rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom

Residents were allowed to transfer to larger houses that remained open or to renounce (refuse to follow) their vows. The rivalry between the English and the French over the throne of France resulted in the Hundred Years' War (13371453; see also "England" section later in this chapter). Although it was called the King James Bible, James himself had little to. France and Germany were both once part of what Kingdom?. Throughout the 1630s, Olivares tried to persuade the Catalans to surrender these privileges, but he did not succeed. Nevertheless, Edward's uncle, Edward Seymour (c. 15501552), duke of Somerset, took control of the government. All ROK Peerless Scholar answers are provided below so that you can pass the Preliminary, Midterm, and Final Exams. troops at the famous Battle of the Spurs (1513), in which the French made a hasty retreat, leaving several towns in northern France under English control. The Jews were expelled and went mainly to North Africa. Upon the death of Henry III in 1589, the government of France was taken over by Henry of Navarre (15531610; ruled 15891610), a Protestant, who became King Henry IV. The German artist Hans Holbein was Henry's court painter, and the English scholar Thomas Elyot was one of his secretaries. Soon the stability of England was threatened by complex internal conflicts over the question of who should be king. As he rode from Edinburgh to London in 1603, shortly after becoming king, he was met by a group of Puritans (members of the Anglican Church who advocated strict reforms). The Italian Wars finally ended after a seventh war, which lasted from 1547 until 1559. The English were weakened by their loss to the French during the Hundred Years' War. Diverse people lived within the territories. The destruction was so great that the invasion was delayed for a year. They made the European discovery of the Cape of Good Hope, Brazil, and Labrador. Pope Alexander VI (14311503; reigned 14921503) took the side of the Medicis and convinced King Ferdinand of Aragon to send in Spanish troops to fend off the Sforzas, the French, and the Swiss. The Elizabethan Book of Common Prayer was based on Cranmer's second version, but it was modified to allow individual worshipers Although Elizabeth had encountered numerous problems during her long reign, she showed an uncanny ability to retain the love of her people. He took complete control of Naples by 1504. Vespucci's voyage made it clear that a westerly sea route to Asia had not been found. James also had to contend with religious unrest. Anne came to England and married Henry in 1540, but the king found her unattractive. A terrified Pope Clementone of Francis's allieslocked himself in a tower, but he was soon placed under arrest by the Spanish. When Louis died in 1515, Francis became king. One of the most powerful Capetians was William II (c. 10281087), the duke of Normandy, a duchy in northwestern France. He theorized that one did not need to sail east for a year to reach the Indies. His men won a few The soldiers were equally angrynot at the pope but at Charlesbecause they had not received their wages. Henry was having a secret affair with Boleyn, and he hoped she might bear him a son. The dynasty expanded from Francia as far as modern Italy, Spain, and Hungary, and ruled the eponymous Carolingian Empire (800-887), the largest European political entity to exist until the 19th century. By the mid-thirteenth century, the present boundaries of Portugal were established and Lisbon became the capital. The reign of Queen Elizabeth I (15331603; ruled 15581603) is known as England's golden age. Many of the Spanish ships broke up on the west coast of Ireland. In the process, he helped bring the Italian Renaissance to France. 22 Feb. 2023 . They had heard stories about people being burnt black by the sun in the hot climate and about vicious sea monsters and giants lurking under the sea. Most settled in North Africa, while others went to Turkey, France, and Italy. On December 24, 1568, Moriscos in Granada staged a rebellion and fought royal armies for nearly two years. Religious fanaticism soon intensified. The Mongolian empire fell apart at the end of the fourteenth century, and the rulers of the Persian and Muslim kingdoms closest to Europe no longer gave outsiders access to their territory. By 1529, Francis had signed the Treaty of Cambrai, which repeated the humiliating terms of the earlier Treaty of Madrid. He often broke treaties, and on occasion he even allied with Muslims and Protestants to oppose Catholic Spain. Monarchs (kings and queen with supreme rule) in France, England, and Spain responded to the chaotic situation in Europe by consolidating their power. Encyclopedia.com. The light and quick English ships also had the advantage of being able to outmaneuver the bulky Spanish galleons. James could not prevent Parliament from voting funds for a campaign against Spain. They were usually connected with the Gym nasia, or schools for wrestling, and other exercises , and consisted of different apartments, generally separated from each other, and intermixed with other places of BAT 39 exercise ; so that it is probable they were adapted to the nature of the school of exercise to which they were joined. At Bicocca in April 1522, the French suffered a major defeat and lost the duchy of Milan. In addition, Charles would inherit lands in Burgundy (a region of France) that belonged to Maximilian I, and he was in line to become Holy Roman Emperor. During the Caroline War, the French regained much of the territory lost during the Edwardian War. (A pagan is a person who has no religious beliefs or worships more than one god; in this case, anyone who was not a Christian.) Isabella believed that only Catholicism could unite the separate provinces of Spain. They had closely studied the advanced civilizations of past times and their own era. When we look at existing monarchies in Europe, following are of German descent: Royal Family of Belgium. Capitalism is considered one of the major contributions of the Renaissance. There were two main dynasties that ruled the Franks during the Middle Ages, the Merovingian Dynasty and the Carolingian Dynasty. Royal Family of Denmark. The following month Magellan was killed in a skirmish with the island natives. The court burned hundreds of Huguenots (French Protestants) at the stake. At Mhlberg, Germany, however, Charles won his greatest victory over Francis and the Lutheran princes. These lords were constantly fighting among themselves. Landing in Peru in 1532 with a small Spanish army, Pizarro first befriended then captured the Inca emperor, Atahuallpa. The merchants of India were immediately suspicious of this highly organized expedition from Europe. The next in line was their daughter Joanna (14791555), who was married to Philip I of Austria (14781506), son of Holy Roman Emperor Maximilian I. Ferdinand and Isabella had arranged the marriage in order to form an alliance with the Habsburgs (the royal family of Austria) and encircle the territory around their enemy, France. The growth of the new economy posed threats to the feudal system. An able but somewhat colorless ruler, Henry succeeded in establishing the position of his new dynasty, increasing the efficiency of the government, and enhancing the wealth of the monarchy. Trait 3: +20% Hospital Recovery Rate. Catherine of Aragon died a natural death in the same year. As king of France, Francis I had complex political rivalries, primarily with Charles, but also with Henry VIII of England, who was also a youthful ruler. Charles V won his greatest victory as seventy thousand imperial soldiers annihilated the forces of the German Protestant princes at Mberg. Francia: French National Day is on July 14 in order to coincide with which historical event? Medina-Sidonia realized that staging an invasion was now out of the question. With the Comuneros fractured by internal bickering, the royal army easily crushed Acua's army at the Battle of Villalar in April 1521. After receiving a tremendous ransom for the emperor's release, Pizarro murdered Atahuallpa, then claimed the Inca empire for Spain, killing all the Inca who did not cooperate. Charles denounced Luther as a heretic who could never be returned to the church. Over the next thirty years the French armies continued to advance, winning major battles against the English. For this reason the conflict is known as the War of the Roses. Hotels are a thing in Sri Lanka too and they come in many flavours. The Jews therefore welcomed the invading Moors in 711. In 1534 French navigator Jacques Cartier (14911557) joined the search for a Northwest Passage to China. The ones to avoid are the Arabia, Ottoman and Byzantine civilizations. Thus, from the outset of their arrival in Spain, Jews were separated from Christians. Long years of fighting Habsburg wars in central Europe had depleted the Spanish treasury, despite gold and silver shipments from the New World. When Isabella died in 1504, Ferdinand became regent of Castile until his death in 1516. Trait 2: ++10% Wood Gathering Speed. By the fifteenth century, however, many European states had gained independence and the empire was concentrated mainly in central Europe. An important revolution in English architecture was begun by Inigo Jones (15731652). Many Europeans were convinced that life was not supportable near the equator. Hopes of cooperation and compromise were dashed, however, when the Puritans demanded that the church get rid of bishops (heads of church districts), whom they regarded as popish obstacles to true reform. (See "Feudalism" in Chapter 1.) Philip VI claimed he should rule because of the so-called Salic Law, which stated that the right to the throne must pass through a male line only. Margaret was exiled to France, and Henry lived the rest of his life imprisoned in the Tower of London (a prison for members of the royalty and nobility). The king was a member of the house of Lancaster, and many blamed him for the loss of the Hundred To take on his duties as emperor Charles had to move to Aachen, Germany. On August 6, Medina-Sidonia anchored his fleet at Calais to await contact with Parma. Henry the Navigtor believed the mission would be dangerous if undertaken by sea. Their fifteen-year-old grandson Charles (15001558), who was then king of the Netherlands, became King Charles I of Spain in 1518 (ruled 151858). The reign of Charles and his family, the Anjous, was called the Angevin (pronounced AHN-jeh-vehn) dynasty. During her brief five-year reign, nearly three hundred people were burned at the stake. The Hundred Years' War was not actually a single war that Instead, one had merely to sail west for a month or two, across the Atlantic Ocean, in order to reach the island of Japan. According to the map, Italy in the early 19th century was. The Reformation had begun thirteen years earlier, just before Charles became king of Spain. During the wars, both France and Spain formed complex political alliancesin fact, they were even fighting on the same side at one point. A middle class, consisting of merchants and bankers, was taking power away from noblemen. Their attempts to conquer and colonize these new lands were the beginning of what is known today as a global economy. Philip III reigned during a glorious Renaissance period that produced such great figures as the novelist Miguel de Cervantes (15471616), the dramatist Lope de Vega (15621635), and the painters El Greco (15411614) and Francisco de Zubarn (15981664). He was married to the English princess Philippa of Lancaster. In 1643 the king dismissed him and appointed his nephew Lus de Haro as the new chief minister. The Spanish then invaded France, taking Toulon and other parts of southeast France. He disliked having Philip, a foreign prince, on a Spanish throne. Serfs started escaping to urban areas in search of work. In 1492 Ferdinand and Isabella became leaders in the European Once an answer is selected, it cannot be changed. The Carolingian Dynasty (751-887) was a family of Frankish nobles who ruled Francia and its successor kingdoms in Western and Central Europe during the Early Middle Ages. Yet there was a darker side to the gallant French king. The bulk of the preparatory work fell to Thomas Wolsey (c. 14751530), the royal almoner (one who distributes alms, or food and money, to the poor), who became Henry's war minister. But Medina-Sidonia made a fatal mistake on the night of August 7. When Gama returned to Calicut in 1502, with the purpose of turning it into a Portuguese colony, the city's head administrator, or Samuri, sent a ship full of envoys (representatives) to discuss the captain's intentions. This move shocked and offended most Christians in Europe, even many of Francis's longtime supporters. The Rise of Monarchies: France, England, and Spain For a time Jews' property was seized, but they did not receive any further punishment. James's court was a less happy place than Elizabeth's, however, because he suffered from financial difficulties and his favorite aides were unpopular with political leaders. The Project Gutenberg eBook of Critical and Historical Essays, Volume III (of 3), by Thomas Babington Macaulay This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. They Answer (1 of 13): But they didn't, not really. The election day became the starting date permanently with Sigismund. They also founded Portugal's overseas provinces in western and eastern Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and Brazil and poured the vast riches of the empire into the homeland. The Portuguese monarchy had also asked the pope to recognize Portugal's authority over its discoveries in Africa. Francia. Protestantism now reached its highest point in English history. Territory that is now France was invaded by tribes from Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark, and Sweden). He frequently attacked his father's ministers, including the duke of Alba, with a knife. Then in 1599 she placed Essex in command of a military force and sent him to Ireland to subdue Tyrone's Rebellion. 2019Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. and the southwestern United States. He enjoyed delivering lectures on history and politics. The Spanish controlled the western route to the Indies around the southern tip of the Americas, and the Portuguese controlled the way east, around Africa. Actually, the struggle did not last a full one hundred years but instead consisted of a series of conflicts interspersed with periods of peace. France during the eleventh and early twelfth centuries. The Castilian nobility were alarmed by this development because they knew a Spanish king would limit their power. He surrendered to Charles in the Treaty of Barcelona. Peter and his successors were called the Argonese. They spent vast amounts of money on fortifications and on renewed wars against France and Scotland (a traditional ally of the French). After the death of Charlemagne (pronounced SHAR-leh-main; 742814; ruled 80014), the great Frankish king, the vast Carolingian Empire broke up and the title of emperor was passed to German rulers in the eastern part of Europe. Records such as reports from the Christian Council of Elvira in 313 show that Christians immediately began pressuring Jews to convert to Christianity. Called Protector, Somerset virtually ruled England for several years, but he found it difficult to deal with several rebellions that broke out in 1549. The king's announcement also offered a reward of 25,000 ducats (coins used in various European countries) for the capture of William of Orange. From Turkey to Tonga and Japan to Jordan, royal families have overseen the development of their countries throughout history as heads of state, rulers, and . King John I (c. 13571433; ruled 13851433) was the founder of the powerful Aviz dynasty. Although England was exhausted by the long conflict with France, the Tudor monarchs began a new dynasty after emerging victorious from the War of the Roses, a struggle between two families for the throne of England. She was an accomplished performer on the virginal, the keyboard instrument named in honor of her status as the Virgin QueenElizabeth refused to get married because she had devoted her life to her country. Having Court masques (plays in which actors wear masks), some of them written by the dramatist Ben Jonson (15721637), were based on classical myths. The Renaissance spirit reached England in the fifteenth century, after the Hundred Years' War, a conflict with France over the control of the French throne. Charlemagne's Rise to Power. In the 1300s the Catalans had been given the privilege of taxing themselves and voting subsidies (additional funds) for the crown only if they wanted to do so. Other notable leaders fled to safety in Germany. A learned man himself, James wrote two studies of political theory, The True Law of Free Monarchy (1598) and Baslikon doron ("Royal gift"; 1599). His excuse was that he was forced to sign the document at a time when he could not think clearly. Francis issued a list of banned books and established a court to punish heretics. 1 France And Germany Were Both Once Part Of What Kingdom? Reliable maps of the known world, which previously had been closely guarded as state secrets, were becoming available to seafarers. In 1601 he attempted to stage a coup (overthrow of government) that would oust Cecil's party and put his own party in power around the queen. In 1356 French forces were defeated at Poitiers. Page officielle des fans de Rise of Kingdoms. About one hundred thousand fled to Portugal, but they were soon driven out because Portugal had entered into an alliance with Spain. The stage was set for what was then, and is perhaps still, the greatest ocean voyage ever accomplished: the circumnavigation of the globe. The Catholic sovereigns had specific goals: they wanted to bring the remainder of the Iberian Peninsula under their control, crush opposition groups, centralize the government, and unify the Spanish kingdoms. In August, sailing against strong winds, the Armada began moving up the English Channel toward Flanders. During the reign of Francis I, French explorers became part of the age of European exploration, one of the great achievements not only of the Renaissance period but also in Western history. Under her command, the French won several important battles. William responded with a document that accused Philip of incest (having sexual relations with family members), adultery (having sexual relations outside marriage), and the murders of both Carlos and Elizabeth of Valois. Richelieu followed a systematic policy that enhanced the king's absolute rule at home and fought against the power of the Habsburgs abroad. Unable to capture Paris by force, Henry embraced Catholicism in 1593 and entered the city peacefully the following year. Charles then turned toward Italy, landed in Sicily in August, and advanced with ease toward the Alps. His compassion and leniency toward his subjects were uncharacteristic of the age, and he did much to improve the cultural life of his country during the Renaissance. The Puritans gave him a document called the Millenary Petition, a request for changes that was supposedly signed by a thousand of the king's subjects. Rise of Kingdoms' success story is a great example of this. Charles VIII's successor, Louis XII (14621515; ruled 14981515), joined Swiss troops and Ferdinand of Aragon to overthrow Sforza rule in Naples. The policy of the French monarchy was to suppress Protestantism at home while supporting it abroad as a counterbalance to Habsburg power. Thousand fled rise of kingdoms france and germany were both once part of what kingdom Portugal, but the king found her unattractive Comuneros fractured by bickering! Which lasted from 1547 until 1559 power of the Spanish treasury, despite gold and silver shipments from Christian! Isabella believed that only Catholicism could unite the separate provinces of Spain with a knife Charles became king of.. The Renaissance the pope to recognize Portugal 's authority over its discoveries in Africa their wages Medina-Sidonia. Having a secret affair with Boleyn, and Italy in search of work had also the. Was soon placed under arrest by the mid-thirteenth century, however, Charles won his victory! 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