psalm 73 sermon illustration

Study Psalm 73 using Charles H. Spurgeon's Treasury of David to better understand Scripture with full outline and verse meaning. He said these people mock at God (:8). So dont cave in to your doubts. In every fiber I rebelled. Consequently, the way of the wicked looks like a viable alternative way to live.24. WHEN a man is sick, everybody knows what is good for him. They are utterly swept away by sudden terrors.. In this strategic location the poem examines one of the most complex and perplexing problems for believers: the prosperity of the wicked and the suffering of the righteous.6 In this struggle Psalm 73 summarizes, according to McCann, the basic lesson that readers should have learned in their meditating on Psalms 1-72, namely, that happiness or goodness has less to do with material prosperity than with the assurance of Gods sustaining presence amidst suffering.7. Thats a good word for some of us. Consequently, the solution of the psalmists heart-rending problem transcends human wisdom. The first correction concerns the fate of the wicked in verses 18-20, which is introduced with the emphatic particle surely. In somber language he describes at length what was already introduced in summary fashion in Psalm 1:6b.34 Unlike Psalm 1:6b, however, God is directly involved in their destruction. His faith was tested and he almost fell away. It's all backwards." ", Can you connect with any of these feelings? The connection with Psalm 24:4 suggests that functionally verse 1 is not a proverbial statement,16 nor exactly a brief reiteration of the torah piety of Psalm 1,17 but, instead, an asseveration of Gods justice that is formally similar to Psalms 25:8 and 92:15 (cf. As Psalms 1-2 introduces Book I of the Psalter, so Psalm 73 functions as the thematic introduction of Book III (Ps 73-89),1 a collection of psalms that is dominated by communal lament psalms.2 In this position Psalm 73 intentionally echoes important themes from Psalms 1-2. As Brueggemann rightly notes, this summary is not a condemnation of the wicked. To help us, we will turn to the Psalms, where the raw emotions of real people who just hit the wall are expressed, and where deep reservoirs of truth are found that can help you through. Her senior year she was having a great season, when in the first half of a game, she blew out her knee again, ending her career at OU. But we have to put ourselves in the position where God can speak to us, by opening His word each day and reading it. God, I'm getting a raw deal! Job was a righteous man who lost all his children, his possessions, and his health. 3 Our God approaches, and he is not silent. 1, 28) form an inclusio and frame within which the painful experience of the poet is unfolded. Certainly God is good to Israel, and to those whose motives are pure ( Psalm 73:1 ). And for all eternity, we will know that was worth it all, in the end, to serve God, no matter what we suffered here on this earth. Most of us can probably think of a time we were glad we DIDNT say or do something I remember one time I wrote a comment on Facebook that really tore into someone but I just hit the delete key instead and wiped the whole thing out. Their prosperity is only temporary. Envy had poisoned him and had powerful effects on him. In the NT Jesus says dont cause one of these little ones to stumble that means dont do anything that might cause someone to be lost.) Such a condition is contrary to the basic belief that God rewards the good with good. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); A Southern Baptist pastor for almost 35 years, I currently serve as Senior Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Angleton, Texas, and post my weekly sermons on this site, as well as a brief overview for Sunday School teachers of the weekly Lifeway "Explore the Bible" lesson. As a dream when one awaketh; so, O Lord, when thou awakest, thou shalt despise their image. Their eyes swell out through fatness; their hearts overflow with follies. 173.] Browse by letter: A. Sermon illustrations can be the tie that binds the text of God's word to the heart of the individual listening. NASB (UPDATED) TEXT: 73:1-9 1 Surely God is good to Israel, To those who are pure in heart! 7. 1. Bring your troubles, bring your questions, bring your doubts to God. For the psalmist worship and economics were not separated. Asaph realized that if he went public with his inner struggles, letting his cynicism and anger out in words, he would become a tool of Satan's for the ruin of God's people. But it wasnt just that he came to God; God actually SHOWED him something specific that helped him: he says in :17, Then I perceived their end. He says God showed me not just what the present state of these wicked people is, but what their END is going to be. But if they did, they were foolish. Sermon. He didn't pretend everything was okay. Baptist, So there I am. (Nik Ripken, the author of the video were going to watch the next several Wednesday nights, was like that. And then, in worship, he renews his relationship in praise: Yet I am always with you; You hold me by my right hand. A sermon should underscore, to borrow from the title of Robert Davidson excellent commentary, the vitality of worship. According to verse 16, human rationality could not explain the perplexing problem of why good things happen to bad people and why bad things happen to good people.62 Only the communal experience (vs. 15) in the sanctuary of God provided the necessary perspective to resolve the psalmists crisis of faith (vs. 17). As a result, their speech is arrogant and they threaten oppression (vs. 8). Once again he is able to see life from the perspective of eternity and his confidence and contentment in God are restored. We'll see that they don't necessarily sync up very well. Before you bail out on God, Asaph wants you to sit with him and learn from his experiences. Scripture: Psalm 73. But in worship we see from God's infinite perspective. They enjoy their sin for a time, perhaps from a human perspective for a lifetime. And is there knowledge with the Most High? He says these people are basically spitting at God and getting away with it! Last October it all came crashing down, with a New York Times investigation, and complaints by dozens of his victims. But Peter answered and said to Him, Lord, to whom shall we go? We're sorry, an error occurred. There is a lesson we know as YOUNG CHICKEN LITTLE I have read how YOUNG CHICKEN LITTLE throws his whole small town into a great panic CHICKEN LITTLE CLAIMED THE SKY WAS FALLING IN This must be the end of the world. Asaphs Faltering Faith (A Man-Oriented Perspective) (73:1-3), They speak with arrogance and gain a following (vs. 8-10), Summary: The lives of the wicked are easy and prosperous (vs. 12), Asaphs Restored Faith (A God-Oriented Perspective) (73:18-28), 2023 Southern Hills Baptist Church - Round Rock, Texas, Southern Hills is a family of believers who exist to glorify God by helping people experience life change through the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Psalm 73: Remembering the Truth in Times of Doubt. These godless people, they live on easy street! 2. Listen to his words in v. 16-17: "When I tried to understand all this, it was oppressive to me till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny." They help us put words to our doubts and frustrations, but at the same time they give us reminders of the help and hope we have in God. He says, the wicked people are succeeding, and the righteous are being punished. The Argument of Psalm 1. When he had all those questions that were nagging him, he didnt run away from the house of God, he went TO the sanctuary of God. Job had questions like this, didnt he? June 08, 2017 The Psalms are in the Bible to give a us a full range of ways to approach God. All he could only see their immediate pleasure. Reorientation with Respect to Self (vv. They scoff and speak with malice; loftily they threate A key step in this process, of course, is to make the audience aware of the presence of Gods hand in their lives. The concluding verse, verse 28, summarizes the new vision the speaker obtained in verses 23-25 and, what is more important, it serves as a clearer definition of what it means that God is good to the pure in heart (vs. 1). In the end, it is these nailed hands that will receive us into glory, according to his promise: Oh the happiness of the pure in heart; they will see God (Mt 5:8). The negative moral evaluation and economic critique of verse 6 is intensified in the second part (vv. For more information, see ourPrivacy Policy. Psalms 73:20. Because they live at ease, therefore, according to verse 6, they are proud21 and violent. Asaph takes his raw deal to the right place and finds out that he didn't have it bad after all. Psalms 73:25-26. "God is good to the pure in heart'? v3 Some people had made themselves important. I tripping over something that just doesn't make sense! Verses 4-5 of the first part detail why the wicked enjoy shalom. But in the act of prayer I enter as it were into His presence. WHERE YOU STAND DETERMINES WHAT YOU SEE!. This raises a crucial question for the preacher: does the psalmist expect to live with God after death in verse 24b? Envy means "I want what you have." II. What do you do when with your theology clashes with reality? For example, my father recited the beautiful words of verses 24-25 of this psalm to my mother on August 27, 1945, just before she died. Survey respondents noted that temptations What is worse, according to verse 11, the wicked are very cavalier about God. Lying It IS going to end better it will probably end better even in this life, and it will certainly end better for her heaven. Perspective is God's gift to our inward sight, and with it we have a surefootedness to move ahead confidently as we live, learn, and labor. *Indicated Required Field See ourPrivacy Policy. Summary: To the ancient writers the word glory meant praise, splendor, brightness, majesty, honor and dignity. Harvey Weinstein was for many years one of the top producers in Hollywood. How they are destroyed in a moment! (LogOut/ Yet most people today have never heard of John Gill. Asaph was eaten up with it. Two weeks later, on January 29, authorities decided to truck the dead whale to a laboratory where they could do an autopsy. Introduction to Psalm 73: "Seeing Clearly in the Sanctuary". But despite his efforts to serve and honor God, his life was marked by difficulty. He says God is good; I know that . If Asaph had lived our century instead of his own, he might have been looking at the life of Hugh Hefner. 13-14) to praise of Gods handiwork (Gen 2:2).57 Now he speaks no longer as an ignorant beast; instead, through Gods guiding counsel he has now become a spiritually enlightened witness.58. . To help listeners who are struggling with unsettling doubts in their faith, therefore, a sermon should lead the audience step by step through the poets train of thought. In short, verse 27 declares that autonomy is a harlotry that does not work.54. Looking back, Im glad I didnt send it! When I read that story I wrote an article and sent it to the Oklahoma Baptist Messenger, which basically said that because Whitney Hand knows Jesus as her Lord & Savior, that that wasnt the end of the story for her. :17 If I had said, I will speak thus, behold I would have betrayed the generation of Your children. And that lead him to the fourth word we need to see in v. 3: envy. Listen to his confession in v. "I was envious of these openly wicked, loud-living sinners when I saw their God-blessed lives. This turning point consists of two important observations.25, First, according to verse 15, one important consideration that kept his feet from slipping from the faith was once and for all the generation of Gods children. Who put the screws to you? God is the Christian's inheritance as the light of his intellect. And through it all, he stayed real with God. Ps 30:7) recalls the word shalom in verse 3. But on the other hand, HE, who was trying to obey God and do what is right, has been stricken all day long, and chastened every morning.. I would urge you to follow his example, tracing the results your words and actions have on your family, friends, lost acquaintances, and church. ", Envy is the tendency to compare yourself with someone else in a way that leaves you feeling deprived. My God, my God; why have You forsaken me? Like David in Psalm 22 Psalm 73 tells the story of a godly man who felt his faith slipping away. Denomination: Methodist. This switch marks a major turning point in the poem. He was a faithful follower of God. In v. 4-12, he breaks down what he had observed. With an eternal perspective, everything looks different. Amen, and Amen ( Ps. So make the visit that Asaph made; put yourself in the place where God can speak to you about the issues of your life: be faithful in your church attendance; be faithful in your daily Bible reading. Some of us today, if we are honest, might say that we are troubled by some questions is our lives just like Asaph was. Based on this certainty the psalmist then proclaims that even though his health should fail, God is his Rock46 and portion.47 With respect to this confession of trust, Artur Weiser writes: Nowhere else in the Old Testament is the power of faith in God to master life so profoundly grasped in such purity and strength, nowhere so forcefully formulated, as in the nevertheless, uttered by faith, by which the poet of Psalm 73 commits himself to God.48. Yet over the years they bring steadfastness . I. Asaph might have looked at Hugh Hefner and said, Surely in vain I have kept my heart pure, and washed my hands in innocence. Why obey God if you can blatantly disobey His word like Hugh Hefner did, and seem to be blessed like that? Commentaries, Sermons, Illustrations, Devotionals. Behind every support specialist, Bible study editor, graphic designer, and accountant is a Sunday School teacher, kids volunteer, or small group leader. Psalm 25:2 E-Mail Challenge. In 21:17, Why do the wicked still live, continue on, also become very powerful? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. For all the day long I have been stricken and rebuked every morning" ( Psalms 73:13-14 ). I just know that suddenly, Asaph started paying attention, and his confusion deepened. What does he mean by this? He wrote, Why, but why should I bless Him? Because, according to verse 14, while the arrogant wicked are not plagued (vs. 5), the speaker is plagued constantly. Ever been gossiped about? It is good for me to draw near We have already seen that those who are far off shall perish; therefore, it is ill for them. It seemed to many people like he was just continuing to sin and get away with it. They aren't accomplishing anything. Psalm 73. Psalm 50:1-5 A psalm of Asaph. Let's look at Psalm 1 together for a few minutes. But she had great character; she worked hard and came back, and was an inspiration to many. He says, there are wicked people in the world, whom you would THINK God would be punishing, but instead they are not only not being punished, they are succeeding; they are prospering. Therefore, the speaker claims in verse 10 (the Hebrew text is difficult) that the wicked enjoy popularity and attract a crowd of people. Publisher's summary: Confraternities were the most common form of organized religious life in medieval and early modern Europe. In light of verse 25 and Psalm 49:15 we are of the opinion that it does.43. Four promises from God in this passage: 1. 24 You guide me with your counsel, and afterward you will take me into glory. The smell was almost unbearable. And what we'll see is that just when we think God is nowhere to be found, GOD IS CLOSER THAN YOU THINK. Asaph is struggling with the World and the people in it. God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him Learn more about Desiring God . He could see both God's judgment of sin as well as God's solution offered to sinners. Traffic was brought to a halt for hours. by Carl Bosma. If we are to defeat envy, we need to change our focus. Maybe Lazarus was tempted to give up HIS faith. There is no record that God ever rebuffs Job for being honest. Wicked emphasizes the guilt of those who are actively choosing that which is offensive to God. He found God again. Have you ever been betrayed? Your Bible study. Panic, Conclusions, Denomination: 23-26). As in Psalm 119:1-2, the repetition of beatitudes in Psalm 32 hammers home the theme of genuine happiness, but with a different twist. Psalm 73 begins with a unique affirmation of faith in verse 1 that functions as its basic premise, which is tested in verses 2-27 and marvelously reaffirmed in verse 28: Surely God is good to Israel,15 to those who are pure in heart. In addition to the important connections between Psalm 73 and Psalms 1 and 2, Psalm 73 also shares important themes with Psalm 34. 4-12; vv. From a canonical perspective Walter Brueggemann4 and J. Clinton McCann5 have argued that Psalm 73 stands at the theological center of the Psalter. But in the end, God allows Asaph to regain a proper perspective. 27-28) summarize the psalmists spiritual journey and especially the new vision that he gained in verses 18-20 and verses 23-26 in terms of the spatial image of far and near. This summary functions as the psalmists great reaffirmation of faith. Consider this godly guidance when you get a raw deal. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. While CHICKEN LITTLE was hit in the head by a piece If he had publicly told of his envious musings, he would have betrayed a generation of Gods children. 1855 Knollcrest Circle SE Grand Rapids, MI 49546-4402 USA But as for me, it is good to be near God. The challenge for the liturgist and preacher is to incorporate a critical reassessment of our culture in a pastorally sensitive manner. Fire devours everything in his way, and a great storm rages around . Featuring Jen Wilkin, Jennifer Rothschild, Kristi McLelland, and more! The Psalms, maybe more than any other part of the Bible, help us to explore the depths of our hearts. For this reason they do not fear divine retribution. Armed with a new perspective about God and this world, Asaph also sees himself clearly. In :11 he says they say: How does God know? read more, Scripture: To not be senseless and ignorant; like a beast before (God) as Asaph says in :22; To believe that it WILL end better for those who trust in the Lord and do good., You often hear people today say: Dont be on the wrong side of history. We hear that a lot from people today who believe that God and the Bible and fading away into history, and the future holds only the triumph of godless values. One of our daily Bible readings as we started off the year was the Book of Job. Reorientation with Respect to Gods Presence (vv. For I was envious of the boastful, When I saw the prosperity of the wicked. John Piper Sep 11, 2018. They simply assert that God Most High, the creator of heaven and earth (Gen 14:19), is totally oblivious to what happens on earth. Free shipping on books, Bibles, gifts, VBS, and church supplies of $50 or more. Asaph said as I looked around in the world, there were some things that bothered me. I want answers, God." But before he relates his personal experience (vv. It should be noted that the psalmists sobering moment begins, not in isolation, but as a member of a larger community to which he is accountable.26. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. More than anyone else he brought pornography into the public realm, and as one of his critics said, he basically bought and sold female flesh. Two of the words refer to the people he had been tracking. In language that recalls Psalm 24:4 (pure heart) and Psalm 26:6 (washed my hands in innocence), the poet asserts that his protestation of innocence in the lament ritual was completely in vain. 9. Video for Psalm 73: The title of this psalm ( A Psalm of Asaph) tells us that it was written by the great singer and musician of David and Solomon's era ( 1 Chronicles 15:17-19, 16:5-7, 25:6 ). Be like the disciples in John 6, when Jesus had told the crowds that had been following Him some difficult things about what it meant to believe, and everyone was leaving Him. God is big enough to take your anger, your pain, and your questions. 2 From Mount Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines in glorious radiance. Who did you in financially? 18-20). Truly God is good to Israel, To such as are pure in heart. Asaph was one of three directors who worked under King David. The opening statement that God is good to Israel, for example, recalls Psalm 34:8. Intro: One day, six blind men decided to go to the zoo.They hired a guide to tell them about all the exotic animals they couldn't see. It literally means peace with God such that your life is fulfilled, tranquil, and complete. In fact, in rather strong language, he acknowledges that he behaved as a brute beast38 with God. He goes on to describe their situation: (616) 526-6088, On the campus of Calvin University and Calvin Theological Seminary, See our related website, Zeteo Preaching and Worship. Therefore pride is their necklace; violence covers them as a garment. Asaph went to "church." He DIDNT but he said, he almost did. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. According to the twice repeated expression "Happy are those," in verses 1-2, divine forgiveness of sins is the gateway to happiness. Scripture: Psalm 73:21-26. Self-centeredness Envy is so common that God made it the subject of one of His 10 commandments: "Do not covet your neighbor's house. Instead, the wicked, now defined as those who live far from God in their actions and speech (vs. 11), will perish.52 By itself this crucial discovery in verse 26a seems to be based on wisdoms conduct and consequence principle that was already introduced in Psalm 1:6b: the way of the wicked self-destructs. Unlike Psalm 1:6b, however, the speaker attributes the destruction of the wicked directly to God in the parallel clause: you destroy (or silence) all who commit adultery (vs. 27b).53 This reappraisal assumes that the Lord is the Judge of the earth (Ps 94:1) and that it is God who will repay them for their injustice and that God, his stronghold and refuge (Ps 94:22), will destroy them (Ps 94:23). It wasnt right. be blessed man of god. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 73 Sermon Illustrations; Free Sermon Illustrations for Preaching : In Sermon Illustrations: "Psalm 73" showing 1-4 of 4 Filter Results Sort By. D. The book of Job and Psalm 37 deal with the same problem, but in this life; Psalm 73 deals with it in light of Matthew 25. Message. Thats like Asaph here. Verses 21-22 are a flashback on his traumatic experience reported in verses 2-16.36 In these verses he admits that when his heart and kidneys were poignantly disturbed (vs. 21) about the shalom of the wicked, he was stupid and lacked understanding (vs. 21ab).37 For all practical purposes, he confesses that his envy of the arrogant (vs. 3) was completely wrong. As long as Asaph tried to reason his way out of his troubled perception apart from God, he would hit his head against the wall. That is where we meet Asaph in Psalm 73. On either translation, it is the entry into Gods sanctuary that permits insight into the fate of the wicked. Others, however, claim that it is a song of thanksgiving by an individual. Envy it seemed to me a wearisome task. (This is) a psalm of *Asaph. An important step in this process is the recognition of the psalmists strident critique of the economic underpinnings of society in verses 4-11. Before you bail out on God, Asaph wants you to sit with him and learn from his experiences. Is it really worth it to serve God? 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most, In a recent survey in Discipleship Journal Magazine, readers reported that their greatest spiritual challenges came from We see from God in this passage: 1 ; she worked hard and came back Im. And Psalms 1 and 2, Psalm 73 tells the story of a godly man felt. And complete that bothered me in your details below or click an icon to log in: you commenting. 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