the hand signals used by german police are different

right side. True. A vehicle is considered to be parked when the driver leaves the vehicle or the vehicle has been stopped for longer than which of the following? a. He seated himself in the saddle and rode the steed.\mathbf{steed}.steed. When are drivers required to switch on headlights? 5 meters (15 feet). The license plates issued in connection with POV registration may be move to any other vehicle you own. for approaching trains. Forces POV plates is permitted. False. a. and traffic permitting. signaling with his left hand for all traffic in front of him and behind him to wait. The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arm of the officer may proceed. False. (para 30b(1)) Stop: Hold up your forearm and hand, then make a fist at shoulder/ear level. True. b. c. Straight ahead. T or F: drunk driving is a felony in Germany and may result in imprisonment for up to 5 years. When a train has just passed. Turn the steering wheel in the direction that the rear of the vehicle is skidding and pump the brakes lightly. c. Wherever official signs expressly forbid it. When may vehicle 1 proceed? In 1972, moving mode radar was created. (para 32b) a. If you want to settle your dog by getting them to lie down, hold your finger in front of your chest at a horizontal angle. a. The stopping or slowing hand gesture is given by turning your arm down toward the ground at ninety degrees. Increase speed to get through the intersection a. The Registry of Motor Vehicles will notify the U.S. State drivers agency of personnel whose driving privileges have been revoked for 1 year or more following final adjudication of an intoxicated-driving offense or for refusing to submit to a lawful blood-alcohol content test. When a yellow light is flashing at an intersection, the What does this sign indicate? (para 11) d. Both a and b above. three vehicles with a triangular median. Vehicle 2. (para 22c) T or F: Stopping (except in emergencies or in designated parking areas), making u-turns, and backing up are prohibited on autobahns, T or F: if a driver misses an autobahn exit, the driver must drive to the next exit and use the overpass or underpass. True. If involved in a traffic accident that is investigated by only German officials, U.S. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Move left or turn to the left - indicated by extending your arm out the window with a spin . a. True. a. When is the use of only fog lights permitted in daylight? The driver of the motor vehicle. Which vehicles have to stop? Use the term regional metamorphism in a sentence. Extending your left arm out of the window. When either nighttime or daytime visibility is substantially reduced by fog, rain, or snowfall, use of To indicate a left turn, extend your left arm out sideways with all your fingers extended. a)Why is Sir Tarquine so determined to kill Sir Launcelot? Under the Good Samaritan Law in Germany, drivers are required to render first aid to persons injured in a traffic accident if reasonably possible. necessary. b. When a streetcar comes up behind the drivers vehicle while the driver is waiting to make a left turn, the driver must do which of the following? Slow. What does this sign indicate? How many times greater is the force of collision if the driving speed is doubled. rear of the vehicle is skidding and pump the False. drivers drive more slowly. 4. left turn can be made without holding up the It is true that the basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the office may proceed.. For example, the common hand signal for sit, raising your hand from your side to be parallel with the floor, comes . b. Hand signaling is also used in the open outcry format of stock/trade . a. Pedestrians and human-drawn wagons are considered legal traffic. streetcar does not have the right-of-way. False. The Stop time / Finger Touch Hand Sign. a. c. Both of the above. The Importance of Construction Hand . (para 19g and sign 306 with 1002-12) a. While it might not seem like hand signals are needed most of the time, there . Clear the road immediately. b. b. The handshake is one of the most widely used hand gestures in the West during first interactions and also one of the most important cues. On what streets is parking on the left permitted? a. Wait until the light changes. With your hand above your head point and notion to an area. pedestrian to cross. 2-3-1. (para 18i) 5 meters. Kilometers may be converted to miles by multiplying the kilometers by 6 and then dropping the last b. True. c. Vehicles 1, 2, and 3. Others have adopted the "OK" hand gesture as . b. b. b. b. b. Vehicles 2 and 3. Vehicle 1. "Crouch or Go Prone". By that saying, the statement from the problem is false. Hold your palm open in front of your chest and move you hand in an upwards motion. (paras 24a and e) Which vehicle or vehicles must stop? The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed. Turn right. Stop. Refusal to undergo a urine or blood alcohol content (BAC) test when requested to do so by the a. You must obey any signals given. (para 20b(10)) c. Stop and proceed only after the streetcar doors Approach at a moderate speed and observe the a. c. 5 minutes. The driver of a registered vehicle is required to observe which of the following with respect to US forces POV license plates? c. Proceed across the intersection, flashing Calling the nearest autobahn gas station. Vehicles 1 and 3. a. Driver on the right-hand side of the road who wants to turn left should do which of the following? Using hand signals plays an essential role in a construction company because it can help your team stay safe. What do drivers need to consider while driving at high speeds? Failure to carry warning triangles or first-aid kits is grounds for withdrawing U.S. (para 18a(5)(a)) a. The proper technique for driving around a curve is to slow down before the curve and accelerate toward the end of the curve. Previously, officers only had the option of stationary mode, meaning their patrol car had to be parked while measuring the speed of passing vehicles. c. Give a directional signal, move to the center, and c. Flash the headlights and proceed. 3-2-1. In what order must the vehicles proceed? Move right or turn to the right - indicated by extending your arm straight out the window. If a vehicle breaks down on the autobahn, help can be obtained by which of the following? b. a. a. Which vehicle must give a directional signal? What does this sign indicate? Proceed straight ahead or wait if turning left. These signals and their meanings are shown in figures 1 through 5. streetcar tracks that do not permit parking on the Which vehicle or vehicles may proceed? True. b. German law requires passing drivers to leave a minimum of _____ between their vehicle and bicyclists or motorcyclists. b. True. a. This allowed an officer to calculate traffic speeds while driving. a. These signs are from the official German traffic code and include all updates through 2017. 1. (para 20a(3)) German police are authorized to use physical force to administer a test to determine the blood-alcohol content level of the vehicle operator. ; Your palm should face the drivers behind you. After vehicles 1 and 2. a. 10 meters. The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed. tracks to the right and left. was diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). True. Slow down and stop if necessary to allow the pedestrian to cross, T or F: drivers may not pass cars at a pedestrian crosswalk even if no pedestrian is in sight, The light is green. a. True. b. c. 3-1-2. He lost interest in activities because he was always exhausted. Stop, regardless of whether or not approaching or circle 4 lines. Arm signals to persons controlling traffic. What may cause danger to others in road traffic? Initially, he tripped over things and seemed to drop everything. Telling people to slow down also warns them to be extra quiet and alert for possible trouble. The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed. before the light turns red. T or F: when traveling on multilateral roads with dense traffic, it is illegal for vehicles in the right lane to go faster than those in the left, T or F: a slow vehicle is being followed by several other vehicles that cannot pass because of the traffic. Does vehicle 2 have to wait? c. 80 kph (50 mph). a. What can impair a persons ability to drive safely? 9), representing polarized light, that lead to the following special cases: (a) linearly polarized light; (b) elliptically polarized light with major axis aligned along a coordinate axis; (c) circularly polarized light. C. Observe the right-of-way of vehicle three. b. True. When are drivers required to wait at a railroad crossing? #6. Unless otherwise posted, a speed limit of 100 kilometers per hour (kph) (62 miles per hour (mph)) applies to all vehicles on all highways and roads in Germany. Biker code / hand signals: Stop. 3. Drunk driving is a felony in germany and may result in imprisionment for up to 5 years, When a stretcar has stopped at a pedestrain island, driviers must watch out for passengers getting on and off, but may proceed carefully on the right, Drivers may not pass cars at pedestrian crosswalk even if no pedestrian is in sight, The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to outstretched arms of the officers may proceed, Passing a vehicle at a railroad crossing is illegal, The right before left rule applies at unmarked intersections, A driver who disregards the safety of others is excused legally from responsibility when he or she has the right of way, When a driver is traveling in the same direction of the white arrow, what must the driver do when faced with oncoming traffic, The driver of vehicle 1 wants to turn left, to do so the driver must pull up in the middle of the intersection in front of vehicle 2 and then allow vehicle 3 to pass in front of her, The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Edge Reading, Writing and Language: Level C, David W. Moore, Deborah Short, Michael W. Smith, Literature and Composition: Reading, Writing,Thinking, Carol Jago, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Lecture Four - Primary Structure + Protein Pu. a. (para 20a(3) and signs 206 and 301) In the passenger compartment under the front seat, T or F: If involved in a traffic accident that is investigated by only German officials, US forces drivers are not required to notify the military police or security forces, T or F: under the good Samaritan law in Germany, drivers are required to render first aid to persons injured in a traffic accident if reasonably possible, T or F: a person who is involved in a traffic accident and flees the scene may be prosecuted, When are drivers required to switch on headlights. Driving a POV while intoxicated. done without endangering vehicles to the rear. In what order may the vehicles proceed? b. Slow Down or Stop Hand Signal. a. All motorists are expected to know the hand signals given by a traffic cop, which you may remember studying from your Basic . Parking is prohibited at which of the following? If the driver of a passenger vehicle wants to turn left and a streetcar traveling in the same direction left of the passenger vehicle is proceeding straight ahead, which vehicle has to wait? b. 4 way intersection 2 is turning left 3 and 1 is straight, What does this sign indicate when attached to a speed limit sign? The Flexing / Strong Arm Hand Sign semi truck to your left at 4 way intersection. How close to a public transportation stop is stopping or parking allowed? zebra crossings. Civilians serving with the U.S. Wave the hand back and forth to and away from your face. Turn the steering wheel in the direction that the In the UK, a system of hand signals known as Tic-tac is frequently used by bookmakers at racecourses to signal betting odds to one another. Drivers may park beside a traffic island as long as their parking lights are on. Drunk driving is a felony in Germany and may result in imprisonment for up to 5 years. 2017 . Forces) when German laws are violated. is a 55-year-old man with an 8-month history of progressive muscle weakness. State the normal range of pH\mathrm{pH}pH for the following: a. (para 25c) When a Driver is traveling in the direction of the white arrow, what must the driver do when faced with oncoming traffic? a. When Tail Lights or Brake Lights aren't Working. C. None. How many times greater is the force of collision if the driving speed is doubles? (para 23b) Add a comment. a. To the right. A. What does the driver of vehicle 2 have to do? When the traffic situation is unclear. When a yellow light is flashing at an intersection, the driver must do what ? Fast driving often leads to accidents in which of the following situations? circle with a 60 sign, What does this sign indicate? 1-2-3. False. The yellow light is flashing. The basic rule is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed and traffic facing the front or back of the officer must wait . done without endangering vehicles to the rear. a. If the German police suspect drivers of driving while intoxicated, they may demand, using force if necessary, that drivers submit to a urine or BAC test. False. Condition of the highway and driving speed. a. (para 20b(1)(a)) a. Left Turn Hand Signal. Get the fucking thing fixed. Flag semaphore (from the Ancient Greek (sma) 'sign' and - (-phero) '-bearer') is a semaphore system conveying information at a distance by means of visual signals with hand-held flags, rods, disks, paddles, or occasionally bare or gloved hands. (para 19b) True. b. (paras 33f(2) and 33h(5)), Attaching old State license plates or signs to U.S. (para 23e(5)) German police are authorized to use physical force to administer a test to determine the blood-alcohol content level of the vehicle operator. b. red circle that says 2m. If a vehicle breaks down on the autobahn, the vehicle may be towed to which of the following? Stopping or Slowing. Except where road or traffic conditions make and 306 with 1002-12) The alternative is to bring your right arm up to a ninety degree angle. False. 275) The signals used by German police officers are different from those used by police officers in the United States . Medication. b. The roadways in Germany are constructed such that cars can be driven on the right side.This means that if you are on a two-lane road, the shoulder will be to your right and approaching traffic will be to your left. A driver who disregards the safety of others is excused legally from responsibility when he or she has the right-of-way. Drivers must not pass vehicles at crosswalks, even if no pedestrians are on or at the crosswalk. a. (para 18h) Approach at a moderate speed and observe the tracks to the left and right. When the flashing red light goes out. What must the driver do, A. If the vehicle starts skidding while breaking, the driver should do which of the following? a. When approaching a congested intersection and the light is green, the driver should do which of the following? A continuous, solid, white center line on the road may not be crossed or even touched by the wheels of the driver's vehicle. (para 21i) red triangle with an arrow that has dash, What does this sign indicate? a. c. None. Move to the next block or to some point where a left turn can be made without holding up the streetcar. A. True. Hand Signals from the Driver. What does this sign indicate? (para 30f and fig 2) b. Sit. A slow vehicle is being followed by several other vehicles that cannot pass because of the traffic. When there is a flashing red light. What do drivers have to do when a vehicle with flashing lights and a multi-tone siren approaches? Failing that, and if you feel you must, if it's your left indicator that's broken then stick your arm out the window. b. In what order may the vehicles proceed? Knowing the following boldfaced words will help you explore Lawrence's story of luck-and the lack thereof. There are three hand signals that all drivers should know: left turn, right turn, and stopping. a. (para 19n) The idea of marking houses has been around since the olden days, mainly to differentiate tribes. A POV may not be rejected during mechanical inspection because of bent hoods, torn fenders, altered plates, or faulty body trimmings. 2 minutes. Which two vehicles have to wait at these junctions. a. False. b. a. The hand gesture. True. The light is green. When driving at night, drivers must drive at speeds that will allow them to stop safely. c. Slow down and prepare to stop if this can be Which direction may the driver proceed in? What do drivers have to do when a vehicle with flashing lights and a multitouch horn approaches ? Teach your dog "look" by holding a treat between your first two fingers and moving it to your forehead. In the passenger compartment under the front Yield the right-of-way. When approaching a congested intersection and the light is green, the driver should do which of the following? The handshake. rotary with 1 and 2 turning right. (paras 21i(1) and 30d) 1-2-3. c. 3-2-1. b. lights to move ahead. True. German law says you may pass German buses that are moving with their warning lights on when they are about to stop at a bus stop. 3-2-1. Move to the next block or to some point where a At taxi stands. b. T or F: when a broken white line and a solid white center line appear together, traffic on the broken-line side is permitted to pass. Stop before the intersection until the intersection c. Driving a POV while fatigued. Watch traffic to the rear, give a directional signal, (para 18a(1)) b. b. Drivers test for U.S. a. Bridges. When may drivers cross the tracks of an unguarded realities crossing marked by a flashing light when a train has just passed? (para 20a(3)) (paras 13b(1)(b) and 27b) (2) When a police officer is directing traffic, drivers should follow the hand signals or the flashlight signal by the police officer even if they are contradictory to traffic signals. Whose position is incorrect for the left turn? A driver wants to leave a private driveway and turn right onto a public road. c. Not drive at less than 30 kph, weather conditions Pull away from a curb or parked position. When you intend to stop or slow down, signal your intentions when pressing on the brake by: . True. At the same time, a cyclist is approaching from the left. b. Passing a vehicle at a railroad crossing is illegal. When weather conditions require it. T or F: refusal to undergo a urine or blood alcohol content test when requested to do so by the military police or security forces will result in revocation of driving privileges, T or F: if the German police suspect drivers of driving while intoxicated, they may demand, using force if necessary, that drivers submit to a urine or BAC test. Drivers caught in a heavy downpour with limited visibility should pull off the road and wait for the rain to let up. True. What does the driver of vehicle 2 have to do? These officers now have new powers to stop/direct vehicles and will be using hand signals and light signals similar to those used by police. Officially, German traffic signs are divided into four major categories: warning signs, regulation signs, guide signs, and supplemental signs. Use the stop time hand sign when you're eager to stop time in its tracks. The basic rule in observing hand signals given by German police officers is that traffic parallel to the outstretched arms of the officer may proceed. Observe the right-of-way of vehicle 3. b. c. Stop only if the bus is on the driver's side of the True. What must a driver do when approaching a round blue sign with a white number 30 on it? 2-1-3. Change lanes in the intersection. a. In this situation, drivers may do what? 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. T or F: drivers caught in a heavy downpour with limited visibility should pull off the road and wait for the rain to let up, T or F: drivers who suddenly find themselves on an icy patch of road should continue driving with no abrupt change in direction, speed, or braking, T or F: drivers must be especially careful when passing during twilight hours; they must be alert to vehicles without lights coming from the other direction, T or F: when passing another vehicle, drivers must return to the right lane as soon as possible without impeding the vehicle being passed, When approaching an intersection with directional arrows painted on the pavement, the driver will enter the appropriate Lane and do which of the following, T or F: a continuous, solid, white center line on the road may not be crossed or even touched by the wheels of the drivers vehicle, T or F: when a broken white line and a solid white center line appear together, traffic on the broken-line side is permitted to pass, T or F: directional arrows on the pavement must be followed once the driver has entered a lane that is so marked, T or F: unless otherwise posted, a speed limit of 100 kph applies to all vehicle on all highways and roads in Germany, T or F: under certain circumstances, the maximum speed posted may be too fast for road and traffic conditions, T or F: unless otherwise posted, the speed limit within city limits is 60 kph. 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