compassion international fake letters

If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know. If you have, we will have to wait for it to be processed before we can cancel your sponsorship. Both my children have indicated that they visit the center once a week (4 times a month). Thank you It is such a blessing to know you have been a sponsor for so many years and enjoy it so much! Naturally, we are going to question who is writing the letters & hoping its not just done for show so we continue sponsorship. Also, the tutors helping your child write his letters want to make sure his letters are authentic, and they dont want to take away from what your child is actually saying by embellishing. In the email and via phone I was told the updated one is the correct one,but no explanation was given as to how something like this could happen. While I do think the organization has things they certainly need to improve, it does not justify SPOILED attacks on every little thing they are not doing just exactly to your thoughts, or are doing. As a Christian organization, everything we do needs to be worthy of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and we want as much as possible to get to the children we serve. Sometimes they are vague and sometimes they are very informative. We encourage our sponsors to ask their children specific questions they might have about school, church, their family, and hobbies. That said, at any time of the year (including at Christmas), you are welcome to send a child or family gift that would be specific for your child and will not be split up. Our primary focus is on holistic child development through sponsorship. Compassion makes sure the money is properly spent by the parents by not just giving the parents pure cash. Children do not always know how to express their thanks or communicate their feelings, plans and dreams butwe encourage you to keep feeding love into your childs life. Then, Leos response letter will take about 2-3 months to be received by you. Don't forget! -clean drinking water Charity Organizations Writing letters to your child in the Compassion program can bring them love, joy, encouragement and a sense of belonging. Its getting to be frustrating. We actually just received the letter and photo back from the country office in Bolivia regarding the $500 gift you sent to his project :). We want our program to be effective, so we monitor the child development centers to make sure they are making a difference in the lives of the children we serve. Thirdly, we have friends who are living as missionaries in Africa. Just send me the monthly sheet to write my letter on and translate for my child and that is all I need. For those that are thinking of dropping the sponsorship please, please reconsider and dont drop it. I pray for their growth, integrity, and that many more children will be helped in Jesuss name. Kristin, I am deeply sorry to hear of your doubts and disappointment regarding your childs letters :(. Only in the US would this mean 9 March. I know that can be frustrating and difficult to build a relationship when it feels one sided. Now I am getting stuff about taking a trip to hug my child. Report this GIF; Iframe Embed. I noticed you have started writing to Farel more often lately, which is great! If you are a sponsor with Compassion and have thought about this before, I encourage you to check out Charity Navigators review of Compassion. Im really sorry to hear that you felt misled and hassled by Compassion. After this trip I understand so much more than the ignorant, untrusting sponsor I once was. The NP/PA, whether the practice setting is the inpatient, ambulatory, or outpatient . I did check your account and confirmed that you did send Eferem a generous Christmas gift. Our children are required to write to their sponsors twice per year, whether they are receiving letters back or not. We take integrity very seriously here at Compassion and we are happy to answer any questions you have. This has caused letters to sit in translation as we work through these issues. Furthermore, it is unfortunate that Sarahs suggestions were not fully addressed (video chat which is free, continuous bulk mail, lack of proof of the children actually receiving our presents and letters pictures can be downloaded for free, the suggestion to aid in translating letters for other children ) I have been sponsoring numerous children since 2013 and also receive generic letters which do not address specific questions that I have asked. It has been such a rewarding experience. Anyways, the response the second time said that it normally takes 3 to 6 months to receive the first letter.hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. We are so appreciative of all that you are sowing into your precious childs life. Letters are important. I got an LDP scholarship instead and I was supported by funds from other sponsors. The tutors and staff at our projects help the children answer these questions in turn, helping you connect with their world in a more personal way. They seem to have been just cutting costs lately which have impacted us negatively. Compassions2016-2017 990 form shows our CEO, Santiago Jimmy Mellados reportable compensation from theministry as $340,940 which is well below other ministrieswithin this same field. Indeed, there are church partners who fail to come up to Compassions stewardship standards, and the projects are closed after due process and extensive dialogue and the children are transferred to another project. . You are probably the only person Kayivi and Inoussa have ever written to. Thank you for offering to do that! The 10% administrative fee is only on child, birthday, or family gifts. Then I also sent a check for $100 that I included instructions that it was to be used to buy a gift for her along with gifts for each of her family members so that no one was left out and she would not be the only one in the family to get a gift. I made several contacts about the situation. Hi Paul! I cannot express how sorry I am to hear of the doubts you have about Compassion and whether your one-to-one sponsorship of Josiane is real. When I lived in Egypt I was told no one celebrates birthdays. Now with this new system, it actually identifies questions that you ask and those questions are provided to the tutors so that they and your child will very clearly know exactly what needs answered every time you ask a question! a relationship with him.Its working ok for me it will be fore you it needs time patients and prayer peter. Were thrilled about this and I pray that you begin to find your questions being answered in future letters your child writes to you. You are exactly correct that we combine all Christmas gifts and distribute them equally among all of the children in our programs. Weve sent him birthday cards and coloring pages with a 6 on it last year for his birthday and this year again, with the wrong age. Management & General $80M. Also, with 1.7 million children in our program, we dont have the capabilities to do video chat with our sponsors, I pray that God blesses the relationship you build with your child through letters and that you enjoy investing in his life and watching him grow. I cannot express how sorry I am to hear of the doubts you have about Compassion and whether your one-to-one sponsorship of Andrew and Yasmine is real. It probably would have done more to convince me to stay, to see for myself, but it never happened. It was clearly written. Some seasons of life are more enjoyable, I think it's really important to teach our children, as Christians, to have compassion on the poor. Im sure. I hear your heart for this ministry and your desire to foster a meaningful relationship with your sweet boy. I completely understand your eager desire to hear from her, and I can imagine its been extremely difficult to go through this pandemic without any letters. Heres the financials chart used by Ministry Watch so you can see how Compassions numbers line up with other organizations: Industry average vs. Compassion: The monitoring and alerting group, for example, still relies on Splunk to maintain 99.999% uptime a feat that's helped the team become known as "Protect the Nines." Again, Im so sorry for the confusion this caused you but we want to keep our sponsors informed at all times and updated on the records we have for your child. I feel that until I see Compassion International take this step, I will hold my giving as it is. Am sure there are many others with similar testimonies. You mentioned that your compensation is to attract top talent. Though our staff do an excellent job teaching the kids the art of letter writing, having a real conversation through letters can still be a hard concept for them to grasp. When we find out that his salary has changed to a more reasonable amount or if we are able to see how much of that 300,000+ he actually donates, we will be much more inclined to support and recommend Compassion once again. ? Because of this, children may or may not tell their sponsor in their next letter, what they received for Christmas. If compassion International really cared that much for the kids there are enough volunteers available to replace many of their employees. I was so happy. Compassion chooses to send dollars to the Implementing Church Partners for our programs that impact children. Why do we say I want to help the children, but dont want to support the institution that makes all this happen. To some people 38 dollars is not a small amount. in Junk Removal & Hauling. In that regard, Compassion does well. Thank you!!! We value the impact of the relationship that each sponsor can build with their child and the hope they can bring through letter writing. I recived these 2 separate letters in the same week. I am Joseph Alba, pastor of Salem Christian Life Center, and we are Compassions church partners in the Child Development through Sponsorship Program (CDSP) and Child Survival Program (CSP). Private Donations $1.1B. My experience with them has been less than candid. Their ratio of donated $ to direct child support has as little overhead as possible. How absolutely precious it is to hear from Dawkins Ochieng and Mworia! You can toss the packet as we will not need that back. Many countries do not view a childsupport birthday as important. Charitable Services $899M. We never want this to become a burden to anyone but rather a joyful opportunity to give to those in need. We value the relationship that you want to build with your child and I apologize for how confusing that letter must have been to receive. On the Compassion web site, you can type letters to your sponsored kids and upload photos. For the vast majority of children, our photographs are the only ones they have ever had taken and in some cultures smiling for a photo is not the norm. Our records do indicate that your boy is living with his mother but its possible that she went away for work and so he is staying with his grandmother or that his situation has changed and he is there permanently. Just last year, I had a 6th grader who was positive, based on her moms comments, that she was actually a year or possibly 2 years older than our school documents said. Out of concern I asked Compassion UK about her. I posted a link at the end of this comment for a blog post about this same issue. 21 years that Compassion has partnered with that Church I was the first sponsor to visit that site. There are no employees but only volunteers. I recieved a letter about promoting Compassion at my church. I was so shocked I didnt believe. When I receive your letter, I will contact our office in Ethiopia to ensure that your boy is doing alright and find out more about his home situation. releasing children from poverty in the name of Jesus Christ. Share it with her friends, etc. Something has happened now its the same thing every time I ask questions and it seems the letters are exactly the same as the last There is no emotion in them I have 4 sponsored children and I miss the letters I use to get where they were responsive and you were carrying on a conversation To me its all about the relationship with my child and them knowing Jesus. Their questions would be more than answered!!!! Chris mentioned that in a blog post last week, How is My Money Used Each Month?. Let me explain something about the monthly. We do need an eight week notice before you plan to visit the child so that we can do a background check and coordinate with the childs center staff in planning the visit. I am very sorry that you did not receive a thank you letter for the gifts that you sent to Marcela. Im hoping I can clarify the confusion regarding the letter time frame. We look forward to hearing from you and addressing all of your concerns. I was told to wait a few more weeks? We so appreciate all that you have done for Prasanth, but if you are no longer able to continue we will understand. Are they going to tell you you cant quit? Hi Christie, Yes, please do Google us and read reviews of what people are saying about Compassion International. Therefore, we protect, develop, and deploy all of our resources (people, time, money, knowledge, reputation and materials) with great care and wisdom. In order to develop quality staff at Compassion while at the same time managing our financial resources with great care and wisdom, Compassion offers competitive salaries for the various positions necessary to successfully execute Compassions mission statement. The Feed my children also sends out Gods message in addition to the meals. I asked myself how they were going to provide clean water for a childs family if there wasnt enough money to spend for the entire village. Some leave after high school and begin working, helping their families, or go onto reach other goals they have. Exact same letter, writing, and drawing, apparently from our sponsored child. At this point we havent heard from her in nearly 3 years (since Feb. 2019). All children are different but, if you want to know something from them you have to ask them. We sincerely look forward to earning your trust and proving our hearts for serving our sponsors and children with excellence. They are excessive. Do you recall if you received this one? Absolutely. You are correct that if you send a gift of $60 or more, a picture of the child will be taken and sent to you, as well. This maybe necessary but the expensive restaurants first class hotels and bar bills should be questioned. Our goal is that the children in our program follow Jesus Christ in faith and deed, support themselves and share with others in need, are responsible members of their families, churches, communities and nations; and maintain their own physical well-being by the time they complete our Child Sponsorship Program. I am very happy to report that I have five sponsored children and have not had this experience at all! where in the junk mail received does it say would you consider volunteering to translate letters for other children? are you serious?? Our center staff do an excellent job teaching the children to write letters; however, the children in our programs primarily communicate verbally. Does that happen when they become adults? Or would that be something for her financial sponsor? Compassion International Go And Make Disciples Mission Work Travel Humor Human Connection Straight from the mouths of Compassion-assisted students in Rwanda, here's what children really want to hear in the letters from their sponsors. However, regrettably, these system updates have not been without some bumps along the way. We provide holistic child development in the four areas of development cognitive, physical, economic, and spiritual. He alone knows the absolute truth about the heart of any individual or organization and whether it would be of benefit to both the sponsor and the donor. In one letter they tell me the child lives in such and such place, but in another letter it says somewhere different. The rest of the gift goes to Faith, and a worker from the center will help her and the family decide how they are going to use it. I have sponsored Compassion children for over 20 years. They confirm that someone far away in the United States thinks she is valuable enough to write to and care for. Ive sent 11 letters this past year and received 2 from Gadiel. 80% or more of all monthly support goes towards programs that directly impact the lives of the children. the notificatio. I can see a few different letters in the system that we are working to process for you as fast as we can. Erik, that is an incredible testimony. I found a director at Compassion who complained because they have status and could not get the upgraded seat they wanted. Eventually I made the hard decision to stop my sponsorship. For example, he said that he finished the first semester of College and that he was on vacation with his family. Compassion has consistently averaged more than 80 percent of total expenditures being used for program activities, with less than 20 percent being used for fundraising and administration. Hi Dennis! In the beginning of my sponsorship, I too had some doubts, but my eyes have seen what Compassion does for these kids, and I am 100% convinced that they are real and striving to honor God is all they do. If theres one thing Ive learned in my life about computers and computer systems, it is that nothing ever goes as planned and there are always glitches. Roughly 80% of your monthly donation goes directly toward programming for the children and 90% of your personal gifts go directly to your child and their family. On Off. "He was really. They have strict guidelines on what they can and cannot do. a) Activating Compassion: Step 1 = Breath (Body, Being) b) Compassionate Connection Begins with Self c) Compassionate Connection Begins With Companioning Our Own Suffering In Parting May this. Sometimes the kiddos just dont realize that we want to know if they actually liked the items we send :). 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