can you love someone again after hating them

Shes obviously not in good shape where is she right now but i am definitely not falling for another trap. He expected me to do the girlfriend things and he would try to pick a bone with me about it by insinuating that I was seeing someone else or I didnt love him like I said I did. They'll never leave each other. I ignored his emotions and efforts. That, too, usually takes therapy. And he said no that hell take it to his grave and that he will never accept my apology. It takes time and patience. I fell out of love with my baby. I just like these others have a hard story but i would really like to talk to you on skype about this sometime. He said he loved me with his whole heart but I hurt him and I had to rebuild his trust. They never met each other in person, but met over a social media website. She recently went through my phone after she saw a text from one of my ex. She said she just needed to time for her to figure out what she wanted. As most people trying to make sense of a break up, Ive searched what I can do and found myself here My BF will not leave unless i get a restarining order on him and the police tell him he has to leave. So I thought maybe hes right. It sounds to me like your boyfriend has a fear of intimacy. I havent been insane and yelling at her like crazy. This tells me that you actually lack some of the coping skills you need. Im at the point where Ive completely decided to leave him alone. About a year and a half ago I confessed that I lied in the beginning of our relationship about the number of sexual partners I had in my past. Apparently she called around noon as she had changed her mind and wanted me to go. And I realized it too late I realized it when he finished pulling away from me. Dont go to a psychoanalytic type as that is a lifetime of therapy. D stood between the open door & me. Enjoy an aquarium I pretty much ignored him for the whole night, and I danced with my male friend to make matters worse. I feel the same way. He isnt allowed to stay the night with his birth father or his other family. Once after my friends birthday I sent him an angry text as he didnt want me to stay at his house after we had had an argument and then more recently I told him I hated him and shared details of my abusive ex. Her so much I cant take another. Despite all this, I didnt support him. He did every thing for me and my kids. However I am a cheater. I need to keep him safe and I need to revamp my whole attitude around him. My boyfriend and I have been together on and off for two years and a half. Im planning on trying to carry myself as if I had no worries in the world. my story sounds very similar to alot of those ive read on the page, i recently felt my husband was different, Weve been married 5 years and together doe 11 years. When you have a relationship with another person, there will inevitably be times when you need to set aside your own preferences and heed the wishes or needs of the other. About a month upon coming back, he finally confessed to me that he had slept with another woman while I was gone. This was the turning point for him from that moment on I witnessed an amazing transformation in his honesty and his love for me, I trust him more than I ever have. Its almost as if Good and Bad is unclear in your mind and everything first looked good when it wasnt and now everything looks all bad when it may not be. Marriage should not be taken lightly. I also understand why he wants to spend time with someone else because being around me has been difficult and exhausting for a very long time. I gave him my support and said I hoped everything would be alright. I dont know what is missing, but in order for a relationship to stick after many years, there have to be compliments, little ways to show one another you care, etc. There was never any abuse, cheating or major fighting in our relationship we just sort of drifted apart and life got in the way and we didnt focus on nurturing our relationship. But I interpret that to mean using me. I just dont get where hes coming from. Not searching for love but I fell for someone at my work place I kissed him a few times but no more but I told my husband I was leaving him that it wasnt because of the other guy . Instead she disrespects me further and deeper and not being reasonable for a second. She wants to see other people for now and hopefully in two years when things settle down and we can both get on our feet we can see where we in life and get back together. I knew the guy from working with my ex. I cannot continue living in such an emotionally empty space. The song is about inner conflict and wanting to come apart but still find a place in the other person's heart where they can be again. Not a shared bottle of champagne to toast to our future. I threatened to get custody of our son and I wanted her out of the house. I still feel hurt and betrayed by my ex and sometimes i still cry about it or feel down about it. We have 2 kids together and we live in the same house for only another 30 days, she had been pretending to love me for the last month or so, but she has already been in the arms of another man, a man that she had falling in love with 18 years ago, but could not pursue it because he was married, now he is not she has a desire to be with him and has had this for a long while, just never told me for the 13 years we were together. Hey all So, I read the article, and I think it has valid points. Know this has been a turn off to him for a what should I do? I had to go to her friend and her friend said that she went through the same thing that I am going through. He put his face into her neck & told her that he Really really loves her. But I have destroyed him. We have been there only two weeks and he tells me he doesnt love me anymore and will be moving into an apartment. I am so emotional, physically, and mentally attached to this man I am with. The fact that he loves but doesnt like you is what is clueing me in that there is something on your part that you need to look at. Anyway, please see an MFT together. Aside from thatwe are friends and I would like to at least help him see that not everybody leaves and not everybody is out to use and hurt you. He just says he doesnt have it in him to make the relationship part work with how drained he feels hes already become emotionally and how much hes working now to make sure we can take care of the baby financially. I had a girlfriend the first time I met her and the relationship with my then-girfriend wasnt going anywhere. Yet she does have all the stuff I gave her and a bunch of my clothes. 3 years ago when we first began to get to know each other, he hurt me really bad. But he did not feel the same way in the begining of our relationship, which i can understand why. One more thing: You have both spilled your guts about the negative. He actually came!! Every other fight we have, he breaks up with me, annoying, and he calls me names that are really hurtful. Carly, you say here something that is of concern: I am more weepy and depressed than ever before. Their internal view of how they see themselves is so dark that they can't see the light of who they really are. Now, I wont hear from him until almost the end of the day and thats it. Do you think he could possible be cheating? Hes the most amazing man Ive ever met and Ive completely destroyed everything in our relationship and yet somehow he is giving me a chance to fix it. I know he still would like to spend the rest of his life with me. He says he forgives me and has moved on. So he found some old messages from me and that other guy and he caught me in the lie. It destroyed his trust. Any advice would be much appreciated. You dont want to start a marriage that was wrong from the beginning. I think that is an excuse. And his reasons are quite vague, saying that he feels stuck and trapped and cant see any other way out but to separate. When it comes up he says he doesnt know if he can forget what happenedthe hurt I caused him. Certainly, when my alarm goes off at 5:30 in the morning so I can get ready to drive my daughter to school, I would much rather turn off the alarm and roll over for some more shut-eye all else being equal. Me having to tend to our newborn. Sadly that means we dont know as much about the other as other couples would. What.kind of stuff is that i been dealing wit it for a while n nw im juz fed up. Later when i felt like ok i was ready, secure and had confirmed my feelings i went to him and he also had feelings to, but his recent breakup after me caused him commitment issues(as he says) and said that he wanted a relation with benefits as for now and if he felt comfortable we could take it to a relationship. There are some typographical errors in my writeup and there is no way for now to edit. I was okay with that as long as it was just friends. He seems to become more distant and cold every time he sees me sad and anxious. He swears he loves me and he would never want to hurt me. I should have told him the truth, but I didnt want to lose him or hurt him by telling him. Psychologically, it seems there was a disconnect right there. I am a total fool. My mom still loves him (and she is a very tough cookie) and Im still very close to his family. Idk where to start. I feel so bad for what I have done to this woman that I truly love and respect! It was so bad I needed to be put on medication for depression. His mom told him later on, and he was just overall shocked because within a 24 hour period our conversation went from marriage to me trying to take pills. Problems with my ex and our children made me so low I reverted to drugs. Should I continue to work on our relationship and eventually she will come back or should I move on? Neither could I. He fears that another depression like that will keep occurring, and although I cant technically promise such a thing, I keep reassuring him that Im not depressed anymore. Telling someone it is over and not meaning it, on the other hand, is not mature. He has no friends, admitted that he is scared how easily he shuts people out of his life. He said he sits in therapy and where before he would have cried, he just feels nothing. She has been like my teenage daughter who can do no right. I have promised to try and change the ways I have become so mired in, and told her that I realize that these are just words, and that I hope my actions can speak on their own. There was one friend that I always wasnt comfortable with. Another idea among the 15 ideas for a perfect first date is to dress to impress Hi Shane, My family loves her and still dont know were apart. I dont know what to do but I need advice I cant move on cause my heart belongs to her. I cannot see a life without her and I will give everything to right my wrongs just to have her with me again. Although she says she finds me attractive she cant open up, her heart to have sex with me , she just cant. She was to try and work it out but I feel as though she is just leaving me hanging! But he still talks to her as a friend. He is a good provider goes to church, and he is a good father. I just checked that she posted on Facebook. I dont want to hurt him. Therapy helps and , as I said earlier, I recommend it. or that you are together and he wont let you return to the States (if that is home). My boyfriend and I started talking a little over a year ago. I repeat: people who cheat when they love someone else, cant imagine good things like true love in their life. She just told me yesterday that shes looking for a place just for herself and her baby. He claims hes a changed man and that he will do anything to prove to me that he really loves me. Although i understood her condition growing up in foster homes. It makes me feel special. He has worked so hard to go through therapy and rid his life of porn and the addiction of sex. Hi Cindy When she apoke all she said was that she feels like I dont even like her anymore. But if he turns out to be the father I dont know if I should stay or go? we were recently told by her mother that she and her grandma will be moving down to Texas( this is her only family keep in mind.) A complicated story. he says i should find someone who appreciates me, he admits hes still very much sexually attracted to me and everything? My boyfriend was perfect. If you have some self-worth, you may temporarily be fooled into thinking that the lack of reciprocation of your love reveals a fundamental flaw in the other person. Today was the first day of this change. The fact that he is back and forth with you tells me that. We broke up about 3 weeks ago. I call her back and tell her we will be fine, and to get some rest and that I want to be with her. His answer would always be no and that he wont hurt me and that Im being crazy and that Im the only one he wants , but things wasnt adding up and I wouldnt let up. She said she cried most of the day before saying I cant believe we at this point. If youre looking for a counselor that practices a specific type of therapy, or who deals with specific concerns, you can make an advanced search by clicking here: He was very remorseful of his actions and said he didnt intentionally do them and felt horrible for hurting me. My boyfriend and I have been together for 9 yrs and we recently just parted ways in the past 4 days. I truly am sorry for the way I treated her and I never want to hurt get like that again. But it needs to be more than three weeks. Why did you do it? I went home with someone for a one night stand. Doctors cannot treat their families and neither can lawyers, so you cant convince me that you, alone, helped him conquer his demons. He is impatient and rude with me, says hurtful things. Hi Mike, Should I just forgive and forget? Hi. If so, please respond. Listening to the sexy chief of police in the shower. i would send him msgs but he would just ignore replying me or he replys in ashort way with out trying to find out how i was like he used to do. But I dont know what to do anymore. And it was an outlet for peace and not dealing with our issues. Thats not all. Well, these past several months nothing I say or do seems to make him notice or want to notice that its become a problem. Im just ready to move on but I really really do love him. I dont know how to prove him that I wont be like this anymore. Our relationship have always been, very mellow, we give each other our freedom and space. Shes very ungrateful in our last meetings. He still wants to see me maybe ease off the physical side be morelike friends which I will find difficult knowing what weve have, hes also said the same. Hi Alex I told him over and over again that i have a problem with the way we are even before the proposal but he didnt really do anything about it. You may perceive the giving and the dealmaking as a sacrifice or punishment. i love her with all my heart and i want to convey that to her. It makes my heart ache that I have done these things to her! I feel that he really no longer cares, he would stay late with friends drinking, I really think is to escape the reality that he cant be with the love of his life. Their messages are private. This may take time, and perhaps help from outside sources. If it's convinced you that you never want to cheat again, then congratulations! She chose counseling and says that she wants to try and work things out. I want to be with him but hes not doing anything to gain his trust back. An outside source, another person but she only got mad. It reminds you that she is needy; she doesnt have her act together: She is not strong enough to stand on her ow in this world, both economically and emotionally. there was Cheating,verbal abuse, drug use, and been an absent and irresponsable father. Now he is really angry n says to end up our relation and rather be friends. Make a special time to just go out w/o talking about who will pick up the kids from soccer. What does that mean? But Im having trouble getting the feelings back. But when Nash discovers Lina's secret these friends become furious enemies - though the sparks flying between them don't know the difference between love and hate. He slowly opened back up to me and after 4 months I got a I love you from him, which frankly shocked me into speechlessness. me (25) and my girlfriend (22) have been dating for over 5 years. Him not being sure had really upset me because I had been having a really bad day and I needed him. I want to hate him because I think hes a horrible human being as she is for having done this when he should have just left if he wasnt happy. You wont have to force it; it, too, will be a natural process. Posting selfies all over facebook it looks like something else is going on as if they are dating. He left me a few weeks ago to go live with someone he reconnected with over Facebook from years ago. The therapist even gave him an opening to walk away, close the door forever. Your date will also see what kind of person you are by how well you can ride a bike, which will be a good way to gauge if shes right for you or not without having to sit down and actually have a conversation with her. Ive completely decided to leave him alone to get custody of our son and I danced with my friend! I threatened to get custody of our son and I realized can you love someone again after hating them when he finished away... The therapist even gave him an opening to walk away, close the forever. Like your boyfriend has a fear of intimacy he says I should stay or go source, another but. On cause my heart ache that I am definitely not falling for another trap he has no friends admitted. Not feel the same thing that I wont hear from him until almost the end the... 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