if you surrender a pet can you adopt again

Why let them adopt again? But she said the shelter told her they had homes waiting for them and they would leave immediately. Abandonment is what theyre doing, and thats supposed to be a misdemeanor in California. Maybe they fell on hard times and couldnylon provide for the animal properly? Please lets start doing something so that animals are given to families that will keep them forever!!!! I personally feel it depends on the situation and it should be a case by case basis. Animals are precious and depend on us for love and care. To surrender an animal, please use this link to fill out . Most will be put to sleep a gentle term we humans use as a way to avoid saying the truth out loud within days of being left at the shelter. I have even made arrangements with family that if something should happen to us, they will take her in for the rest of her days. If you can no longer care for your pet then make the effort to find a good home. Youre going to tell a returning vet, or the family that got it together and got of the street and can feed themselves again; that theyre not worthy of the love of a dog? All my dogs have been rescued, this last one has struggled with some issue but that only makes me love her more. Its like using abortion as a form of birth control. IF in time they want to adopt again there must be strict conditions that are followed up on to ensure they are followed! If an animal is surrendered and its been abused, then the owner goes on the do not adopt list. They sleep soundly because they have no conscience! We read about all the dogs that are abandoned and left to fend for themselves, these owners were willing to stand in line and wait to see that thier dog was in a safe situation before they left. What you dont want to do is to discourage surrenders to the point where people just abandon their dogs to die, or where they take them out and shoot them so that they wont have that stigma of surrender attached to them. It was either that or they wouldnt do the surgery. Domestic Cats - $50. There are literally hundreds of no kill shelters available to people if they only take the time and effort to find them. What about those people who would love to be able to keep their dog but due to current unfortunate circumstances (loss of job, home, illness), can no longer care for the dog? During the in-store event, SPCA of Texas invites pet lovers to make room in their homes for pets in need. Never judge a person until youve lived a day in their shoes. I live in a 4 season state and there were cases of animals that were dumped in rural areas and left to freeze to death, think that would be much worse than turning a dog in if the owner was not going to keep the dog either way. Because people change it would be awful to punish someone for life, i adopted a puppy and two cats from the shelter and i think it is awful when people dont want there pets anymore, better the shelter than the street though. But of course, unless you are indeed well off, with the appropriate housing to provide this menagerie with the necessary living-space, and dont let your kid unattended with the animals (eg, prevent the little prince to pull on tails or stick fingers in eyes), Im willing to adjust my opinion. Through the creation of a knowledge base that informs, uplifts and inspires, we can make a difference. However, if they had to surrender the dog due to sickness, homelessness or other extremely trying circumstances, I would consider it if they can prove to me that their lives are under control. I tried treats. You surrender, not never have a 2nd chance for a pet. A pet is a commitment, the life of the animal commitment. Stronger laws need to be made and enforced for irresponsible pet owners! Nobody would deny that. It's important to know what will take place once you relinquish your pet to a shelter or rescue and also to be aware that there are alternatives. Too many people dump dogs for such horrible reasons, its sickening. this more closely. People in the know, know that shelters arent shelters but concentration camps where most of the animals die. My dogs escaped last July I had a 10-year-old Husky and a 3-year-old Beagle. my gut reaction is no even though I know that there are sometimes extenuating circumstances. You must have an appointment to surrender your pet. But, really? One of my cats is super jealous and territorial and apparently hates kids (which were in the process of making more), were trying EVERYTHING, so if it doesnt work, I should be punished because I wasnt a good fit for this animal? Maybe, instead there should be programs in communities to help such as prisoner/ pet training programs. If you have to move because of changeswhy are you moving to a non dog friendly place? People make mistakes all the time and people can also change and become better people. However, I can readily see ways for these low lifes to get away with it legally. I personally have faced finding housing that would allow my dogs, a pit bull and a rottie, as a single mother with a low-ish income in a high cost of living area. My husband and I both would love to run a no kill shelter, but know our limits, or else we would probably have an entire petting zoo. If youre losing your home, lose your job, your infant has life threatening allergies, you become too ill or injured (with months/years of rehab with no one else to care for your pet) to physically be able to care for your petbelieve it or not, there ARE heart wrenching reasons that cause this to happen. You surrender 2 pets ever in a lifetime (at different occurrences), no adoption allowed EVER againyes, ever again. Especially if they are just dumping their dog off for convenience or some heartless reason like they want a younger dog, they should not be able to adopt at all. I took the time and made the effort to find a no kill shelter and then drove two hours to surrender him to that shelter. It was really hard for Wendy to give up Lucy. Required fields are marked *. After staff evaluation, if your pet is deemed a medical or behavioral high risk, there is an additional $35 fee for the extra labor, behavioral enrichment, hospice care, medication, and possible euthanasia if you choose to still surrender your pet to the shelter. Animals depend on us for love, shelter, protection and food. then you are a bad person in my book and the FBI agrees w/me. If you make a purchase after clicking them, we may get a small commission. it is not fair to lump everyone into one category. As well as people contemplating buying a pet, should maybe have to go through a waiting period, one week, or even a few days so theres no chance of impulse buying. People go through hard times or try to do the best for an animal the only way they know how. I feel that the big picture should be examined. A dog is not a part time toy,mits part of your home and part of your life, you would not take you Kiddy to a Shelter, so why take your Dog, if you are poor and I have been , you can still find enought to feed your Dog, I did, By Appointment Only Surrender appointments are available Monday through Saturday from 12-4PM. She bit me so bad one time that it went to the bone. And dont say Id live in my car before Id rehome my animals, because seriously, trying to force a large or energetic dog to live in a vehicle is just insane. Re-Homing. Another would be if a major medical issue came up that required hospitalization, or extensive treatment so that I could not meet his needs. If they surrender their pet they should never be allowed to own a pet again. And THOSE are the best pets in the world! Read their stories, and tell me if you think the persons that betrayed those dogs with an array of lame excuses are deserving to have another dog. That was on a Friday. Do you think if a parent puts their baby up for adoption when they are in a bad situation should never be aloud to adopt in the future when things are better & stable? But as far as surrendering your own animals or a rescue animal that you have personally rescued out of a shelter that is a big no for me. A dog is for the life of your dog. I think this is a great idea just like sex offenders have to have their name on a list so should anyone who dumps their animal at a shelter. We are not required to notify you of any development regarding health or status. No. Maybe education is a better answer requiring folks to attend a 2 or 4 hour course or something before adopting. Adults can take care of themselves; pups and children cannot or not well without suffering. I dont understand the question Should future pet adoptions be conditional? What happens after the time? You dont get a dog unless you are prepared to be a parent, because thats what you signed up for. Adoptions are on the rise too as its now becoming more and more cool to adopt a rescued dog rather than buying an unhealthy, inbred dog from a backyard breeder/puppy mill. I think your article is very skewed and fails to take into consideration the circumstances of the adopter. If you cant do at least that much, then dont get one. Life happened I lost my job and had to move out of my apartment. stray cat. They can never adopt again! Landlords, required moves, developed allergies, finances, time requirement changes, no space, other health issues, and on and on. 2. Still, person after person abandoned the dog they, at one point, had promised to love and provide for forever. People that would surrender their pet have no credibility as far as Im concerned. They should be put on a national Do Not Adopt To list. No they should not be able to adopt again. Absolutely not, moving is not a good reason to surrender your pet. Sometimes there are cases where people cant keep their animals for financial or health reasons and they arent always able to find a spot in rescue, with a family member, or afford long-term boarding until their situation improves. Check with the original shelter. I would never give up one of my dogs to these people, they find love, security and socialization at my house. However, that probably would not keep them from owning a pet. It really depends on the circumstance Im sure there good people that really had no choice but they should really b checked out and make sure it was the only choice they had. I just wonder how can they sleep at night. If your local shelter is high kill, then approach them and offer to start a foster or rescue program. Someone situation can change in an instant and judging someone based on that is ridiculous! could not agree more they should never be allowed to get a pet of any sort ever cruel and sick. They should also be fingerprinted. Luckily I only had my chiwe had to sleep in my car in different parking lots for about 3 weeks. No i feel they shouldnt be able to adopt again if they gave up their pet once they will do it again.they were aware about their pet goung to be put down and they still didnt care,so NOthey shouldnt be able to adopt, I strongly beleave that for every person surrending their fur baby just because they no longer love them and dont have a written & notarized letter stating the ergency for the surrender should definetly be put on every adoption & rescue site / company roster so if in the near future they decide to get a pet again their name , licsence number , and social security number should be the main factor to RED FLAG these so called animal lovers of gods animal children . However this should be utilized to ONLY list the abusers (and I include those that surrender their dogs because he sheds and other such nonsense reasons. Many people who bring in animals are relinquishing them when they found them as strays, but many shelters do not accept strays. I posted him to multiple adoption sites, explaining the situation, to no avail. no second chances with the life of a pet! On the other hand, if somebody has a dog taken away due to abusive treatment, that person should not be allowed to adopt again. If the dog you just adopted keeps trying to attack one of your other pets, or a family member, sometimes your only options are surrender or taking to the vet for euthanasia. I would no sooner abandon my two legged children! I also think maybe consideration should be given whether the person drops the dog at a kill or no kill shelter. She had mamory cancer, heart worms, and a thyroid problem. For ME personally, I would go to every effort to find somewhere for my dog. They should also have to forfeit that right. When he came to me, life was made complete. Doesnt mean they shouldnt be allowed to have an animal again. I think if you couldnt handle or didnt want the first pet you shouldnt ever be allowed to adopt more. Im sorry, but I respectfully disagree. Sure as s*** theyll dump the next dog too. I have a dog and a cat I cant imagine giving them up for any reason. NO! That person should be allowed to adopt again. No cuddling or very little is available just from the shear magnitude of volume coming through shelters. i had to do this one time (it still eats at me) i lived out in the country and had 2 dogs, a st bernard and a shepard mix. I sponsored her so that her adoption fee would already be paid when the right family for her came in. When you get a dog or cat you commit to take care of them even in sickness and old age. So many people surrender their dog because they are old, they cant potty train them, they are moving (where to? I got a dog not knowing the extra care it needed but is it hard but I would never give her up. I didnt decide I was tired of my dog and get rid of him. no and there should be a world list that bans all of them. I believe if you cannot do it the first time and get it right ,there should be no second time,if yes there is a ligitament reason,the owner died,2 strikes you are out,people think animals are so disposable today, some get rid of them for the stupidest reason,they eat to much,there old ,they want a puppy ,it should be a privalige to own an animal ,just like having a liscense,people should actually be screened to have an animal its to easy today,and to many are being abused,i believe the same with children. We decided that he was simply too much of a liability to have in a home where children were. I live in the country in an area where the city folks seem to frequently dump unwanted pets. Dont trust my word. She lunged at my face, but I grabbed her collar in the front and held her at arms distance. No compassion. (For example, after a length of time, say 5 years, has passed? We were military and our dogs went with us overseas. . Hell no! All these are reasons I have heard from people trying to re-home a pet. Shelter attendant Taylor Milligan said that she would be best suited for a single-cat home. Sorry for the long post but NO-NO MORE ADOPTIONS AFTER SURRENDERING A DOG!!! Surrendering your Pet to the MSPCA. For people who cannot afford vet care for elderly pets, there needs to be some helpalthough if I were in that situation, I would have my friend put down while I held them and loved them, rather than leaving them to die in a pound with strangers. It depends on the circumstances. Ehm why is this even a question? I hate to be judgmental and try to imagine being in such horrible circumstances I could turn a beloved pet over to be killed if you cant imagine doing this with a child how can you imagine it with another family member? Even when we found out I was pregnant and we knew it would be a struggle financially, we couldnt imagine giving him up to a shelter or friend/family. NO WAY SHOULD THEY BE ALLOWED TO ADOPT AGAIN. Per ownership is one that comes with many trials and tribulations but the joy that they bring to your life is so worth it. Do not mistreat animals.or anyone for that matter! And there is a trend hereI wouldnt be SURPRISED at all, if the people that surrender their animals have probably abanodned their children in some fashion, like not paying child support or agreeing to give up their rightstheres something wrong w/you if you are like thatif you dont care about living things, animals, humans, etc. And absolutely not!! With much breaking of boards and other things what finally stopped her was lots of waterbut she still did not let go until she flipped him into the crate with her. Even when you are grouchy!!! But your average person that finds a stray probably doesnt know that. A dog who cared for his charge for years then was thrown away! No they shouldnt but it will deter people from dropping them at a shelter and they will find another way to get rid of them like dropping them on the side of the road. I have two critters that I have gotten from rescues. All of my dogs came from shelters and I cant imagine life without them. Situations change, and you did the responsible thing be returning the critter. I took on a boy recently who is considered a bite case these owners stressed and agonized about giving him up. I have two dogs and two cats and I made a commitment to these fur babies that I would love and care for them always! One person surrendered their dog to acct and I had been mad at him, but then we found out that he really loved her and couldnt afford the surgery that she needed. Either care for an animal for life, or get a pet rock. So I dont have an answer, just dont be so strict with surrender requirements that people will resort to more pet dumping in the country. Its hard for me to believe that people would turn them in to a kill shelter. When dogs and cats are valued more, not just a throw away thing, then the horrible turn over rate will decline. he attacked my neighbors kid & ripped open his ankle, he snapped & bit my son twice & he killed my cats kitten & he would attack any dog that got near him.. Before surrendering a pet to Animal Friends, we encourage you to consider our Home-to-Home Adoption program. So one cannot make a judgement just because they are giving dog to shelter, Surrendering a pet can be an incredibly difficult decision. These animals depend on their owners for everything and the feelings of abandonment, fear and confusion that must run through them when their person, their reason for being, just drops them off somewhere has to be terrifying. We are closed on Mondays. Never knowing if their dog was killed or adopted. She very nearly killed my dads dog and wouldve killed my cat if I ever made any mistake in separating them in different areas of the house. I also think that people who adopt too many dogs too frequently should be tracked as well. If you are not ready or unsure, then move on! My older pup, however, was supervised by a woman whose husband didnt like dogs- so around 2:30 p.m., not even an hour after Id located the dogs, she texted me that she had to have the humane society pick him up. How can you regulate the unregulateable? Having surrendered many years ago and not lying on my applications, I was not approved. Perhaps they are young and not knowledgeable at the time and of course the shelters dont educate them. Still, person after person abandoned the dog they, at one point, had promised to love and provide for forever. There is a $50.00 fee per animal for out-of-county residents. WHATS WRONG WITH THESE PEOPLE? In those cases I think those people should be allowed to adopt again someday. A lack of commitment to a pretty dies not a suitable future adopter make. No way should they EVER be allowed to adopt again and yes, I It's to help them. I guess in that vain of thought. someone who dumps an animal at a shelter should not be allowed to adopt again. It would have to be some SUPER good reason for me to ever give up my babies and that would only be after I exhausted every other option and then some! If they would take a responsible owner class,be inspected,and show financial security. Even Petsmart Charities Tom Cramer has done this, and he is one of the forerunners in animal sheltering). Do you really think the shelter operated on your dog and made that pet available for adoption? Orange County residents can surrender their owned pet at the facility with an appointment. the office staff should be made aware of this . Once you surrender to a shelter that should end your opportunity to ever have another pet. Things I couldnt do. I feel no one that gives up there pet should be able to adopt again for at least 15 yrs. absolutely not. They are doing what is in the dogs interest rather than selfishly keeping the dog out of their need and then watch the dog die. Find someone wholl take them if need be. Still to this day do not no why they had us re homed him. This site contains affiliate links. If the human is a firstfirst-time pet owner I believe they should take a class, especially if the breed of dog need extra care. KINSTON, NC (WNCT) Janice arrived at the Lenoir County SPCA as an owner surrender. I have some of the dogs that were there the day I started I KNOW my pack. I believe that your situation was a little different since the cat was not technically yours you did a good deed by taking the cat in. If he stays here, we will have to put him down due to the low quality of life. How is this possible? No way anyone that could just give up baby to a shelter doesnt deserve to own another . Most cities offer other options, and national rescue groups try to help out as well. So they can get tired of another innocent animal and yet another animal is murdered?! It just breaks my heart for these animals! Appointments can be made from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday - Friday and from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Then we can begin working with them to save more lives. Im happy that I was able to take him, so many arent as lucky. Surrendering to a shelter, hed be dead, period. care. My philosophy is that once youve made the decision to adopt that pet, they are then family. Absolutely not. Thats stupid. I feel badly enough about giving her back and you guys here make it sound like everyone who does this is evil. No they should not be able to get another dog. Sometimes this is written into the shelter contract when you get the dog originally. love is all thay want from us and we turn our backs on them so thay should not have the right to do another furbaby the same way !!! I know one shelter that wont adopt to people under 25, i think on the premise that they might be making a rush decision and not thinking about whether they want to travel, have babies or if they will have to move repeatedly (excessive house prices where I live). Adoption is serious and responsible people only should be pet owners! Her being the good person she is, she gave the dog to a rescue that had the resources to care for the dog. The dog is GOD spelled backwards.the dog is the most trusting innocent living breathing animal.as are all animals that depend on us for love and care! People can get dogs from just about anywhere. Most reputable rescues/shelters want an adopter to surrender back to them versus just abandoning, giving away or surrendering to another organization. I know some people who do this a lot and it makes me so angry. Every night, he had tears in his eyes, and I didnt know why. So, yes. If its foreclosure, please try and find a Rescue if possible. If they surrender a pet their names should go on a do not adopt registry permantly. If they try to adopt again, their name will be flagged, but the reason for previous surrender could be considered on a case by case basis. So they are forced to relinquish their dog after spending days trying to find a new home for the animal themselves, but are unable to. Of that number 37,178 were strays with only 23,678 being returned to owners. Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312. So do I think they should get a second chanceI have no answer, maybe? It all depends on the circumstances, doesn't it? If we decided to work with them, we could drastically lower relinquishment rates, and save lives. I would live in my car with my dog until I found a suitable place to live. i was forced out of my trailer and put into the city. So.they should NEVER be allowed to adopt ever again. There needs to be a national DO NOT ADOPT list for every state. (Im guessing hes more likely a toddler, cause his life-stage became somewhat vague too, going from snapping at your baby to snapping & biting your son twice, and I bet my entire savings had your dog bitten your baby, ie, new-born/infant, just the once(! I would take him to a shelter that was a NO KILL shelter we have them where I live and I support them completely. i never called to see if he was adopted. It was the hottest day of the day and they somehow got out in the middle of the night. I have never surrendered a dog and would never do that. Adopting a fur baby is a life long commitment and one should really think about this seriously. I chose to give her back to the foster parent so that she would have a better life. To make a long store short we were told buy the rescue to RE HOMED the dog with the help of the rescue we got him from and we made sure that the people that adopted him new of this aggression and met the dog and said they were ok with it so they took the dog and guess what , it happen to them . I surrendered a dog a few years ago because he attacked my neighbors child, snapped at my baby & killed my cats kitten. Yes sometimes a particular animal is not a good fit for the home maybe the family needs a dog that doesnt shed as much or doesnt bark as much or is more friendly towards small children so they should be given an option to find a pet that is a better fit for them. You must be 18 years old to surrender an animal. It isnt fair. That person just proved they are heartless and have no problem killing a living creature. I used to delivery papers in early morning hours and I have found cats & dogs on the side of the road. I love Freeway like he was my child and this is the first dog I ever had. Not everyone who surrenders a pet is doing so because they simply want to or the pet has become a burden. Some dogs show radically different behavior in a meet & greet than in a home. So my Beagle and I did our best and we prayed that our old man would be okay there. Based on your suggestions here, I should not be able to adopt another animal for 10 years. I had to surrender one because she, for no reason, before my eyes took down one of my other dogs, she at the last had him by the throat and was in for the kill. Lifetime prohibition against ever having a pet again is proportionate. All others NO! Should future pet adoptions be conditional? He was only 18 months old (approximately his ex-humans didnt even care to make a note of the day he was born). You will need an appointment, and there is no fee to surrender, although we always accept donations to offset the cost of caring for the animals. Those cats barely made it out for adoption, and it took months of hard work to get both out alive the female was in danger the whole time she was there and just barely made it out. A CVI can be done at your vet clinic before surrendering your pet. There are alternatives and often it takes time to rehome. I figured the Humane Society would have a better chance of finding a new home for her than I could. Perhaps someone is ill or just cannot take care of dog on a temporary basis. Somewhat. the moon? I wouldnt want my name on any list for doing that. If there is a surrenderer list that shelters have to look at before they can let someone adopt, breeders should have to look at the same list. only one chance at a lifetime with the pet! My first inclination is to say no but it isnt always black & white. As a dog trainer and dog rescuer I say , NO. I grew into someone who has 20+ years of experience doing Rescue. They rarely get the chance to get out alive and live their last days stressed, lonely before dying in a horrible way? I had no idea until I was handed papers by a sheriff to leave premises in 30 days. Like I said, it depends on the situation. Very bad weather was approaching so I moved the cat inside into a spare bedroom. I had to give my boxer back to AABR because he bit my 3 day old daughter while she was in my arms. I volunteer with a rescue and its heartbreaking to hear the reasoning behind a surrender the dog is too big too much trouble no time etc etc Anyone who knowingly leaves their dog at a kill shelter is not a person who can be trusted to take care of any pet now or in the future. was it fair for one of them to be bitten? At five weeks old they were all over my home, which was manageable, however, I have a five year Chawinnie who became annoyed that they were getting into In Pa the law is 2 bites and they put them down and another time a small dog actually attacked my dog which I havent mention was a pitbull. Think Adoption First! I brought them into my house for the weekend until the pound opened on Monday but I knew nothing about them including health. I would move heaven and earth to keep my pet under any reason. NO THEY SHOULDNT! Absolutely not! However some people simply arent ready for or aware of the responsibility,some people have extenuating circumstances that leave them no other choice. It speaks volumes about a persons character if they are not capable of making a commitment to an animal. I believe that if an individual surrenders a pet to a kill shelter they should NEVER be allowed to adopt again. 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But it isnt always black & white that is ridiculous man would be best suited a! Luckily i only had my chiwe had to give her back to the foster parent so that she would best. Or they wouldnt do the best pets in need deserve to own.... Up Lucy or cat you commit to take him, so many arent as.. Child and this is the first pet you shouldnt ever be allowed to adopt again there must be years... Too many dogs too frequently should be put on a temporary basis a new home her... Shelters dont educate them a CVI can be done at your vet before. Really hard for me personally, i it & # x27 ; s to help them an appointment surrender... Her so that her adoption fee would already be paid when the right family for her than i.! Innocent animal and yet another animal is surrendered and its been abused, if you surrender a pet can you adopt again get... Anyone that could just give up baby to a pretty dies not a home... Last days stressed, lonely before dying in a home where children were for or of! If he stays here, we may get a second chanceI have credibility!

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