which of the following products would be considered scarce?

Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Her opportunity cost of working is. c.the enjoyment she would have received had she gone to the park. baseballs autographed by Babe Ruthd. Economics is the study of how societies choose to do that. Which of the following products would be considered scarce? A relatively inexpensive item that requires very little shopping effort is called a ____. a.to decrease and equilibrium quantity to increase. d. are not making a rational decision since the marginal benefits of college outweigh the marginal costs of college for high school athletes. This is an example of, c.a market failure caused by an externality, The price of diamonds is high, in part because the majority of the worlds diamonds are controlled by a single firm. b. in most economies, wealth people consume disproportionate quantities of goods and services, c. governments restrict production of too many goods and services. 3. a. bread b. baseballs autographed by Babe Ruth c. motorcycles d. All of the above are correct; Answer: d 5. c. scarce for house holds and scarce for economies. The word economy comes from the Greek word for "rational thinker." 2. a decrease in aggregate demand. A. bread B. baseballs autographed by Babe Ruth C. motorcycles D. All of the above are correct. This condition is known as scarcity. The adage, "There is no such thing as a free lunch," is used to illustrate the principle that, 16. See Answer Which of the following phrases best captures the notion of efficiency? i.e., sells products both separately. (0.5 point). a. golf clubs b. Picasso paintings c. apples d. All of the above are correct. Education, b. c.Buyers must accept the price the market determines, The law of demand states that, other things equal, when the price of a good. Golf clubs B. Picasso paintings C. Apples D. All of the above are correct. A. marginal benefit is less than the marginal cost. 10. a. Nike shoes b. Monet paintings c. 1-carat diamonds d. All of the above are correct.2 Chapter 1/Ten Principles of Economics d. All of the above are correct . a. bread O b. baseballs autographed by Babe Ruth c. motorcycles d. All of the above are correct. A. 2. Using this vignette and an assessment form. b.exactly equals the quantity that sellers are willing and able to sell. Should it use mixed bundling. The adage, "There is no such thing as a free lunch," means, society is getting the maximum benefits from its scarce resources, High-School athletes who skip college to become professional athletes, understand that the opportunity cost of attending college is very high, The opportunity cost of going to college is, the value of the best opportunity a student gives up to attend college. D. All of the above are correct. An increase in supply is represented by a, Workers at a bicycle assembly plant currently earn the mandatory minimum wage. c. reduce both competition and specialization. 4. communicating that information to management. Markets are usually a good way to organize economic activity. Apple and Golf clubs are no rare as they can be man. B. Suppose roses are currently selling for $40 per dozen, but the equilibrium price of roses is $30 per dozen. Which of the following would be synonymous with land to an economist . The resources that we valuetime, money, labor, tools, land, and raw materialsexist in limited supply. d.the effect of a sales tax on the cigarette industry. 14. d. All of the above are correct . A. B. There is competition among every brand and type of soda, and there are many substitutes for the entire category of soft drinks. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. e. all of the above a. Higher incomes would, increase both the price and the quantity of airline travel, If you observed the price of a good increasing and the quantity exchanged decreasing, it would be most likely caused by, Ticket scalping is selling a ticket for a sporting or entertainment event at a price above the price printed on the ticket. a. the number of hours needed to earn money t o buy the item. This indicates. The following production possibilities frontier illustrates society's trade-offs between spending money on two, 1. Microeconomics focuses on how individuals, households, and firms make those decisions. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. She came to see you to help her with sudden depression, As a response to structural unemployment due to AI (artificial intelligence), Democratic Presidential candidate Andrew Yang proposes "the Freedom Dividend," a universal income of $1000/month per, Last year Hamdi Corp. had sales of $500,000, operating costs of $450,000, and year-end assets (which is equal to its total invested capital) of $435,000. d. What products to export. Which of the following products would be considered scarce? The introduction of new distribution channels is increasing options for buyers and having an impact onthe price elasticity for publishers. View the full answer. They are less expensive and more standardized than installations. Economic resources are scarce. Which of the following products would be considered scarce? Suppose the reservation prices of customers 1 and 2 (the highest prices they are willing, Suppose Time Warner could sell Showtime for $9, and the History channel for $8, while making Showtime-History bundle available for $13. b. plentiful for households but scare for economies. Rational people think at the margin. A recent. This situation requires people to make decisions about . Which of the following lists includes only capital resources? Trade between countries tends to a. reduce competition and increase specialization. d. plentiful for households and plentiful for economies. D. marginal benefit is greater than both the average cost and the marginal cost. Abada Colleges - Pinamalayan, Oriental Mindoro, QUIZ 1 CHAPTER 1 ECONOMY Macroeconomics Principles of Macroeconomics.docx, Which of the graphs above shows an increase in demand a A b B c C d D 24 Which, This suggests that the CBI really is nothing more than an orally administered, seminar report (6G technology)-meraj.docx, Constitutional vs. Modern Separation of Powers.docx, same signal might be a false alarm Carpenter who has returned to Peter Lake for, Work his way over the edge and into a good L shaped body position Look over his, IT118=44 COURSE INFORMATION IT118 SPRING 2022 (3).docx, It refers to the assumptions values and practices of people in the West and some, Copy of Birds and Homeostasis Worksheet 3_31.docx, If a major hurricane devastated industry in the eastern United States, the result would most likely cause an increase in aggregate demand. D. all of the above except for b. d. the economy is engaged in trade with at least one other economy. Best Answer. a. increasing the production of one good by x units entails no opportunity cost in terms of the other good. An introduction to the concepts of scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost. Which of the following is a principle concerning how people interact? The demand for gasoline generally is fairly inelastic, especially in the short run. Faced with this scarcity, we must choose how to allocate our resources. Economics describes an individual man or woman as a.concerned with overall social status and appearance. Economics is the study of how society manages its a.unlimited wants and unlimited resources. Which of the following correctly describes how price adjustment eliminates a shortage? b. Only Taylor Swift can offera Taylor Swift concert. scarce. Coffee is generally widely available at a level of quality that meets the needs of most buyers. True or false: Economists classify economic resources into land, labor, money, and entrepreneurial ability. a. 150 fire trucks C. 100 fire trucks D. It is impossible to tell what the opportunity cost is since in this example costs are not constant. Which product would be considered scarce? TOP: ScarcityMSC: Interpretive 12. Other organizations operate on a "not-for-profit" basis. Correct Answer: Show Answer Review Later Choose question tag 10+ million students use Quizplus to study and prepare for their homework, quizzes and exams through 20m+ questions in 300k quizzes. C. Economics is the study ofa.production methods. Score: 0/3.33 7. All Rights Reserved. Golf clubs B. Picasso paintings C. Apples D. All of the above are correct. As the price rises, the quantity demanded decreases while the quantity supplied increases. d. all costs are included in the price of the product. Which of the following products would be considered scarce? Buyers can easily compare prices, and buyers experience the services provided by competitors as being very similar. During the last few decades in the United States, health officials have argued that eating too much beef might be harmful to human health. Question 3. answer choices . Which of the following will shift the supply curve for good x to the left? Question 1 1 pts Suppose, Using the Marginal Approach Suppose your company runs a shuttle business of a hotel to and from the local airport. A society allocates its scarce resources to various jobs. This is because, resources are SPECIALIZED; that is, some are better at producing particular goods rather than other goods, A production possibilities frontier can shift outward if, a. drought Picasso paintingsc.applesd. A. There are often many stations in a small geographic area that are equally convenient. Mandys cost of going, 5. Question: 1. Which of the following goods would be considered scarce? a. hairpins b. Tesla cars c. notebooks d. all of the above are scarce goods Scarcity and Economics: Economics studies the allocation of. A recent study found that an increase in the Federal tax on wigwams (and thus an increase in the price of wigwams) would reduce the demand for widgets. d. Individual consumers, concerned about their own health, decreased their demand for beef, which lowered the equilibrium price of beef, making it less attractive to produce. Diet Cola with lemon in it. Last month, the economy produced 10 robots and 200 gallons of ice cream. Aldi is a no-frills grocery chain. B. Which of the following goods would be considered scarce: a. i.e., sells products both, Suppose Time Warner could sell Showtime for $9, and History channel for $8, while making Showtime-History bundle available for $13. Which of the following is NOT a possible cause? cyanotter925. A. wants. d. all of the above except for b Which of the following products would be considered scarce? Because it is a scarce resource and the delivery is tightly controlled by a single provider, access to concerts has inelastic demand. Describe how financial leverage can increase retun on owners' equity. d.the ticket price is below the equilibrium price. Assume that Greece has a comparative advantage in fish and Germany has a comparative advantage in cars. A strategy of charging a high introductory price for a new product that invites eventual, The Springwood Inn offers a package of room, breakfast, and parking for $225.00. You notice she appears disheveled and markedly thin. d.a famous, highly-paid actor who wants to take time away from show business to finish college and earn a degree. only 3% of total water found on earth. Therefore they b. the cost of living is always increasing, d. all costs are included in the price of the product, a. society is conserving resources in order to save them for the future, b. society's goods and services are distributed equally among society's members, c. society's goods and services are distributed fairly, though not necessarily equally, among society's members. Which of the following products would be considered scarce? This, ____ is the collection, recording, and analysis of data important in marketing and. The substitutes for car travel offer lessconvenience and control. b. usually do so because they cannot get into college. Economics is the study of a. production methods. There are unlimited wants for these resources, but there are Which of the following goods best meets the definition of scarcity? Which of the following products would be considered scarce? Most businesses use scarce resources to produce goods and services in hopes of earning a profit for their owners. Which of the following is not one of the basic economic questions that each society must answer! $20,000 on tuition, $10,000 on room and board, and $2,000 on books. Transcribed image text: Scarcity Exercise 3 Which of the following is considered a scarce resource? A)bread B)baseballs autographed by Babe Ruth C)motorcycles D)All of the above are correct. a. air b. water in the ocean c. water in a city d. wood in a forest C. Which of the following products would be considered scarce? This month, the same economy produced 15 robots and 240 gallons of ice cream. a. even people on welfare have to pay for food. a.autos owned by a car rental firm; computers at the car rental agency; the vans that shuffle rental customers to and from the airport. In addition, this study examined how the intention to watch mukbangs . 1. Car travel requires gasoline. Essential medical procedures have inelastic demand. QUESTION 6 Which of the following products would be considered scarce? 1. You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Which of the following is a principle concerning how people interact? The adage, "There is no such thing as a free lunch," is used to illustrate the principle, 4. Student Response Correct Answer Feedback A. plastic bags B. cash register andscanning equipment C. Styrofoam trays for meat D. fluorescent lights E. price stickers General Feedback: Accessories do not have the same long-run impact on the . If she goes to college, she will spend. when only the richest people in the economy can buy all they want of the good, the need of somthing or if the countries work together and arent One example of a product that would be considered scare would be Diet Cola with lemon in it. b. increase both competition and specialization. a. automobiles b. baseball autographed by Babe Ruth c. pickles d. all of the above correct d. all of the above Economics is the study of a. production methods. The adage, "There is no such thing as a free lunch," means, 17. c. how households decide who performs which tasks. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. services. Which of the following is not considered by economists to be a factor of production? 2020-2023 Quizplus LLC. Efficiency means that: Definition. . d.both the value of a good to society and the cost of making it. Rational people think at the margin. The phrase "no such thing as a free lunch" means a. Also assume that Germany has an absolute advantage in both fish and cars. b.limited wants and unlimited resources. According to the scientific method, which of the following is the economists next step? Increasingly, students have new options to buy the same textbooks from different distribution channels at different price points. b. people. B. marginal benefit is greater than the marginal cost. (0.5 point). Consider Mandys decision to go to college. Understanding scarcity and how it affects businesses can . A. Soft drinks and many other nonessential items have highly elastic demand. be desirable. connects points describing how much consumers would have been willing and able to buy at different prices during a particular period, a negative slope because some consumers switch to other goods as the price of the good rises, An upward-sloping supply curve shows that, suppliers are willing to increase production of their goods if they can receive higher prices for them, No, but if there is no interference, they tend to move toward equilibrium. C. People respond to incentives. If Shawn can produce more donuts in one day than Sue can produce in one day, then. The production possibilities frontier is a graph that shows the various combinations of output that an economy can possibly produce given the available factors of production and, When a production possibilities frontier is bowed outward, the opportunity cost of producing an additional unit of a good. (0.5 point). She earns $20 per hour for overtime work. It may be helpful to remember that when the buyer is in sensitive to price, demand is in elastic. D. All of the above are correct . As a, result, smokers who live in Wyoming start purchasing their cigarettes in surrounding states. the following principles does this best illustrate. Refer to Table 1, what is the opportunity cost to Toyland of increasing the production of dolls from 200 to 300? Which of the following products would be considered scarce? A. If price rises, what happens to quantity demanded for a product? Generally an instructor assigns a textbook to the student, and the student who wants access to the learning materials must buy it, regardless of the price level. All Rights Reserved. c. People respond to incentives. 2. a.minimum waste b.equitable outcome c.equal distribution d.absolute fairness, Melody decides to spend three hours working overtime rather than going to the park with her friends. Which of the following is correct? D. All. Now that you have a general idea of what elasticity is,lets consider some of the factors that can help us predict whether demand for a product is likely to be elastic or inelastic. Which of the following products would be considered scarce? (0.5 point). c.unlimited wants and limited resources. Which of the following is a principle concerning how people interact? An increase in demand combined with a decrease in supply, an increase in income causes the demand for a to increase, If turnips are an inferior good, then, an increase in income will cause, A decrease in quantity demanded is represented by, a movement upward and to the left along the demand curve, the quantity demanded exceeds the quantity supplied at the current price, The fact that a decline in the price of a good causes producers to reduce the quantity of the good they plan to produce illustrates. against each other and if the item or product is scarce. In each of the following cases, determine whether the sample size nnn is large enough to say that the sampling distribution of p^\hat{p}p^ is a normal distribution. answer choices . A rational decision maker takes an action only if the. a. society is conserving resources in order to save them for the future. Youll have more success on the Self Check if youve completed the two Readings in this section. b.neither the value of a good to society nor the cost of making it. Animals are widely seen as resource for humans, and as such pangolins,. Thousands of people develop lung cancer from second-hand exposure to cigarette smoke. The item animals are widely seen as resource for humans, and there are many substitutes for the...., but there are often many stations in a small geographic area that are equally convenient to that! Image text: scarcity Exercise 3 which of the above are correct selling. Of dolls from 200 to 300 drinks and many other nonessential items have highly elastic.... 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