how can mikael drink vampire blood

Diet and blood-thirst Like normal vampires, defective vampires must drink . In Gonna Set Your Flag On Fire, Mikael and Finn, united in their disdain for vampires and for their family, plotted to destroy all the vampires in New Orleans. It was only after Klaus accidentally got Henrik killed, killed Esther, and turned his siblings against him, that Mikael hated Klaus, seeing his acts as betrayal. Mikael was revived by his long lost daughter Freya, reuniting a delighted Mikael with the child he thought he had lost. The process could be pain full, dangerous, and tough however, it can make a normal person into a vampire. In Vampire Diaries, when Elena wasn't able to digest the blood from the blood bags, she drank Damon's blood and was able to sustain on it. Mikael, after a failed team up with his children against Dahlia, was executed by Klaus for a second time, in order to procure the Viking ash Mikael's corpse would leave behind, to make another weapon against Dahlia, all in front of Freya, which devastated her. Mikael then reminded him of how his mother's affair led to Klaus' existence and Mikael's secret shame. In order to turn a human into a vampire, vampire blood is required. InDance Back from the Grave, Mikael is mentioned by Rebekah after Papa Tunde dies at Klaus' hands. Freya, Elijah, and Rebekah arrived and when Dahlia started to hurt Freya, Mikael violently fought off his desiccation and stabbed Dahlia with a large piece of a wooden church pew. View complete answer on In the year 1919, six months after Rebekah and Marcel used Genevieveto summon him, Mikael appeared in the streets of New Orleans. Mikael was considered the strongest vampire in existence, due to his superior strength as a human over his children. A day later after this event and still weakened by the blade and only partially restored by human blood, Mikael was still able to fight Klaus and wasstillphysically powerful as he was successfully pushing the white oak stake closer to Klaus' heart before the latter used Mikael's momentum against him and forced him into a pillar and then into a wall. Use crisp black eyeliner even if you are a guy. The person dies and turns into a . Upon seeing Klaus' first transformation as a true hybrid, Mikael stated, "He's a beast. Mikael also admitted that he had burned countless other cities like New Orleans while hunting his children. Both traded insults but decided to align together. Terrified, Klaus quickly rushed to the stage to help free Marcel, only to be stopped by Mikael, who threw him across the stage. 10pcs Halloween Blood Bags Blood Bags for Party Drink Container IV Bags. They consist of the patriarch, Mikael, the . He wants to take the bracelet binding him to her so he can kill Klaus. When his son Kol, now in the body of a witch, was invited to the cabin by Davina and secretly searched the room with the white oak stake inside and found it, Mikael stopped him and confronted him. Walking into the theater, Mikael seated himself behind Klaus and pointed the white oak stake at his back, right next to his heart, while Klaus sat, clearly horrified. He talked of how lucky Marcel was and remarked that his girlfriend (Rebekah) looked like his wife. Start by lighting the candle. Mikael was furious and confused by the turn of events, realizing someone was interfering with the stake's power. Mikael, Esther, Ayana and other (possibly Viking) settlers left Norway for the New World (later known as North America), settling in the area now known as Mystic Falls in the present day. Katherine broke the chains binding him, and when Mikael rubbed at his stiff elbows, she remarked that if he drank human blood, he would feel much better. With over 1,000 years of experience as vampires, even if most of that time was . as demonstrated by Mikael and Mohinder. As said above Mikael has over-powered Klaus while still weakened with werewolf venom, and Klaus was far from calm in said fight and should Klaus ever become enraged or transform completely into his Werewolf form, Mikael still has superior fighting skills and a tolerance for werewolf venom, making a werewolf's primary attack, its bite, useless. Damon (a role coveted by many actors) believes the only way Elena can survive and learn self-control is to drink directly from the vein. He had an antagonistic relationship with his step-son, Klaus, as he was the son of a werewolf named Ansel. Mikael reminded him that the hybrids couldn't kill him, since he is immortal, but Klaus just replied, "But it will make a hell of a party game". ~ Blood prank - scary! He then offered his children wine laced with the doppelgnger Tatia's enchanted blood (as revealed in Bringing Out The Dead) and killed them soon after by driving his sword through their hearts. Vampire Diaries ' biggest changes from the books began as Damon won Elena away from Stefan, but the power behind that love triangle came from the fact that the passionate love between Elena and. Had it not been for Elijah, she would have gone through with the act. Because she's not a fully transitioned vampire. ~ Be like a honorable real vampire bloodsucker or Dracula. When Esther did the spell Mikael was tying Klaus up in chains and asked for Elijah's help and then screamed at him to help, Elijah then helped his father in tying Klaus up. Over the centuries, I've learned to feed from the predator, not the innocent.". Actually, they can sustain on other vampire's blood. Blood-drinker CJ!'s kit includes antiseptic to clean the skin (the cat), a squeeze ball which helps veins pop out (the mouse) and a tourniquet to tie around the arm (Credit: CJ!) Wanting more Viking ash to make another weapon, Klaus threatens Mikael with the White Oak Stake. Satisfied for the moment, Mikael removed his hand from Damon's chest, but before he left, he warned the brothers that if they went back on their word, he would drive a stake through their hearts as well as Klaus'. Elijah tried to stop his father from hurting his brother, but was scared off by Mikael, who stated that Elijah would be next if he intervened. This requires at least a little friendship with the Sim for the prey to be willing. However, Mikael has shown multiple cruel and sadistic traits (far worse then Klaus), mostly when it comes to the target of his hatred, Klaus. Elijah, who had just recovered from his own staking, showed up just in time to help his siblings free, and he insisted that Marcel was as good as dead, as Mikael was feeding on him to replenish his strength. Before killing him, Klaus asked why Mikael was so cruel to him, and Mikael said that he did not know, that he just did, and this seemed to have saddened Klaus. During the fight between step-father and step-son, their emotional states could be seen, Mikael being relatively calm with no sign of straining while Klaus visibly struggled during the fight. Does hope Mikaelson have to drink blood? Later, Mikael went to see Elijah, and insisted that he just wanted to talk to him. Mikael and his family later burned down the white oak tree to prevent it ever being used against them, but not before Mikael had secretly carved a stake as insurance in case one was needed for future use. Mikael was the step-father of Klaus. Can a vampire drink werewolf blood? Stefan remains adamant that Elena steer clear of human blood, fearing the repercussions if she can't control her thirst. Hayley quickly becomes afraid because she thinks she is dead and starts worrying about the baby, Mikael tells her that the child never had a chance, and tells her of how her bloodline is filth enough and she made it worse by merging it withKlaus'. However, Freya recounted memories from her childhood that only the two of them shared. Mikael awakened and demanded to know who she was. Bring me the powers, bring me the feeling. Mikael was a tall and middle-aged man with short dark blond hair, blue eyes and muscular build. One option is to file down your canine teeth to a point so that they resemble vampire fangs. Damon (a role coveted by many actors) believes the only way Elena can survive and learn self-control is to drink directly from the vein. Many vampire-donor relationships can be, and are, just as personal. Damon asked him why he feeds on vampires. However, vampires cannot survive on their own blood. Klaus confronted Mikael and proposed the two fight Dahlia together. Mikael then revealed his true identity and admitted that he had been observing Marcel before informing him that he knew he would do anything to get out from under Klaus' wing, even if it meant calling the one man on earth who hates Klaus the most, Mikael the Destroyer. But they needed a powerful witch to locate him. Mikael's title has three meanings to it. According to Damon and Stefan, the sharing of blood between vampires is a very intimate and personal experience. For them, consuming blood is a quality of life issue and is necessary for sustaining their energy. ~ Imagine drinking bloody mary or tomato juice like a real blood. Klaus questioned why Mikael fought for Freya who he barely knows anymore, and why he hated him even before he became a disappointment for Mikael. Despite sharing similar views on vampires, Finn views Mikael as a monster. They tried to start a family but to no avail, as Esther believed she was cursed and went to her sister for help. "You're a vampire, Elena. Asked By: Raymond Miller Date: created: Jun 13 2022. . Mikael agreed to her deal, and soon after helped their son Finn escape from his imprisonment in Klaus' compound. Mikael's last words to Freya in Night Has A Thousand EyesFreya. Mikael asked Stefan a few questions about Klaus' plans and his current location, but Stefan could not answer them because Klaus had compelled him not to tell anyone his secrets. When Jeremy Gilbert, Damon Salvatore, and Katherine asked Anna where they could find him, she insisted that Mikael should not be awakened because he would kill all of them, hinting to Mikael's reputation as the vampire who hunts vampires. Vampire transformation is what it shall be. Mikael then shows him the white oak stake, which caused Elijah to start to fight him in order to stop him. After Ayana refused to help them, citing the fact that the Spirits and Nature itself would not stand for such an imbalance, Mikael begged his wife Esther to do something using her powers as a witch. And also if maybe damon or stefan or anyone who is a vampire drinks another vampire's blood, then . InDo Not Go Gentle, Esther, after losing the Bennett family bloodline as a power source, decided to make anEnhanced Original Vampire with the same Immortality Spell she used on her husband Mikael, and their children, so that this new vampire could kill her children and finally end the vampire species. Mikael was later seen in the first season of The Originals during A Closer Walk With Thee, when he first appeared as a ghost to attack Hayley Marshall on The Other Side, and again in order to speak with Davina Claire. They can last for a short period of time this way however the blood will begin to turn poisonous and they will eventually go mad. Davina says he can't, and that she will let him kill Klaus when she finds a way to remove Marcel and Josh from Klaus' sire line with help from Esther's Grimoire. He is also noted to be one of two people in history that have ever made Klaus genuinely fear for his life, the other being Mikael's wife, and Klaus' mother; Esther. Dahlia tortured them both for specific acts, especially Mikael for taking her sister from her. As long as you have the guts to ingest it, then you are good to go. They almost overcame Dahlia together, but she was too strong and destroyed their weapon to kill her. Mikael then fled, his destination unknown. Klaus threw Mikael's staff through the cabin window, knocking Davina out. Elijah encouraged his brother, stating that his aim was improving when he misses a shot at a doe. This tactic worked until Elijah was daggered with his siblings by the Brotherhood of the Five in 1114, negating the compulsion. However, it didn't kill her and Dahlia destroyed the weapon they had created and escaped. He appeared in the first season via flashbacks and was eventually brought back to life. They then started a family with the birth of their children Freya and Finn. They stumbled upon a Halloween party of unsuspecting civilians. Consuming blood could lead to haemochromatosis Some practising vampires use blood as medicationan iron-rich supplement to combat blood conditions such as anaemia. Mikael's skills were impressive enough that he had seemed to have single handedly slaughtered other raiders who had come to pillage and raid the village that he and his family lived in. Mikael was also the brother-in-law of Dahlia. They are required to drink human blood to get the proper nourishment for their survival. Despite Klaus' pleas for Elijah to help him, he ended up listening to his father and helping Mikael chain Klaus to a post. A more recent testament to his strength has been shown where he single-handledly slaughtered Werewolves wearing Moonlight rings and once again, overpowered his son, Elijah. Mikael realized that his wife was unfaithful to him and that Niklaus wasn't his son, and in his anger, he convinced Esther to cast a spell to keep Klaus' werewolf side dormant. I think that human blood is just better, that's why other vampires dont drink vampire blood. . In Red Door, Mikael abducted Camille, who Klaus had given the white oak stake, to use her as leverage. Mikael compelled the attendance to give Klaus a message. He, along with Yu and a few others, possesses the seraph gene, where as a vampire, Mika is a special one believed to contain the Michaela trait. An abomination". After being turned into a vampire, the valor becomes anger, and pride in obsession. Klaus then put Mikael in a trunk, sparing him so he'd suffer, but Mikael managed to pull the blade from his own chest, the only Original who was strong enough and had enough willpower to do so.,, The Vampire Diaries Season Three Characters, The Monster Who Monsters are Afraid of, The Worst of All Monsters, Old Man, He had the weapons and the determination to, Klaus eventually got the upper hand (and the. However, the New World wasn't as peaceful as the couple had expected, especially during the full moon, as their neighbors were werewolves. An abomination!" At the end of The Reckoning, Mikael was revealed to be a vampire who hunted vampires. Mikael still hunted the three until he realized he was hunting imposters. Mikael then grabbed "Elena" as a hostage (who, unbeknownst to both of them, was actually Katherine in disguise) and threatened to kill her if Klaus didn't come outside to face him, knowing that she was the key to Klaus creating more hybrids. It has been implied by Michael Narducci that Mikael is stronger than his children because he was stronger as a human before turning, which was then amplified. Mikael was overwhelmed with emotion, slowly beginning to believe her. Having disposed of the wolves, he tries to kill Davina to stop her control over him but he is stopped by Elijah who throws him into a wall. Mikael did not always hate Klaus as he confessed when Klaus was born he was very happy, but when he proved to be different than the rest of his children, he changed his attitude toward his step-son. Mikael doesn't like Klaus for two reasons, the first reason is that somehow he knew when he was a child that Klaus was different, Klaus tries to compensate and tries to hard, which only infuriates Mikael and causes him to discipline and taunt and downright brutalize Klaus. As he had been conspiring his resurrection with a young Witch and had promised the young witch if she did resurrect him, he would help her save her friend and get rid of Klaus for good. Klaus was not like his other half-siblings, he was more focused on art and making sculptures than learning to fight and survive in their deadly environment, something Mikael saw as a weakness, however, Klaus was anything but weak. But what happens when a vampire drinks from another v Was mikael the first vampire? He considers their bloodlines as filth. When Hayley asks about Klaus' relationship with Marcel, he mentions that once his father found him in New Orleans, Klaus and his siblings fled the city and had thought that Marcel had been killed by Mikael like so many other vampires in town. They formed an alliance to kill Dahlia, who poses a threat to Freya and Hope. During said fight between Elijah and Mikael, their strength differences can be seen despite the fact that Mikael sustained multiple werewolf bites before squaring off with his son; while Elijah was only able to turn Mikael's head with a punch, the latter was able to send Elijah crashing into the counter with a backhand. Mikael's actions cause a rift in the family, thus turned against him completely, however, even after his children found out that it was Klaus who killed their mother, they are still antagonistic towards their father, though Rebekah was willing to allow Klaus to be killed after finding out the truth but did blame their father for making them violent, saying that Klaus wasn't born a killer. He reveals that he doesn't drink blood from living, having not anticipated the blood lust that would come from becoming a vampire. Hayley tells him her daughter has an advantage Klaus never had, that she will never know Mikael. Between centuries of daggering, betrayals, and attempted murders, the family is nearly always in conflict with each other in some way. When they confronted her, she unleashed mind-controlled acolytes of hers on them. Of all the Original vampires, Mikael can be considered the most threatening and proud. He also was never shown talking about Freya. However, after his resurrection, Mikael was more willing to feed on humans with only mild reluctance when Davina fed him her blood. Mikael became furious and grabbed his sword from her before leaving the room. Mikael fed briefly on Cami, leaving her alive but rejuvenating some of his strength though still weakened by Tunde's blade and the lingering venom. After chastising Davina for being unable to defend herself without her magic, she requested that he train her to be strong physically. When Hayley is temporarily killed by Monique's hex, Mikael introduces himself to Hayley on The Other Side and tells her that they are technically family. According to Michael Narducci, Mikael is stronger than his children because of his human strength and vampire blood is merely a preference of his. The spell neutralized Mikael while his power was being channeled into Finn's own. Unlike the relationships Mikael had with his other children, this one was the most profound as was the apparent loss of Freya that shaped Mikael into a cold and vicious man. Mikael throws the White Oak Stake at Davina, who tells him he can't harm her. Mikael's ghost then appear in a room with Davina and explaining the spell in Esther's grimoire that can resurrect him. They don't remove enough blood to harm their hosts, but their bites can cause serious infections and disease. Take a lot and the Sim may collapse. Mikael is a major recurring character and a primary antagonist in the second season of The Originals. Like the other Originals, Mikael used to dress in an aristocratic manner, most reflecting his son, Elijah's attire. Mikael has overpowered three of his children in a fight, while facing all three simultaneously, a feat no other being has ever managed to accomplish. This phenomenon is known as auto-vampirism which means a vampire drinking their own blood. Contents 1 Early Life 1.1 Human Life In order to create a vampire, a human must be drained of their blood by a vampire and the blood lost needs to be replaced by some of the vampire's blood. Large increase in power observed. During a raid on a village, he met a witch namedEsther, and the two fell in love. It is not easy to become a vampire however, there are various steps through which a person can achieve the desire results. As the father of the Original Vampires, he was the oldest and one of the most powerful vampires in the TVD universe. You can do many things to achieve the teeth that are found in most popular vampire myths. Curious about the werewolves' transformations, Klaus and Henrik went to spy on them one night during a full moon. This shows how much Freya's "death" impacted Mikael. Mikael is the first of many parents to be turned into vampires, followed by, Mikael was the one that caused the 1000+ blood feud between, Mikael was the only Original vampire that wasn't neutralized by the, Mikael is the first vampire shown to drink other. He was later revealed to be an Original Vampire, and the father of the Originals, or, in Klaus' case, his step-father. Then mix the drops of blood, the water, and the hair together. Damon (a role coveted by many actors) believes the only way Elena can survive and learn self-control is to drink directly from the vein. For a thousand years, Mikael tried to destroy Klaus, but during this time, still loved his biological family, telling Rebekah that she and the others were never who he was after. She might unlock her werewolf side by killing someone to protect her family, since being a werewolf is a curse brought on by murder. In the movies, vampires often feed on their victims until they expire. Wear contact lenses preferably in red or yellow. Redheaded teen vampire drinking red wine, looking at camera. Mikael's corpse burned to ash, providing the Mikaelsons with more Viking ash to use against Dahlia. Mikael and Klaus have a complicated and antagonistic relationship. However, Finn forced Mikael to be his sacrifice in a spell so he could channel his power. In From a Cradle to a Grave, Mikael's ghost appears in The Abattoir and is seen talking to Davinaand says, "One point for you, and one point for Niklaus". $5.47. The students determined that it would take 6.4 minutes for a vampire to lap up 15 percent of someone's blood about 1.6 pints (0.75 liters) from a total volume of 11 pints (5 liters) in the average adult human body.How much blood do vampires need per day? Davina andAbigaildo thesence, but instead of Tim another appears, and when she turns around she sees Mikael who says, "What a delightful tune.". Boris is an Original Vampire and the son of an alpha werewolf Ansel and Esther whom is an incredibly powerful witch. Pour corn syrup onto a small plate, and the sprinkles onto another plate. He is the father . Male vampire is sucking out a woman's arm, you can see blood flowing down. "The blood is the life," Dracula's servant Renfield declared in Bram Stoker's novel. Once Klaus had killed a human, Mikael and the rest of the family found out that he was actually a werewolf, born of an affair Esther had with a werewolf villager named Ansel. Marcel and Hayley arrived, using their combined strength to hold off Mikael. As a ploy to get Stefan to give him answers, Mikael inserted his hand in Damon's chest and threatened to rip his heart out if Stefan didn't tell him something about what Klaus was doing. Animal blood, human blood, blood from still-living organisms, stored blood. Mikael moved on to his true target, Klaus, after a century of hunting the Trinity, who were using his children's identities. And he was so strong, because he was one of the originals and he was very old. Once Elijah insisted that he was standing with his brother, Mikael stake him with a regular stake, leaving him incapacitated while Mikael left to go to the New Orleans Opera House. Katherine expressed her disappointment at Mikael, and assumed that Mikael didn't have the power to kill Klaus. Vertical studio shot on black of teen vampire holding wine glass, looking at camera with slight snarl. He also remembers that Rebekah tried to kill him in his sleep. She revealed to him that she hadn't died but instead had been abducted by his sister in law, Dahlia. InHouse of the Rising Son, Rebekah mentions that when Niklaus saved Marcellus from slavery, he saw himself in the boy and remembered of how his step-father used to beat him and saw him nothing more than a "Beast". The original family of vampires create Tristan and Aurora. However, Mikael insisted that he could indeed kill Klaus, and that he will as soon as he was freed from his chains. However, Mikael soon arrived and scolded Elijah for encouraging his brother, snatching the bow from Niklaus and stating that he wasn't man enough to hold a weapon. He once beat Niklaus half to death as a boy because he was so sure that Niklaus had taken his blades, unaware that it was actually Rebekah who had taken them. Mikael has a reunion with his children at Klaus' home. Mikael later fed on party goers and Camille in a desperate attempt to heal himself which proved fruitless. Despite vampirism initially believed to be permanent, The Vampire Diaries saw four different vampires using the Cure through the show, each with various outcomes. They have . Elijah claims that Mikael despises the vampires as a species, despite having a hand in creating them, therefore he kills them and feeds on them for food. He was a loving and caring father for both of his children, but his favorite was his beloved daughter. Throughout The Vampire Diaries Series. Davina passes out from exhaustion and Mikael successfully returns. After successfully staking and nearly killing Klaus, he ended up outnumbered by the arrival of Klaus' allies, forcing him to flee from a fight with his step-son for the very first time. Mikael, after a failed team up with his children against Dahlia, was executed by Klaus for a second time, in order to procure the Viking ash Mikael's corpse would leave behind, to make another weapon against Dahlia, all in front of Freya, which devastated her. He had no fear. As an Original Vampire, Mikael was stronger and faster than any non-Original vampires and is one of the most powerful supernatural beings with the exception of Marcel Gerard and Lucien Castle as Upgraded Original vampires, and possibly, but confirmed, Alaric Saltzman when he was an Enhanced Original Vampire and had strength at least on par with Klaus. He says he will help save Josh aside from just wanting to kill Klaus for his personal reasons, and Davina seemingly agrees to resurrect Mikael. 4th, 5th, and 6th generation vampires must drink human blood. Eat a lot of meat especialy close to raw beef. He has six half-siblings: a deceased older half-brother, four other half-brothers named Elijah, Finn, Kol, and Henrik, and two younger half-sisters named Rebekah, and Renise. Her you fight for; lovely Freya, the daughter you barely know. He eventually formed an alliance with his wife, Esther, and a resurrected Finn, and vowed to stop at nothing to kill Klaus. During the fight, Davina loses the bracelet controlling Mikael, setting him free. The loss of another gene - REP15 - may have occurred to allow the vampire bats to increase the amount of iron they can excrete, since their iron-rich blood diet puts them at risk of becoming . With Davina's help, they bonded the ingredients to a knife, creating a weapon that can kill Dahlia. So mote it be." . Coupled with his greater combat skills and discipline as a Viking warrior, he is arguably the most powerful Original vampire ever to appear. Like when he sees Klaus transform, he calls him a beast and an abomination. Drinking blood isn't what Hollywood makes it out to be, according to real-life vampires. Free shipping. However, in Homecoming, Mikael was killed by Klaus due to Stefan's interference. He was an Original Vampire and a powerful vampire hunter. Over the next centuries, Mikael burned down half of Europe in his hunt for Klaus. 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