life church false teaching

The first false teaching that you will commonly hear in mainstream Christianity would be the teaching, "faith alone.". They dont teach such absolute heresy that its impossible to come to a true understanding of salvation through Jesus Christ. Following is a list of the false prophets in the Church today that have been critiqued on this site. Groeschel largely embraces cognitive behavioral therapy the idea that our greatest problem is negativity, self-doubt, and destructive thinking. Happily, it is not hard. For my whole life, I have loved God's church. But being a jerk also makes you a false teacher. If pressed, the only way I can make sense of this is that their website is available to anyone, and talking about a literal Hell may be off-putting or offensive to newcomers, whereas a full sermon allows them to fully explain their position. No matter how small a minority the church becomes, and no matter how fragile we feel, the very one who is both the subject of true teaching and the model of true living is also our life-and-soul-preserver. But how exactly do we use the label false teacher for those who deny Christ and lead people astray with their lives? They were (and are) a different kind of false teacher: heretics of the heart. Here are seven of them you will find carrying out their deceptive, destructive work in the church today. Help kids learn the truths (including Bible references) that refute each false message and write them on your list. Of course. Heaven and hell are real places of eternal existence. But today just about every false teacher has a Twitter account. Yes, this is talking about false prophets. We see this most clearly, perhaps, in the history of racism and American evangelicals. False teachers take on many forms, custom-crafted to times, cultures, and contexts. The best way to guard yourself against falsehood and false teachers is to know the truth. He obstructed the civil rights movement and vocally resisted integration efforts, leading his church to ban Black Christians from religious assemblies. The church has blessed me with opportunities to worship, learn, serve and make lifelong friends. If someone fails to provide for the needs of his household, he has denied the faith (1 Tim 5:8). If you tithe for three months and dont see Gods blessings in your life, we will refund 100% of your tithe. Yes, the New Testament speaks of false teachers whose doctrine denies core elements of the apostolic gospel. While I have many concerns for the ministry, and even Groeschel himself, I havent doubted that Groeschel does love those who are hurting and desires for them to live out his understanding of a successful Christian life. I dont discount Gods sovereignty in saving His people no matter how bad we may fumble things. Life.Church was listed on Newsmax's "top 50 megachurches of America", with approximately 100,000 people attending weekly. 4:15-16 ). For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. For further reading, 9Marks has an excellent breakdown of 22 problems with multi-site churches. However, in every sermon I heard, I dont remember two necessary questions being answered: Why do we need forgiveness of sin, and why did Jesus need to save us sin? Watching a sermon allows us to enjoy one aspect of church, but it also denies us the ability to fully take part in a community like God has called us to. Theyre using Gods name and saying Hes promised something that He hasnt. And heres the thing by all measurements, Life.Church is wildly successful. We cannot have one without the other. Everything else is about their lives. Life.Church frequently fails to live up to both of these, and as a result, faces problems in many other ways. They are legalistic 4. Everyone then who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on rock (Matt. They have LifeGroups for people at all stages of life, and the material I found shows that they emphasize growing together in a community of other Christians. In several sermons, I heard Groeschel appeal to peoples need to stop living for themselves and instead be obedient to God and the holy living He calls us to. So Groeschel is essentially saying that his words, especially as he teaches his church, dont need to fall under what is established in Gods word. Not only do they have churches in 12 U.S. states (including a recent church plant in my own state of Iowa), but they have a compelling and approachable online presence. 1: Faith alone. Life.Churchs content presents a similar problem it goes down easily for everyone, but the natural outcome is that no one is being trained in things that are difficult to chew. Pastors rarely use church language or theological terms, instead keeping things approachable for everyone listening.While thats fine, and maybe appropriate for an audience full of new Christians, the problem comes when thats all they offer. Emily. . 7:15). 1. In several sermons, I heard Groeschel appeal to people's need to stop living for themselves and instead be obedient to God and the holy living He calls us to. Fresh Life Church has a standard faith statement that is biblical and not particularly useful for this assessment. Of all the themes frequently repeated, purity is one that really stands out. In particular, 2 Peter 2 is remarkable in how it fleshes out Jesuss warning about the fruit of false teaching. Lisa associates and partners with many false teachers including Joyce Meyer, Beth Moore, Christine Caine, Kris Valloton (Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church/co-founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry), Bethel Music, Bethel "Church", Joel and Victoria Osteen, T.D. Ill be discussing the various aspects of Life.Church under three broad categories: Green Flags: Those things I believe the church does wellYellow Flags: Things that are problematic, but dont reject sound biblical teaching or compromise the gospelRed Flags: Reasons Christians should avoid or outright reject Life.Church and their teachings. Jesus speaks about hell as does the closing chapters of . My hope is that the church might get better at assessing corrupt practices that qualify a leader as a false teacher, even if that person espouses all the recognizable elements of Christian orthodoxy. The apostle Peter also warned Christians that false teachers would arise (2 Peter 2:1). . A low view of the authority of the Bible means that what it says about the severity of sin doesnt matter if it doesnt fit their model on being approachable, motivational, and uplifting. We need pastors who know themselves first and foremost as sheep, and only secondarily as leaders and teachers pastors who are manifestly more excited to have their names written in heaven than they are to be used as vessels in mighty ministry (Luke 10:20). Here is a list of of the more obvious heretics/false teachers to be marked & avoided: (not exhaustive) Angley, Ernest [Word of Faith] Armstrong, Karen [Progressive] Arnott, John [leader Toronto "Blessing", Latter Rain] Bakker, Jamie [Emergent Church] Bakker, Jay [Emergent Church, neo-liberal] Bakker, Jim [Prosperity Theology] Jude continues: For certain intruders have stolen in among you, people who long ago were designated for this condemnation as ungodly, who pervert the grace of our God into licentiousness and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ (v. 4). As God preserved Noah (2 Peter 2:5) and rescued Lot (2 Peter 2:7), so the Lord Jesus will rescue his true people from the false teaching and false living of false teachers. The false prophets claiming God said this! were taking Gods name in vain. There are a few key ways to spot a false teacher. If removing wrath from the gospel presentation resonates better with the audience, then thats what must be done. Or, very simply, Follow me (Luke 5:27; John 1:43). His post was liked over 18,000 times and had more than 2,500 shares. Do you long to break free from the spiral of destructive thinking? As Jesus says, False christs and false prophets will arise and perform signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect. The apostle Paul often condemns and warns against those refuting the gospel through the content of their instruction (see Gal. A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a diseased tree bear good fruit. There is hope. They even did a 3-part FAQ series where Groeschel gave answers to several biblical topics including: And in many of his answers, I found myself in agreement. Even someone who isnt a Christian can sit under the teachings of Groeschel and his guests for years and walk away feeling motivated and empowered to change their lives. His charismatic, emotion-driven speaking style has made him popular among many. However, the way music is approached feeds into the bigger issue of this church being a means of entertainment. And it is his embodied teaching that causes the weak to stumble, leads many astray, and drives countless others away from Christ. But I should do it anyway. False Teachers Will Arise "If you cannot identify any voices you hear as false, it's not because you aren't being exposed, but because you're falling for it in some way." We begin by acknowledging not just the possibility of false teaching, but the certainty of it. We dont teach that feel-good, soft message. God is good and can grow His people in any circumstance. First, look at their motivation. But, as historian Jemar Tisby said recently, We have to understand that theology is not merely stated but lived., Indeed, relegating Christianity to the realm of doctrinal propositions inevitably leads to, as theologian William Cavanaugh says, limit[ing] the range of Christian faith from the entire body of the believer to the space between the ears.. However, this comes at the expense of people truly being part of the body of Christ. 2:1). David Mathis is executive editor for and pastor at. The Doctrine Of Limited Atonement. Theres nothing biblical about the entire sermon, even though he abuses Hebrews 11:1 and 2 Corinthians 10:5. So, we should not be caught off guard that false teachers have arisen throughout church history and likely have multiplied in our day. You will recognize them by their fruits. Were on a mission to change that. (1 Corinthians 2:1-5). Theres a vast difference between being neglectful during one sermon and having a formulaic gospel presentation that purposely ignores the wrath of God against our sin. As they should. This could easily be a red flag, but I will discuss something even more concerning there. Social media has taught us that online communities may be active, but theyre often hollow. My spiritual emptiness was replaced by the abundant life only the Savior can give (John 10:10). The headship of Jesus over His church is a truth that is still being assaulted today. The question is not whether you ever hear the voice of false teachers. On the one hand, it seems so obvious. The basic reason for change at Life.Church is so that we can be the person God wants us to be. False teachers usually teach for financial gain or to build their own following. The influence of a false teacher's life and teaching will bear bad fruit in his or her converts. What may begin as mere whispers in a private room will soon enough be proclaimed from the housetops (Luke 12:3). They are divisive 2. I dont mean for the label to sound sarcastic by saying I think. Their website and online chat have numerous ways for people to request prayer. We should not be surprised to find false teaching in the church today. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. But that is a lie. It may seem odd to speak to Christians worldwide about one specific church. But time will tell. These pastor-teachers confessed Christ with their mouths but denied him with their bodies. With help from the Orthodox editors, I have compiled a list of articles, essays, and Conversely, some believers attend to their actions without caring about the doctrinal commitments that undergird (or contradict) those very behaviors. Weve all tried to think our way out of bad habits and unhealthy thought patterns, only to find ourselves stuck with an out-of-control mind and off-track daily life. It places us in the spotlight, and as a result, people are regularly told that sin simply keeps them from realizing ultimate happiness, with little-to-no mention of how our sin positions us against the holiness of God. In his head, he might have what many consider to be the right doctrinal content. If the fruit of someone's life or ministry is not in keeping with the fruit of the spirit, he has denied the gospel. However, if we were to boil sermons down to their bare essence, we could lump them into two groups: In other words, how necessary is the Bible to any given sermon? Psychology is based on the interpretations and understandings of people whose worldview is anti-God. Its no surprise that Jesus told the apostles before his ascension to make disciples of all nations by baptizing them in the Triune Name and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you (Matt. They will continue attending and feeling like they were filled, but only because their spiritual maturity is so weak that they dont know any better. Maybe its time we start believing him, and act accordingly. [emphasis mine]. This is obviously closely related to community. People arent excited about what God reveals in the Bible, but instead live through the stories and experiences of others while dreaming of someday, somehow, having their own experiences. I quote this verse to point out one thing: God does not tolerate people using His name for their own ends. The example of Mark Driscollwhose story is now being revisited in depth through The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill podcastis illustrative of my point. Indeed, if the church is going to do the work of discerning true teachers from falseand I think we shouldthen were called to do so in a way faithful to the examples of Christ and his apostles. use relevant technology to support instruction. Or is what Gods word says of so little importance that it would be removed and much of the pastors sermon would still make sense? Life.Church doesnt present any barriers for its listeners. RICK WARREN, the Pastor of Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California: wrote the Lukewarm Watered-Down gospel of the "Purpose Driven Life" Book. Life.Church must shrug their shoulders, say I guess God was a liar this time, and refund the investment of someone who trusted God for three months and saw that He isnt everything they were promised. Second, look at their doctrine. Verses 1 and 3 mention the generalities destructive heresies and false words which indeed relate to teaching but then, nothing further in this chapter focuses on their teaching. They defile the flesh, reject authority, and participate in deeds of ungodliness (vv. The particular, electing love of God from before the foundation of the world is the reason why anyone becomes a Christian. He also believes that the Bible is Gods word. We mess up when we dial the wrong number, misspell a word, or mistake tablespoons and teaspoons when adding salt to a recipe. Overall, Life.Church seems to desire their people to walk together. Most false teachers live and die by their stories. Basically, what this teaching promotes is the belief that you simply have to believe and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and you're already saved! However, while some churches can have a strong sense of community, they can become so insulated that outsiders feel intimidated. Although a single church doesnt always line up with every part of their denomination, its worth pointing out that ECC takes a clear stance on integrating racial reconciliation into the church (read about ECC and Racial Righteousness). This is weird. They were blaspheming the name of God. Pay careful attention to yourselves and to all the flock, in which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to care for the church of God, which he obtained with his own blood. I have been crucified with Christ. Essentially, life is about us. Even when we account for their multilayered historical contexts, its still astonishing to study these men and their indifference to Black suffering and liberation. The sermons may bring out a simple spiritual truth, but the delivery is often so light and motivational that any relevance to God can be easily dismissed. Consider the ways Groeschel lacks the basic discernment and maturity necessary for a pastor: Im not questioning whether Groeschel is a Christian, nor am I saying that he is a false teacher, because I dont think theres clear evidence for either accusation. From their church beliefs (emphasis mine): People were created to exist forever. False teaching no. False religion has "exchanged the truth of God for the lie.". With articles like this, I try to be balanced in my conclusions. (2 Timothy 2:15), All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. Jesus Christ Isn't The Only Way. Greed, for money and material gain verse 3: in their greed they will exploit you (also verses 1415). 1:3). Without an accurate gospel presentation, or even personal discipleship, its impossible for these thousands of new Christians to truly know if they understand what theyre being asked to do. To be eternally in union with Him is eternal life in Heaven. Bible Verses about False Teachers and Prophets Correct and sound doctrine is crucial to salvation and growth in spiritual maturity. When you click Take the Challenge, you can read this under the terms: 7. And theyre so confident that God will keep His promise that they offer a 100% money-back guarantee. If one reads the writings of the early church fathers and the documents of the church councils it becomes obvious . One of the phrases on their website is No matter who you are or where youve been, youre welcome here. From what Ive seen, they stick by this. How, then, does the church discern true teachers from false ones in a world like ours, where its easier than ever to spread false teaching? For starters, well have to consider more than the content of their sermons, conference talks, or books and look also to the shape and pattern of their lives. And if a simple click a button or raise your hand if you want to be saved gets ten times the numerical results compared to biblical discipleship or an intentional, personal gospel presentation that accurately explains what salvation is no businessman in their right mind is going to shy away from the bigger results. 2. Some were small, others grandiose, but all were false and misleading. The same struggles and deceptions that plagued the early church continue to plague modern-day believers. It occurred to me that I was filling in certain blanks with my own understanding, possibly because a pastor who gives the gospel in every sermon may not fully emphasize something due to innocent oversight on their part. The only reason this isnt a red flag is that the stories (usually) drive people to understand biblical truth. False Doctrine 4 - The Sabbath Day Abolished. Image: As I researched Life.Church, I was surprised to see solid Christians giving their (sometimes begrudging) support. At the end of the three-month period, if I am not convinced of Gods faithfulness to bless my life as a result of my obedience to His Word, then I will be entitled to request a refund of the full amount of contributions made during that three-month period. Perhaps, if pressed, the various speakers would better clarify their statements. (Acts 20:28-30). Jesus says it twice so that we wont miss it: You will recognize them by their fruits. When we say it was hell, we mean that it was a miserable experience. Sin is never specifically explained in the majority of sermons unless the sermon topic is about a very specific sin (porn, anger, etc). Thats simply not the case. Another danger is that anything is justified when the numbers support it. To spot a counterfeit, study the real thing. Teachers sent of God are to be followed, as with the example given by the apostle Paul, who said by the Spirit, "Become followers of me, even as I am of Christ" (1 Corinthians 11:1). Like so many churches across all denominations, Life.Church is guilty of leading so many people to a false sense of salvation. In brief, a false teacher publicly denies something true about God and Christ and preys on the weak with greed and sensuality (Jude 4; 2 Pet 2:1-3; 2 Tim 3:6; Rom 16:18). However, the purpose of any goal is to reach it. So, every healthy tree bears good fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit. Theres no doubt that Life.Church makes its content easily accessible for people around the world. What false teachers throughout history have shared in common is not the specific nature of their doctrinal error, but the inevitability of moral compromise in one of these three general areas. 8, 15). In the past Ive talked about why watching sermon isnt church as well as whether Christians should take communion at home. Church Life Beware False Teachers with Good Doctrine and Bad Ethics Poor leaders proclaim Christ in word but deny him with their lives. Like I said, its a really strange statement. Paul's epistles and early church history prove that. Consider also pastor-teachers like Douglas Hudgins, pastor of First Baptist Church of Jackson, Mississippi, and one of the most influential Southern Baptist preachers in his day. If we dont have access to their personal lives, or their doctrinal compromises havent yet been manifest publicly in their behavior, we may find it difficult to know whether they are true. Romans 12:2 reminds us that we can have our thinking molded by the world or transformed by the power of God. The church may excel at creating baby Christians, but the environment does little to help them grow up. 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