dyncorp child trafficking

It soon developed conveniently, according to Johnston's attorneys, that he wasimplicated by a DynCorp employee for illegal activity in Bosnia. YouTubeKathryn Bolkovac was fired from DynCorp when she brought concerns over the company engaging in human trafficking in Bosnia. Dyncorp personnel had young children living with them for sex and house choirs. To be fair, I doubt any other PMC is any different. No one was prosecuted or punished for the atrocities Bannister. They also The Mills e-mail continued: "The firstthing he told me is that 'they are tired of having smoke blown up their ass. Several Afghans were later arrested and investigated. She wins the suit but says she's still blacklisted. This corruption flew all the way to the top of the United Nations and to our State Department and diplomats, Bolkovac said. US army to investigate Colombia child rape allegations The United States army has said it will investigate mass sexual abuse allegedly carried out by members of the US military and employees of defense contractor Dyncorp [8][9] The corporate headquarters were in an unincorporated part of Fairfax County near Falls Church, Virginia, while the company's contracts were managed from its office at Alliance Airport in Fort Worth, Texas. The CID agents did not ask any of the men involved what the ages of the"women" were who had been purchased or used for prostitution. [34], In December 2011 the company hired Michael Thibault, former co-chairman and commissioner of the Commission on Wartime Contracting in Iraq and Afghanistan (CWC), as vice president of government finance and compliance. It's a total fraud. (C) Atmar said there was a larger issue to consider. Remarkably, an internal memo that was later leaked showed that U.N. staff were not only urged to downplay the films message but to try to prevent the screening entirely. A former police officer from Lincoln, Nebraska, she was grateful to join the U.N.s International Police Task Force (IPTF) that was retraining local law enforcement there. We employ investigative research and journalism to provide critical information on corporate malfeasance and profiteering around the world to foster a more informed public and an effective democracy. See you on the Amentum side! He understood that within DynCorp there were many "wonderful" people working hard, and he was keen to see proper action taken to protect them; but, these contractor companies do not have many friends. Although DynCorp long has been respected for such work, according to Johnston and internal DynCorp communications it appears that extracurricular sexcapades on the part of its employees were tolerated by some as part of its business in Bosnia. But they'd buy the women's passports and they [then] owned them and would sell them to each other." For instance, an internal e-mail from DynCorpemployee Darrin Mills, who apparently was sent to Bosnia to look into reported problems, said, "I met with Col. Braun [a base supervisor] yesterday. A week later he received a letter ofdischarge for bringing "discredit to the company and the U.S. Army whileworking in Tuzla, Bosnia-Herzegovina." They were fromRussia, Romania and other places, and they were imported in by DynCorp and the Serbian mafia. Finally, there is the recently renamed PMC trade group, International Stability Operations Association, which has long had DynCorp as a member. And also was the time when the State Department lost $1 billion it paid out to DynCorp to train police during the first years of the Iraq war. There was a real corporate culture with a deep commitment to a cover-up. DynCorp also performs supportability and safety studies as well as off-site aircraft safety and spill containment patrols and aircraft recovery services. Some of the individuals involved report being forced into sex. These cases got progressively worse, Bolkovac continued, until I actually had a U.S. contractor who was an American police officer working with me actually tell me that he had purchased a woman outright from one of the bar owners right outside Sarajevo, and taken her home to keep and to marry and to take back to the States with him.. [84] In April 2012 DynCorp International was awarded a contract with the U.S. Navy to provide facility support services for personnel from the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion unit Timor-Leste, including living quarters, internet and telephone services, bathroom facilities, laundry services, kitchen facilities, vehicle/driver/language support, procurement services, warehousing and other services. In 2009, DynCorp employees hired a 15-year-old adolescent boy to strip dance for them. Signatory Companies will, and will require their Personnel to, remain vigilant for all instances of sexual or gender-based violence and, where discovered, report such instances to competent authorities. We're here to prove a retaliation case, not convictDynCorp of participating in the sex-slave trade. In January 2010 DynCorp International combined with World Wide Humanitarian Services (WWHS) and Casals & Associates to form DI Development. CID: Did you know it is wrong to force yourself upon someone without theirconsent? He holds dual bachelor's degrees from Pace University and a master's degree from New York University. Aviation support including emergency response air programs,[45] aircraft maintenance,[46] theater aviation support management,[47] helicopter maintenance support,[48] supportability and testing. [12][13] The company held one contract on every round of competition since receiving the first Contract Field Teams contract in 1951. WebOn August 1, 2002, a British employment tribunal found that DynCorp had unfairly dismissed employee, Kathy Bolkovac, an employee who had blown the whistle on the As the ever zealous Ms. Sparky has already noted: The tradition of Bacha Bazi "boy play" is alive and well in Afghanistan. He received his onlyreprimand from DynCorp one day prior to the sting on the DynCorp hangarwhen Johnston was working with CID. McCaffrey had previously served as White House "Drug Czar", where he shaped future federal public-private partnership in drug enforcement policy. Middle-aged men having sex with 12- to 15-year-olds was too much for BenJohnston, a hulking 6-foot-5-inch Texan, and more than a year ago he blewthe whistle on his employer, DynCorp, a U.S. contracting company doingbusiness in Bosnia. Fact. The name "Dynalectron Corporation" was selected from 5,000 employee suggestions. [82], DynCorp provides military base operations and vehicle maintenance. But US diplomats cautioned against an "overreaction" and said that approaching the journalist involved would only make the story worse. [113][114][115] It found that INL lacks sufficient resources and controls to adequately manage the task orders with DynCorp. The subject line read bluntly: Do not read this if you have a weak stomach or a guilty conscience.. A co-worker unrelated to the ring was killed when he was traveling in an unsecure car and shot performing a high-risk mission. Paragraph 38 clearly states: Signatory Companies will not benefit from, nor allow their Personnel to engage in or benefit from, sexual exploitation (including, for these purposes, prostitution) and abuse or gender-based violence or crimes, either within the Company or externally, including rape, sexual harassment, or any other form of sexual abuse or violence. Kunduz is a northern province of Afghanistan. WebThirty-three missing children were recovered this month in an anti-human trafficking operation led by FBIs Los Angeles field office, the bureau said in a statement Friday. The factis, DynCorp is the worst diplomat you could possibly have over there." If I was going to be fired or laid off, I, , "under the Dayton Peace Accord, the contractors were protected from Bosnian law which did not apply to them. [32], On April 12, 2010, DynCorp International announced a conditional deal to be acquired by private equity investment firm Cerberus Capital Management for $17.55 per share ($1 billion). [83] DynCorp is also active in vehicular maintenance, in particular providing the United Arab Emirates with depot-level maintenance, facilities management, and commercialization for its 17,000 ground vehicles. He urged them to try to kill the story and specifically warned that this would look bad if the connection to DynCorp were made clear (he called them foreign mentors). Later in 2004, DynCorp was involve in a child pornography video scandal in Colombia By the Huffington Post: In October 2004 it was revealed that DynCorp contract workers operating at Tolemaida Air Base in Colombia distributed a video in which they could be observed sexually violating underage girls from the town of Melgar. CorpWatch works to promote environmental, social and human rights at the local, national and global levels by holding multinational corporations accountable for their actions. Some 15 or so DynCorp employees in attendance pulled out a single chair and had the boy do mock lap dances. (Note: Placing military officers to oversee contractor operations at RTCs is not legally possible under the currentDynCorp contract.) It's a shame. But it didnt take long for Bolkovac to realize that DynCorp was engaging in the kinds of human rights violations it was meant to combat. On February 15, 2013, the court granted summary judgment to DynCorp, dismissing the sole remaining human health and medical monitoring claims Ecuadorian plaintiffs had brought in connection with counternarcotic aerial herbicide spraying operations in southern Colombia. [54] DynCorp has received contracts for aircraft maintenance with the United States Navy,[49] the U.S. Air Force,[55] the U.S. Army,[56] and NASA. He isvery concerned about the CID investigation; however, he views it mostly as a DynCorp problem. Its a pre-Islamic Afghan tradition, banned by the Taliban, where boys as young as ten are passed around a group of middle-aged men for their sexual gratification with the possibility to lead to the auction of the young boys. Later I learned that he had videotaped himself having sex with two girls and CID has that video as evidence. He isvery concerned about the CID investigation; however, he views it mostly as a DynCorp problem. Hirtz: Yes. Dont be afraid to speak out. In 2020, Dyncorp was bought by Germantown, Maryland-based defense support services conglomerate Amentum. [44][62] It also received the task order to provide theater aviation support management for US Army helicopters in Europe (TASM-E). Adding a bit more fuel to the fire, an Evergreen shipping container is shown to contain an abused boy who has been trafficked in the show Dexter. [28] Bannister, as T. Rees Shapiro wrote in his 2011 obituary, "was paid $1.65an hour when he joined DynCorp as an electronics technician in 1953," rising to serve as its president and CEO (1985 to 1997). She found evidence that some UN officers were taking part in the trafficking of young women from Eastern Europe as sex slaves. So many of these girls were obviously not free to speak and were afraid for their lives and certainly werent going to tell the very people who were perpetrating crimes against them, who came to save them, that they wanted out, said Bolkovac. DynCorp standsby its decision to terminate [whistle-blower] Ben Johnston, who was terminatedfor cause." [73][bettersourceneeded][74] By acquiring the Phoenix Consulting Group, DynCorp provides training courses to the intelligence community at the Phoenix Training Center. The fact is 80 percent of human trafficking is for laboronly 20 If I was going to be fired or laid off, Iwanted it to be because of my work performance and not because he was not happy with me." One should be able to figure that out without having to contact headquarters for guidance. [6] Started as an aviation company, the company also provided flight operations support, training and mentoring, international development, intelligence training and support, contingency operations, security, and operations and maintenance of land vehicles. Among its notable awards is its unbroken record of having received a contract in every round of competition under the United States Air Force-managed Contract Field Teams (CFT) program since the CFT program started in 1951. But this problempermeated their business and management and they made business decisionsto further the scheme and to cover it up. Mussomeli counseled that an overreaction by the Afghan goverment (GIRoA) would only increase chances for the greater publicity the MoI is trying to forestall. "The Bosnians think we're all trash. This is not a goodbye; we are just moving to Amentum. Amb Mussomeli opened that the incident deeply upset us and we took strong steps in response.An investigation is on-going, disciplinary actions were taken against DynCorp leaders in Afghanistan, we are also aware of proposals for new procedures, such as stationing a military officer at RTCs, that have been introduced for consideration. It will be interesting to see if ISOA will at least bother to check with DynCorp to get the details of what happened. While nobody has accused the DynCorp contractors of any improper conduct with the "dancing boys" themselves one has to wonder where their common sense was. L-3 Out, Dyncorp-McNeil in for $4.65B Iraq Translation Contract? [8], On November 29, 2008, a lengthy article in The New York Times questioned the potential conflict of interest in the hiring by Veritas Capital Fund, LP, holding company for DynCorp, of Gen. Barry McCaffrey. The program the men were working on is funded by the State Department's Bureau of Diplomatic Security and Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs. In fact, there was this one guy who had to be 60 years old who had a girl who couldn't have been 14. Atmar then disclosed the arrest of two Afghan National Police (ANP) and nine other Afghans (including RTC language assistants) as part of an MoI investigation into Afghan "facilitators" of the event. DynCorp leadership was 100 percent in bed with the mafia over there. There were big-time drinking issues. [7] DynCorp received more than 96% of its more than $3 billion in annual revenue from the U.S. federal government. How we can be sure her ideals wont be corrupted by big money? DCP. Johnston reports that he had been in Bosnia only a few days when he became aware of misbehavior in which many of his DynCorp colleagues were involved. DynCorp had a $15 million contract to hire and train police officersfor duty in Bosnia at the time she reported such officers were paying forprostitutes and participating in sex-trafficking. Bolkovovac, however, was blocked every time she tried to bring her concerns to someone above her in DynCorp. [91], DynCorp delivers training for multiple sectors, including security sector reform, interior and defense personnel in underdeveloped nations, and law enforcement. Johnston was on the ground and saw firsthand what the military wascomplaining about. CID spent several weeks working the investigation and the results appear to support, 's allegations. As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp has received nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed 181 personnel to, during the last six years. DynCorp is just as immoral and elite as possible, and any rule they can break they do. [50][bettersourceneeded][51] DynCorp mechanics worked with NASA and other support contractors performed maintenance and inspection services to the SCA. It is possible that the involvement of foreigners could have turned into a major public scandal. DynCorp was ultimately ordered to pay a pittance for Bolkovacs wrongful termination and fired seven employees who never faced criminal prosecution. At the time, the armored car that he would otherwise have been riding in was being used by the contractors manager to transport prostitutes from Kuwait to Baghdad.. The President had asked him "Where is the justice?". [19], By 1961 California Eastern Aviation needed a new name to reflect the growing and diversifying company. But I think once the jury hears this case, thataccusation is only going to make them more angry at DynCorp. Werner apparently intended to use the video as leverage in the event that Hirtz decided to fire him. The problem was he would literally fall asleep every five minutes. [103] Many of the employees accused of sex trafficking were forced to resign under suspicion of illegal activity. As a result, more than $2.5 billion in U.S. funds were vulnerable to waste and fraud, although SIGIR's Iraq reconstruction inspector Stuart Bowen noted that there was no indication that DynCorp had misspent any of the $2.5 billion. After learning about Kathryn Bolkovac, read about the debunked child-trafficking conspiracy, Pizzagate. The strategy appeared to work when an article was published in July by the Washington Post about the incident, which made little of the affair, saying it was an incident of "questionable management oversight" in which foreign DynCorp workers "hired a teenage boy to perform a tribal dance at a company farewell party.". Just be forewarned, this is not an easy road ahead of you.. Kathryn Bolkovac was fired from DynCorp when she brought concerns over the company engaging in human trafficking in Bosnia. To her point, peacekeepers were found to have raped locals at a U.N. base in Haiti in September 2011, resulting in mass protests. (C) On June 23, Assistant Ambassador Mussomeli met with MOI Minister Hanif Atmar on a number of issues, beginning with the April 11 Kunduz RTC DynCorp investigation. It was involved in a sex and human trafficking scandal in Bosnia in 1999 and also where included in a investigation made by The Chicago Tribune in 2005 about the government cover up of child trafficking made by military contractors. Looking at these facts, he said, he wanted CSTC-A in charge. Putting aside the fact that the primary concern of the U.S. official was that publicity about possible criminal behavior might lead to an "overreaction by the Afghan government" there are other points to consider. "Thebottom line is that DynCorp has taken what used to be a real positive program that has very high visibility with every Army unit in the world and turned it into a bag of worms. As for U.N. Secretary-General Klein, he went on to spearhead a similar peacekeeping mission in Liberia where remarkably similar scandals unfolded. A week later he received a letter of, 's attorneys, that he wasimplicated by a DynCorp employee for illegal activity in, 's attorney, says flatly of this: "It's DynCorp's effort, steps up and says, 'We don't have any jurisdiction'? [70][71] In Latin America DI Development implemented anti-corruption, transparency, and accountability programs in Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Panama, and provided democracy and governance initiatives in Mexico, Bolivia, and the Dominican Republic. There were no safe homes to place victims in. I didn't get any results from talking to DynCorp officials, so I went to Army CID and I drove around with them, pointing out everyone's houses who owned women and weapons. [17][19], In 1951 Land-Air Inc., which implemented the first Contract Field Teams (teams of technicians that maintained military aircraft for the United States Air Force), was bought by California Eastern Aviation Inc.[19][20] DynCorp still holds the contract 50 years later, maintaining rotary and fixed-wing aircraft for all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces. 2021CorpWatch, all rights reserved. 5. Rees thus introduced Bolkovac to Karen Bailey, a lawyer in Birmingham, England, with whom she sued DynCorp for wrongful termination in June 2001. Widney Brown, an advocate for Human Rights Watch, tells INSIGHT "ourgovernment has an obligation to tell these companies that this behavior iswrong and they will be held accountable. We talk about thefuture of the children, helping to build economies, democracy, the rule of law,and at the same time we fail to prosecute cases like this. [11] DynCorp was also hired to assist recovery in Louisiana and neighboring areas after Hurricane Katrina. Harlin even alleged that Johnston was "hanging out with Kevin Werner." We have to show that there was acausal connection between Ben's whistle-blowing about the sex trade and hisbeing fired. [citation needed] DynCorp Technical Services LLC continued to perform DynCorp's domestic contracts. They manage installations for military bases for the Department of Defense and the Department of State, and provide security services, fire and rescue emergency services, and IT/telecommunication services. WebFor instance, in the late 1990s, DynCorp employees were accused of raping children in Bosnia as well as buying and selling girls as young as 12 for use as sex slaves. Flickr/USAIDBolkovacs book was adapted into a movie which was screened at the United Nations in 2010. In a leaked cable from the US embassy in Afghanistan, in a investigation made by The Chicago Tribune, State Department lost $1 billion it paid out to DynCorp. The State Department has called bacha bazi a widespread, culturally accepted form of male rape.. Trump Wants to Shake Up the CIA http://nypost.com/2017/01/04/trump-wa FB Group #HRCRatLine To summarize the plot, in Bosnia in 1999, Kathryn Bolkovac, a U.S. policewoman served as a U.N. peacekeeper. As one of the federal government's top 25 contractors, DynCorp has received nearly $1 billion since 1995 for these services and has deployed 181 personnel to Bosnia during the last six years. Hiring Mercenary Air Force for Iraq Rescues, DynCorp lands $450M Navy contingency services deal, DynCorp Awarded Up to $80M Contract for Support from U.S. Army, U.S awarded $17.2 million contract to DynCorp to support the Royal Saudi helicopter fleet, DynCorp Wins Potential $490M Contract for Aviation Maintenance, Logistics Support, "DynCorp International to Support Final Flight of NASA Space Shuttle Endeavour", "DynCorp Team to Help NASA Fly Final Shuttle Endeavour Flight", "DynCorp International supports final flight of NASA Space Shuttle Endeavour", DynCorp International to Help Fight California Wildfires, DynCorp awarded $490M contract for aircraft maintenance work at Pax River, DynCorp International Awarded $93M Contract for Aircraft Maintenance Support from US Air Force, DynCorp International Wins $105 million contract for aviation maintenance from US Army, DynCorp Wins Potential $177M Award for NASA Aircraft Engineering, DynCorp Wins $78M to Support Philippine Operations, "DynCorp wins $401M Andrews AFB contract", "Retired Redstone Arsenal commander James Myles dons civvies for new aviation mission", DynCorp wins $25M Kuwait Air Force Apache contract, DynCorp awarded $80M contract to support US Army helicopters in-theatre, DynCorp wins KAF AH-64D Apaches support contract, "DPAP - Program Acquisition and Contingency Contracting - Contingency Contracting - About Contingency Contracting - Definition of "Contingency Operation", Casals & Associates Joins DynCorp International, "DynCorp International acquires Casals & Associates", "International Development - Latin America - DynCorp International", "DynCorp International Acquires Phoenix Consulting Group", "UPDATE 1-DynCorp looks to expand intelligence services", "DynCorp International Completes Acquisition of Phoenix Consulting Group, Inc", "DynCorp Agrees to Acquire Phoenix Consulting Group, Inc", Global Linguist Solutions Again Awarded $4.6 Billion Army Linguist Services Contract. [42] They have also provided air operations support in Iraq, including search and rescue, medical evacuations, and transporting quick reaction forces. For more on dancing boys see this PBS Frontline documentary "The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan," broadcast last year. He tells INSIGHT, "I noticed there were problems as soon as I got there, and I tried to be covert because I knew it was a rougher crowd than I'd ever dealt with. "None of the girls," continues Johnston, "were from Bosnia. Hirtz: Yes. , has been a worldwideforce providing maintenance support to the, military through contract field teams (CFTs). [106][107], According to The New York Times, the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) found that "DynCorp seemed to act almost independently of its reporting officers at the Department of State, billing the United States for millions of dollars of work that were not authorized and beginning other jobs without a go-ahead. The strategy appeared to work when an article was published in July by the Washington Post about the incident, which made little of the affair, saying it was an incident of questionable management oversight in which foreign DynCorp workers hired a teenage boy to perform a tribal dance at a company farewell party. [110] In April 2011 DynCorp agreed to pay $7.7 million to the U.S. government to settle claims that it had inflated claims for construction contracts in Iraq. ", , "I just told the guys it was wrong. [57] DynCorp provides aircraft maintenance in countries including the Republic of the Philippines,[58] the United States, throughout Europe, Southwest Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. [92][93] DynCorp is looking to partner with Raytheon as a prime or subcontractor on the Teach, Educate, Coach program, which is part of the Army's Warfighter Field Operations Customer Support program. Hefurther admitted to having purchased weapons (against the law in Bosnia) and it was Werner who turned over to CID the videotape made by Hirtz. Tree hugger | Independent | Husky lover | Profile picture made by Fiona Hsieh. Top of the United Nations in 2010 over there. and spill containment patrols and aircraft recovery.! Dyncorp also performs supportability and safety studies as well as off-site aircraft safety and containment. That Johnston was working with CID DynCorp hangarwhen Johnston was `` hanging out with werner... Possibly have over there. of foreigners could have turned into a major public.. Europe as sex slaves how we can be sure her ideals wont be corrupted by money. Company engaging in human trafficking in Bosnia Dyncorp-McNeil in for $ 4.65B Iraq Translation contract other is! Under the currentDynCorp contract. sex-slave trade they can break they do from.... He wanted CSTC-A in charge ] DynCorp received more than 96 % of more... 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