue. My school's fellowship office had conflicting information about Fulbright award timelines (they told me that it was guaranteed that I would hear "by the end of the week" and then I actually didn't hear for several weeks). Finally! WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Zpi Ssrc For Abu Carbon Handle 85Mm Between Knob Shafts /Management Ap3861/62 at the best online prices at eBay! 3/22 Received email to check review. x2. ^Much appreciated! As I said, I was told we would find out this week, and as of Friday 2:30PM CST there are still no answers. The acceptance rate is 40% this year, so congrats to all the winners. The IDRF program expects fellows to remain at their research site (s) for the full nine- to twelve-month funding period. Good to know I guess! At least people in future years will now know what date to expect their rejection letters (hah). -E, [4/12] Congratulations! 3/22 Rejected. SSRC IDRF 2021 SSRC IDRF 2021. The rest have presumably made it to the review panel, the dates for which were April 13 and 14. Hear us SSRC!! Web2022 International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) Competition Create a New Account Your Information First Name Last Name Email Address Phone Number Address Home Address Street Address Line 2 City Country State / Province Zip / Postal Code University or Institutional Affiliation Institution nothing for me as well. My "review result" link is still there, but the language has changed a little bit. Based on previous years, we should know by the end of today (usually released on Tuesday or Wednesday of the second week in April). Don't know if i 5/7 ^ ugh, same. So, it seems like we have a good chance of hearing back this week, perhaps Th 3/18 or F 3/19. Good luck, everyone! (4/13) Campus coordinator told me that results come in anytime between June and September which seems crazy to me. As part of the 20th anniversary series, the IDRF staff speaks with 2006 International Dissertation Research Fellowship recipient Ahmed El Shamsy. ^^^^ (7/1) The year I won, I think I heard in September, then it took until November for them to release the funds and start the grant clock. I have another offer that I can accept with another grant, but I don't know if the CMA allows for any funding in addition to their grant. Has anyone else heard from Dartmouth? Anyone else? ^^A rumor I heard was that there are about ~200 finalists, and then ~60 are receipients. WebI am a historian of modern Vietnam with research interests in nationalism, decolonization, state-formation, and civil war. But thanks and good luck with any other fellowships you applied for! 4/4 I called their number today; an automated system said that the committee would meet on April 12, and if we don't receive an email on that day, we were not selected. 2/2 Just heard that I was an alternate. ^It's not just you, I'm pretty sure they've removed the link from the website until the next application round. 2/24 rejected! Trying to weigh my options. I haven't heard anything (applied to both Lauder and History of Art and VC). 4/14 - Informed of acceptance via email. To clarify, did you apply for the one year research grant or a short term grant? Last year I received my rejection email on Feb 10 but it had been written on the 2nd. Last year, acceptance/ rejection letters were sent on April 8th I think. Do they just announce winners on Twitter or Facebook and assume that those who didnt hear anything will learn about it (eventually) through the same channel? I find the politics of then interesting. WebDoctoral candidates can receive between $8,000 and $15,000; Postdoctoral researchers can receive between $10,000 and $18,000 toward research-related expenses. (5/9) Siobhan Mattison is the director of the bio anth program. (I was one of the x2 above who applied), When was the last edit on your application? I would assume they are being done over the course of two days as per years past, though you never know. Mine was edited early in the morning (like 1am) May 1st as well, so imagine whoever was working on them did so into the night. Good luck everyone. To the person who received a rejection: did you receive it via a standardized email or did someone from the Morgan reach out informally? Mailing Address: P.O. 1/26: Usually it's by the end of the first week in Feb, though sometimes has been as late as mid/late February. A similar conversation about the review results link is happening over at gradcafe:, 03/22 6:30AM MST - Not awarded (Biology- Dissertation). ^ Mine also says submission. Submitted on 1/24, originally had the March 18th edit too, last edit was May 3rd (1:41 PDT). My last edit was yesterday. You never know! 1/29 I suppose I should come to terms with the reality of rejection, but hope springs eternal. And then you get asked for transcripts if you're being considered but not top of list. 4/14 -- I still haven't heard anything from Marquette. The IDRF welcomes proposals from full-time graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who are enrolled in Ph.D. programs in the 8 April - still no word re: Getty postdoc, has anyone heard anything one way or the other? Do all universities find out the results at the same time? Just received my rejection email too. The Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) offers six to twelve months of support to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic The first submission and the finalist submission when I submitted my transcripts. Only open to students at California universities this year. Perhaps our applications are going through one final round of review? Checking my email every 5 mins ^ Hopefully today, but I wouldn't expect it until the late afternoon! Thanks for telling us. Each caucus (e.g. It disappeared today though and my application is now current. Then its back to the grind. So I would presume we may hear anytime now, since the intent form went out much earlier this year. I can't for the life of me navigate back to it after last checking it a couple weeks ago. ^Nope. The year I applied, there were 105 points possible (with discipline and language priorities, both of which I had) and I won with 101. WebThe SSRC IDRF is rightly known for supporting interdisciplinary and humanistic social science inquiry that is global in its remit, and local in its focus. I was pretty sure that after getting the intent form we wouldn't have to wait too long, but that doesn't seem to be the case (8/21) I applied a few years back (pre-COVID) and we filled out the intent form in early August (around the 10th) and heard the results on October 1. One reviewer provided thoughtful feedback. The GradCafe Last year they announced somewhat late (June 8), but it seems customary to announce on June 1/2 most years. -N, 4/12 I also asked my advisors to mail me sealed letters. Their website now states, "Incomplete and ineligible applicants will be informed of their status by December 2020. Award period. Applied: Pre-Columbian Studies, Pre-Columbian Studies (archaeology) (10/24), 5/13: Received notification of shortlist for interview on June 8, 03/08: Was scoping out previous posts and some said third Friday of March, so looks like we might be getting a bit closer to hearing back! ^ History! But there will be no application this fall or thereafter. 3/18: Like many of you, the "review result" link appeared yesterday. Just saw that today, don't know why I didn't notice it at the time. I'm also trying not to get my hopes up. Final notices will go out by May 1 still crossing my fingerS. Has anyone heard about Wyeth? (4/9). Is anyone else on the waitlist? For clarity, if you applied this year, you can still win funding. No word yet on my end. (I know in previous years they offered around ~70 fellowships but this year it's been cut to ~60 - no idea about how many apps in the last tier). Will keep this space updated. The fellowship includes participation in an SSRC-funded interdisciplinary workshop upon the completion of IDRF-funded research. Congratulations for the finalists! Good luck! I know we probably won't hear til March, but a boy can dream 2/10 The thing that formerly said "SIFP" on my app in the SOLAA portal has now been updated to "SAAM" -- anyone else? 5/3-Not sure if anyone else has seen changes in their application. Drawing Institute staff make final recommendations to the Director of the Morgan Library & Museum who reviews and approves awards." I'm hoping my timeline has no bearing on yours. ^^^^ My application for the Lauder also shows as "under review" as of 2/4. Application information was never posted to Frick site/CAA/AAM etc. Everyone I know who applied last year received their rejection or acceptance emails by Thursday Feb 8th, so I'm feeling a bit pessimistic. 4/7 I know the application form said we would hear by the end of March. The SSRC is an independent, international, nonprofit organization. I didn't receive one, app listed as pending. Maybe something like this is happening right now. Request for transcripts received at 12:07pm ET on 2/5 (and on 2/4 my portal displayed "Finalist Submission" under the tab "Needs Attention," as others have reported). Also rejected. I had to ask my advisors to mail sealed letters of rec to my address way in advance; is this what everyone else did too? I think they just want to make sure applicants are still interested and eligible before they make first-choice and alternate offers. One reviewer did not provide any comment. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. where can you see that? (2/9) If SSRC IDRF admins read this thread - in the future please be merciful and send out transcript requests the same day as rejections, even if it means sending both out later than usual. (2/8). HI everyone! I received a request for official transcripts just now (Feb 5, 2021), and upon logging in to the SSRC web-site, it indicates that I am So much for feedback: We received your inquiry regarding information about your application to the 2022 International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) competition. Anyone else? 2/16 Thank you for sharing part of your letter! Received notification of award 4/12 around 3 EST, 4/12: Fellowship awardee (received 3:19pm) (x2), 4/12: Fellowship awardee (received 3:17pm ET) (x3). 6/2- No news at all? 2/15: Anyone receive a rejection letter/email yet? Just looked at the new application (deadline Nov 1) and the question that asked how we have revised our proposals based on previous feedback is gone (for those who have applied before) - anyone else seeing this or am I doing something wrong? For those familiar with the review process, any idea if transcript requests sent out todayare after the first review tier (abstract/three responses) or second (complete proposal)? Gook Luck everybody! Review results will be available one to two weeks after the review." Anyone heard anything at all? Academic Jobs Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. I've also used the Twitter search function and no one has posted that they got it. They are really dragging this one out! ^^I also had the message change like yours. I know they send out notices later than others, but has anyone heard anything yet? It would be nice to tell us the results in a more straightforward way:(. Basically, are there more considerations than just the points? 2/11 yes it's usually both by email and mail. Does it looks the same on your side? Prizes are awarded for the best single photo, the best self-portrait, and best photo essay following a. -I have the same feeling. Hope it means we'll know something soon! 2/16 I applied this year and also haven't heard anything yet. I can't help but think that someone out there is tinkering with the link language just to chuckle and watch the panic level on this forum shoot through the roof. (4/27). The IDRF program expects fellows to remain at their research site(s) for the full six- to twelve-month funding period. (Told myself July) Some other grants allow you to accept multiple ones as long as you aren't double-dipping, like if you got Mellon ACLS and Fulbright you could accept both so long as you didn't use money to pay for the same things (i.e., divide into housing, research, travel, expenses.) Now I have a new project as a postdoc and was finally accepted. 4/5 Rejection. WebModule 1 Exercises. From previous years, all applicants will receive an email regardless of whether you're a finalist or not. Rejected. The Mellon foundation has stopped funding the program. How did you request feedback? Free shipping for many products! I figured both programs would get notified sometime this week, but now its looking likely it will be next week. Congrats to the finalists! Btw, there is 60 fellowships this season ^idk about this, esp. Would you be willing to share whether you are History of Art & Visual Culture applicants or one of the other fellowships? I can no longer log into my application portal, either (that's been true for awhile). Based on previous years, we should know by the end of today (usually released on Tuesday or Wednesday of the second week in April). It's been radio silence for me since February. 6/25 - same as the person above. 2/9: That's odd. It's really good to know. ^Yes, my portal was showing 'Finalist Submission' and I received the request. Congrats to those who received better news! Unfortunately, [2022 Guide], Why Chemical Engineering? 5/27 - I also haven't heard anything from them directly. Any idea if it happens for people to decline the fellowship? And on the portal it says "process completed." 2/9 I applied to Art History/Visual Culture and haven't heard a peep yet! (2/4). I imagine we'll hear back by Friday at the latest. On the other hand, maybe they havent sent notification emails because these decisions havent been finalized yet and the ones that still says submission havent yet been updated. No official letter of acceptance yet but I think this is good news. no updates (1/24) same (1/26) same (1/28). Thats why its best to arrange your application using that points explainer like a checklist. SSRC IDRF application round 2021 (figured I'd make a new one since we only have 2020..) zkasim2; 1 Link to comment Share on other sites. Any sense of how many alternates they choose? No full-year awardees. If possible, could you let us know what they say in case they reply to your email inquiring about the status? 1/26: Anyone have any idea when decisions might be coming? Due to budget constraints they could only fund 15 4-month HSS fellowships. 2/2 Yep. 2/25: Still no word. Onwards! WebFind many great new & used options and get the best deals for Zpi Ssrc For Abu Carbon Handle 85Mm Between Knob Shafts /Management Ap3861/62 at the best online prices at eBay! 5/12 - They've had a delay but should have notifications to successful candidates by the end of the month. Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to hear back anything ^ 1/27 ^? Anyone have any news on HSS? - Something tells me we won't be hearing today either:( But fingers crossed, and good luck, all! Is anyone holding out hope? alternates? Postdoctoral - applied on 12/1. Your email address will not be published. Anyone hear anything? I just accepted the fellowship and was notified 4/13. Received interview invitations from WC and SR in mid April. Proposals on non-US topics that identify the United States as a case for comparative inquiry are welcome. Isn't that much later than usual? 4/14, >To the poster above, how do you know about last update? Feeling demoralized but only going to give myself 24 hours to mop. Will check and report back. (2/9) Anyone have an idea how many applications make it to the final tier? Oh I sure hope so! Really hoping for this week either way, as I have to finalize budgets for fieldwork asap. ^Yeah, my guess is acceptances are already out, and we're all rejections? 3/13: Sorry to hear that you didn't get it. 4-5 Has anyone heard back about this fellowship? Its odd as last year they sent out all these reminder emails and what not along the way. It seems very late! The email announcing the award was titled "International Dissertation Research Fellowship" and the first line of the email was "Congratulations!" --Just wondering if anyone out there knows some stats on this fellowship, like how many have applied in the past, and how many awards are granted ---This year it looks like they will offer approximately 36 diss and 70 predoc fellowships. I wish I knew more! Is there any change in the application portal for anyone? Can someone say what their rejection letter said? I still haven't heard anything (I got a rejection on 04/27 last year). This panel considered 73 proposals. Good luck to all! 3/23 A solid reminder of how much of a medicore scholar I am. Maybe they emailed people last week who won and are waiting till this week to send out rejections? Rejected via email at 5:04 pm ET. I've never heard of anyone getting the fellowship who did not get a transcript request. -V, 4/23 Congratulations! 2/27: for 2021-2022? Is this good, bad?? This year it was crickets.I guess COVID discouraged many from applying. Applicants who have completed significant funded dissertation research in one country by the start of their proposed IDRF research may be ineligible to apply to the IDRF to extend research time in the same country. Coffee Snob The fellowship includes participation in an SSRC-funded interdisciplinary workshop upon the completion of IDRF-funded research. (SAAM) x2. , 4/12 I also asked my advisors to mail me sealed letters interests in nationalism decolonization... My email every 5 mins ^ Hopefully today, but I think is. There are about ~200 finalists, and best photo essay following a btw, there is fellowships... Since the intent form went out much earlier this year, so congrats to the... Been as late as mid/late February ) Siobhan Mattison is the director of the 20th series! 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Have n't heard anything from Marquette research plan, with a per-fellowship average of $ 20,000 fall or....

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