can god resurrect a cremated body

What Can I Do? In the Old Testament, cremation was sometimes used as a form of punishment (Leviticus 20:14) or to defile the dead bodies of enemy soldiers (1 Samuel 31:12). And with Him all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). There are two main ways the Scriptures indicate this. First, we should remember that our bodies are not our own; they belong to God (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Here are some verses that may answer what does the Bible say about cremation KJV version: And when the inhabitants of Jabeshgilead heard of that which the Philistines had done to Saul; All the valiant men arose, and went all night, and took the body of Saul and the bodies of his sons from the wall of Bethshan, and came to Jabesh, and burnt them there. Because cremation necessitates more planning time, it can be more expensive. And if a man take a wife and her mother, it is wickedness: they shall be burnt with fire, both he and they; that there be no wickedness among you. The fact that a body is cremated does not make it impossible or difficult for God to resurrect that body. Theres no need to be concerned if God can create life from dust and if he can restore life after death from ashes. I would also just mention, in passing, that in my experience people often get confused as to how exactly God can manage to resurrect people whose bodies have decayed away centuries ago. The decision is ultimately determined by a deceaseds personal wishes, as well as the feelings and preferences of those who make the final arrangements for him or her. The answer really would depend on the individual or family making the decision. So when this corruptible has put on incorruption, and this mortal has put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written: Death is swallowed up in victory. O Death, where is your sting? (Alternate Resurrection Theory #1), 14 Evidences for the Resurrection of Jesus Christand 14 References. However, the fact that a body has been cremated does not make it any more difficult for God to resurrect that body. God is the Almighty who is not limited to resurrecting buried bodies. If yes, how? It is not inherently pagan or disrespectful to bury someone in that manner. Contrary to popular belief, the Bible does not forbid or favor cremation. Cremation is the process of reducing a corpse to bone fragments through the use of fire. After all, with our current understanding of DNA, we should have no problem accepting this. This process is irreversible, and thus, on judgement day, there will be no body to resurrected. So, in the final analysis, theres really no difference between burial and cremation in terms of what would become of the corpse. Many Christians, however, believe that their bodies will be unable to be resurrected if they are cremated. (2) The centrality of the Incarnation. Hinduism does not recognize funerals as a religion. I do believe this would be a problem if the Christian worldview necessitated a one-to-one correspondence between the two bodies. If therefore, we are body, soul and spirit, as I personally believe, when we leave this life our spirit goes to be with the Lord. These are just some of the cremation KJV bible verses that talk about the body being burned up. 2. Bodies of the saints, heaven, and earth will be renewed by God. Jesus Didnt Die from Crucifixion (The Swoon Theory)(Alternate Resurrection Theory #2), Was Jesus Body Stolen? I just started following this and I am learning a lot. Furthermore, we will not be resurrected to mortality, but to. 2023 Funeral Direct. Gods can do whatever their mythology says they can do. In addition to representing death and repentance, the ashes represent life. Christians believe that if a body is cremated, it will not be able to be resurrected. 1:1), God will be able to reconstruct all of our parts so that we can meet him in the air. What on earth is going on? Moreover, even the bodies of the saints in the past would have already been dust after thousands of years being on the ground. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing. Gospel Q&A: If Someone Has Been Cremated, How Will Their Body Rise to be Resurrected? person consists. cremation is not mentioned in the Bible. Any faults, defects or imperfections will be gone. However, similar concepts are mentioned in the Bible as we have read in the list of Bible verses about cremation KJV. God can resurrect our bodies miraculously God can resurrect that same body from ashes spread out at sea or somebody who dies at sea and is eaten by sharks. When presented with two options, cremation or burial, how can you make the right choice? In the United States, cremation is both legal and common practice. Our bodies will be powerful--they will not be subject to stress or fatigue or weakness. Because of this, they can be difficult to understand. It was moved not so he could get out, but so others could see in. Think of all the people incinerated in terrible fires, and all the atoms and molecules and DNA dissipated and reabsorbed into the eco-system over thousands of years. In response, the Lord declares, I will punish him for his indiscretions and bring him all his ways that he has committed. In the New Testament, there is also mention of cremation. An individual who is thinking of being cremated, should pray for wisdom. 17 Unbelievable Bible Secrets No One Has Ever Told You, 12 Unspoken Reasons Why You Should Not Use the New International Version (NIV) Bible, 5 Powerful and Vital Lessons from the Life of Samson, 20 Most Surprising Lessons from Psalm 91 You Probably Never Heard Of, 12 Awesome Lessons We Learn from the Healing of the Man Blind from Birth (John 9:1-41), What Does it Mean to Put your Hand on the Plow and Look Back? Some were fed to the lions while others were sawn in two. Contrarily, cremation better symbolizes the pagan worldview of reincarnation or escape from the body. When it comes to the disposal of a dead body, burial is the standard practice in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Our DNA is a blueprint to who we are. Jesus our great redeemer ate and was in the physical body prior to his departure post-resurrection. No. That is all contained within the DNA in our genes. 12:2And many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. In 1 Kings 13:2, a man from Judah is cremated after he disobeys a prophets command. More answers below Dennis Cybulski Former Life and Health Agent (Never Lost a Client) (1969-1998) Author has 36.2K answers and 16.8M answer views 2 y Real Questions. The only thing we have to be thankful for is that God promised in his gospel that all of us who trust in Jesus Christ will be raised and live eternally. Corinthians 13:3) I believe is talking about being able to do amazing things, but without love, you will get no credit.? Of course, Christian tradition would favor more burying the dead rather than burning them. We must also remember that when God will resurrect us if we are going to be part of His Kingdom, we will be resurrected as spirit beings, who will not need a physical body anymore. Heres a quick look at some of the most common reasons why cremation is preferred by some people: [Also read: 10 Best Lessons We Learn from the Coronavirus Pandemic]. . This is interesting considering that most tombs in the Western world have always faced east so that when we rise we will be facing toward Jerusalem. (Hindi) (Malayalam). Funerals differ from one religion to the next. To help you decide, here are the factors you might want to consider: However, under normal circumstances, most people would choose burial since it is the custom of many and it has always been the standard tradition. Although many Christians believe that their bodies cannot be resurrected after cremation, the practice is still uncommon. In this case, to rise from the grave may be symbolic of our resurrection, but not what will actually happen. Some people disagree with this conclusion, pointing out that the body remains decompose after burial. Which places a guiding and big picture context around the issue of cremation or burying a body. Its a modern word that didnt exist in the time when the Bible is written. The result of cremation or slow decay over thousand of years is the same and it makes no difference to God. And Joshua said, Why hast thou troubled us? Because I only see it in the old testament about burnt or cremation. God who created us certainly can recreate us from ashes, regardless the manner in which the body was disposed at death. Any faults, defects or imperfections will be gone. According to legend, the essence of the deceased was said to have been sent to the afterlife through the smoke of their bodies. Therefore, not only is cremation forbidden, but also things such as cutting the body, tattoos and . Neither will have any effect whatever on God's sure promise to resurrect all human beings in due course according to His plan and purpose ( 1 Corinthians 15:22 ; John 5:28-29 ; Revelation 20:4-6 ; Revelation 20:11-14 )which must include those who have been cremated. They all eventually integrate into other things, including, in some cases, other people. Against that is a large body of Jewish literature that deals extensively with burial of the dead. Im just one person using the gospel I have been blessed with to bring hope, peace, and answers to other seekers of truth. Send us an email at or leave it in the comments below. Embalming before burial is meant to delay decomposition, but it cant delay it indefinitely. Some wealthy people also choose cremation as a personal preference. Cremation is a way of disposing of a body that is respectful and dignified, and it is an option that Christians may choose. The body was never meant to be the stable principle of identity, that is the job of the soul. God made our bodies from dust, and designed our bodies to be returned to dust (Genesis 3:19). That is true whether the dead are resurrected or not. They will be whole and perfect. Well, this should not be a source of concern for Christians. Robert. Similarly, there are many examples of burying the dead in the New Testament (Luke 16:22; Matthew 8:22; 27:1-10,57-60; John 11:33-44; Acts 5:1-11; 8:2). I don't like cremation for aesthetic reasons. Some were fed to the lions while others were sawn in two. Similarly, a seaman buried at sea would leave no traces. Funeral costs are estimated to be $6,500 today. This post is also available in: The issue is not that burial should be the only option. a dying-and-rising god is a deity which dies and . For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality. After creating the human race, "God saw all that he had made, and it was very good" (Genesis 1:31). For we live by faith, not by sight. All Christian interpreters, theologians, and teachers agree that God is able to resurrect any body. I dont select the ads displayed here but generated by advertising software. In the Bible, cremation is not sinful in any way. Grand Rapids. While the Bible does not mention cremation, it does mention resurrection. But this was probably done for sanitary reasons rather than religious ones. The resurrection is only possible through a supernatural God who has knowledge of all things and is all-powerful. In conclusion, cremation is becoming increasingly popular among Christians due to its environmental friendliness, cost-effectiveness, and ease of disposal. And the Lord promised, If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him (James 1:5). Whether any God exists is, of course, another matter. God is the Almighty who is not limited to resurrecting buried bodies. (2 Peter 3:7, 10), then the world will one day be burned up or "cremated" by God . Adapted from an answer given in Episode 85 of the Core Christianity Radio Show. Paul encourages his disciples in 2Corinthians 5:7 to do what is necessary for Christs sake, declaring that offering your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God, is your spiritual act of worship. Despite the fact that cremation is not mentioned explicitly in the Hebrew Bible, it is found throughout. Can I Lose My Salvation? A prime example (though extreme) would be a certain cannibal who kills and eats a Christian missionary and then becomes a Christian. At the rapture/resurrection the spirits of deceased believers will return with the Lord where they . A prime example (though extreme) would be a certain cannibal who kills and eats a Christian missionary and then becomes a Christian. In other words, anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and is cremated will not be harmed by the act. You have answered well that you backed it with several verses in the Bible ,now it is up to serve God in spirit and truthGod bless you, Thanks for the topic on cremation I esky enjoyed it asks it answered a lot of questions besides what I had already searched in the Bible for. When Christ returns, Paul declares in Colossians 3:1-3, every body shall be raised incorruptible with glory. It means that even after death, the body will not suffer from corruption and will be restored to its original state. According to church guidelines, cremation of the deceaseds body does not affect his or her soul. Since God is big enough to produce a world-wide resurrection, He certainly can make a spiritual body from only a speck of dust -- or less. Following a traditional funeral service or before a memorial service, a cremation and burial can be arranged. The resurrection of Jesus was a guarantee that, for those who believed in him, they too would do the same. That bill's aim was to legalize alkaline hydrolysis in Texas.Unfortunately, the bill stalled in the house. Ultimately, whether a person's body was buried at sea, destroyed in combat or an accident, intentionally cremated or buried in a grave, the person will be resurrected." . The resurrection of the body will occur at the end of the age when Christ returns. The process of cremation creates 46 different types of pollution in your body. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, God formed us from dust and blew life into His creation, we the living beings. Therefore, I dont think that God is too concerned about getting us in the exact same model at the resurrection. However, most people were buried (Genesis 23:19; 25:9; 35:29; 47:29). How is the Christian missionary physically resurrected and who or what is resurrected in the case of the cannibal? Most religions do not practice the tradition of sending out funeral invitations. Can God resurrect a cremated body? Cremation simply hastens the process of decomposition. And all that graven images thereof shall be beaten to pieces, and all the hires thereof shall be burned with the fire, and all the idols thereof will I lay desolate: for she gathered it of the hire of an harlot, and they shall return to the hire of an harlot. Israels ancestors are thought to have first buried their dead and not cremated them, a practice that has continued throughout history. Nitrous oxide and heavy metals, for example, can be found in the atmosphere for up to 100 years, releasing acids that deplete ozone and cause acid rain. Thus, instead of trying to put together the body of King Saul, they chose to burn the body and not go through the usual way of putting to rest the kings of Israel. Most Protestants believe that since God can resurrect the body of a deceased person, He would have no trouble raising a bowl of ashes from the dead. It was apologetic in orientation. Last Update: Jan 03, 2023 Thanx. In fact, Paul explained in Romans 10:3 that what is sown is perishable, and what is raised is imperishable. Therefore, it seems perfectly reasonable that God could use the exact same body. God need only reform a physical body within the framework of the eternal spiritual body resulting in the re-creation of a body in his perfect image, just as Adam was initially created in a perfect state. How do we deal with all the bizarre, paranormal, seemingly unchristian things that are happening in the world. There are some spiritual concerns that may arise, but cremation is not viewed as a sin by the vast majority of religious denominations. My approach now is is two-fold. In recent years, however, cremation has become less popular due to the rise of other methods, such as burial and cremation. Paul said that to be absent for the body would be present with the Lord. It doesnt matter what physical material God uses and whether they are the same atoms or different ones. March 7, 2022 And a mans uncle shall take him up, and he that burneth him, to bring out the bones out of the house, and shall say unto him that is by the sides of the house, Is there yet any with thee? It is natural to consider cremation as environmentally friendly because it does not necessitate burial or disposal. Finally, Christs body was only three days old. They respect the desires of the individual. Cremated deaths are prevalent in some religions, while burial and cremation are also prevalent in others. Remember Romans 8:38-39 that gives you assurance that there is nothing that can separate you from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus. In the end, however, we should remember that the resurrection will take place by the power of God, who created the heavens and the earth. But in the resurrection state they will be powerful, imperishable, glorious, and spiritual. Left me still unsettled. Lia. If you can explain how God created man out of dust in the first place, then I will explain how He will resurrect us out of it. Moreover, you can bring with you the ashes anywhere you go. I am not sure what happens to the cells of a body after it has been lifeless for three days. And He can re-create the cremated bodies of the deceased from the dust of the earth at the resurrection Day. If God can resurrect a body that has been eaten by worms, fungi, microbes, etc. Jesus Christ Himself was buried. In fact, many traditions have been against cremation because they believe it prevents the resurrection (or, at least, demonstrates a lack of faith in it). In 1963, the law governing cemeteries was changed to allow cremation due to overcrowding. Th.M. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. In Texas, cremations can cost as little as $1,000. The answer, in my view, is probably best explained by saying that all God needs is the information that was used to form our bodies in the first place. Revelation 14:1. When a long-life coffin, a deep burial, and an embalming procedure are used, the deceased remains preserved for a very long time. Funerals for those who have not attended a religious service are a personal and fitting way for families to say goodbye to loved ones who have not attended one. O Hades, where is your victory? (1 Corinthians 15:50-55). A religious funeral is an event held by mourners to honor the life of someone they loved. You would not need burial plots anymore. (Luke 9:62), 12 Important Lessons We Learn from the Temptation of Jesus Christ, 10 Little-Known Lessons from the life of Tabitha (Dorcas) in Acts 9:36-43, The Plain Truth About Tithing [YouTube Shorts compilation], 3 types of heaven in the Bible [1-minute video]. So, any handicapped person will no longer be handicapped. He can do whatever He pleases and certainly, He can resurrect bodies that have been burned. Thats in Gods hands, but He has given us some clues. The resurrected creature has all of the memories of the dead creature (including whatever . That was the case in the body of King Saul. You might have heard about Achan, the man who hid treasures in his tent after God forbade the Israelites not to do so. In the Bible, cremation is not punished as a sin. So, when He recreates them, i.e. The LORD will trouble you this day. So all Israel stoned him with stones; and they burned them with fire after they had stoned them with stones. We must not be all too focused on the question, Is cremation a sin? or What does the Bible say about cremation?, What we must ask ourselves is, Did I live a life worth living for? Did I serve God and fulfill His purpose for me?. Regardless of the religious beliefs of the person, cremation does not prevent a person from going to Heaven. The Church Handbook states, The family of the deceased person decides whether his or her body should be buried or cremated. As a result of the Christian belief in the physical resurrection of the body, cremation fell out of favor among Christians. Mosiah 2:25 tells us, Ye cannot say that ye are even as much as the dust of the earth; yet ye werecreatedof thedustof the earth; but behold, itbelongethto him who created you.. Aside from that, it could be that he was also mutilated, and by the time he was found by the valiant men of Israel, his body could already be rotting or decaying. The Bible does not take a stance on cremation, nor does cremation in any way hamper God's plan to one day resurrect all of humanity. There are a few key passages that mention cremation, but they dont give a clear preference one way or the other. This question is not about the topic creamation.,but do the bible speak about people with mental health?,or is it just demons attacks? They shall be burned with fire, both he and they, that there may be no wickedness among you. In some instances, burning bodies isnt actually a burial rite, but rather a capital punishment. Then shall he say, Hold thy tongue: for we may not make mention of the name of the Lord. According to forensic science, this belief is false. Because cremation isnt a sin and is nowhere condemned in the Bible, it comes down to an individual decision whether it is best to cremate or bury a body. We know from God that if a tent is destroyed on the Earth, we will have a house built from God, one that is eternal in the heavens, a house not made with hands. Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to cremated is a personal one and should be made in consultation with your religious leader. It is natural to consider cremation as environmentally friendly because it does not necessitate burial or disposal. Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will cause an alarm of war to be heard in Rabbah of the Ammonites; and it shall be a desolate heap, and her daughters shall be burned with fire: then shall Israel be heir unto them that were his heirs, saith the LORD. Natural burials are far superior to cremation and traditional burials in terms of convenience and ease of use. God has already spoken it into existence. 13 Then they took their bones and buried them under the tamarisk tree at Jabesh, and fasted seven days. It is much easier to understand, therefore, how God will be able to resurrect a physical body if one remembers: 1 Cor. Cremation is the process of disposing of a dead body through heat, fire, and evaporation. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. SUBMISSIONS NEEDED! LDS Mom Launches Exciting New Party Game. Some cemeteries have strict rules about which type of monument you can have. For example, God buried Moses himself (Deuteronomy 34:5-8; Jude 1:9). Dayna Spence, a licensed evangelist, minister, and chaplain, provides an excellent explanation of the law and how to follow it. Can God resurrect a cremated body? Some were fed to the lions while . Even if the grave marker or other type of memorial is on a family plot, it can be very important to survivors. Members should be reassured that the power of the Resurrection always applies.. Some were fed to the lions while others were sawn in two. Does this mean that God will not resurrect them simply because they were not buried properly? Michael is available for speaking engagements. There are many reasons why cremation is becoming increasingly popular, including the fact that it has been practiced for centuries. cremation does not prevent a person from being able to Heaven, according to Christians. Can I still go to heaven if I am cremated? Good topic.It is a valid point that needs to be answered. Eventually, Joshua knew Achan caused the defeat of Israel by taking the accursed things. If So, Should We Pray Out Loud? To be cremated is a method of final disposition of a dead human body through burning. The main concern that we must all have as Christians, followers of the great God, is whether we have lived a life that is pleasing to our Father or not. That said, when God resurrects us He will not make us exactly as we are now. Indeed we must keep trying our very best to serve God in spirit and in truth whilst in our house of clay unceasingly. Gospel Q&A: I Feel Guilty That I Cant Fast Because of Medical Reasons. However, many Christian sects believe that burial funerals are the best option for meeting the end of life wishes. 4L15For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep. God is equally able to raise a person's remains that have been cremated as he is the remains of a person who was not cremated. All rights reserved (About Us). Friends and family are gathered in a religious funeral to honor a loved one who has passed away. Put the kids to bed as I answer the question that we all have and are scared to ask. Can God resurrect a cremated body? This would be accomplished by cremation, which completely destroys the body. If you are looking for information on funeral services, you have come to the right place. Many religions hold mourning rituals after funerals that last for an extended period of time, while others choose to end them once the funeral is over. If God created us from the dust of the earth originally, can He not resurrect us from the dust left behind after we die? Going to heaven are looking for information on funeral services, you have to. Here but generated by advertising software they dont give a clear preference way... Subject to stress or fatigue or weakness Medical reasons the dead creature ( including.. Christians due to its original state house of clay unceasingly if the missionary... I serve God in spirit and in truth whilst in our genes Jesus 14... Are just some of the resurrection is only possible through a supernatural God who has passed away both he they! Evangelist, minister, and thus, on judgement day, there is also mention the. 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