mr money mustache bitcoin

When the common person does it, it can cause very big problems. January 3, 2018, 12:48 pm. (FWIW, CAPE had actually been studied in academic settings many, many decades before Shiller, and was a favorite metric of the legendary Benjamin Graham in the 1920s and 30s. You keep talking about transactions needed for it to be a currency but fail to mention in your article that Lightning Network is in the works to address this very problem. farmecologist I just hope my tax dollars arent used to bail these folks out. Bitcoin didnt fly off the charts until a couple of months ago, after (maybe) finding itself in the perfect storm to take a bubble to biblical proportions. They could also plateau until earnings catchup with prices. Saving billions from poverty, war, and the enslavement of banks or the lack of any banking is Altruistic. We clearly see them in Africa, Middle East and Latin America. As long as the current monetary scam can be sustained, you are going to get very little traction. It can be laundered. ), but to include gold bullion is not quite fair. Bitcoin is the longest existing algorithm and has proven to be safe and capable of remaining decentralized (arguable). Invest in anything wisely and safely. The happiness of society is made of the happiness of individuals and nothing else. An emerging application that will be huge is true ownership and verifiable authenticity of digital goods. I enjoyed the cancer pill analogy, probably the best I have heard of yet. 2) lots of other things are used as a store of value (paintings, etc) The people that buy into bitcoin will be hurting enough financially. The internet became an amazing avenue for wealth. Like. Amazing. Hmmm..why not pay in bitcoins if it is so superior? They probably also didnt like my stated aversion to cyptocurrency and desire to stick with boring real estate. Is the theory that eventually there wont be anymore banks? Here is one interesting chart among many that shows exactly that: Even things that can be good investments can be in a bubble. If so, congratulations. Given that China has a lot of bitcoin mines and electricity is produced by coal in China mostly thats a lot of unnecessary CO2 that just got bumped in the atmosphere. January 2, 2018, 6:30 pm. I just wish it had come out before the holidays so I could have just pointed family members to it instead of attempting (unsuccessfully!) Nobody needs to worry about whether terms will be met. Go ahead and click on any titles that intrigue you, and I hope to see you around here more often. Dont you find it strange, though, that my grandfather used what you call toilet paper to buy his first car, and his first house? It also has technological demand. I read somewhere on Twitter (cant remember where) that you can use anyone who uses Blockchain as a proper noun as a heuristic for how little they know of the space. Thank you. Almost everyone will have access to a mobile phone and network in a decade which is when I expect brick and mortar banks to collapse completely! Cryptos may be the money of the future, but there is nothing sane about its rise this past year. That is wrong. their invested dollars add value to a society the moment they are employed.. Holding gold is not an investment in this case, it is a hedge. All points noted. Finally, nothing becomes a good investment just because its been going up in price lately., If you disagree with me on that point, the price of my fingernails has just increased by 70,000% and they are now $70,000 per bag. Hes helped thousands of people improve their lives. Justin C You may be smart enough to recognize why one currency is going up and another isnt and to not go all-in on something. I am as much a Mustachian as you all are, except for this one article that I simply cannot digest frankly! Check out RaiBlocks and other DAG-based coins. For fun, I try to gauge how bad is the Fear of missing out is and how that corresponds to a peak. This is not going to happen. I can have a stash of cash that is inflation proof just in case the government decides to wildly inflate the currency. But there are interesting aspects to the technology and what it could develop into. Would yours? That's right -- it really does not matter (to me) why they split up. After all, the ONLY thing that gives a fiat money its value is what someone else is willing to give you for it. That is why I also invest in government bonds. Everything is awesome, we cannot fail, it is great! That capability simply did not exist before blockchain-based currencies. The paper dollar is anonymous! I even read about these things for fun, with Simon Singhs The Code Book and the Neil Stephenson novel Cryptonomicon being particularly fun shortcuts to pick up some of the workings and the context of cryptography. January 3, 2018, 12:58 pm. This MMM article seems almost contradictory to what has become an investment philosophy that reciprocates with many people. That is why its so disheartening to see someone as wise as MMM titling an article with the incredibily ignorate phrase Why Bitcoin is Stupid. On the other hand, paying a ridiculously high speculative price based only on what others *might* be willing to pay in the futurebased on little historical or reasonable evidencecertainly is insane. In the US we call it the full faith and credit of the United States. Thank you Jane, I have been waiting for someone to point this out! Mr. Money Mustache's argument easily boils down to the soundbyte that "bitcoin's price is fundamentally unpredictable, which makes it a terrible investment decision.". Theyre not very good experts. January 5, 2018, 11:59 am. We save up our purchases. OK, But What if Bitcoin Becomes the World Currency? That is the right way to think about these things. Mr. Money Mustache talks about his divorce. Noticed this ad on the corner of a website recently because we ALL need daily updates on an obscure piece of niche software technology! Why should humanity be slaves to Banks and a few elites who control money supply? Look at Cardano for example, they are building blockchain with built in treasury and KYC/AML endpoints. If FIRE is your goal, Id get out. Bro, we get ityou want to wipe your butt with germ-infested cash. Also, for the first time in history, you can create digital collectibles that are unique and non-replicable, just like my Wayne Gretzky rookie card which intrinsic value is about 1 cent of cardboard and ink, but which market value is in the hundreds (but that must be a bubble too). Please, Alex Anton is not shouting. I was having coffee with a friend just 2 weeks ago and he mentioned a friend of his who was investing in Bitcoin and asked what I thought. However, some cryptocurrencies DO have intrinsic value, which is computational power. Why not somebody elses fingernail clippings? It is a good. Pete Adeney, aka Mr Money Mustache "As fluctuations continue over the time and you continue to invest, you get the average price as time goes on," he adds. Then whats the whole point of this currency, why not just use dollars and euros directly? Bitcoin/Ethereum mixers. But in reality, both stocks AND bonds are in a bubble. Mr. Money Mustache @mrmoneymustache Follow @mrmoneymustache There's nothing wrong with blockchain technology - as I said in the article. However, taking a very small gamble doesnt hurt 99% is invested in s&p 500 and that will remain like that :). Cancer-Away, CancerBgone, CancEthereum, and any other number of competitors would spring up. The wealth you store in the form of gold or silver will usually buy the same commodities in the future when converted back into currency. Thats a really bad equivocation. Brent Weaver This is the greatest use of human energy and capital the world has ever seen. This one is just simply incorrect. Again, as this chart shows, stocks, priced in gold, are still down about 60% from their peak in 1999: We probably have another few years of stocks going down in terms of gold before they bottom out and a new stock bull market (in real terms) resumes once again. You are probably right that it has some more room to grow, but speculating on the perfect exit point is no more an investment strategy than a trip to Vegas is. Who would help the poor, elderly and uneducated those without BTC? The internet has provided many, many, many great investing opportunities since 1992 most of which would have been better than a BBS in 1992. They will have to learn the hard way. that would be a PE ratio of 1. Why? Bingo, so far you are the only one that stated the true value of any nation backed currency, notably the USD. Why not one of the other 1500 cryptocurrencies? January 3, 2018, 3:18 pm, It has the most powerful force in human history behind it: Mathematics. Mr. Money Mustache (Pete Adeney in real life) is a Colorado family man who retired 11 years ago at age 30 after an unexceptional 10-year engineering career, and now writes occasionally about. Jeremy Collins There valuation of pretty much everything but Bitcoin and Ethereum is unjustifiable. Heres a great description of the whole scene by Chain CEO Adam Ludwin. When everyone hypes something as the solution for everything it is going to be bad. THIS is a form of trust derived worth. January 17, 2018, 9:00 am, bitcoin is down 50% in the past three weeks. Michael For me, its just like watching a show that I dont know the ending of yet. Max Thunder The national debt comes from fiscal irresponsibility from people, not a fiat currency. youre supposed to pay taxes on gains in crypto too . Its not about bitcoin anymore and unfortunately people still dont realize that. Gold value in Ancient Rome also correlated well via military officer salary (Centurion correlating with a new Captain in the US Army). Theres no way I could have paid down my debt and netted $14.5k in stocks in less than a year with less than $5k in capital. This view is not quite right assuming that your usage of the word speculating has the connotation of gambling. This article seems ranty/irrational. Back in its heyday, BTC was incredibly valuable for making monetary transactions (essentially anytime before this recent mania clogged up the blocks). The short answer is they can do nothing about it! There used to be cool arbitrage opportunities on a website called, where you could buy amazon products for a discount using bitcoin but transaction fees have made those types of business models (temporarily?) You made an unsupported claim. Also I would like to point out that in civil war days with different currencies things were a mess financially so now youre going to need some crypto forex to come up with exchange rates of all these different currencies really take off. Thats crazy. Its a complete rip off. Think that would fly at the grocery store? Me personally, Im betting on the buck. GPU mining is dead. For more casual sampling, have a look at this complete list of all posts since the beginning of time or download the mobile app. MMM i normally love your articles but you knew this one would be polarizing Im sure. What usually happens when this occurs? Most people understand nothing apart from my friend bought some BTC for $5k last month and now theyre worth $20k. In short the author is saying that while some elements of the populous are spuiking the benefits of cryptocurrencies they have not be adopted by broader society except for the purpose of speculation. MMM, Internet has pretty much destroyed every industry it has pitted against. drugs, prostitution, gambling, etc.) You invested in GBTC? All Rights Reserved |, 95% of even the trading volume is fraudulent, Bitcoin: the Worlds First Decentralized Ponzi Scheme, the Problem with calling Bitcoin a Ponzi Scheme, How to Give Money (and Get Happiness) More Easily. Good post. That is an implied 2% or so long-term return, and probably a negative one after inflation. With all due respect, your statement comes across as rather authoritarian! I have used an ETH mining machine to replace the space heater in my office and have seen only marginal energy increases. About the Comments Section:Normally, I try not to publish comments that are just emotional reactions or totally uninformed. El Penguin MMM tries to give some hints as to the reasoning and also that they try to be . January 3, 2018, 4:42 pm. The world is changing which many westerners cannot see. Theres illegal activity in all its shapes and forms (ie. Bookmarking this post, cant wait to come back in a year, or heck, a few years, when Bitcoin IS over 100k. Youre playing a psychological, win-lose battle against other humans with money as the only objective. Satoshi, the founder, sits on 10% but he has never spent a single cent. This results in a silent crash, and a loss in purchasing power for stock holderseven if the nominal price of stocks remains the same. Even if it were safe it seems to me to be a dead end as energy consumption for the expanding use becomes incredibly high. So, Bitcoin is supposed to replace all forms of physical currency in theory because people dont trust banks. Many more rants when the price of internet companies skyrocketed even though there was no evidence of current or future profits, and many more people claiming there was no ceiling because the internet revolutionizes how businesses operate and profits dont matter. The real winners of the gold rush were the ones who sold shovels. A prescient article, but unfortunately, those of us that have investigated Bitcoin and come to the same conclusions(no interest in speculation, possibly completely value-less) must continue to put up with the Bitcoin bulls, and as seen in this comment section, they are extremely bullish. Take a look at the German Mark after WW1. Sorry*blockchain* may be worthy of accoladesNOT bitcoin. No one is suggesting that investing in mining is a good idea. I think environmental impact is overstated since the major users arent using coal. So just relax, lean into it, and grow rich with me. Plus, it costs something like $20 per transaction. I totally agree with you on bitcoin. LennStar No doubt we are in a crypto mania now, but the concept of a global digital currency has been coming since Biblical times. Bitcoin is actually a saviour that provides the world an opportunity to get out of total mess without fighting a WW3! Gold bullion has several thousand years of history. This will go down in history as the DUMBEST thing Mr. Money Mustache has ever honestly pisses me off how dishonest he is and his he cant see the big picture out of his Statist status quo lenses. Why? Get listed and sell some shares. It pays you to do scientific calculation work (that many volunteers already do for nothing) on the BOINC network. Of course, there is some price, far lower, where Bitcoin could be rationally priced. If youre in a position to do so, go for it. Most of this money is being spent on military operations to secure foreign resources and kill people will dissenting viewpoints in the name of national security. When the fiat currencies collapse next week, THIS will be worth more than all businesses, real estate, and human capital in the USA and Europe combined! Why? Warren Buffett explained the difference between investing in Bitcoin versus in Coca-Cola was what cemented it for me. Of course, I doubt we are already at the 10%. January 3, 2018, 12:22 pm. I just dont understand the new economy. =. Bitcoins arent duplicable, your fingernails could be replaced by other fingernails and nobody would notice unless they do a mass spectrometry. However about 6 months ago, I withdrew all my stocks and threw it in altcoins. Because An investment is something that has intrinsic value.. Id like to address each. Perhaps the reason this was not mentioned, is that you do not value the decentralized aspect of blockchain technology and are happy with a trusted third party (government) setup. Mr. Money Mustache and his then-wife retired at the age of 30 with a net worth of $600,000. You will be amazed at the rate at which internet connection is going up in the poorest of countries. It is called being informed about reality.. If you want a proper Blockchain, then it has to be decentralised and a Public ledger where multiple computers across the globe validate and keep it secure, and we already have Bitcoin for that which already has the necessary network effect, the developer ecosystem and helluva lot of miners. Government-issued currencies have value because they represent human trust and cooperation. I have been to Greece, and would advice you to go to some such place to understand what happens when fiat currencies die. Completely agree, personally I think current crypto currencies are a sham, but as a small pct of someones portfolio (Id say no more than 5%) its not an outrageous investment. The kids pulverize the bricks to make brick dust, which is the most valuable currency/commodity in their forest kingdom. Bill Batchelor Consensus destroyed. January 2, 2018, 9:45 pm. So in order to have immutability, we need decentralization. The reason internet destroys industries (?? Great post, I have been content to sit on the sidelines and watch the show. But if all gold ever did was look pretty as jewelry and increase human races chances of successfully reproducing due to its function as a romantic signaling device that encourages saving, commitment and mindfulness, that would be enough to give it some real lasting valueand probably at a fairly high unit price based on how hard it is to make more of it. Something only has value if ppl place a value on it. Except for the chances of winning the Powerball vs a worthwhile project with (already) proven potential and mainstream bank adoption like Ripple that was mentioned knocking multiple years from your FIRE date are not the same. I could definitely sell these for more later. Or maybe you dont understand how exchanges work. I dont mind people investing in Bitcoin because its not my money. (Aside from the threats of force that stem from legal tender laws.). So, we usually get $100 to $200 worth of stuff all at once. We live in a world where both can, do and will exist. I like the way he analyzes investments. In my opinion crypto prices are ahead of their real use value today as they factor in the potential. Your small actions will make the currency more stable and will take just a tiny bit of power and control away from our war-mongering governments. Thats pretty much it. January 2, 2018, 5:53 pm, Dear Mr. Mustache, I am so sorry you had to write this at all. Bitcoin has just 200 billion capitalization currently. Bitcoins are all the same, they are not numbered, they dont rot and dont have a shelf life. As the money supply increases, purchasing power is concentrated with the money creators at the expense of others holding the currency. Hows that any different. > what is the fundamental reason that existing currencies have been driven up so high? Either one will get your CAPE ratio back into whack. I am beginning to get it Mattheus. I enjoy and appreciate your blog and the core messages you send the world, and thanks for raising this fascinating subject. And that, in a nutshell, is why booms and busts will continue to plague us: human emotion and the desire for more. Im a regular reader and respect your opinion. Gold is not an investment, but it is an excellent form of money. Some companies are already testing it in main net as well! A boy named Sue This is no different from rich wall street people and government controlling fiat currency.. Kevin S Coleman It's natural to just look at the price itself and how much it's . Regular money has nothing behind it either. Besides, theres value in bitcoin, like with gold or a comic book, or any other item people assign a value to. Barak PazTal Quick, get me that money on PayPal before you miss out on any more of this incredible performance!, Figure 2: Random people on Twitter doing some deep, useful Investment Analysis on Bitcoin. Imagine he same concept but at least an old beta max has some residual value if you still own tapes, Another great comparison. If I understand correctly, the rate of return is VERY low because of the high hash difficulty that Bitcoin has now reached. We will have to see if that new blockchain style will win out. 1) Adoption curve and network effect, 2) people buying & holding (hodling), 3) people using it to buy stuff or services. So we need more credible people to speak out against it. January 3, 2018, 4:56 pm. (see: Long Island Iced Tea Corp. becoming Long Blockchain Corp.). It really starts to stink if it is left unattended to. Gox, Bitfinex, and the various wallets and exchanges that have been hacked). The dams generate electricity whether you need it or not. These are preposterous numbers. There are other points that I cant think of right now. meep er Millions of people streaming interactive video games. But yes: Bitcoin is silly at current prices. Having interest rates all the way down to near 0% without a good exit plan should give you some pause how much you want to trust these people. Vijay, what MMM is saying is that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin cannot presently operate as currencies. I am not trying to promote it for this purpose, but it is not an invalid choice. Bond prices werent historically low in those other cases and Shiller PE has been high for basically ever since the guy invented it. No one controls it, so no one can rewrite the data. That is true even if there is no earning growth, and keep in mind that healthy earnings growth is actually expected. Some guy on the internet Its not that I enjoy seeing people suffer, but who am to talk them out of it? No? MentalArson Or grid power in general. Thats a tricky question. Like my double comment? Ive been investing steadily over a 20 year period. But if you have some play money, it doesnt hurt to speculate if that is what you enjoy doing and dont mind losing everything you put in. The comment about 1999 investors didnt receive their investment back from stocks until this year well, for the rest of us that dont invest 100% of our money in the stock market in one instance AND we reinvest dividends, this type of situation is almost impossible. My disagreements w the article summarized: Problem I have with this article is the blatant statement that Bitcoin is Stupid! I know, when you received hundreds of emails eventually you just have to buckle and say, Okay, damn it I will write it up. January 3, 2018, 4:28 pm. Evan Drake Scott Nicholson 3) Blockchain is good, Bitcoin is bad Cryptocurrency is just one application of blockchain technology. If you know anyone heavily vested in bitcoin, stay in touch with them. Anyway, if your argument were correctwhich it partially isthen you of all people should be against fiat money systems like the US dollar in its current form. Or streaming music, and streaming movies! And yet this is exactly whats happening with Bitcoin. WHY??? As for USD working has many reasons, required to participate in the largest economy in the world, the military power behind said economy, etc. Spot on VIJAY. Important: Having a guideline as to when you have enough money to consider yourself financially independent (FI). The problem with speculation is that the few that get in early certainly do make hordes of money at the expense of hordes of people that get in when speculative mania is at its peakinevitably to crash at some point. While were on the topic of bubbles, it seems the truly gigantic bubble in the world isnt bitcoin, but rather the global debt market. We plan to spice up our investments then, we will have $90K/yr extra to invest and wont mind taking maybe 10% of that and play/gamble with it :-). My mother in law collected beanie babies and I had the pleasure of looking up their worth this Christmas back hometheyre about $5 each and I will owe eBay 10% + shipping. January 2, 2018, 6:04 pm. This way you will be truly rich in 5 years. This instability just further proves that it would make a terrible currency and a recent study reveals that about 95% of even the trading volume is fraudulent. Just think never having to get ripped off for currency exchange10 years from now. And yet imagine everybody started bidding up Cancer-Pills, to the point that they cost $17,000 each and fluctuate widely in price, seemingly for no reason. Here's my direct negative experience with Pete, Mr. Money Mustache that may give insight into the MMM divorce. Change the company name to include the word blockchain, and explain that youre pivoting from [USEFUL_WIDGET] to exploration of and investment in opportunities that leverage the benefits of blockchain technology. (Or computers or spaceships.) Some people might get crazy rich, but some might just go broke because of Bitcoin. I linked to Aswath Damodarans video on my Bitcoin post also. For gamblers Bitcoin might make a good short but Im definitely too much of a wimp to try it. 1. As a real world comparison, I quote this nifty piece from a reader named The Unassuming Banker: Now imagine that the same person also created a product called Cancer-Pill using their own instructions, trade marked it, and started selling it to the highest bidders. I cant help but feel that a big part of the reason for Bitcoins continued rise is that theres no safe, practical way for us Bitcoin-skeptics to actually take a short position on it. Scott, I think you may have that backwards: You mean that Bond *yields* werent historically low back then like they are now, right? Firstly, if Jihan is that rich, its probably because he doesnt spend his money. People will overbuy it in a frenzy and oversell it when fear sets in. Nathanael However, I go back to my main point Anyone who tells you they know how this experiment ends is already wrong. Also, just because something is open-source does not mean it cant be valuable. January 3, 2018, 12:30 pm, but fail to recognize that the USD also has no intrinsic value. January 5, 2018, 7:21 pm, *cough*, Biglaw Investor And to your last point Lightning network will be cheaper? takes DASH. And EVERYONE is posting, podcasting, and reporting on it. months) so other storage mechanisms are needed. People went off on many rants back when a single tulip bulb could have the same value as a ocean going ship, just as back then we had many people who couldnt stop talking about how great tulip bulbs are and why we should all be buying them. We are in the beginning of the S curve and it will stabilize just like all other disruptive technology does, Adaptation as currency (this is happening, craigslist accepts Bitcoin, many local shops started accepting, you can even have Mrs. MM get paid by bitcoin on etsy. All govermnents will not sit idly by and loose all their power worldwide. Ryan Thomas Just like gold, tulip bulbs, Beanie Babies, 1999 dotcoms without any hope of a product plan, pre-construction pricing Toronto condominiums you have no intent to occupy or rent out, and rare baseball cards are not investments. People then go on to say, If theres even a ONE PERCENT CHANCE that this happens, Bitcoins are severely undervalued and they should really be worth, like, at least a quadrillion dollars each!!. In a sense one could swap bitcoin to USD and the article still stands. My issue is with the currencies themselves. January 5, 2018, 1:18 pm, Right and this entire blog is my personal quest to nudge the worlds collective opinions such that ppl value more of the same things I do. Tim Beck Thats cool. Why do I trust the dollar? For a long answer you need to understand the technicalities of it which I am not going to educate you on! You are correct about your overall analysis: Bitcoin is indeed silly as a store of value from current prices because the number of insanely secure blockchains can always be increased by 1. Gold is so soft, you are better off stealing some tin foil from your neighbors.. and burying the potatoes under the fire! Will it help me achieve my financial dreams quicker? Im selling because I agree that cryptocurrencies have entered the bubble phase, but when it comes to theirlong-term viability, you have completely missed the bigger picture. Please let it go. Even with the internet, its only in the last 15 years or so that we have seen companies with seemingly any sort of staying power in the industry. Amazing that simple addition and subtraction can escape these great financial minds, so perceptive of macroeconomics. Mr. One thing in that seems to be missing in this conversation that Bitcoin maximalists will always point out: We also both wear wedding rings made of gold and are quite happier with them than if they were made of copper or tin or lead or nickel or mercury. MMM calls Bitcoin Stupid and all these things as some kind of Ponzi Scheme! This part of it is ideological to me: You Must Earn Your Money By Creating Value for Everyone. Every day when I go online, Ill see updates, news or discussion about Bitcoin and the craze it has created whether its on YouTube, blogs, or mainstream news. As for your other comment, no sir, no amount of corruption is tolerable if you have the choice to get rid of it! In fiat currency the car is valued at $41,940, but 18 days later, the car is valued at $31,850. The shovel sellers are the real winners here. Favorite quote: Bitcoins growth is not based on its technology alone (which, while powerful, is open-source and therefore easily replicable) but rather on the strength of virality, encouraged by the vested interests who held early and invested in marketing it; with no genuine business underlying it, it acquires its (very substantial) memetic potency only from the evangelism of those whohodland preach., David Webbs great explanation: Bitcoin: the Worlds First Decentralized Ponzi Scheme, Preston Byrne again (brilliant guy! 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