examples of pull oriented activities include the following except

The second question is "How important are these qualities to you?" D. account-specific marketing, 19. B. Development of strategic alternatives B. a trade allowance. The primary distinction between segmenting businesses and consumers is that the data sources tend to be different. D. spiffs, 104. is when one party cooperates with another because the former seeks affiliation with the latter. Integration simply means having the activity "done in house" rather than outsourced. Volume can be increased by an increase in market share or an increase in market size. C. subsidized Examples include attitudes, knowledge and awareness, wants and needs, affiliations (political party), traits (extraversion), expertise and involvement (hobbies), activities (Fishing, Surfing, Reading, I don't have any hobbies, Minecraft, Stamp collecting) and brand attributes sought. Sales promotion programs are targeted only at consumers. Customers, Company, Context, Collaborators, Competitors. A. Perhaps the most successful in-package _____ in Canada in 2001 was a General Mills giveaway of six CD-ROM computer games. is a marketing strategy, which aims to differentiate a brand in relation to competing brands in order to gain market share. A. Coupons offer price reductions to consumers who are price sensitive. Effective Segmentation is actionable. Premiums b. Positioning: Communicate your benefits clearly to your intended customers. Price: Will customers pay what you would like to charge? Another method of redefining our position is with promotion by spending ad dollars more wisely and determining the most appropriate media, most appropriate frequency, and most appropriate message. B. D. Event sponsorships. Door-to-door sampling B. to ensure results. B. Vertical cooperative advertising D. bonus pack, 65. A. A business customer is an agent buying something on behalf of an organization. B. D. Sales promotion techniques such as contests and premium offers are often used to draw attention to an ad, increase involvement with the ad, and help build relationships with consumers. Prevention costs. \hline They predict that the redemption rate will be 5%. B. The consumers then seek out the products to purchase. The franchisee (local owner) benefits include well-known brand, market awareness, supplier relationships, training, and support. D. a coop allowance. The use of premiums is very popular in fast food restaurants such as McDonald's. D. Rebates are increasing in popularity among both manufacturers and retailers. Development of objectives (e.g., target a specific market segment, increase market share) or identification of strategic issue (e.g., increased competition, decrease in sales) Due to the marketing campaigns, consumers seek out a particular product and go to retailers looking to purchase the product. Which of the following is an example of a sales promotion that can be used to contribute to franchise building? New usage suggestions This is an example of a(n) _____ coupon. C. 24% C. to set direction. D. National accounts' reluctance to run different promotions in different regions, 37. 1. Which of the following sales promotion techniques is impacted negatively by the presence of professionals or hobbyists who take advantage of the promotion without making a purchase? C. Bonus packs, trade allowances, and slotting fees C. brand equity Sampling would be an appropriate promotional strategy to do each of the following EXCEPT: Accountability marketing Which of the following developments have resulted in a transfer of power from manufacturers to retailers? \end{matrix} Additional managerial commitment required 50. Which of the following statements about on-package sampling is NOT true? D. joint trade promotions, 110. C. a trade allowance 4. Strategic marketing activities could focus on current and/or future customers (markets) or current and/or future/new products. A. retailer power MDS asks how similar these two hotels are for every pair of hotels under consideration in the mapping. D. A price reduction of $5 on a pair of Lee jeans. Which of the following statements about the slotting allowances charged by many retailers is true? C. same purchase Understanding power structure and handling conflict are important to channel success. Marketing strategy links goals and blank_______. A pull marketing strategy is illustrated as follows: As illustrated above, a pull marketing strategy involves a business using marketing activities to pull consumers to its products. C. Sweepstakes D. Slotting allowances are illegal and banned by the federal government. B. to maintain trade support for established brands. C. There is a belief that sales promotion can be over used by too much frequency, resulting in a decrease in brand equity. A package of Gillette Sensor razor blades contains a 75-cent-off coupon for Gillette Foamy shaving cream. C. Bonus packs a. organizing citizens to improve their neighborhoods. B. premium 96. The most popular method for distributing coupons is: Four explanatory variables are used: (1) STR is the student-to-teacher ratio in %\%%, (2) TSAL is the average teacher's salary in $1,000s,(3)NC\$ 1,000 \mathrm{~s},(3) \mathbb{N C}$1,000s,(3)NC is the median household income in $1,000\$ 1,000$1,000 s, and (4) SGL is the percentage of single-parent households. Nordica provides sales personnel in ski shops with training classes, detailed manuals, and other tools to help them better understand how to sell the company's ski boots. All of the following are examples of consumer-oriented sales promotion activities EXCEPT: 10. Using the scale of 1 (not very important) to 7 (extremely important), participants rate the same categories again (water sports, meals included, available excursions, nice rooms and good quality for money). C. a spiff B. \text { Actual machine hours for March } & 610,000 & -Collect data Those important weights underpin how segments of customers differ. 94. A. 3. Gray market conflict is unauthorized buying and selling among channel partners. D. event sponsorship, 47. Kellogg's is introducing a new brand of breakfast cereal that is high in fibre and targeted at adults between the ages of 25 and 50. It's important for a company to oversee multiple measures to manage the company optimally. Diverting B. the reinforcement is immediate. Which of the following statements about the proliferation of new products in the consumer marketplace is NOT true? Models can be made more complex by bringing in weights to express how important the attributes are to the customer. D. A dish towel in a box of Tide laundry detergent, 70. B. TV display 0-$5001$2022-$X3$1964$3505$451, Brian's boss is explaining the concept of buying centers in B2B marketing. 67. D. car, 63. 15% Examples of leadership activities that support conceptual leadership include all of the following EXCEPT: Arts & Humanities Writing Creative Writing EARLY CHIL EC350. An in/on package coupon that is redeemable for a future purchase of the same brand is known as a(n) _____ coupon. The Structured Query Language (SQL) comprises several different data types that allow it to store different types of information What is Structured Query Language (SQL)? Promotional activities that are designed to accelerate the purchase process and generate an immediate increase in sales without communicating information about a brand's unique features or benefits are known as: D. rebate, 64. C. high-involvement sales promotion Examples include products purchased, user status, media habits, loyalty, and frequency of usage. Which of the following statements about sales promotion programs is true? D) Ensure that the audit firm is independent. B. The response variable is the mean score on the MCAS (Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System) exam given in May 1998 to 10th graders. All the following are advantages associated with the use of trade allowances EXCEPT: Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with the use of contests and sweepstakes? A. consumer franchise-building promotion \hline 230.67 & 19.20 & 44.79 & 47.64 & 5.10 \\ B. D. Contests/sweepstakes. Its objective is to occupy a clear, unique, and advantageous position in the consumer's mind. Development of a strategic plan along with tactical plans for implementation This is an example of: Decline: Many competitors & remaining firms serve the smaller customer base. ______ generate(s) much higher trial rates than advertising and other sales promotion techniques. C. is becoming less important to marketers as competition intensifies Examples of value-added activities include all of the following except: Product design. B. merchandising support 35. Experiments to verify ad testing Geographic distinctions between customers have also been used to segment markets. Trade allowances are detracting from the image of the retailers who carry their brands. Of the following components of total quality cost, which is most damaging achieve a reputation as a world-class manufacturer? A survey estimates that approximately ________ of consumer purchase decisions are unplanned, i.e. A. _____ is a practice used by some retailers and wholesalers whereby they take advantage of a promotional deal and then sell some of the product purchased at the low price to another store outside of its area or a middleman who will resell the products. 89. C. rebates Companies need to measure what matters. B. Breadth Strategy: Reaching Multiple Markets. Which of the following types of sales promotions would NOT be used to help in the introduction of a new product? Through the marketing activities above, Colin is utilizing a pull strategy creating consumer demand and pulling consumers, retailers, and distributors to his product. Door-to-door sampling B. contest; sweepstakes B. reflects the overall quality of the product and is consistent with its image and positioning Sampling through the mail 97. Consumers have become more sensitive and responsive to sales promotion for each of the following reasons EXCEPT: A. push money. Example: the survey rating is 1 (not as good as others) to 7 (better than others). A. pull money C. bonus pack. There are several pull marketing methods available today, including: Explore further topics on Corporate Strategy, with CFIsStrategy Course. B. can be done with carefully planned sales promotion programs Dare makes Breton snack crackers, which compete with many other brands in the category. B. cross-ruff B. D. Event marketing, 105. In order to provide an incentive to a current user to purchase Breton instead of other cracker brands when the consumer next goes shopping, which of the following sales promotion tools would work best for Dare? A. Dare makes Breton snack crackers, which compete with many other brands in the category. An end-of-aisle display Rebates can encourage brand switching or repeat purchase behaviour. Which of the following statements describes how brand equity is affected by the increased role of sales promotion? D. In-store coupons for $1.00 off Miracle Whip, 33. Marketing strategy is the link between corporate goals and operational tactics. The increase of brand loyalty in many product categories Segmentation: Customers aren't all the same; they vary in their preferences, needs, and resources. A recent study of coupon redemption patterns found that: D. Trade promotions, 29. B. provide marketers with a way to provide extra value to consumers without having them do anything other than purchase the product. C. Redemption rates for mail-in premium offers are very high. Sampling Growth: Sales/Revenues & profit margins rise as consumers buy the product and competition increases, & due to shakeout poor performing firms may exit the market. A. encourage consumers to buy on the basis of price A(n) _____ is an offer of an item of merchandise or service either free or at a reduced price that is used to provide an extra to purchase. Sampling and rebates Let's achieve broader social goals: Goals that go beyond marketing are human resource, finance, production and distribution manufacturing, and research and development. A. Contests Which of the following is NOT an advantage inherent in the use of coupons as a sales promotion tool? b. changing the physical environment. \hline \text { Score } & \text { STR } & \text { TSAL } & \text { INC } & \text { SGL } \\ C. sweepstakes; premiums D. Support advertising, 108. Examples of demographics include gender, age, household composition, lifestyle cycle, education, income, and ethnicity. The sales promotion tool that critics contend is most guilty of detracting from brand equity and at the same time being detrimental to a brand franchise is: Retailers then reach out to the producer, so that they can stock the product and respond to direct consumer demand. For expensive purchases, blank_________, uniqueness and quality matter. Ralston Purina offers its retail accounts a $3.00 per case discount for all of the dog food it purchases during the month of October. Compensation is another key issue. Scanner data for pricing A. production and distribution costs B. consumers purchase more on the basis of price, value, and convenience than brand. 44. Consumers do not want to be bothered saving cash register receipts and proofs of purchase. C. in/on packs 11. This method uses averages so one attribute can't make or break a brand. Effective Segmentation allows access to customers A pull marketing strategy, also called a pull promotional strategy, refers to a strategy in which a firm aims to increase the demand for its products and draw (pull) consumers to the product. C. maturity The retailer was engaged in: D. Loyalty programs, 58. $55,000 _____ has/have become very popular in recent years as marketers develop integrated marketing programs that create experiences for consumers in an effort to associate their brands with certain lifestyles and activities. A. baby stroller 1. C. many purchase decisions are made in the store where many sales promotions are found. Which of the following promotion tools is less likely to be used when the goal of the marketer is to stimulate trial? Sampling C. A bonus jar of Hellmann's Mayonnaise, offering 1 L for the price of 750 mL. Retailing is the most visible channel function and can take a variety of forms including brick and mortar, Internet, catalog, and personal selling. Firms typically review the issues on a regular basis. Let's redefine our position: A company can redefine its position with a product by building new product sales, building product category, or building brand equity. They distributed 1,000,000 promotional packages, at a cost of $20,000 for design and production. 2. 91. 88. The consumer may experience negative reinforcement when comparing competitive prices. ScoreSTRTSALINCSGL227.0019.0044.0148.894.70230.6717.9040.1743.914.60230.6719.2044.7947.645.10\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} D. transference charging, 98. A. to create structures. A. B. provide the marketer with an immediate gauge as to how well the product will do in the marketplace \hline 230.67 & 17.90 & 40.17 & 43.91 & 4.60 \\ is a diagrammatic technique used by asset marketers that attempts to visually display the perceptions of customers or potential customers. Dog: products in low growth markets and with low relative market share (optimize or hold) D. to inspire effort. Marketers find perceptual maps extremely appealing because they provide a picture of competing brands in a space that also contains descriptions of attributes and they offer a sense of competitive strengths and weaknesses. 7. There may be prose or poetry interpretation. Red Bull Energy Drink. A. slotting fees Which of the following is a reasonable objective for consumer-oriented sales promotions? Effective Segmentation utilizes appropriate data A brand with small share in a market that is not growing is called a, Apple's iPod brand has a relatively large share in a growing market, and thus is best classified as a. _______ segmentation utilizes appropriate data, allows access to customers, fits with corporate goals and is actionable. -Technique Let's delight our customers: A company can delight its customers by enhancing customer satisfaction, increasing loyalty, rewarding influential customers, spreading word of mouth, increasing customer lifetime values, and offering personalization. B. Self-liquidating premiums A. joint sales promotions A. D. Event sampling, 46. This form of communication allows all employees' opinions to be valued and democratizes the decision-making process within organizations. Lower cost Consumer sales promotions such as coupons, price-offs, premiums, and bonus packs may be needed periodically to maintain consumer loyalty, attract new users, and protect against competition. D. 55%, 102. This company elects to market a single product to two or more segments. Communication and trust are also critical to channel success. Another term used for push money that is given to retailers' or wholesalers' sales staff to encourage them to promote and sell a company's product is: A. A. Lynch Company manufactures and sells a single product. C. A free sport bottle with the purchase of a four-pack of Gatorade The upstream partners that a company has to deal with are its suppliers, also known as the blank______. A. Smirnoff Vodka. 3. \text{- \$ 500} & \text{\$ 202} & \text{- \$ X} & \text{\$ 196} & \text{\$ 350} & \text{\$ 451}\\ When reductions from the regular price of a product are offered at the point-of-purchase through specially marked packages, a marketer is using a: A. In-store sampling how should salespeople be compensated for their efforts, Two major issues make up the essence of the sales force: How many salespeople should we have, and blank_____, Intensive distribution usually goes with heavy blank_________, lower prices, and average or lower quality products. C. Nonusers of rebates have been shown to perceive the rebate redemption process as too complicated. -Modality of administration (e.g., Web survey, mail, personal interview) -Design primary data collection. Some examples of building upon their gross motor skills include: hopscotch and skipping trampoline jumping swimming playing musical instruments The takeaway Accompanying you child through. Secondary data to understand context B. a Material movement. Education reform is one of the most hotly debated subjects on both state and national policy makers' list of socioeconomic topics. A. it cannot be broken down into small sizes A. cooperative advertising An appliance manufacturer offers a $50 payment to salespeople who work at Culligan's Appliance if they sell one of the company's new refrigerators. D. rebate. 5. Which is NOT one of the four classes of goals? This company focuses on a single segment and has multiple offerings for the segment. 1. With reference to the illustration above, for example, a production company runs marketing campaigns directly to consumers. A. C. it may be too difficult to find a way to distribute the samples B. price-off deal D. Bauer Hockey Skates. C. A trade show Moderate customer involvement: Some effort is expended prior to purchase to obtain good value. Competitive prices regular basis having the activity `` done in house '' rather than.... 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