msg selection board 2021

Fax Material to Comm: (703) 784-9884 or DSN: 278-9884 12.a. Bays CH 5993/ 813/1PM Beaulieu JJ 6391/ 274/1JV See more ideas about funny birthday invitations, birthday invitations, invitations.Size: 5" x 7". Carrington J KE 8999/ 705/1ML Caughey PJ 8999/ 636/1NE 13.b.2.f. Hernandez LA 8999/ 581/V22 Hood MC 8999/ 810/1RV Amador JA 3537/ 92/15K Ambert MK 0231/ 36/1JA 0679 0679 0681 0681 0811 0869 Swenson SA 3044/ 736/015 Tallerico OR 6391/ 137/1JU REF H, MARADMIN 077/18, USMC OFFICER/ENLISTED PROMOTION BOARDS UPDATE MATERIAL SUBMISSION GUIDANCE. 7236 2 20160101 NA 20161201 20050620 20161201 NA 4. OMPF Document Submission Timelines. 13.a.2. 14. Refer to paragraph 3102.3 of reference (d). Marines are responsible for conducting an audit of their records per reference (l) prior to the convening date of a promotion selection board. 0521 0521 0629 0629 0639 0639 REF C IS MARADMIN 334/20, FORTH COMING CHANGES TO MCO 1400.32D, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS.// 0161 3 20160801 NA 20170701 NA NA NA The Marine must personally sign the cover letter. Meser CM 2691/ 767/1F5 Messina AB 5993/ 837/992 7242 4 20171101 NA 20181001 NA NA NA Commanders are authorized to locally extend Marines who receive a notification via MOL informing them that they are not in compliance with the obligated service requirement and will not be promoted to the next higher grade. Warrant officer selects who have not been appointed, Marines in the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program (MECEP) upon graduation of Officer Candidate School, Marines accepted in the Enlisted Commissioning Program (ECP), and Marines in the Navy Medical Enlisted Commissioning Program (NMECP) are eligible for noncompetitive consideration for promotion provided they meet all other eligibility requirements. Waller LG 8999/ 684/R00 Walsh Jr TM 8999/ 797/V31 Davis TJ 0372/ 380/1MP Decker Jr CA 6019/ 99/VM3 Davalos R 8999/ 686/999 Diaz Jr LA 8999/ 657/1NE SUBJ/FY 2021 GUNNERY SERGEANT SELECTION BOARD// 3. 15.a.1. 0869 20 20161001 20070319 20171001 20080107 20171001 20091019 I farm in Hardin County, where one of Summit Carbon's ethanol plant partners, Pine Lake Corn Processors LLC, is located. 0639 31 20160702 NA 20170601 20110808 20180101 20110404 3432 13 20170501 20090518 20180301 20100510 20181101 20110801 0629 50 20171001 20090209 20171101 20090518 20180602 20120103 Ramos JA 0321/ 31/SGP Ramosdiaz HO 0491/ 41/15E REF B IS MCO P1400.32D W/CH2, MARINE CORPS PROMOTION MANUAL, VOLUME 2, ENLISTED PROMOTIONS. Eligible Marines must be in compliance with the height/weight standards prescribed in reference (i). 0848 8 20160601 20080922 20170201 20080908 20180301 20090601 Hornsby TE 0111/ 472/092 Horton Jr HD 7011/ 191/128 Meyer RA 6019/ 119/1HK Miller Jr TM 0861/ 504/TIB Infante MA 0111/ 436/VFE Isaac SD 8412/ 314/928 REF/A/MSGID:MSG/CMC/191450ZDEC16// Sheedy PG 1833/ 682/19F Shipley Jr JW 3537/ 330/1Y5 This MARADMIN will be posted to the Promotion Branch web site. 6156 4 20141101 20030206 20151001 20050418 20151001 NA It is consistently one of the 10 most popular websites ranked by Similarweb and formerly Alexa; as of 2022, Wikipedia . 7041 9 20160501 20080708 20170301 NA 20180301 NA 4591 12 20171101 NA 20181001 20100920 20181201 NA Casto JW 4421/ 530/098 Castro DN 0491/ 563/15S 5954 5 20150301 NA 20170601 NA 20181201 NA Senior NCO promotion Sequence Number Reports and By Name lists for promotion to SFC, MSG, and SGM. Figure 3-4 of reference (d) contains the format for the request. 6314 1 20161101 20080708 20171101 20100104 20181001 20100517 Specific data elements include, but are not limited to Date Of Rank (DOR), Armed Forces Active Duty Base Date (AFADBD), PME, service schools, billet description, Primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS), IMOS, training scores, personal awards, assignment to and removal from the Body Composition Program (BCP), etc. Prettyman Jr BD 2891/ 285/1Y8 Prieto JE 8412/ 495/926 Marines who have made a lateral move and whose DOR and AFADBD place them in the above zone, but who have not been previously considered for selection in the promotion zone, will be considered in the promotion zone. Ensure any material sent to CMC (MMRP-20) for filing in the OMPF contains full name, grade, and the Electronic Data Interchange Personal Identifier (EDIPI). Rodriguez BD 8999/ 692/330 Rodriguez LJ 8999/ 422/193 xlsm file. Appointments for Marines listed in paragraph 3 will be issued to fill vacancies in the selected grade in the assigned order of seniority. Urbina E 1349/ 326/1RX Uruo A 0411/ 468/1C1 2651 8 20171201 20091019 20181101 NA 20181201 NA 6842 2 20151001 20010613 20160901 20030721 20170701 NA All considered NCOs will either be: Most Qualified (MQ); Distinctly annotated Full Qualified (FQ) Not Fully Qualified (NFQ); Name not included Quantico, VA 22134-5103 REF/E/MSGID: DOC/MMRP-30/1MAY2018// The above listed tentative zones are subject to change by virtue of ongoing grade-MOS structure changes and realignments. Thompson JM 6842/ 316/JAD Thompson Jr MR 0211/ 25/142 5993 6 20161201 NA 20171201 NA NA NA Valdez Jr GA 0699/ 585/012 Valencia MC 0411/ 788/121 7.a.11. Sberal JM 6019/ 78/1HM Scales RS 7242/ 514/1XG 5. Phavorachith AD 4821/ 604/1RV Phillips JS 0261/ 10/070 13. E-mail: 2651 2651 2862 2862 2874 2874 0451 2 20170501 20090713 20180101 20100315 20180101 20110808 Sundey SR 0321/ 49/1R3 Swan Jr A 3381/ 752/J78 6391 29 20150901 20000821 20160801 20020916 20170701 20000605 This will not be a discriminator nor disqualifier for selection and promotion. 1361 1 20161001 20060123 20171001 20090518 20171101 NA 6337 4 20171201 NA 20181001 NA NA NA 6672 22 20171001 20090526 20180101 NA 20181001 20110808 Personal correspondence Receipt Verification. Williams ME 6591/ 255/S6C Williams PA 5811/ 345/014 2131 3 20171001 20070710 20171001 NA NA NA Thomas CM 8999/ 755/1NL Thompson JA 8999/ 683/H79 Standridge BA 8999/ 419/U18 Surozenski RM 8999/ 560/VFE Questions regarding MOS allocations, zones, and AFADBD cutoffs should be addressed to CMC (MPP-20), DSN: 278-9361 or Comm: (703) 784-9361. 3381 32 20161001 20080818 20171201 NA 20181101 NA 6227 1 20151201 20060717 20160101 NA 20180101 NA 7051 7051 7212 7212 7236 7236 Dehaan WA 6019/ 97/VM5 Deitz BJ 0111/ 558/963 Lago J 2336/ 642/1K2 Lahmon Jr AD 2336/ 45/014 Promptly report any Marine eligible for this board who is the subject of completed disciplinary action (by military or civilian authorities) not previously reported on earlier fitness reports. 7051 9 20151101 NA 20170201 20040322 20171201 NA REF B, MARADMIN 521/14, UPDATED ENLISTED PME PROMOTION REQUIREMENTS BY GRADE AND ANNOUNCEMENT OF COMMAND-SPONSORED LCPL LEADERSHIP-ETHICS AND CAREER COURSE SEMINAR. 13.a.4. 6288 6288 6314 6314 6316 6316 0681 16 20151001 20060919 20171001 20080721 20181201 NA E-mail: Jones JS 8999/ 852/VHC Kern ST 8999/ 460/H76 Shannon IS 6019/ 106/143 Shaw GA 1371/ 367/152 Comm: (703) 784-9712/9713 or Caycho EB 0111/ 129/1YB Cervantes MI 0111/ 186/017 5. Records Management Section (MMRP-20). 5831 3 20160301 NA 20170201 20030121 20170201 20040607 Schaefer MA 8999/ 511/VMJ Sensing NM 8999/ 673/069 Ancona LR 8999/ 693/1CN Arellano CJ 8999/ 588/1Y2 8. Quantico VA 22134-5104 7.a.3. This message provides general information, eligibility, application requirements, and waivers for the Army's selection to the Enlisted to Medical Degree Preparatory Program (EMDP2). Norman SA 8999/ 507/193 Orozcocolorad JE 8999/ 608/1XC Martinez Jr E 3537/ 62/K46 Mason DG 1169/ 339/1EH Comm: (703) 784-9717/9719 or 2862 34 20151201 20060918 20161001 20070918 20170501 20090921 The AFADBD is not applicable for determining eligibility of those Marines whose DOR is earlier than the DOR listed. 6216 1 20170501 NA 20180601 NA 20181101 20111024 REF/L/MSGID: DOC/MIFD/14JUL2000// 4421 4421 4591 4591 4821 4821 0861 6 20150101 NA 20160301 NA 20170101 20050516 0261 1 20171201 NA 20180401 NA 20180601 20101025 Gonzalez JC 3152/ 403/1Y9 Gonzalez MD 3043/ 262/W04 2. Vonraesfeld TJ 0393/ 396/1GF Wagner BM 3043/ 158/15J phase-ix/2021/ selection post. COLUMN (A) COLUMN (B) COLUMN (A) COLUMN (B) COLUMN (A) COLUMN (B) Castro RA 8412/ 533/017 Catledge KA 0111/ 155/914 5953 2 20180101 NA 20180701 NA NA NA OMPF documents may also be mailed to CMC (MMRP-20). 3537 21 20160801 20020312 20160901 20030316 20160901 NA FIRST SERGEANT AND MASTER SERGEANT d. 12 July 2021: RC E-7 selection board convenes. Remind Marines to prepare for their board prior to deployment. 3152 2 20150801 NA 20161002 NA 20170701 NA 6046 4 20151001 20020326 20151001 20030824 20160801 20040112 Daniels JW 7236/ 448/1QH Davilmar N 5524/ 56/122 Marines who are selected in the incorrect IMOS by the board will be administratively deleted from the selection list and may rate remedial consideration for promotion in their correct MOS. Marines are personally responsible for ensuring CMC (MMPR-2) has physically received update material before 2359, EDT on 9 April 2021 and may verify receipt of the material sent to the President of the board via the Enlisted Promotions home page or by contacting CMC (MMPR-2). Tate III T 8999/ 754/1CN Tholen SJ 8999/ 803/19F If the EDIPI is not on the material, then the material may or may not be filed in the OMPF in time to go before the selection board. Paragraphs 3100.3 and 3602.5 of reference (d) apply. 6257 6257 6258 6258 6276 6276 Montreuil AS 3043/ 145/1CE Moody TJ 3381/ 331/137 Hernandez DR 0699/ 292/1RW Hernandez LC 0411/ 847/1ET MMRP will push the information to the digital board room. 6591 26 20161001 20080211 20171201 20090720 20181001 20100726 In accordance with reference (c), any Marine selected for promotion by the FY21 SgtMaj and MGySgt Selection board must have at least 24-months of obligated service remaining on contract. If a Marine is exonerated via the appeal process or by convening authority action, remedial promotion consideration may be granted upon request. 8. Hall DJ 0111/ 409/U80 Hammersmith PA 0111/ 411/V6A Beijing Sil Russell AD 3529/ 311/1SJ Russell JA 3381/ 593/139 Ensure the accuracy of data elements in MCTFS for those Marines eligible for promotion consideration regardless of zone. Montejano II FR 1833/ 615/KA1 Montgomery RM 7041/ 586/QBR Mecum JM 8412/ 353/987 Medina RA 0231/ 11/1JB Sill AJ 2181/ 467/1Y8 Simms JD 7212/ 821/1PR 6217 2 20150201 20050227 20150201 20061204 20151001 NA 12.e.1. Marines who are required to transfer to the FMCR due to declining Permanent Change of Station (PCS) orders, or who have declined to reenlist/extend to carry out PCS or Unit Deployment Program (UDP) orders, are not eligible for promotion consideration. 1711 10 20170401 20100222 20171101 NA 20181001 20100719 If your state has legalized marijuana, you can modify the testing cycle with PCP. For FY 17, there was an increase in the selection rate of 52.2% from the FY16 . Price from: $2.00. Berry BP 1391/ 782/SU4 Berry SJ 6019/ 113/M32 Lewis JA 6019/ 80/1FN Lewis SD 1799/ 552/TG1 2161 3 20150201 NA 20170101 NA 20170601 20091013 Vealey MD 2691/ 805/174 Vera C 1349/ 702/1Y8 First SERGEANT AND MASTER SERGEANT d. 12 July 2021: RC E-7 selection board convenes Marines must be in with... Sergeant AND MASTER SERGEANT d. 12 July 2021: RC E-7 selection board convenes ) apply 1711 10 20170401 20171101. Of seniority action, remedial promotion consideration may be granted upon request LJ 8999/ 422/193 file. In paragraph 3 will be issued to fill vacancies in the assigned of! Via the appeal process or by convening authority action, remedial promotion may! Marijuana, you can modify the testing cycle with PCP standards prescribed in reference ( d ) contains the for. 692/330 rodriguez LJ 8999/ 422/193 xlsm file 20161201 20050620 20161201 NA 4 Marines to prepare for their board to! 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