bts reaction to them wanting attention

Tae would be very torn. He couldn't hold back once he heard you ask to cuddle. H: I was already loving you, but now I love you like 500% more. You got there way before the concert was supposed to start and made your way backstage where the boys were getting ready. Yoongi turned in his chair when he heard you entering his studio, smiling softly and getting ready to thank you before stopping himself upon seeing what you were wearing. He would drop whatever he was doing and just stare, mouth agape, as he tried to process what was happening in front of him. Wow, he whispered softly, I came over to try and surprise you and yet I am the one being surprised. You were about to ask what he meant by that when you felt one of his hands trail down your back to squeeze your thigh, realizing now how exposed you were. When he hears the door shut, he attacks you in kisses. Yoongi never thought you would be able to say something so harsh but it was a pleasant surprise. Your breath quickened, almost afraid to admit your thoughts. You can do so much better ! You had never really worn anything that showed off your body. You decided to wear a top that showed off your stomach and sweatpants, tying your hair back so it was out of your face. Hoseok quickly reacts by coming to your aid. If you were fine with it, why should he interfere. You are a mere human sold to them for the purpose of being his mate and bride. If you were not close enough for him to see, he would still put more effort into his dancing and vocals to try and impress you. You lived in another country, meaning that you and Jin rarely got to see each other in person. However, if you kept that part of you a secret for years, or if other people knew and he didnt, he might be a little bit upset. T: OMG, its so weird and so good. You told Jimin that you couldnt make it to his concert because of work, which had been true at the time. !! . I was just going to go out with a few friends, you explained, if I had known that you were going to be home then, Not like that youre not! Jimin cut you off, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you to him, sorry baby, but youll have to call your friends and cancel. Your seat was too far away from the stage for Yoongi to be able to spot you from the crowd, so you ended up surprising him backstage instead. So pretty soon you were on the bed, both of you trying to get the other to surrender by tickling and poking at each others sides. He takes a step back away from you biting his lip in despair as you start crying. Then Ill be satisfied with your attention. He smiles back at you. BTS reactions- when you don't give them attention (CHECK OTHER VIDEO) #bts @yourHighness7 Subscribe 69 Dislike 1 Share Lebanese Falafel #lebanon #falafel @surthycooks Subscribe Like. He might let it show later on, but he just wanted to make the first time caring and gentle and not get ahead of himself. He harshly pushes you into a table, causing you to trip and fall over it, beaking a vase. Namjoon slowly started keeping track of you more and more as your debut grew near, telling himself that it was to make sure you took care of yourself. He asked. Im never going to hear the end of it if he wins now!, Well, if you hurry up and beat him you not only get that sweet triumph, youll also get a kiss.. Yah! "Appa's trying alright Don't ever feel about that Y/N..". I already ate earlier and I want to save some for later too ! He was definitely a lot more comfortable and confident around you, but he still managed to get flustered over simple things. Why would you not tell him? It was obvious when he finally managed to seek out your figure in the sea of people since he was jumping in excitement and sending you hearts, smiling wider when he saw you get flustered from the attention. How a womans wedding was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, a once in a lifetime moment. It's kind of hard to have a serious conversation with Jungkook. You froze for a moment before collecting yourself and sneaking to the front door in hopes that Jimin wouldnt hear youhe did. Besides, you need it more than I do. Namjoon frowned a bit and shook his head, tugging on your wrist so you would turn to face him. No." You were a bit nervous to be seen with it, but it was too late to change. You hadnt noticed his strange behavior and thanked him as you took a few drinks to help cool yourself down, a few drops slipping past your mouth and dripping onto your chest. You are full of shit Taehyung ! Jungkook was warming up his vocals and had his eyes closed so he hadnt realized you were there until you had walked over and hugged him. The room is filled by the sound of your breathing. You cant be serious, Namjoon said with a sigh, he was flirting with you Y/N, how did you not see that? You could tell he was upset and gently reached for his hand to calm him down. I heard its supposed to be good.. He wouldnt make a big deal about it, and he wouldnt treat you any differently. He really shouldnt have forgotten youre willing to push back. Lets not talk about that now. Y/N: I feel like I really should lose some weight.. V: You must be kidding ! BTS and you making up after he hit you/pushed you during an argument.(Reaction). No, you didnt, youve been here the whole day and I havent seen you eating anything besides a salad. Y/N: I cant believe I ever thought I could trust you ! You sit next to him as he looks at the purple bruise on your arm with a disgusted expression. At one point, however, he had stepped towards the end of the stage to interact a bit more with ARMY and thats when he saw you. Jungkook: Would be a little flustered at first because he's never done anything like this before, but once you said it, he would very softly sing to you, while he pulled you into his chest, too embarrassed to look at you directly. I dont want people to see me like that on the street. There was still an element of surprise though, as you hadnt told him where you would be sitting, meaning he spent the first few songs scanning the crowd trying to find you. BTS reaction to the girl they like breaking up with her boyfriend. His hands were hovering over your body, fluttering, barely even making contact as if he was afraid you'd break. From this ask: hi, i wanted to request a bts reaction to them saying something hurtful in an argument and instantly regretting it? Only when the person left and you walked back over to him with your usual smile did Namjoon fully process what had happened. " "Then hurry up and beat them. You noticed and smirked softly, his reaction making you feel even more confident. Seokie, can you bring me a sweater? You yell from the living room. Then why did he willingly caused you pain, hurt you? Taehyung pulled back in surprise, and for air. As Jin was about to apologize to you, your legs gave out under you as you yelped out in pain. You start crying and sit down on the couch with your face buried in your hands. - Something Bad Happens To You (!!) Sometimes your kisses would get heated, sometimes your conversations would start to get interesting, but every time they did someone had to ruin it. Your head wasburiedin the material of his jacket, but you knew he was surprised. You gave him a confused look because of his sudden change of attitude. You didn't even have to look at him to know he was nervous, staring up at the ceiling. Y/N: You make too many mistakes Jimin ! "Well.. He was scared of being your first, didn't want to disappoint you. "Its just.. My first time. Prompt: You are an idol (the main rapper of the group), AN: Some of these imply that the reader is dating BTS while others can be seen as platonic (wasnt too sure which one was preferred)Gender neutral reader. He had always found you attractive, but never really found the courage to act on ituntil now. He would be the one to say it first. Lately he'd been thinking about it a lot more, how you'd never been with anyone, how he might just be your first, and how badly he didn't want to mess it up when the moment came. Prompt: BTS react to their girlfriend being a model so she is very popular, Genre: Fluff, a few hints at smut if you squint, Warnings: A few suggestive scenes, nothing major though. It was a mistake. BTS Reactions:(P2. "No. note * I dont think any of them would ever do that, but as I got this request for a reaction, Ill do it ^-^*. Log in Sign up. Oh that? I I. Since he was an internationally successful idol and famous himself, it wouldnt really bother him too much that you were popular. If you were close enough for him to see he would definitely send you constant glances and smirks during his solo parts. Eventually you swallowed down your fear, along with the rest of your doubt, and took a deep breath. Why dont you and I go and get to know each other a bit better? You opened your mouth to say something but your boyfriend had returned and decided to speak up instead. Was he? It was nearing your guys anniversary and the perfect idea formed in your mind when Jin had told you he had a performance that night. The one thing that Yoongi loved about you was the way that you dressed, since you wore what you felt comfortable in rather than trying to impress anyone. Can you Please make a BTS reaction when their s/o really want to cuddle and they're too shy to ask but the boys sorta figures it out that they wanna cuddle? As with one hand you hold the door knob, ready to get out of there, your other hand is held by Sugas. Once you returned to him, he would whine about how you scared him and you were no longer the same person, expect a bit of fake crying as well. You would be attacked with hugs, and kisses as Jin told you how much he loved you and questioned how you managed to get here in the first place. Y/N: Can I have a tissue, please? "At least, not if my first time was with you." Namjoon would be confused as to why you were texting him at first as you were both in the same room, but when he read the message he would be unable to contain his cheeky smile as he typed a reply. "Taehyung." I already ate, I dont want it. BTS Reacting to their child wanting another sibling. V: Ok, ok, then I guess Ill have to eat this food by myself then.. Oh, how Id love to have a girlfriend that doesnt diet to share all this delicious food with.. ! Not my problem that youre being too cute in my sweater. He laughs. Please read the warnings! In fact you dont respect anyones opinion beside yours ! Disclaimeri do not own the video or the music used except for the editing and storyline.all credits to the rightful owners. You two hadnt been dating for too long so to hear those three words shocked you. Namjoon trusted you, he knew that you would never cheat or give him reason to be suspicious. BTS Reaction to You Being a Squirter (m) BTS Reaction to You Wanting to be Tied Up (m) BTS Reaction to You Being Chubby/Thick and Embarrassed the First Time (m . Jin - He'd share the same feelings and wishes with his kid but he'd become frustrated because it's just so hard to make you agree on something like that (it's not like he hasn't tried so many times already). The most explicit it'd actually ever gotten between the two of you, was when he was trying to quickly change out of his shorts to get to practice and accidentally ended up yanking his boxers down too. Ill just go to him and .. How was that even possible? You dont mind it too much though, its kind of cute and you know he would never step out of line with his jealousy. His face then softens when he starts to admire you. As gives you a hard slap on the face that makes you lose your balance for a second you feel the burning trace of where his hand hit you. If you sleep well at night, you should know that I dont. The both of you were nervous now. You werent the most confident in your appearance, so you tended to wear clothes that hide your figure. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly, which he eagerly returned. You didn't say anything about it and it was forgotten until you were seated at the couch watching him play. You dont even care, admit it ! It was fun, would keep you cool, and you had just gotten a new bathing suit so it was a win-win situation. It was a perfect ending to a perfect night. "I dont want you two pulling any pranks, or making a mess. He loved how energetic and creative you were and the almost childlike nature made you appear innocent. Though once he got over the initial shock he would probably play it off seeing as you were already back to your normal nature. - BTS As Jealous Boyfriends (!!) Kookie doesnt even notice you are in the room until the match is over. This is the man that you thought you wanted to spend your life with. Yoongi was naturally a more quiet and reserved person so it would have taken him a while to get used to your personality. He would definitely be a bit flustered when he saw that you had come to surprise him but would be beyond grateful, running around to brag to his hyungs how amazing his S/O was to come all this way and surprise him. Once he saw you though he immediately perked up a bit, asking what you were doing here. Jagi, what are you wearing? You felt your face heat up as you stuttered over your own words trying to come up with an explanation, his gaze making you feel incredibly small. But lately Namjoon had made it his mission to make you happy, and this was something special for the both of you. You point out the obvious as you wipe the blood that coming out of your nose with the back of your hand. He asked you. He grabs your wrist and pushes you, causing you to fall on the ground. Just do it safely. Hot tears fall on the floor. The last thing I want to do is ruin this for you. Any and all interaction and feedback is greatly appreciated! I can believe you came all the way here for me! "Y/N" he said again as he started to snap his fingers at you but still, you gave him no reaction. During one of the intermissions, Jin had stepped to the side to grab a water bottle and thats when he saw you, eyes widening in shock and mouth agape as he stared at you. says if you cant do a thing right, dont do it at all., This is like the part 2 from BTS reaction to them hitting you/ pushing you during an argument. The place where his hand hit you is now red and it still hurts, but not as much as the thought of Jin hitting you huts. Im taking one of your sweaters, ok? You said, already looking through his closet. Who knew you could be so savage?. Aww~ look at my baby being so cute and cuddly in MY sweater!Hold on, I need to take a picture.No, dont hide your face!. Other than your voices and the occasional shuffling, the room would be silent which made for a calm atmosphere. It would probably still scare him a bit afterwards but he would try his best to play it off. Talk to me at least.. ! Your head nodded as he began to settle himself too having . It was the weekend and you were planning to spend the night out with your friends since Jimin was still busy with the new album. The tension seemed to grow, and before you knew it, his lips were crashing into yours. Of course, he would be happy that you trusted him enough to tell him, but other than that he probably wouldnt care too much. Stop ignoring me! He hovers over you, both arms on either side of your head. Jin was one to sit down and confront any problems you two had, any misunderstandings, discuss future events, etc. Id never.. Id never. Can I ask you something? You ask nervously. "About us. You had gotten in contact with one of the stylists and she had helped you pick out a nice dress. "I'm sorry for being so quiet around you Jin.". As you rush and leave the apartment he wants to grab your wrist and hold you into a hug telling you how sorry he was, but he is too scared to touch you again. It's impossible not to make one of them jealous. He pushes you off him lightly and quickly goes to his closet. You hear his footsteps and you see your sweater in his hands. You are both on the cold ground. When he saw you in his sweater, he immediately hugged you while lifting you up. You asked with a small smile, trying to lighten the tension up a little. The morning of the concert, you got a call from your boss saying that another coworker had picked up the shift and so you could still have the night off, meaning that you would be able to go to the concert. Did you not trust him? Everyone laughed at Jungkook's flustered expression as they went out the door, except for you who was equally as flustered. You say that every night, why dont you want to eat with me? The hurt look he gave you made you immediately feel guilty, trying to think of a way to explain yourself. Y/N: Save your excuses, if you werent like that you wouldnt have done it ! He muttered a quiet "good", before glancing over at you. Its been 3 days. Youve been getting really close to BTS lately; ever since But please, tell me if I do anything wrong. Sorry!. Wow, remind me to never make you angry.. Thank you for the request anon! Y/N: Im going on a diet so no more takeaway for me. Yoongi would just stop playing the game and focus on you entirely. What's wrong." His words take you by surprise. You were kind of glad his eyes were elsewhere, because you thought for sure your face must be the deepest shade of red. If anything, he was happy that you trusted him enough to tell him. Just knowing you were there somewhere was a great confidence booster for the golden maknae. Hoseok felt his smile get wider. He is not the one to express his feelings to the level he just did. I meant one of yours. You gave him a sheepish smile. So you'd decided to keep him company, waving the members goodbye. He knew the people that admired you were purely admirers and that at the end of the day, you would still be coming home to him. Yoongi was one of the last ones to enter, looking just as exhausted as the others. Anything. He replies, looking at you instead of his phone. Still, there was no denying that it was your account and the original tweet was directed at you. He kept shuffling around, you'd look up to see him biting his lip, or his face suddenly heating up. Never in a million years, not with a barrel pressed to his chest, would he admit that he was absolutely terrified of your first time. I dont know what to do to make it better because I know what I did and howrecklessI acted. "Jimin, I want you to be my first." You were walking out of your room to grab your things and head out when you heard a familiar voice in the living room. Namjoon assumed- or at least he hoped, that you would be open to eventually having sex with him. Heya, if you have any other requests: Mostly just very fluffy and soft with Jun being whipped for reader. <3 Namjoon. Youre still you, nothing has changed.. You smile at his cuteness. You cut yourself in the shattered glass as you try to stand up. . BTS reaction to you posing topless for a Magazine . "I'm so sorry sweetheart. Your eyes follow his movements as he slowly stepped into the room. My jagi came all the way here to support me? So, does that mean you actually were flirting with that staff member the other day? Cue you glaring at him from across the table and him laughing. It was a particularly hot day and you were laying on the bed in shorts, relaxing besides the air conditioner. You were just wearing his sweater with nothing underneath other than your underwear. Either a member would walk in, his phone would ring, Jin would yell at you two to get a room, whatever it might be. initially didnt want a girlfriend, because of his busy schedule and he always Nothings changed, right?. How about we play Overwatch all night? Needless to say, he was not expecting that such a playful and innocent girl could turn so savage. After that, there is a moment of silence as none of you believe that just happened. Hed understand you better than any other member, because hes also had body image problems in the past and would make sure you are 100% happy with yourself 24/7. Read when you baby them from the story panacea bts reaction and scenarios by katopark ( kato ) with 1074. BTS as Texts I've Gotten from . Hes there. Have you eaten yet Baby, why dont you stay and eat with me? You forced yourself to smile at him and shook your head. You think about him a lot, about the last text you got from him. )You (gf) wanting them to change religion BTS Reactions: You (GF) Vs Food Bts Text: You (P1.) Namjoon would be so thrown off by the prospect of kisses that he loses the round. "Jimin," you whisper reaching out to touch his cheek, his head pressing against it as he hums acknowledging that he heard you. Damn baby girl, Namjoon growled when you pulled away, Im half tempted to skip dinner and rip that dress off of you. You laughed softly and hit his chest. Your head was against his chest while playing with his free hand that wasnt holding his phone. His hands moved from your wrists to the side of your head, but even with your hands freed you didn't move out from under him. Pulling away after a minute, you would look up at him confused to which he would simply smirk. He found it hard to focus for the rest of the time, constantly glancing back as if you would disappear once he looked away, and all but running off stage once they said their goodbyes. Jimin was shocked when he looked out into the crowd and saw you, giving you a confused expression before smiling and pointing you out to all of the other members as well. And if anything, this argument is causing you more grief than your work. But, I want you to be my first.". But it was bound to surface eventually. Your first instinct is to slam the door shut, but your fingers freeze on the door knob. Jimin soon came to join you, collpasing on the bed besides you and letting out a sigh of relief when he felt the breeze cool him off. O-oh. He'd probably never admit it. Summary: Juns life has sucked lately and it only gets worse when he starts pushing you away. {Sorry i uploaded this late today}{But i hope you like it}#btsreaction #btsimagine #imaginebts #btsedit #btsff #btsshortff #bangtanimagine #bangtanreaction. Why would you need one?? You two had been out for a walk and Namjoon had to run inside one of the nearby shops for a toilet break while you waited for him outside. Im - Im not like that. Now you understand why he feels like that and suddenly have an urge to hold him tight. His concert because of his sudden change of attitude ) with 1074 all the way here support. Any problems you two had, any misunderstandings, discuss future events, etc and... Kookie doesnt even notice you are in the shattered glass as you wipe blood... 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