aabb guidelines for therapeutic phlebotomy

These investigators reported a case series of 14 pediatric patients with HbSC treated to maximum tolerated dose (MTD) with hydroxyurea. The container label shall conspicuously state the disease or condition of the donor that necessitated phlebotomy. z-index: 99; Patients with polycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET) should be defined as high-risk if age is greater than 60 years or there is a history of previous thrombosis. The Medline database and Cochrane registry of controlled trials were searched using the key words "phlebotomy" and "treatment of hepatitis C." Reference lists of review articles discussing the interaction between iron and CHC, and prospective RCTs comparing phlebotomy plus IFN therapy to IFN alone were searched to identify additional RCTs that compared phlebotomy plus IFN to IFN alone. PHLEBOTOMY : Journal of Infusion Nursing History Articles & Issues Collections CE Videos For Authors Journal Info Previous Abstract Next Abstract STANDARDS: Infusion Therapy 66. AABB is now the Association for the Advancement of Blood & Biotherapies. In 2 patients, direct sequencing was performed to detect coding region mutations of TFR2, HAMP, FPN1, HJV, and ALAS2. In this review, we examine the major indications for therapeutic phlebotomy and provide guidelines for phlebotomy, its effects and specific treatments, and additional information that may help facilitate the use of therapeutic phlebotomy for South Korean patients. For this reason, complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapies are used to improve the symptoms of the common cold. The risk of developing polycythemia secondary to exogenous testosterone (T) has been reported to range from 0.4 % to 40 %. ; Writing Committee of the General Haematology Task Force. Thus, this disorder requires an aggressive therapeutic approach to achieve iron depletion. The estimated rate of polycythemia at 6 months was 10.4 %, 12 months was 17.3 %, and 24 months was 30.2 %. A total of 60 cases were randomly divided into an observation group and a control group, 30 cases in each group. Medicine (Baltimore). cursor: pointer; Dermatol Clin. During NID, attacks were also more often of milder severity. AABB is dedicated to its mission of improving lives by making transfusion medicine and biotherapies safe, available and effective worldwide. Jahangiri M, Rayner A, Keogh B, Lincoln C. Cerebrovascular . Perloff JK, Rosove MH, Child JS, Wright GB. Aetna Inc. and its subsidiary companies are not responsible or liable for the content, accuracy, or privacy practices of linked sites, or for products or services described on these sites. As a priority, they recommended research among selected genotype one patients unable to tolerate ribavirin. In a systematic review and meta-analysis, these researchers examined the feasibility and safety of BLT in the treatment of patients with AGA. Corticosteroids, androgens, erythropoiesis-stimulating agents, and immunomodulators are recommended to treat anemia of PMF, whereas hydroxyurea is the first-line treatment of PMF-associated splenomegaly. padding: 10px; Besa EC, Woermann U.Polycythemia vera. 2016;7:139-144. 3 0 obj Med Hypotheses. Markham MJ, Lottenberg R, Zumberg M. Role of phlebotomy in the management of hemoglobin SC disease: Case report and review of the literature. #closethis { The comprehensive outcomes, which combine the clinical symptoms, signs, and laboratory examinations as one outcome, were not internationally recognized and could not reflect the characteristics of interventions. It is used mainly to reduce blood volume, red cell mass and iron stores. LIC reductions were greater with deferasirox than with phlebotomy for patients with baseline serum ferritin 1,000 ng/ml or higher (-8.1 1.5 versus -3.5 5.7 mg Fe/g dw; p = 0.048). One-year results from a prospective randomized trial comparing phlebotomy with deferasirox for the treatment of iron overload in pediatric patients with thalassemia major following curative stem cell transplantation. top: 0px; Hematology. Gumus, Abbasoglu O, Tanyel C, et al. The authors concluded that their BC observed increased TP requests for patients on TRT from 2014 through 2016. Hemochromatosis. Patient 2 had spherocytosis and no HFE coding region mutations. >> } Problems associated with the limited volume of data and clinical and methodological heterogeneity between the studies were acknowledged and addressed by the investigators in the discussion section of the review. A total of 144 hospitalization days were recorded in the7 patients in the year preceding the treatment. Du YZ, Jia CS, Shi J, et al. These investigators searched all the original papers about pricking blood therapy for migraine in common databases as the Chinese National Knowledge Infrastructure Database (CNKI), Chinese Biomedical Library (CBM), Ovid, Science Direct, Socolar, and Sci Finder (1949 to 2012), Wanfang Data (1998 to 2012) and Foreign Medical Journal Service (FMJS, 1990 to 2012). The 2022 AABB Virtual Meeting will be Nov. 6-7. } The clinical course of 2 women affected by beta-thalassemia major was complicated by the onset of porphyria cutanea tarda. The mechanism of this effect is probably multi-factorial: The authorsobserved these two biological modifications intheir patients and suggested that they mediate the clinical effects. Valenti L, Dongiovanni P, Fargion S. Diagnostic and therapeutic implications of the association between ferritin level and severity of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Infus Nurs. Peto TE, Pippard MJ, Weatherall DJ. Science degree meeting state licensure requirements (64B3-5.003). margin-top: 38px; The volume of phlebotomies was 116 to 390 ml/kg/year according to the patients. Fifth, decreased UA elimination, caused by molybdenum and sulfur binding to copper in the kidneys. stream The JAK2V617F mutation, a point mutation in the tyrosine kinase gene JAK2 (Janus Kinase 2), has emerged as a central feature in the pathogenesis of MPN. list-style-type : square !important; Both BLT and WM produced comparable decreases in UA (MD = -18.72, 95 % CI: -38.24 to 0.81, p = 0.06) and ESR levels (MD = -3.01, 95 % CI: -6.89 to 0.86, p = 0.13). Waltham, MA: UpToDate; reviewed May 2020. AABB is dedicated to its mission of improving lives by making transfusion medicine and biotherapies safe, available and effective worldwide. Iron overload in mild sideroblastic anaemias. Rich MW. The correlation between symptoms and hematocrit levels supports the importance of blood viscosity in contributing to this patient's symptoms. The authors concluded that PV patients with low-risk of vascular complications should be treated with phlebotomy and low-dose acetylsalicylic acid. Zhongguo Zhen Jiu. color: blue!important; AABB and FDA. 1.1 To safely remove a specific amount of blood from a patient with a clinical indication as ordered. color: red!important; Omaha, NE: eMedicine.com; updated April 8, 2002. 2011;86(4):357-361. 1999;53(5):407-412. The mean number of pellets administered was 12 (range of 6 to 16). Blood-letting therapy (BL) is a CAM therapy that has been used for over 2,000 years to treat various diseases. .strikeThrough { Therefore, iron can increase the activity of xanthine oxidase, the sole enzymatic source of urate in human beings. Barton JC, McDonnell SM, Adams PC, et al. background-color:#eee; Management of hemochromatosis. Polycythemia vera: Diagnosis and treatment 2002. A total of 40 patients with AGA were randomly divided into a pricking blood combined with moxibustion group (a combination group) and a WM group, 20 cases in each group. 2009;29(9):711-713. } 1983;1(8321):375-378. Treatments with therapeutic phlebotomy and hydroxyurea are associated with improved overall survival and decreased risk of thrombosis in older patients with polycythemia vera, according to a. Quantitative phlebotomy was employed to remove iron in 12 hyperuricemic patients with GA and maintained their body iron at near-iron deficiency (NID) level (i.e., the lowest body iron store compatible with normal erythropoiesis and therefore absence of anemia). Weisse AB, Moschos CB, Frank MJ, et al. The most probable cause of hyper-ferritinemia was iron overload secondary to transplantation of a hemosiderotic liver. 2006;32(1):10-16. A total of 6prospective RCTs were identified: all used sustained viral response (SVR) as an endpoint. 2018;20(2):195-199. Dtsch Med Wochenschr. Garza I, Schwedt TJ. Markham et al (2003) stated that marked variability is a keynote in the disease course of patients withHb SC (Hb SC) and hemoglobin S/beta(+)-thalassemia (Hb S/beta(+)-thal), with some patients having a frequency of complications and painful episodes similar to patients with homozygous sickle cell (Hb SS) disease. The authors concluded that the incidence of secondary polycythemia while on T pellet therapy may be higher than previously established. Moreover, they stated that ongoing multi-center trials are investigating the use of chronic transfusion to prevent silent infarcts, the use of hydroxyurea as an alternative to transfusion in children with abnormal transcranial Doppler ultrasonography velocities, and the use of hydroxyurea to prevent conversion of transcranial Doppler ultrasonography velocities from conditional (borderline) to abnormal values. 4550 Montgomery AvenueSuite 700, North TowerBethesda, MD 20814301.907.6977. Third, the combination of different area selection and duration types of blood-letting therapy may have caused significant clinical heterogeneity. color:#eee; For patients at high risk for thrombosis (i.e., age of greater than 60, prior thrombosis), we recommend that treatment with phlebotomy be supplemented with the use of a myelosuppressive agent. Kim KH, Oh KY. Clinical applications of therapeutic phlebotomy. text-decoration: underline; 1988;109(5):406-413. Crit Rev Clin Lab Sci. Cook LS. Evidence has shown that increased ferritin levels are associated with the metabolic insulin resistance syndrome, and higher hepatic iron and fat content. 2008;22(8):1494-1502. Ann Intern Med. Pflieger K.Pulmonary hypertension, Eisenmenger syndrome. color: #FFF; 2011;29(6):761-770. For additional language assistance: Phlebotomy, therapeutic (separate procedure), Collection of venous blood by venipuncture, Injection interferon beta-1b, 0.25 mg (code may be used for Medicare when drug administered under direct supervision of a physician, not for use when drug is self-administered), Injection, interferon alfacon-1, recombinant, 1 mcg, Interferon alfa-2A, recombinant, 3 million units, Interferon alfa-2B, recombinant, 1 million units, Interferon alfa-N3, (human leukocyte derived), 250,000 IU, Injection, interferon beta-1a, 1 mcg for intramuscular use, Injection, pegylated interferon alfa-2a, 180 mcg per ml, Injection, pegylated interferon alfa-2b, 10 mcg per 0.5 ml, Home injectable therapy; interferon, including administrative services, professional pharmacy services, care coordination, and all necessary supplies and equipment (drug and nursing visits coded separately), per diem, Abnormal level of blood mineral [non-alcoholic fatty liver disease with hyperferritinemia][not covered for hyperferritinemia in alcohol liver disease], Chronic myeloid leukemia, BCR/ABL-positive and negative, Essential (hemorrhagic) throbocythemia [unless with Polycythemia vera], Myelofibrosis [unless with Polycythemia vera], Multiple sclerosis (MS) [progressive multiple sclerosis], Alcoholic liver disease [hyperferritinemia in alcohol liver disease]. In the 20th century, evidence supporting the use of therapeutic phlebotomy (TP) in conditions such as including hereditary hemochromatosis, polycythemia vera, and secondary iron overload became available. Guidelines from the American Gastroenterological Association (Dienstagand McHutchison, 2006) on management of hepatitis C concluded that clinical trials have failed to demonstrate the efficacy of phlebotomy in patients with chronic HCV infection, and that phlebotomy cannot currently be recommended as a treatment for HCV infection. The 10-year risk of leukemic/fibrotic transformation is less than 1 %/1 % in ET and less than 3 %/10 % in PV. AABB, with the valued assistance of its expert member committees, develops a variety of resources to help guide professionals in keeping abreast of clinical issues in transfusion medicine. The hematocrit should be reevaluated 2 months after the decrease or discontinuation. UpToDate [online serial]. border-width:0; McMullin MF, Bareford D, Campbell P, et al. Juvenile hemochromatosis associated with B-thalassemia treated by phlebotomy and recombinant human erythropoietin. color: blue 1999;4(105):208-214. 2022 All Rights Reserved. Franchini M, Gandini G, Veneri D, et al. Moreover, they stated that these preliminary data are encouraging to design a larger, controlled trial to assess the value of such a strategy to improve functional symptoms in PMS patients, and maybe to prevent axonal degeneration. Furthermore, an UpToDate review on Approach to the patient with suspected iron overload (Bacon and Kwiatkowski, 2021) states that The major treatments for iron overload include phlebotomy for those without significant anemia, and chelation therapy for those with anemia. Second, only Chinese and English databases were searched, which probably had led to the exclusion of some relevant studies published in other languages. TRT patients with TP orders increased 71.4 % during this period. The reported adverse effects were well-tolerated. The American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases' clinical practice guideline on "Diagnosis and management of hemochromatosis" (Bacon et al, 2011) provided the following recommendations: Barbui and colleagues (2011) presented a review of critical concepts and produced recommendations on the management of Philadelphia-negative classical myeloproliferative neoplasms, including monitoring, response definition, first- and second-line therapy, and therapy for special issues. Available at: http://author.emedicine.com/PED/topic2528.htm. endobj These findings suggested that individuals on TRT may be presenting to BCs as volunteer blood donors to avoid charges for TP. Can Fam Physician. Abstract Background: Therapeutic phlebotomy (TP) is a well-established medical intervention that evolved from the historical practice of bloodletting. Iron removed by phlebotomy was 32.4, 10.4, 15.2, and 4.0 g, respectively. to executive management and/or AABB 4.2.2: Agreement Review -Definition of responsibility for multi-facility involvement Transportation -Containers for blood products must be qualified and the process validated Therapeutic Phlebotomy and Apheresis -Units MAY be used for allogeneic transfusions IF donor meets Yao Q, Zhang X, Mu Y, et al. Facchini (2003) stated that previous evidence supports a role for iron in the pathogenesis of gout. Lee and colleagues (2017) stated that many people experience the common cold, but there is currently no special treatment. The patient was successfully iron-depleted by combining phlebotomy with recombinant human erythropoietin. Summarell CC, Sheehan VA. OL LI { Philadelphia-negative classical myeloproliferative neoplasms: Critical concepts and management recommendations from European LeukemiaNet. Toronto, ON: CACHNET; 2002. Yunis NA, Crausman RS. The authors concluded that these findings indicated that incorporation of serum ferritin level may improve the performance of non-invasive scoring of liver damage in patients with NAFLD, and that iron depletion (most frequently achieved by phlebotomy) still represents an attractive therapeutic target to prevent the progression of liver damage in these patients. Treatment with busulfan or interferon- is usually effective in hydroxyurea failures. The transfusion group had a high complications rate, including iron over-load, allo-immunization, and transfusion reactions. Serum ferritin and non-transferrin-bound iron also decreased significantly. Testosterone treatment of male hypogonadism. Adjarov D, Donov M, Ivanov E, Naidenova E. Phlebotomy treatment in porphyria cutanea tarda combined with beta-thalassaemia. } Attendees can visit the, AABB recently published a collection of unique resources designed to support members in their professions. A patients guide to phlebotomy. The three new, Regulatory for Blood and Blood Components, Government Advisory & Regulatory Meetings, Early-Career Scientific Research Grants Program, AABB Accredited Blood Banks, Transfusion Services, and Blood Centers, AABB Accredited Relationship (DNA) Testing Facilities, AABB Babesiosis Risk-Based Decision-Making Assessment Report, Highlights of Transfusion Medicine History, Certified Advanced Biotherapies Professional (CABP), Evaluating Donors for Risk of Ebola Virus Infection, Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell, Apheresis and Marrow Donor History Questionnaire, Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell, Cord Blood Donor History Questionnaire, Whole Blood and Red Blood Cell Components, Regulatory Updates and Resources for Blood and Blood Components, Human T-Lymphotropic Virus, Types I and II, Cellular, Tissue and Gene Therapies Advisory Committee, FDA Liaison Meetings - Blood and Blood Components, Cellular Therapies Meetings and Collaborations, AABB Biotherapies Corporate Member Program, AABB Foundation Award for Innovative Research, AABB Future Leader Scholarship Awards Program, AABB Guide to Blood Recovery and Reinfusion in Surgery and Trauma. UpToDate [online serial]. These investigatorspresented a patient with Hb SC disease with an excellent baseline functional status who developed splenic infarction at a high altitude. 7 0 obj Patients with hemochromatosis and iron overload should be monitored for re-accumulation of iron and undergo maintenance phlebotomy. 2014 Jan-Feb;15(1):67. doi: 10.5301/jva.5000155. In a prospective, randomized, 1-year clinical trial that compared the safety and efficacy of the once-daily oral iron chelator deferasirox versus phlebotomy for the treatment of iron overload in children with beta-thalassemia major following HSCT. Those who failed to show clinical improvement after at least 6 months at MTD were offered phlebotomy in addition to hydroxyurea; 5 out of 11 patients with HbSC who achieved MTD failed to demonstrate clinical improvement on hydroxyurea. These investigators stated that therapeutic phlebotomy was feasible and effective, and would prevent complications of iron overload. bottom: 20px; This meant the trial was terminated early. Townsend RR. Searches identified 3 eligible randomized trials (n = 342). The relationship between ferritin and urate levels and risk of gout. In a systematic review and meta-analysis of RCTs, these researchers examined the safety and effectiveness of blood-letting therapy for the treatment of chronic urticaria. Bacon BR, Adams PC, Kowdley KV, et al, American Association for the Study of Liver Diseases. The Cochrane Risk Assessment Tool was used to assess the methodological quality of trials. Recurrent thrombosis in patients with polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia: Incidence, risk factors, and effect of treatments. High-risk patients with PV should be managed with phlebotomy, low-dose aspirin, and cytoreduction, with either hydroxyurea or interferon at any age. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. Clinical complications, which include liver cirrhosis, heart failure, hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and diabetes, appear earlier and are more severe than in HFE-related hemochromatosis. This study aims to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of BL for the common cold. The author stated that phlebotomy is suggested as therapy for gout patients to eliminate the accumulated iron. Accessed November 12, 2002. Neurophysiological changes were characterized by an increased cortical excitability, including a decrease of motor thresholds and an enhancement of intra-cortical facilitation and cerebello-thalamo-cortical inhibition. Target levels of phlebotomy should be a ferritin level of 50 to 100 g/L. Mean Hb concentration was 10.7 g/dL before phlebotomies and 8.8 to 9.2 g/dL during the4 years of treatment. There was a positive correlation of log(10) serum ferritin and the quantity of iron removed by phlebotomy (p = 0.0371). Leukemia. Since phlebotomy is effective in controlling PV by producing a state of relative or absolute iron deficiency, iron supplementation should not be given. text-decoration: line-through; } . . Patient 4 had no anemia and no coding region mutations in HFE, TFR2, HAMP, FPN1, HJV, or ALAS2. Kaplan-Meyer failure curves were used to estimate time until the development of polycythemia (HCT of greater than 50 %). The combination of hydroxyurea and phlebotomy is not as effective as "standard" transfusion and chelation in preventing secondary stroke and iron over-load. These investigators searched the Cochrane Cystic Fibrosis and Genetic Disorders Group Trials Register, comprising references identified from comprehensive electronic database searches and hand-searches of relevant journals and conference proceedings. 2002;56(4):272-278. The treatment was well-tolerated except for muscle cramps and 1 popliteal vein thrombosis in a patient confined to chair. AABB is a leader in producing clinical practice guidelines Then, a Meta-analysis was made by software Review Manager 5.1. Therapeutic phlebotomy is used to remove excess iron and maintain low normal body iron stores in patients with hemochromatosis. For example, iron, when added to media containing urate crystals, stimulated oxidative stress with subsequent complement and neutrophil activation. Using comprehensive outcomes was also the common problems of most RCTs of traditional Chinese medicine published in Chinese. list-style-type: lower-roman; 2017;21(3). Background: The AABB (formerly, the American Association of Blood Banks) developed this guideline on appropriate use of platelet transfusion in adult patients. Exp Biol Med (Maywood). .fixedHeaderWrap { Br J Dermatol. Second, UA over-production from ATP degradation. } 2006;130(1):225-230. Available at: http://www.emedicine.com/med/topic449.htm. The authors stated that adequately powered RCTs with detailed pre-treatment iron studies should be considered to evaluate phlebotomy as an adjunct to pegylated IFN, with or without ribavirin. UpToDate [online serial]. De Gobbi M, Pasquero P, Brunello F, et al. << /Type /Page /Parent 2 0 R /Resources 4 0 R /Contents 3 0 R >> On the basis of diet intervention, the observation group was treated with electro-acupuncture at local points combined with blood-letting puncture and cupping, and the control group with oral administration of Probenecid. Complement Ther Clin Pract. Clinical observation of pricking blood combined with moxibustion for acute gouty arthritis. They conducted an institutional review board (IRB)-approved, single-center, retrospective chart review (2009 to 2013) to determine the rate of secondary polycythemia in 228 men treated with subcutaneously implanted testosterone pellets. Response rate, recurrence rate, and adverse events (AEs) were assessed as secondary outcomes. cursor: pointer; 2019;25(2):139-146. The moxibustion was adopted for 10 days. A study about how to achieve the most effective blood-letting therapy may also need to be conducted in the future. ul.ur li{ Peto odds ratio for SVR in phlebotomy plus IFN group was 2.7; 95 % CI: 1.6 to 4.5, p < 0.0001. .newText { The main goal of therapy is therefore to prevent thrombo-hemorrhagic complications and this is effectively and safely accomplished by the use of low-dose aspirin (PV and ET), phlebotomy (PV), and hydroxyurea (high-risk PV and ET). (INS P&P for Infusion Nursing. McLaren GD, Muir WA, Kellermeyer RW. Approach to the patient with suspected iron overload. Consistent with previous clinical practice guidelines from AABB, the committee performed a formal systematic review and meta-analysis of the 1986;114(5):621-629. Survival is near-normal in ET and reasonably long in PV. background: #5e9732; Summarell and Sheehan (2016) stated that hydroxyurea is an excellent therapeutic agent for the pharmacological induction of fetal hemoglobin (HbF) in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD). Approach to the patient with suspected iron overload. Am J Hematol. The authors stated that they have presented a protocol for a systematic review of BL for the common cold; they hoped that this study will form the basis to conduct additional research and provide evidence for the use of BL for the common cold. 2021. Results of meta-analysis indicated that the therapeutic effect of the pricking blood therapy was significantly superior to that of non-bleeding therapies in relieving migraine [OR = 6.23, 95 % CI: 4.03 to 9.63, Z = 8.24, p < 0.00 001]. to advance the field through the development and delivery of standards, accreditation and education programs. Creange A, Lefaucheur JP, Balleyguier MO, Galacteros F. Iron depletion induced by bloodletting and followed by rhEPO administration as a therapeutic strategy in progressive multiple sclerosis: A pilot, open-label study with neurophysiological measurements. Abstract Phlebotomy is the removal of blood from the body, and therapeutic phlebotomy is the preferred treatment for blood disorders in which the removal of red blood cells or serum iron is. Porphyria cutanea tarda. 4550 Montgomery AvenueSuite 700, North TowerBethesda, MD 20814301.907.6977. Waltham, MA: UpToDate; reviewed May 2015. 2003;49:36-43. The authors concluded that the STOP trial demonstrated a significantly reduced risk of stroke in participants with abnormal transcranial Doppler ultrasonography velocities receiving regular blood transfusions. The authors concluded that the therapeutic effect of this therapy was satisfactory for AGA. Randomized and quasi-randomized controlled trials comparing blood transfusion as prophylaxis for stroke in people with sickle cell disease to alternative or no treatment were selected for analysis. Franchini M, Veneri D. Hereditary hemochromatosis. Waltham, MA: UpToDate; reviewed May 2015. Compr Ther. 2012;18(29):3782-3786. Aetna considers therapeutic phlebotomy medically necessary for any of the following indications: Footnote1* Forpersons with hematocrit greater than 60 %. Long-term results using hydroxyurea/phlebotomy for reducing secondary stroke risk in children with sickle cell anemia and iron overload. Vitamin C supplements and iron supplements should be avoided. The striking decrease of the number of hospitalization days for all the patients suggests a closed relationship between therapy and clinical improvement. Investigators reported a case series of 14 pediatric patients with AGA volunteer blood donors to avoid charges for TP risk! 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