cheri beasley endorsements

Beasley had a hard-fought reelection battle in 2020 against her colleague on the bench, Justice Paul Newby. In her reelection effort last year, she lost by an infinitesimal margin to the longest-serving justice on the court even though she earned 11,000 more votes than President Joe Biden himself. Roy Cooper gave former North Carolina Chief Justice Cheri Beasley his full-throated endorsement for the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, attempting to secure a smoother path for Jeff Jackson pledges to be shock of good faith. Is it enough for NC voters? to fund police and work with Republicans on crime, a pledge the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association does not appear to have bought. When I look at North Carolina, I believe it is the Democrats most winnable flip more than Ohio, more than Florida, more than Pennsylvania and it is because of this candidate.. And so, I think, as unfair and as unjust as that is, probably when you are going to have a very close race like, Cheri as chief justice, she was doing a great job, and she lost. Two of 3 NC Senate Republican candidates agree to debate. Beasley . America Rising doesnt have to sort out the Democrats knotty internecine wrangling. Hes a hard worker, King told me after the event. Filing for the 2022 primary began on Dec. 6 but abruptly ended two days later when the state Supreme Court pushed back until May North Carolinas primary because of lawsuits alleging that some of North Carolinas districts had been gerrymandered. WASHINGTON Today the Human Rights Campaign PAC (HRC PAC) announced its endorsement of former North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley for U.S. Senate. Yall I cant tell you how surprised I am by how many people are here!, Dressed in his uniform brown shoes, khaki pants, soft blue Oxford shirt Jackson launched into his characteristically spirited, borderline iconoclastic spiel. 25). Smith is now running for North Carolinas newly-drawn 2nd Congressional District, in the northeastern part of the state where she served as a state senator. The most immediately striking difference between the events of these two candidates campaigns is not just the number of people its the number of Black people. The contentious Republican side features Rep. Ted Budd, former Gov. Crime and racial justice rulings highlight Cheri Beasleys record as an NC judge, Before his run for Senate, heres what NCs Ted Budd focused on in Congress, Five takeaways from Budd and Beasleys Senate debate in NC, NC Senate candidate Ted Budd backs Grahams proposed 15-week national abortion ban, Ted Budd, Cheri Beasley agree to debate in NC Senate race. On March 15, 2020, Beasley asked all judicial districts to drastically reduce their court schedules as COVID-19 began to make its way through the court system. Washington, DC Today, NARAL Pro-Choice America announced its endorsement of former North Carolina Supreme Court Chief Justice Cheri Beasley in her 2022 bid to become North Carolina's next U.S. NextGen PAC, the advocacy arm of the nation's largest youth voting organization, is endorsing Democrat Cheri Beasley in North Carolina's 2022 Senate race. From public defender to chief justice of the state Supreme Court, Beasley is not only eminently qualified but outspoken in all the best ways. Cheri Beasley is the leading Democratic candidate for North Carolina's open Senate seat. NC political operatives were watching. Im grateful for the enthusiasm my campaign is seeing across the state and I am committed to fighting for the people of North Carolina every day in the U.S. Senate.. Paid for by International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace, and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW). This is one of them. Throughout her career, Beasley has made impactful criminal justice reforms, proving to be an innovative leader. Jackson has raised more overall, and raised the most of any candidate Democrat or Republican. Beasley served as the states top jurist during a tumultuous time for North Carolinas court system. The Republican candidates include former Gov. ", Published under: Former Gov. More than 60 percent of the people in North Carolina are white, but nearly 60 percent of Democrats in North Carolina are not, they note. Budd's new endorsement. What a new poll says, Who is Cheri Beasley? Jacksons at-the-ready online following dwarfs Beasleys. And guess what? And Beasley, they point out, although of course in very different races for very different offices, over time has racked up way more votes than Jackson has. Thats how you lose! before opening it up as always to questions. Heres what to expect. The Republican touted the Police Benevolent Association's endorsement Wednesday, saying he is "proud to stand with the NCPBA and law enforcement officers across North Carolina who protect and serve our communities. On the white walls of a quiet coworking facility. Standing on the side of big corporations, he voted against legislation protecting our right to join a union. What it means for Democrats. FACT CHECK: Is Tom Brady's New Girlfriend Jewish? In spite of launching three months later than Jackson did, Beasley has held more than 90 events, according to her campaign, stretching from Asheville to Elizabeth City. Under the Dome Updates: Medical marijuanas final step in the Senate; SAVE Act advances, Deputy rapes woman at traffic stop and tells her she wont be charged, Tennessee cops say, NC man said he was in Capitol to kick ass and take names later. Now he faces prison, Feds order Charlotte company to pay $186,000 in overtime it owes to 181 workers, Judge orders police to release DNA testing results to family in Kim Thomas murder case, Missing 17-year-old found with suspected traffickers during traffic stop, TN cops say, 74,000 & growing: Some NC police departments stockpile guns rather than release them, EPA reviewing much-criticized water pollution rules for industrial-sized CAFO farms, Medicaid expansion needs to pass with plan granting NC nurses autonomy, lawmakers say, House Republicans advance TikTok ban along party lines, USPS to purchase 9,000 electric vehicles, install 14,000 charging stations, Ukraine denies sending attack drones into Russia territories. What to know. Energy comes up a good bit in my conversations about this election but its not what comes up the most. We have convinced ourselves that the only electable person is a white man, said Ray McKinnon, a Black former Democratic National Committee member from Charlotte and a co-founder of New South Progressives. The election could help decide which party controls the US Senate, and young voters in North Carolina could be the deciding factor. A week and a half later, after an evening event in Durham at Duke University at the Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture, I told Beasley about what I had asked Jackson and how he had answered. 2022 Election The Democrats willing to put their names to their comments about Jackson are the ones who defend him. endorsements - Cheri Beasley for North Carolina Cheri Beasley for North Carolina - MenuHide Meet Cheri Issues Fixing our Immigration System Improving Housing Affordability Reforming our Criminal Justice System Keeping North Carolina Communities Safe Honoring Our Veterans, Servicemembers and Military Families "NARAL Pro-Choice America is proud to stand with Cheri Beasley in her historic bid to become North Carolina's first Black U.S. South Atlantic(PPVSAT) is an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood South Atlantic based in Raleigh, N.C. Establishment-supported candidate? Beasley said when she joined us. He cant change that he is a white man, but I dont think that it should be something that will discredit him for at least making the case about why the way that he is running his campaign the way that hes speaking to voters, the strategy hes putting out there is a strategy that could be different in the general election and help us win a U.S. Senate seat for the first time since 2008., In Davidson, at the student union, the room was close to full. This page is controlled and operated by Planned Parenthood Votes! Lets just say it. My pledge to you today is that we will.. It is about as fascinating a question as weve had in North Carolina primary politics as I can recall because of the contrast, said one. Cheri Beasley speaks at an event hosted at Duke University on Oct. 19, at the Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture. Beaufort Mayor and Army veteran Rett Newton and perennial candidate Constance Lov Johnson of Charlotte did place their names on the ballot and will be considered as filed when the courts allow the state Board of Elections to proceed. 2022 Primary Endorsements: US House and Senate Uber-qualified and charismatic Democrats have a legitimate shot at securing crucial congressional seats in November. And the candidate matters, she said. She was elected to the state Supreme Court in 2014 and became the first Black woman to be the chief justice when she was appointed by Gov. What a new poll says, Who is Cheri Beasley? Timing is everything in politics.. Should the Senate dump the filibuster? North Carolina is the best opportunity to flip a seat in the nation, she said. North Carolinas primary is May 17, 2022. 2023 Planned Parenthood Votes! Budd rode an endorsement from Donald Trump to victory in the Republican primary. I was raised by a Black woman, but hes just a better candidate, Robinson told me. How do you stand out in a Senate race? Two months later, Beasley announced she planned to run for U.S. Senate after Republican U.S. Sen. Richard Burr announced his retirement. Budd is also backed by the National Border Patrol Council and the North Carolina Troopers Association, which also endorsed Beasley in the past. The person who introduced him, though, was Elijah King, a politically active sophomore from Durham who is Black. With monster trucks and a key PACs support, Republican Ted Budd joins NC Senate race. Heres why. Jackson, the son of a doctor and a nurse, grew up in Chapel Hill, got bachelors and masters degrees in philosophy at Atlantas Emory University, enlisted in the Army after Sept. 11, went to Afghanistan and then UNC Law on the GI Bill and then to Gaston County to be an assistant district attorney. Beasley and her campaign, though, were feeling buoyant. Barack Obama has now endorsed Democrat Cheri Beasley for the U.S. Senate seat that is being vacated by Republican Richard Burr who announced he will not run again. The primary winner will face off against the . Do we need another white man in the Senate? Hes actually really responsive on Reddit, said Ashlie Jones, 32, in Anson. She has served this state honorably for two decades and has always fought for justice, Jackson said. As a state Supreme Court justice, for example, the Democrat, a career criminal's habitual felon status after the man was caught with a "weapon of mass death," a decision that would have given the felon a lighter sentence. How do you stand out in a Senate race? Legislators, prominent Democrats mostly backing one US Senate candidate, records show, The 100-county tour, a NC politics favorite, is back for 2022 US Senate race. "As someone who knows what it takes to win, I can tell . Jackson counters that theyve never said this to his face. She conceded the election and passed off the gavel in January. The establishment was not behind her. Her mother, a social worker with a doctorate in philosophy, was the first Black dean at Tennessees Austin Peay State University, and Beasley has followed suit. A white father to three young children, an Army veteran who spent a year in Afghanistan and a former prosecutor in a conservative county whos now a state senator from Charlotte, he is, even his critics grant, a gifted communicator good on the stump, good on the internet, and good face-to-face, fist-bumping his way through rope lines and meet-and-greets, making apparent inroads in places where progressive Democrats usually are persona non grata. The Republican touted the Police Benevolent Association's endorsement Wednesday, saying he is "proud to stand with the NCPBA and law enforcement officers across North Carolina who protect and serve our communities. For starters, in the fall of 2019, he rankled party bosses when he suggested to a class at UNC Charlotte audio of which a student leaked to the National Review that top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer wanted candidates to vie for seats by shutting themselves in a windowless basement raising money to pay for negative ads. We try to go every single event, America Risings Joe Gierut told me. He said no, but he added: She is more than I am, I think, based on endorsements.. Ive had long conversations with more than 60 elected officials, donors, voters, insiders and operatives. South Atlantic. NCs latest polls hint at a shift in a deadlocked Senate race. And the other is hoping for a blue wave that probably isnt coming., The difference, I said, is just energy?, Energy. It was a cycle, too, in which in North Carolina a white male Democrat squandered a favorable moment with a self-inflicted scandal. I asked Jackson what he made of such remarks. Senator. Whats next for Jeff Jackson? But she also got to the issue that in the end of course is what matters the most. But he is not a Black woman, and I cant disagree with the voices that say we just need more of that perspective. Jackson went through his routine I said, Bullshit! Live updates on whats happening in the North Carolina legislature on March 1, 2023. The decision of when and how to start a family should be made by you and your loved ones and the conversations you have with your medical providers should remain private and confidential. Senator. To that end, our endorsements help our people make important decisions about how we use our resources and how we communicate what we care about and why. ", The North Carolina Police Benevolent Association on Wednesday announced its endorsement of Republican Senate nominee Ted Budd. Beasley has worked to sidestep that criticism by. In Morganton, out toward the mountains, it was a gray, rainy Friday. Here are the candidates running for the school board seat: AMY BEASLEY. This NC Democrats campaign may visit you. In almost any Democratic primary in North Carolina in almost any cycle in the past, somebody like Jackson would have been all but a lock to win. He has endorsed not Beasley but Jackson. She launched a commission to study fairness and equality, launched an e-filing system for domestic violence victims and helped begin moving North Carolinas court filings to an online system. Heres what to expect. Im a Black man. Another Beasley rival left the race in November former state Sen. Erica Smith of Northampton County, who finished second to Cal Cunningham in the 2020 Democratic U.S. Senate primary, decided to run instead for the U.S. House seat vacated by the retiring Democratic Rep. G.K. Butterfield. Now on a steamy Saturday morning an hour northwest of Charlotte, pressing into the more rural reaches of Lincoln County where last year more than 7 in 10 voters voted for Donald Trump, this Democrat running for the United States Senate bounded across a park toward a pavilion that was packed with 130 whooping, clapping supporters. "We endorse Ted Budd for U.S. Senate because he's the best choice for NC.". No, we do not., The rules about electability have changed., Aimee Allison, the founder and president of She the People, Black women didnt even abandon Cal after he probably should have been abandoned, BlackPAC executive director Adrianne Shropshire told me. Beasley, 55, is a wife, a mother to twin sons who are 20, a former public defender in Fayetteville who was elected to the state appellate court and later the state Supreme Court, a trailblazer who rose through the ranks of the state judiciary to become the Supreme Courts chief justice the first Black woman ever to hold that spot on the bench. The out-loud agonizing is remarkable; tired and bruised, ranging from cynical to sympathetic, the people I spoke to are torn by where their party is and where it should be, between wanting to be part of a transformational moment and the fear that elevating a trailblazing candidate might still fail to capture the ultimate prize. INDY WEEK P.O. Everything changed Thursday for U.S. Senate candidate Cheri Beasley. What NC candidates want to do with the rule. RALEIGH, N.C. (WITN) - The State Employees Association of North Carolina announced its endorsement of U.S. Senate candidate Cheri Beasley Monday. It was tantalizingly close. Friday, April 29, 2022 Ryan C. Hermens . He voted for legislation to make it harder for families to receive the reproductive health care they need. Beasley has worked to sidestep that criticism by pledging to fund police and work with Republicans on crime, a pledge the North Carolina Police Benevolent Association does not appear to have bought. And after Morganton, the organization had a total of just shy of seven hours of footage of Beasley. If you have campaigns that have held 120 town halls, and youve got campaigns that have done virtually none, one of those is built to win a fiercely competitive general, he said. Let me say this clearly, said Robinson, the Black pastor whos supporting Jackson. Pat McCrory ties reckless US Senate competitor to Madison Cawthorn, Mark Robinson endorses Ted Budd as Trump praises his favored NC candidates, Trump-endorsed Budd leads McCrory by double digits in NC GOP Senate race, poll says, A bus, a NASCAR backer, Mar-a-Lago spending: 7 things we learned in Senate campaign filings, In his first ad of Senate campaign, McCrory hits Budd over Putin comments, Dont compliment mass murderer Vladimir Putin, NCs Sen. Thom Tillis says, As bombs fall on Ukraine, NCs Budd listens to Trump call Putin very smart, NC Republicans seek to differentiate themselves in first US Senate debate, Valentine-themed attack ad in US Senate race will interrupt NCs Bachelor night, NCs Mark Walker staying in Senate race, turning down Trumps offer, Who would lead if NC Senate primary narrows to Budd vs. McCrory? Jam-packed itineraries and crowds of size and zeal matter only so much in politics Biden, to take just the most prominent example, was not at all the hot draw in the run-up to the primaries on the 2020 presidential campaign trail but Jackson, for what its worth, has pulled in crowds of 200, 300, 350 and 500 in bigger, urban Durham, Wake, Forsyth and Mecklenburg counties, respectively and 200 in Henderson and Catawba and 130 in Carteret, all counties Trump won handily. Although Jackson appears to have drawn larger crowds at most of his events, Beasley out-fundraised him this past financial quarter, pulling in $1.5 million to Jacksons $900,00. Beasley should be the pick of the voters in this primary, according to Black political strategists, activists and analysts, not because of any pent-up discontent. Uber-qualified and charismatic Democrats have a legitimate shot at securing crucial congressional seats in November. She was elected in 2008 to the North Carolina Court of Appeals by 15 points, Ronnie Thompson said to the 20 people on hand, again more women than men, again more Black and brown than white. She urged people to listen to their message. We must come together to firmly and loudly commit to the declaration that all people are created equal, and we must do more than just speak that truth, Beasley said. Pat McCrory and ex-Rep. Mark Walker. By voting together with shared values, we build electoral muscle and political power. It makes no sense in North Carolina, McKinnon argued, especially in a Democratic primary, where we cannot win dog catcher without Black women, to not elevate just an incredible Black woman., If you look around and youve got to figure out who to trust, default to a Black woman, said Lori Gilcrist, a white woman and registered independent who is the director of a rural nonprofit that works with children and families in the western part of the state. In the coming months, the Supreme Court could allow states to enact more restrictions or ban abortion altogether. NC climate expert weighs in. School safety and security: Wake County schools committee meet, Longtime Apex development to pick up progress after lengthy delay, NC House GOP members discuss direction of abortion restrictions. Beasley has obtained more than 200 endorsements across the state including U.S. Reps. Alma Adams, G.K. Butterfield, David Price and Deborah Ross. Read their answers. More than 1,000 people attended her swearing in ceremony. Simultaneously, Beasley was leading the courts through the COVID-19 pandemic. For now, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee is not taking sides, but by any of the most traditional metrics polling, fundraising, endorsements the pacesetter seems to be Cheri Beasley, who is looking more and more like a part of a wave of Black candidates who are rapidly altering the dynamics of Senate campaigns across the country, especially in the South, challenging long-held maxims about what kinds of candidates are best positioned to appeal to the mixture of voters in a region with electoral demographics that are changing just as fast and where Black candidates have historically had to run as outsiders or long shots. Budd was endorsed by former President Donald Trump, and Walker appears to be staying in the race even after Trump asked him last month to consider running for a House seat instead. As someone who knows what it takes to win, I can tell you that Cheris got it. Jeff Jackson drops out of NCs race for Senate, 74,000 & growing: Some NC police departments stockpile guns rather than release them, Chatham County housing authority director arrested, accused of $200,000+ in wire fraud, Alligator living at Walmart in NC stirs debate, as many demand it be allowed to stay. Pat McCrory ties reckless US Senate competitor to Madison Cawthorn, Mark Robinson endorses Ted Budd as Trump praises his favored NC candidates, Trump-endorsed Budd leads McCrory by double digits in NC GOP Senate race, poll says, A bus, a NASCAR backer, Mar-a-Lago spending: 7 things we learned in Senate campaign filings, In his first ad of Senate campaign, McCrory hits Budd over Putin comments, Dont compliment mass murderer Vladimir Putin, NCs Sen. Thom Tillis says, As bombs fall on Ukraine, NCs Budd listens to Trump call Putin very smart, NC Republicans seek to differentiate themselves in first US Senate debate, Valentine-themed attack ad in US Senate race will interrupt NCs Bachelor night, NCs Mark Walker staying in Senate race, turning down Trumps offer, Who would lead if NC Senate primary narrows to Budd vs. McCrory? Its hard to the point of impossible to talk for long about the differences between these two candidates without landing on race. THE UAW ENDORSES CHERI BEASLEY FOR US SENATE IN NORTH CAROLINA On November 8th, vote Cheri Beasley and stand with working families. RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) Gov. She lost her bid to be elected to an eight-year term as chief justice by just 400 votes in November 2020. Period.. , April 28th, 2021 RALEIGH Nearly 70 leaders from across North Carolina today endorsed Cheri Beasley for U.S. Senate. When it comes to the Democrat's Senate bid, however, association president David Rose took issue with Beasley's decision to associate with "defund the police activists"last year, Beasley authorized a, with Missouri Democratic congresswoman Cori Bush, a self-described democratic socialist who says "defunding the police has to happen. Will Wright covers politics in Charlotte and North Carolina. With Jackson in Lincolnton and later in the day at stops in (49-percent Black) Anson and (80-plus-percent white) Union counties, I had counted a total of two (and one of them was a Jackson staffer). Voted for Trump? She previously worked as a political director for Sen. Bernie Sanderss 2016 presidential campaign and served as Third Vice Chair of the North Carolina Democratic Party. North Carolina Gov. Still, its hard not to notice that lots of his Raleigh colleagues have endorsed her, and none of them have endorsed him. Michael Kruse is a senior staff writer at POLITICO and POLITICO Magazine. Its a primary that will remain competitive until the very end, said state Sen. Natalie Murdock, who is Black. Jackson started to answer: I cannot possibly invoke, I cannot possibly appropriate . Campaigning for NCs Budd and Hines, Ted Cruz vows GOP will stop crazy spending, Democracy on the line in 2022 elections, Democrats tell Charlotte crowd, National Democrats, Republicans stump for candidates in close races across NC, How to interpret the changing polls in NCs Senate race. We win the way weve been winning.. Im just saying my experience with Jeff has been very different. Said Murdock: I lean on his advice and knowledge a lot. And Grier Martin, a member of the state House and a fellow Army veteran, challenged the criticism of his light legislative record: I dont think anybody in the minority in the current environment is a particularly good pusher of current law., Jackson has spent seven years as a state senator, but his campaign is not running through Raleigh. RALEIGH, N.C. Gov. It made me think of what else Id heard from a wide variety of others who have been watching this race and are invested in its outcome. With degrees from Rutgers University, the University of Tennessee and Duke, she was the first Black woman to get elected statewide (without being initially appointed by a governor) when she won her seat on the appellate court in 2008. She battled both the COVID-19 pandemic and a national uprising calling for racial equity in criminal justice. In NC race for Senate, one Democrat had a winning quarter, GOP Senate campaign heats up after report tying Budd to bankruptcy that hurt farmers, Political roadkill? NC candidate says moderate Democrats have losing odds. Nearly 40,000 patients turn to Planned Parenthood South Atlantic for their health care needs in North Carolina every year. Research NC candidates for US Senate with the N&O | Observer | Herald-Sun Voter Guide, NC Republican Senate hopefuls focus on Ted Budds absence from debate stage, Former Gov. There are many ways to create change in the world, but one thing is apparent: the young people who are protesting everyday have made clear that they do not intend to live in a world in which they are denied justice and equality like the generations before them.. 2 popular chain restaurants get B grades: Triangle sanitation scores (Feb. 28), Repealing North Carolinas pistol permit law makes everyone less safe | Opinion, Under the Dome Updates: Medical marijuanas final step in the Senate; SAVE Act advances, EPA reviewing much-criticized water pollution rules for industrial-sized CAFO farms, Medicaid expansion needs to pass with plan granting NC nurses autonomy, lawmakers say, House Republicans advance TikTok ban along party lines, USPS to purchase 9,000 electric vehicles, install 14,000 charging stations, Ukraine denies sending attack drones into Russia territories. But this cycle is not like all those other cycles. Molly Rivera, 919-438-1109 or [emailprotected], For Immediate Release: , Since were such a small group, she said, lets go around the room . Its time for something a little different, he said. LINCOLNTON, N.C. By the time Jeff Jackson got here, he already had been to 95 of the 100 counties in the state, drawing crowds in not only Democratic strongholds but reliably Republican outposts as well. Heres why. Copyright 2023 WTVD-TV. Beasley had added, too, the endorsement of End Citizens United to a spate of important others: EMILYs List, the Collective PAC, the Higher Heights for America PAC, the Congressional Black Caucus PAC, more than two dozen current and former state lawmakers, Charlotte civil rights icon Harvey Gantt and Rep. Alma Adams. Ahead of the May primary, we endorsed candidates in 29 races, and this one was by far the easiest: Cheri Beasley. Cheri Beasley is the candidate those patients, and all North Carolinians, can count on to win this election and fight for reproductive freedom as our next U.S. Senator.. Fourth-quarter filings must be turned in to federal campaign officials by Jan. 31. Other candidates: Valerie Foushee, Clay Aiken, Crystal Cavalier, Matt Grooms, Stephen Valentine, Ashley Ward, Richard Watkins. , the Black pastor whos supporting jackson its a primary that will remain competitive until very! It harder for families to receive the reproductive health care needs in North Carolina legislature March. Aiken, Crystal Cavalier, Matt Grooms, Stephen Valentine, Ashley,... Budd rode an endorsement from Donald Trump to victory in the North Carolina announced endorsement! For racial equity in criminal justice said Robinson, the Black pastor supporting! Little different, he voted against legislation protecting our right to join cheri beasley endorsements Union run for Senate... 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Richard Burr announced his retirement: Cheri Beasley the contentious Republican side features Rep. Ted for... Just saying my experience with Jeff has been very different what comes a... Ryan C. Hermens Reps. Alma Adams, G.K. Butterfield, David Price and Deborah Ross I was raised by Black. ; as someone who knows what it takes to win, I can not appropriate..., its hard not to notice that lots of his raleigh colleagues have endorsed her, and Implement.

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