abandoned mill plymouth nh

Plymouth Township There the line divided, with the easternmore track to Lincoln, NH, still used by a tourist railroad. Mary Lyon: Built in the 1800s. In the dorm people have head footsteps at night, rattling brass doorknobs and mysterious gusts of wind without open windows or doors. below are the Bartlett and Albany Lumber Co. Today The Kearsarge Peg Company still operates in Bartlett. Inclusion or exclusion of commercial names, logos, products or services does not equate or imply endorsement by Cooperative Extension or the University of New Hampshire. Witnesses have described cold spots, apparitions turning up in An apparition of a man is said to walk through the halls and offices in the corporate office, opening doors and windows. Unexplained glowing lights are said to appear and disappear here. The piano in the main lobby plays by itself, although it is a regular instrument, not a player piano. Belchertown's School for the Feeble Minded, B-18 Plane Crash Wreckage - Woodstock, NH, Search For The Paddock Mineshaft - Part 1, Stone Chambers of Littleton Massachusetts, The Search For Newton's Elusive Stone Chamber, Curious Graves - Nathaniel Thurston's 7 Wives, Curious Graves - God Aimed The Tree That Crushed Him Dead, Macabre Memorials - Hannah Dustin The Scalper, Roaming The Crypts Below Boston's North Church, Little Niagara And The Foss Family Cemetery, Curious Graves - Persecuted For Wearing The Beard, Appalachian Caverns and The Virginia Creeper. Get more stories delivered right to your email. The Windham Restaurant Room 314 is said to be the hotbed of haunted activity in this hotel. Abandoned Nightmares Haunted House in Plymouth, NH! Chester-Hudson Quarry. White Island has yet another Blackbeard wife ghost a woman looking for her baby. The ruins offer a great peek into the past for both explorers and photographers alike. I would like to share photo's I took in 2002 of an abandoned Excelsior Mill in Wolfeboro Falls, New Hampshire. The Abandoned Adams Mill Dam. There have been reports of heavy footsteps, furniture that moves on its own, doors that open and close mysteriously and disembodied voices. Click here for more information and photos. The following two tabs change content below. At Alton Town Hall, a ghost of a rugged outdoorsman is one of the many haunts believed to be in residence. Present-day Hill is actually the second location where HIll village once was. The town was established in the 1730s in the region between the modern towns of Milford and Hollis. This restaurant and inn was built back in 1833. Maybe 200, at most. Hastings had everything Mills, boarding house, school, blacksmith shop, store, etc. Reports say there is a grave here marked by a green statue of a crying lady nicknamed Black Agnes. Deep in the heart of Maine's Allagash region sit two abandoned locomotives silently rusting in the wilderness. We've mapped the best abandoned places in in for urban explorers or photo shoots. The ghost of a 12-year-old girl named Laura who was killed in a fire in the 1800s is said to haunt the historic 1875 Inn, once called the Tilton Inn. At this Thai restaurant, witnesses have seen glasses moving across the tables and heard phantom voices in the dining room and kitchen. Dating as far back as the 1880s when it was the Lakeside Inn, Winnipesaukee Marketplace is said to be haunted. Boscawen to Lebanon, NH. Today visitors to the site can still see the Little East Pont mill and the railroad tracks that served it. At Alumni Hall, legend has it that there is a haunted, boarded-up dorm room in which a student hanged himself, and a few years later, his brother was given the same room and hanged himself as well. Below are 24 different ghost towns you can explore across the great state of California along with their status and exact GPS coordinates. I assume it was operated as a mill until 1960 when it was transferred in ownership to Christi Ambargis. If youre looking for a scenic and unusual hike, venture to Madame Sherris Forest in Chesterfield. Off Route 1A. Mary grew up, married and had children, though she was widowed at a young age. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Builder James Hartness was an inventor who worked with machines and tools, and he built a system of underground tunnels in which to work uninterrupted. Years ago when the Dover Mills caught fire, many people died, and their spirits are said to remain on the grounds. In 1988, an attempt was made to rebuild the hydroelectric plant, but that permit was ultimately denied. From 1970-1980, the mill changed hands a number of times, and attempts were made to operate it, but they all failed; the Lincolns mill final day of operation was June 11, 1980. While many remnants of this town are now long gone, the ruins of their old mill still remain. Oyster River Falls first dam was built in the mid-1600s, and over the years several mills and other businesses operated on both sides of the river. Open opens at 7:00pm / Last admission is 10:30. Reportedly there is a pair of big, red eyes that will follow you from the Stark Road graveyard, located on the left side of the road. amzn_assoc_rows = "4"; And because of the abundance of water in the White Mountains, there was no shortage of water-powered mills in the region. Harts Location Little remains of this settlement, but in the area of the old Allen Mill is this Eureka Lath Machine, Manufactured by C.S. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. The town was named in honor of Samuel Livermore who was a former senator and the grandfather to the wife of Daniel Saunders. The railroad was constructed in 1867 by thePortland & Ogdensburg Railroad Company before being leased to the Maine Central Railroad in 1888. We rate ghost towns, Read More 15 Ghost Towns Near Las Vegas [MAP]Continue, 2023 Urbex Underground - WordPress Theme by Kadence WP, Ultimate Guide to Finding Abandoned Places. More abandoned New Hampshire here - http://www.dogfordstudios.com/abandoned-new-hampshire-fine-art-photographs-forgotten/ Feb 6, 2016 - How many of these beautiful ruins have you seen? Reportedly a woman roams the hallways and visits residents in the middle of the night. In 1949 John C. Cone assumed ownership of Hartford Woolen Company. Open mid-April to mid-November. And you cant dig for artifacts at historical sites which means metal detecting anywhere in the National Forest is asking for trouble. The steam engine was so the mill could run in the winter when the waterfall froze up. larkhotels.com. Blaser's Fireside Tavern's ghosts may cause your car battery to fail just so you will stop at the tavern. MA | B&M , CMRR , GRR , MCRR , STRy , W&SB. Take only pictures and leave these unique places the way you found them. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; If youre having trouble finding abandoned places, be sure to check out our Ultimate Guide to Finding Abandoned Places, or explore abandoned places near you. The 40-room mansion is a superb example of homes from Colonial times. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. And up until 1933, log drives were done on the Mad River to move logs down to Campton Pond. The student left in a huff, then Palace Theatre opened in 1915 and is now restored, and is rumored to be haunted by a female apparition who appears on the stage. (Submitted by Victor T). The name comes from the ghost who supposedly haunts it Abel Blood who was buried there in 1867 next to his wife Betsy. amzn_assoc_tracking_id = "raregold-20"; Incorporated in 1781, the town of Thornton was named for Matthew Thornton, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. (617) 918-1016 BOSTON - Today, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is announcing that two grantees in the state of New Hampshire have been selected to receive $800,000 to assess and clean up contaminated properties under the agency's Brownfields Program. I know there is the remains of an old bus there, in the woods. We rate ghost towns in Wyoming based on their status. The Manor. About. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Abandoned Railroad Track Flat Mountain Pond Trail In 1924, the Draper Corporation purchased the Beebe River land tract, the Beebe mill and company buildings, and the railroad. A tale is told about a prospective student who walked in and asked a man who was playing a piano for directions, but the man just kept on playing as if he hadn't heard her. I have seen him many times, my housekeepers have seen him, my guests have seen him. Freetown was a small 1700s community that is now a ghost town. It could be places that you walk or drive by every day. Heres how our system works: Abandoned: Is abandoned with ruins, Read More 18 Ghost Towns In Wyoming [MAP]Continue, If youre searching for ghost towns in California, weve got you covered! Found a thread on here that was about 4 years old so I figured I'd start this topic up to see if anything new has been found or if anyone has any info on other places. Villages that once supported schools and post offices disappeared, leaving only cellar holes and maybe an abandoned building or two. Map of Bartlett from the 1892 Hurd Atlas of New Hampshire (603) 875-2161 42.808, -71.487 (Northwest of Boston, MA) the Riverside Airport operations moved to the nearby Plymouth Airport. 2056 Young Street East Troy, WI 53120 Phone: (262) 642-7321. Tucked away in the forest are the ruins of the Madame Sherri House, one of the most popular abandoned places in New Hampshire. As you explore the peaceful wilderness, youll soon come across the ruins of an old castle. There have been reports of her being sighted since shortly following her death. countrytavern.org. Location: Campton, New Hampshire, United States Urban explorers have a lot to see in New Hampshire, and there is a lot more than you would expect to have here. For more fall fun, be sure to visit our Guide to Fall in NH. With unique features, bags of potential and surprisingly low price tags, these derelict dwellings . In the basement, lights have been said to go on and off without anyone in the rooms. This was a logging village in operation during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the Sawyer River Railroad traveled through the village. The Eastern Division. Folks have reported cold spots, strong energy fields, and a feeling that something unseen was there with them. amzn_assoc_title = "My Amazon Picks"; Alton Locked doors have been said to open of their own will and lights/ceiling fans have turned on and off for no reason. The cut-up mill would cut the logs into four-foot lengths, and then during the spring months, they would be floated down the Mad River to Campton Pond. Today the area all along Island Path is said to be haunted There have been reports of moving objects, lights and a figure that appears in the fog. Daniel Webster Airport / Sanders Airfield, Merrimack, NH. The Best Abandoned Places In Maryland For 2021 And Beyond. Henry in 1880 who owned thousands of acres of timber land in the Zealand valley. Just don't go at night. Four halls are involved in haunting legends at Norwich University. By using this site you consent to the use of these cookies by various third-party partners such as Google and other advertisers. Margaritas Mexican Restaurant He built a 200 horsepower mill at the site and employed hundreds of people to work for him. Foot steps up and down the stairs, doors open and closing lights turning on and off things disappearing for several days then reappearing in the same spot, cold spots black shadows, hearing conversations from a far Room 20 is home to the apparition of a woman who also has been seen in the dining room. Great pictures and history Erin ,thanks for sharing i been getting my grandson involved in the old history of the area ,and he loves it we plan to go to a lot of those areas this summer . If you think you have been blocked in error, contact the owner of this site for assistance. Monson was the first colonial settlement in New Hampshire. Portsmouth. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Sudbury, Massachusetts Ford's Folly This dam in the woods, built by Henry Ford with only. The ghost of a woman named Mary is said to haunt the cemetery. Hi, what can you tell me about the logging town of Hastings on Evans Notch Road. Today the Monson ruins are freely accessible and part of the local park. During his ownership, it fell into disrepair. Despite the age of the site, numerous ruins and foundations still remain. I was not able to find any photos online of when the mill was a working mill. I will keep looking. Mary died at age 94 in 1814. Bretton Woods For the last 20 years, both patients and staff have reported activity such as the feeling of not being alone, locked doors opening, footsteps, objects that move around and other spooky feelings. Remnants of the powerhouse, sawmill, store, and other dwellings remain today. His underground rooms included a library, workshop, lavatory, study and lounge. Today the site of the old Manson ghost town is part of a 200 historic park created to preserve the history. At Colby-Sawyer College's Colby Dorm, footsteps and rattling doorknobs have been heard in the night, and gusts of wind seem to come from nowhere. The Parker Young Company acquired the mill in 1917 (Henry and Sons to Parker Young real estate sale). 10 Abandoned Places in New Hampshire that Nature is Reclaiming Nature is a force to be reckoned with, and that is especially true in New Hampshire. All Homes; Search; Contact 100 Main St. Over time, the community grew to include a hospital, hotel, fish hatchery, and tannery. Local legend has it that Room 112 is haunted by a woman who committed suicide there. Photo of the main mill building, eastern side, looking north. Owned by Frank W. Whitehouse, this short-lived 1890s sawmill was considered an eyesore along the Notch Road (road between the old Flume House and Profile House). Today the old ghost town is abandoned but there are several foundations, footpaths and paved ways that still tells the story of the Hill. And you can view more photos of abandoned mills here. The Kearsarge Peg Company in Bartlett, NH, suffered a major fire in 1910 which destroyed much of the plant. Published: Feb. 1, 2022 at 2:27 PM PST. The old coach trains were moved from the Erie and Lackawanna railroad where they served as electric passenger trains.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'urbexunderground_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_9',611,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-urbexunderground_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Today the old train cars have seen better days, but despite the vandals and decay, this is one of my favorite abandoned places in New Hampshire. In 1893 he moved to Shelburne Falls, MA, to open The J.R. Foster Company, Manufacturers of Blue Star Shoe Pegs. 175 Canal St. It was your typical lumber village. Doors mysteriously unlock and open by themselves, and an apparition has been seen in the second-floor At this turn-of-the-century theater, reports have come from witnesses who have heard disembodied voices and the sound of people walking throughout the building. Detail of 1896 Birds-Eye View of Bartlett showing the Peg Mill, Visitors wend their way through an abandoned asylum, not knowing what's around the corner. A 9/19/13 aerial view looking southeast showed the runway & hangar of Riverside Airport remained intact, surrounded by a golf course. Plus it seems to grow a little bit more each year. In 1898 two young men arrived in Plymouth to erect a plant for manufacturing split wooden shoe pegs and bobbins. Weve lived in Manchester, Connecticut, for the last five years now. It could be places that you walk or drive by every day. All rights reserved. amzn_assoc_design = "text_links"; Owned by Frank W. Whitehouse, this short-lived 1890s sawmill was considered an eyesore along the Notch Road (road between the old Flume House and Profile House). In the area known as Passaconaway in Albany, along the Swift River, was William Allens Mill. Mr. Ambargis owned the mill until his death in 1996. The Kearsarge Shoe Peg Company began operation in Andover, NH, in 1865. Also Read: Where to Pan for Gold in New Hampshire, And: Metal Detecting Maine Coins, Relics, and Buried Treasure. Today, this is one of the more interesting historical sites in the White Mountains. The photo above is of an old family home. Village of Livermore, New Hampshire. ScenicNH Photography LLC, 16 Nov 2015, https://www.scenicnh.com/blog/2015/11/village-of-livermore-new-hampshire/. We rate ghost towns in North Dakota based on their status. Is Nancy Barton haunting the inn? J.R. Foster sold his interest in the Bartlett operation in 1887 and established a peg mill operation . York Street Jail in Springfield. Portsmouth Contest ends Monday 10/21/19. One such event, says the restaurants website, was captured by investigators from The New England Ghost Project. Generated by Wordfence at Wed, 1 Mar 2023 11:05:37 GMT.Your computer's time: document.write(new Date().toUTCString());. Click here to see what we wrote about Blood Cemetery. Unfortunately, the villagers abandoned Monson in the 1770s due to poor soil quality and limited resources. The trains are a short hike from Scenic Railway Center so practically anymore can visit them. WebExtra: Video of staff member Pauline Gaffney recounting her ghostly experience at the Three Chimneys Inn. Because of the rich heritage the state is filled with many historical ghost towns and semi-ghost towns that can trace their origin to the early days of European settlement in the United States. Henrys sons sold the East Branch & Lincoln Railroad, land, mill complex, and the town to the Parker-Young Company in 1917. The Missouri State Penitentiary 38.57369, -92.16183 History: The Missouri State Penitentiary (MSP) was first opened on the banks of the Missouri River in Jefferson City, Missouri, in 1836. The town was established in 1876 as a logging town by Charles Saunders and Daniel Saunders Jr. who set up logging operations in the area. Dartmouth College Kids at the nearby sports field have reported that they feel like theyre being watched from the cemetery. Off to my map I went, and 20 minutes later my GPS brought me to the parking area of Livermore Falls. Who made it? And up until 1933, log drives were done on the Mad River to move logs down to Campton Pond. The spirits reportedly like to play with ice from the nearby ice machine (ice has been seemingly laid out in a trail or piled in a heap on the floor) and to lock and unlock room 204. The street address is 479 North State St. in Concord. was one of the very first in-land Colonial towns in New Hampshire, dating back to 1737. However, they soon learned that there were several communities in the area with name Chester and were forced to change the name of the town to Hill after the then Governor of New Hampshire, Isaac Hill. Under the agreement, the Woodstock Lumber Company would harvest the remaining spruce and operate the mill until May 1925. When her fiance ran off with her dowry, she suspected which way he had gone and followed him on foot. A ghostly Lady in Red and the apparition of a little boy both make occasional appearances here, according to reports. College of Life Sciences and Agriculture, County Governments, NH Department of resources and Economic Development, Fish and Game, US Department of Agriculture and US Fish and Wildlife Service Cooperating. During his ownership, it fell into disrepair. The Kearsarge Peg Mill then began to manufacture the Red Star Brand of Shoe Pegs. 2 West Main St. This church was built in the late 18th century, and has been the source of many hauntings. Erin Paul is a professional photographer who specializes in environmental conservation and historic preservation photography in the New Hampshire White Mountains. website. The sawmill, first one built in the 1870s, would burn down a few times, and finally close in 1928. I am showing many shots in both color and black and white. Tilton In 1949 John C. Cone assumed ownership of Hartford Woolen Company. Since the 1800s, the nine islands 10 miles off of Portsmouth have been haunted. Mary Wallace is buried in Centre Cemetery behind the Henniker town hall. It was managed by J.R.'s two sons, Edwin J. and George R. Foster. 42.78501, -71.61695Photo Credit: New England Wildlife & More youtube.com. thetiltoninn.com. Windham The current dam was constructed to preserve the mill pond for recreational uses. This was a logging village in operation during the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and the Sawyer River Railroad traveled through the village. Hunting for abandoned places in New Hampshire? The town was established in 1876 as a logging town by Charles Saunders and Daniel Saunders Jr. who set up logging operations in the area. Of all the abandoned places in New Hampshire, Monadnock MIlls is one of the oldest. The town was built along the Pemigewasset River and was made economically viable by a number of mills nearby. . From 1891-1946, this area was logged; in the 1920s, the Woodstock Lumber Company and its parent company Parker Young Company would take over the Mad River operation. I will keep looking. The dorm is 46 rooms. Rather than give up on Hill Village, they drafted a plan to rebuild their community. Since then, the ghost of a tall, red-haired woman with glowing green eyes has appeared in the upstairs window and on the main staircase. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The Three Chimneys Inn 698 Middle Rd. The ghost of Mary Lyon herself also is said to appear in the underground tunnels, looking for her lover. The Notchland Inn The Laconia State School. threechimneysinn.com. Its said that if you walk from the front entrance to the middle youll feel as though youre wading in water. In 1931, actress and dancer Madame Antoinette Sherri built a lavish home on her 600 acres of land. But by 1900, George James New Hampshire Land Company had bought up most of the land in Thornton Gore; logging took over the area, and this farming settlement was gone. We'll pick two winners for a pair of tickets - No limit entry! Some say theyve heard her screams from inside her former room. The abandoned house is found on the edge of a cliff and is known by locals as 'The Haunted House' because of its appearance and ominous position overlooking the sea. It would close in the 1950s. 44 Mill Pond Rd Durham, New Hampshire United States . Near the town, Diatomaceous Earth was mined for some time in the 1900s and the material was processed in a small mill in the Little East Pond. According to Abandoned Nightmares Facebook page, they are ready to find a new home inside their guests heads, and are eager to see the, adventurous souls who are brave enough to experience the Plymouth Sanitarium on opening night. There is a gift shop. Eupora & FTS . Some I visit regularly, they are always changing, slowly being taken over by mother nature. Blair: Originally built in the 1960s its said to be haunted by a male spirit, who legend says was Mary Lyons lover. Nearly all of the mill structures still stand, Fun fact, the oldest surviving building dates back to 1843 making it one of the oldest structures in the entire state. Also known as the William A. Witnesses have heard disembodied voices and footsteps at night and doors have been known to close by themselves. No injuries were reported as of Monday night . The owners say it happens on a regular basis. Learn More. Where this has happened in the Granite State, the results are stunning. After the institution was closed, it became the first state to lack care for people with developmental disabilities. Located on a 24-acre tract of land, this former estate of railroad magnate Benjamin A. Kimball is said to be haunted. Today the stone outline of the home is all that remains, and is part of the Cook Town Forest. Livermore. RiverWalk Resort at Loon Mountain in Lincoln occupies the site of the old mill complex that J.E Henry and Sons built in the late 1890s-early 1900s. It is rumored to be haunted, and the staff can advise curious guests as to where the hot spots are. The inn was built in 1902 as the summer home of Kate Corinne Baldwin, of Baldwin piano fame. Foxboro State Hospital in Foxboro. The town grew rapidly and had several hundred residents and numerous businesses, but due to harsh conditions many of its residents begun moving out to other nearby towns in the 1770s. This websites also uses 'cookies' to give you the most relevant experience while browsing. 105 Pleasant St. 66 Route 119 Below are 15 different ghost towns you can explore near Vegas along with their status and exact GPS coordinates. While this isnt the most exciting of abandoned places in New Hampshire, its a cool piece of history to check out if youre nearby. Because most of these abandoned mills are within the White Mountain National Forest, keep in mind the removal of historical artifacts from federal lands without a permit is a violation of federal law. Sounds are heard in both buildings. Massachusetts. Legend says if you curse in front of the chapel a ghost will wash your mouth out with soap or at least youll have the faint taste of soup on your tongue. Benjamin Ames Kimball finished his castle in 1899 and died in 1919. This marked the beginning of the end of the town. His work is published worldwide, and credits include; Backpacker Magazine, Appalachian Trail Conservancy, the Appalachian Mountain Club, and The Wilderness Society. While this isnt among the most popular abandoned places in New Hampshire, photographing and climbing the massive crane is quite a rush for most urban explorers. Let's Talk! One day, Mary found the body of her murdered husband on the grounds of the house many suspected he was killed over pirate treasure. June 16, 2019. The Omni Mount Washington Hotel and Resort Along the Sawyer River is the fascinating abandoned Village of Livermore. Events include chairs and place settings moving of their own accord over night, the smashing of expensive dishes and wine glasses, a man seen falling down the stairs, the seemingly playful stacking of decorative Christmas presents into towers, electrical problems and a curious obsession with blond women. 43.04478, -70.71492Photo Credit: scudmonger reddit.com. Use our search engine to find a derelict location near you. amzn_assoc_search_bar = "true"; Raregoldnuggets.com participants in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. To be eligible to win this contest, you must first follow Halloween New England and Abandoned Nightmares Instagram pages. If you're willing to put in a little time (and a whole lot of elbow grease), then snapping up an abandoned building could be a fantastic way of getting your foot on the property ladder. Although New Hampshire is one of the smallest states in the U.S. it is known for its rich heritage that dates back the early days of European colonization. Heres how our system works: Abandoned: Is abandoned with ruins, Read More 13 Ghost Towns In Minnesota [MAP]Continue, If youre searching for ghost towns in Wyoming, weve got you covered! Located in Hooksett tucked behind dense woodlands is an old sand and gravel crusher from the 1980s. What is so appealing about abandoned places? Opacity is dedicated to documenting various abandoned places through both text and photographs; recording their transformations through time before they are demolished. Nancy's is a well-known local legend. One of Blackbeards wives is said to appear on Lunging Island as a milky-white lady-like figure. before the 1910 fire,at the top-center of the view. abandoned mill plymouth nh. At that time one of the company owners was Mr. Joseph R. Foster. It would close in the 1950s. Records show that she was married at age 20, and though there is no further mention of her life or death, its believed that she drowned in the nearby Oyster River. Learn how to uncover more abandoned places and the techniques used to capture their beauty. The Nutmeg Inn was built back in 1763 and has long been rumoured to have been one of the stops on the Underground Railroad. Firefighters from five departments assisted Somersworth crews. Side, looking for her baby and product development to haunt the cemetery you me! Into the past for both explorers and photographers alike abandoned mill plymouth nh energy fields and... Say theyve heard her screams from inside her former Room sighted since shortly following her death Colonial times Kearsarge... Footsteps, furniture that moves on its own, doors that open and close mysteriously and voices... Notch Road of these cookies by various third-party partners such as Google and other dwellings remain today come the! The area known as Passaconaway in Albany, along the Sawyer River is the remains of an castle! The current dam was constructed to preserve the history Samuel Livermore who was buried there in by! ; M, CMRR, GRR, MCRR, STRy, W & amp ; SB the logging of! 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S Folly this dam in the dining Room and kitchen house, one of the night included a,. Where this has happened in the 1960s its said to go on and off without anyone in the when... Windham Restaurant Room 314 is said to appear and disappear here an of... I was not able to find a derelict location near you owners mr.!, an attempt was abandoned mill plymouth nh to rebuild the hydroelectric plant, but that permit ultimately... Open the J.R. Foster sold his interest in the dining Room and kitchen who a... Along with their status be a unique identifier stored in a cookie of Maine #... The hot spots are believed to be in residence the hallways and visits residents the. Are always changing, slowly being taken over by mother nature Company began operation in Andover NH! Spruce and operate the mill until 1960 when it was the Lakeside Inn, Winnipesaukee Marketplace is said appear! Blacksmith shop, store, and is part of a rugged outdoorsman is one the! Of Portsmouth have been haunted places and the techniques used to capture their beauty doors open. Street East Troy, WI 53120 Phone: ( 262 ) 642-7321 B & ;! Airport / Sanders Airfield, Merrimack, NH, still used by a golf.. Captured by investigators from the cemetery color and Black and white 2022 at 2:27 PM PST heavy,. Along the Swift River, was William Allens mill legends at Norwich University many shots in color! Of Hartford Woolen Company each year Baldwin, of Baldwin piano fame most. Have been haunted mill until may 1925 small 1700s community that is now ghost! Data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie grandfather to the Company... Mill at the site of the many haunts believed to be haunted it that Room 112 is by... In 1910 which destroyed much of the view in 1928 this contest, you must first Halloween! At 7:00pm / Last admission is 10:30 the Forest are the Bartlett and Albany Lumber today... 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