ugliest countries in the world

When entering Ireland we witnessed an Irish & British woman arguing over second hand smoke while standing in line outside in public. But you should try Baltimore. I have traveled and met people in Ontario & Quebec, Bahamas, Barbados, Grand Cayman (stayed in locals homes 3x), the Netherlands, Ireland, Belgium, Germany, Austria, Italy, France, and Ghana (stayed with locals). I think people with other countries like European countries are actually more friendlier, I find that people in Holland, Austria, Germany, Spain and Portugal to be pretty friendly and also people form the Caribbean islands and S.America like Brazil to also be very friendly. I didnt move fast enough for him. I speak French well enough to be understood and I find it condescending for them to switch to English but fortunately not that many speak English so no big problem. Come on America is so big how can you generalize? So, when you arrive in the US take a deep breath. For some reason, users have labeled women from Nigeria, Zimbabwe, and Ethiopia as ugly. It was such a nightmare that I will never set foot in that city or country again, will never spend another filthy florin in that despicable place and will never travel through the place if theres any way to avoid it. All the countries which female applicants had acceptance rate 25% or lower were inducted on the list. Oh I disagree completely. We were refused service unless we each ordered a pizza. Actually, I find that Americans can be much nicer. We have realized that the majority of people everywhere are good, honest and well meaning human beings who will be helpful, generous and hospitable when one is polite or shows respect for them and their culture, and when theres a genuine need. The top hotel awards in the world go to Indian hotels each year and im surprised it isnt even mentioned in this article anywhere. I lived and worked with campesinos in the Dominican Republic for several years, and I found them to be astonishingly generous and friendly to strangers; never rude. Along the roads shoulder are chain-link fences and concrete barriers. The UK? While Canadian women had 24% acceptance rate, men achieved 23%. The English are very friendly and love giving tourists directions! I was highly impressed with the French & never had any interest in visiting due to hearing of others rude experiences. 1 Lord_Sheev2612 8 mo. But I would now have to say Ireland. I found the Greeks to be very friendly, not to mention good looking! Come check it out one day, youll LOVE IT!!. You are wrong, Saudi people are the best. They live in scab-ugly apartment buildings, smog-gray and five stories tall and which permanently block the sunlight from the streets belowwhich are remarkably noisy for such a small country. 2. Not too impress, not bad either. 3rd place: Axolotl. What a warm, beautiful country with people to match! Here, in the capital city of Andorra la Vella, the chief river of the valley flows over a bed of concrete. I had no problems with the green house they are well respected and treat their customers with respect. Youre absolutely right. Blog Ive always found people are much the same the world over, friendly, rude, arrogant, depends on which side of the bed you get out of on that day. The coffee shops depending where you went if your american the service varies. You could be nice to someone and theyre still rude. Surely the Brazil. These are general traits of high-income and developed countries, which is usually a nice place to call home. Anyone who claims that filipinos are rude are just plainly ignorant and just didnt appreciate what we have. Kiwis are the worst people on the planet, rude, hostile, arrogant, small minded and extremely misogynist and racist. I stick mostly to asia now as i feel sick about spending thousands and thousands just to be abused in western countries, they will learn their lesson on their own when people stop going there and stop spending in their cash strapped economies. Italy is by far the best. I completely agree with you, had the same experience when I travelled there . even New Yorkers. The subways were very clean,the restaurants and servers very polite, and the food was excelent. They also have a superiority attitude about their own traditions and cultures and food. It was okay but I expected a good welcome and that was something beyond the par. (Andorras only expense on weaponry is reportedly for ammunition used in ceremonial salutes.). I am moving there for my higher studies..o should i choose any other country.?? I have always been a geography enthusiast, and managed to make myself a pretty good picture of the world over the past 25. Unless you enjoy dirty, chaotic streets and ugly buildings looking like they're crumbling on top of each other. I dread going overseas because I have to deal with these losers when I return. In fact, all of Canada is amazing. Im thinking about moving there for college as well, and I personally find the French very kind if you try to speak their language. While I admire Indian ancient cultures, movies, musics and all that. A new poll by picky international dating site . If there had been a day long ago when the powers that be divided up the land and handed out the properties that would become Europe, I can imagine how the various recipients might have reacted. I used to live and work in mexico city. Yes, Im American and New Yorkers are full of ugly ratass ugly butt-looking people. The Irish are the best and the Maltese and Greeks (Chinese and Thai are nice generally too). Youre right, thats the reason why Brazil is among the friendliest countries. Nature seems to have concentrated all of its efforts on Rio and completely forgotten Brazil's other big metropolis. My experience of travel in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and England, dog owners are the friendliest people, regardless of their country of residence. Answer (1 of 32): That's an interesting question. Austria is beautiful. Canada is also a free country, everyone is welcome and no one gets judged for who they are. On top was more astonishing uglinessa handful of gas stations and the would-be spectacular view of the southern mountains nearly eclipsed by a McDonalds sign posted beside the pass marker. Most western countries are rude in my opiniin, there are high levels of racism and its only getting worse, lets just say that whites are nice to other whites only, but in western europe there are also major problems with eastern europeans and roma people, so no white western countries are neither friendly nor welcoming in my opinion, they all just want your money but not you. Our Vision However and to their credit they value humans better than most of us do and respect peoples rights more than the rest of us. Denmark is Geographically part of Scandinavia. Several times in the Paris Metro, when we looked confused, a local would offer advice, in English without our even having to ask. Im a CANADIAN with a US green card and everytime my pont of entry is at an airport in the USA I leave upset after the experience. The people I met were kind and wonderful, even to a tourist fumbling with barely rudimentary Spanish. Experience is the best teacher We feel confident we will encounter wonderful people. Advertising Notice The problem is not rude nationals, its rude visitors. Consider yourself lucky as you are westerner For us, arabs are shallow and double standard & those in Saudi & dubai are the worst, Lebanese are by far the rudest tribe in the middle east, Yes. I think I like Americans the best for being friendly. (There were, of course, exceptions, and we found exactly 3 Sicilians who were friendly, helpful and dignified.) Slovenians are great! All were very welcoming (esp. I have travelled far and near in my life. You cant walk down the street without being heckled or beeped at by piggish motorists, or having random men on the sreet yelling patronising remarks at you in English. The people are courteous, have good conversations, want to help and know how to have fun!. Although I find the Dutch to be a little crazy, the Netherlands is a very friendly country as well. -.-, I totaly agree with you about Slovenians! You have to base it on an individual basis. we Caucasians are considered dangerous inferiors, the clannishness of these folks is unreal. He told me that i could stay there for a night or two. Traveling to Japan? Many of these countries, including Niger, Chad, South Sudan, Mali, and Burkina Faso, are currently at war thanks to civil war, ethnic violence, or terrorist insurgencies. I have had some be very annoyed about being five minutes late. Treat each person the way you would want to be treated. The residents of Buenos Aires are known to think they are superior , but the rest of the Argentines are very friendly. | READ MORE. Ben Groundwater. My mother, NYC born and raised taught me to hold a door for anyone coming behind you. And while this could purely be anecdotal, many people Ive met in the service industry (cafe or restaurant waitresses, airline hostesses, hotel staff etc) tell me that the customers whore from India tend to be the most demanding, rude and unappreciative customers. 2. There are chinese in North sumatra province that group exclusively with other chinese, and always talk chinese (not indonesian or local). Not only is it surrounded by shantytowns, its most central districts seem devoid of planning and style. And when the Andorrans saw the mountainous lands that would be theirs, just upslope of Spain and south of France, I think I know what theyd have said: Crummy. Friendliest: Greece, Southern US (not north or west), Scotland, Swaziland, Italy, Norway. I think that we have learned from our travels, and we have traveled in all the countries you mention except two, that we should attempt to communicate with visitors to our country (USA), try to be friendly, helpful and thank them for the wonderful experiences we have had while viaiting their country. Irish men and German women are the 'ugliest in the world' according to a controversial dating app that only allows attractive people to join (stock image) Those in Dublin are the most. They love to express their opinions on what you do wrong and what is wrong with you and tell you their better way regardless of whether you asked. Your Privacy Rights Scientists argue that the reason why we look at symmetrical faces as more beautiful is that they are a sign of health and good genes. There we found very rude hotel staff. However, I thinks its important to realise there are also regional differences within countries.For example I generally love in Italy, but rcently went to Salentino area (the heel of Italy)and with some exceptions found the people indifferent and unhelpful at best and arrogant and unfriendly at worst. I went to Windsor from Detroit and met the rudest, meanest and most abusive customs officials that Ive ever met. most are xenophobic and provincial, even the wealthy, non-indigenous folks. I used to hitch hike a lot in Italy for long rides. Well for france everyone thinks they are rude, but they just can get annoyed when people aproach them talking in another language without even saying hello, but if you talk to them in French, or at least try they can be very friendly from my experience. There are never really and crimes in Canada either. Whew! Everywhere we went all people were most friendly. included on the kindest people list? My only reference point of the place was . are good at saying hello and a 1/2 smile but not so good at really being interested. Women from Turkey had 23% acceptance rate while Turkish men are perceived as less beautiful with an acceptance rate of 20%. Give me a break Australia is not a race so you can not call a artificial country with immigrants trying to make a life in a mechanical life style of Sydney as friendly place)- yes is fairly clean a large budget is spent on waste management. When we talk about the beauty of women, in particular, we should note that the culture plays a big part of it. After maybe 30 minutes he has a horde of angry Texas chasing after him. Male population obviously had it better, since 37% of men from Portugal got accepted and no one is spreading rumors about their ugliness. Ive lived all over the world and its the only country Ive hated with a burning passion. I was in Italy recently and heard an Englishman say they dont make the spaghetti the way my wife does. I am American but I try my best to behave and be respectful unless one deserves otherwise. Of course if you only speak about French and Italians it has as much meaning as asking : are neighbors friendly it is quite incredible how Americans are internationally unaware and politically unawakened. I agree that if you are pleasant, people will be pleasant to you in return. Im surprise no one comment about japan , however Finland and Germany was very rude when I checked in hotels , they had this very nasty attitude to customers . You have to shout and yell to get basic things done (like get a telephone connection, fix your plumbing, get into a train/bus etc). I love the British with all my heart. Yes, I agree with you Nexvort. We just got back from our second trip to England and Scotland and last year we also went to Paris. The present study contributes to highlighting the food waste problem and suggests specific action points for the studied . HOWEVER, When we went back to where we live (kentucky) we had bills due to a hotel weve never been to. Sorry. Perhaps, Im really racist (just in self-denial), but I really hope Im not one! To me France is the rudest- I love Holland and Germany- also I was in Greece during December 2007 and I found the people to be very nice and helpful- I was doing disaster relief work back in the mountains and the people were very nice and friendly- I also stayed in Athens and again the people were nice-I plan on going back to Greece for an extended vacation. Just got back from 10 days in Japan visited Tokyo and Kyoto wonderful time, very friendly people, many stopped to offer help when they saw us looking at a cell phone or map Took my 18-year-old granddaughter, she wants to go back soon, positive;y loved it and the people! Pakistan not far behind. What is beauty and what makes someone beautiful? People from the south call the North Yankees and the north call southerners red necks, people in Florida call the people who live there seasonal snow birds, yes I think the USA ranks very high in being rude, and uncivilized. My family says French are serious jerks. This is what were talking about, not for any special case, isnt it? My daughter & I did not have a rude experience in France. And USA are also not that welcoming. they list France as the number one in friendliest and rude? France the friendliest ? We were dining on a terrace. My own view on the matter is that the caste system has led to a very strong sense of persecution for many Indians, who freed from that sort of oppression overseas, tend to overcompensate. When the waiter came to take their order, they handed him printed index cards with French phrases to communicate with him. We (family) have travelled around the world, and agree that definetely French from PARIS area are the worst, but not so for the rest, even if one or them do not speak the language (English, Spanish or French). The Pacific coast makes Americans mellow and more helpful.. Weve been all over France several times and weve been treated very well over many years. Gosh, you absolutely true there. From the moment you get off the airplane at Beef Island youre met by a rude Customs and Immigration Officers. People IN Canada might be nice, but people outside Canada arent as nice as u think. Canadians I have met people from various parts of the world before (Americans / Canadians / English / Chinese / French / Italians / Irish people) who have all been very nice. People in general only remember the poor interactions with those they meet. As I dont understand Indian culture enough, I was hoping you could help me understand the cultural differences, or basis for the behaviour of Indians. No need to shout. Donatella Versace, Jocelyn Wildenstein, and Lizzie Velsquez also top the . I have traveled to New York and met some nice people however also met some very rude arrogant ones as well. And i really like iranian(so kind and friendly) France, I have been to Paris four times and most service workers like train staff or police were curt or unhelpful, definitely not friendly. Racist can never see good side of any particular country, religion or race.. Weve traveled to many other countries including Chile, Agentina, England, Scotland, and all over the Caribbean and have found that if one is friendly towards the locals, they treat you likewise. usa is the rudest country in term of driving on freways. Our heritage is German. Talk about an ugly American. Even the overseas-born Indian friends I have dislike Indians from India, and not because of the caste system. They have this superior air about them; dont know why and I will stick to the rest of the provinces. See, Ive always felt the same way about Canadian immigration post 9/11. This is the United States' fourth largest city when it comes to population, but the attraction sure isn't scenery. i advise you never to travel or write your personal opinion again publicly . I live in Japan, I exist in other places. People are warm and tender. Then you have African standards of beauty that include body modifications which are unattractive to many outsiders, but appreciated by Africans. How goofy! ???? They never say please or thank you & REALLY mean it. Countries with lots of music in the street are bound to be friendlier and in better dispositions. Some white Scottish people think they are a racial minority and they are not, they have a very weird inferiority complex and compare themselves always to England, theyre obsessed. I have to give the award for friendliest country to Germany. #litteraly. A swordfish statue in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia ALAMY Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia Anyone who has seen footage of palm-oil plantations scarring. The one exception was the American Airlines ticket counter person a couple of years ago in Paris-Aeroport Roissy, who was haughty. Thats the phenomenon of every country. World Capital Cities, Ranked From Worst to First By Lissa Poirot, updated on November 9, 2020 Getty A nation's capital is not just a place where laws and decisions are made. So far during my 3 years working there Id suffered from sort of discrimination. Shutterstock. To others, this only makes their women more beautiful. German men dont have much to be proud of either since only 15% of them got accepted to the site. During our trip to the Slovak Republic, everyone in that country seemed to be interested in making our trip an excellent experience. But this country have NOTHING like the other Nordic countries. NYers can be frustratingly rude to other New Yorkers and kind to those visiting. The city has the ranking of the most dangerous city in The Netherlands. have you been to Haiti? Its rude but its fine everyone makes mistakes and i know u Guys are just trying to share your experiences but however, u cant say that the French or whatever nationality is rude there are rude and friendly people everywhere no matter where u go. What percent of people you interact with in a foreign country treat you badly, 2 or 3 out of maybe 100s and then we say its all a bad experience. Scottish people complain about being lumped in with British people but do the exact same thing to English people by lumping them in with Londoners. If you expect rudness, that is what you get. Rainbow House. I agree. Similarly Hindus and Muslims hate each other (many not all).. You detailed it perfectly. This website works in a simple way. Maybe not all, but when I had my business trip there, there was nothing I could ask to God than sending me back home. The French had warned me that Andorra wasnt pretty, but I didnt believe them. With regards to comments posted about the difference between Paris and the rest of France I would agree. Aus people were rude crass bullies you would have liked it there better maybe. Yes we can be loved. My experience is if you treat people with respect and appreciate all you will be treated the same. Just back from two weeks in Italy mostly in Tuscany. In my opinion the most beautiful countries I've been to (all from the first list) are Japan, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Ireland, the UK, the US etc. Even as a guest in their car, they treat you like a guest in their home. Philippines are dont like Indians because I think because of our color. Many smaller restuarants refuse to serve Americans. Without excpetion, whenever soemone stopped for gas or a coffee, they would ask me in and pay for my coffee and or pastry. People are friendlier outside of Paris but even there one can generalise too much. There is BangBel province in which most chinese people are farmers, fishers or even work in public institutions! Rudest at home: France, India, China, Portugal, Spain, Sweden Do you have any examples ? There are some cases where most people will agree that something or someone is beautiful (Jessica Alba anyone?). Ive found that people all over the world reflect YOUR attitude toward them. They would find this absurd. Their food? 10 Most Beautiful Cities in the World I pity the poor, long-suffering, Hungarian people. Really doesnt surprise me considering the English think they ARE the UK. We just returned from a month in Sicily and Greece, including Crete, Santorini, and mainland Greece. If you expect to be treated like royalty by everyone you will probably be treated much less respectfully, if you treat the disrespectful nicely then you will be the person that was nice regardless of which country you are from. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Seems like there are 2 sides to everything! The owner, an older man (and his younger wife), was always ready to pour a glass of wine or direct us to a restaurant or other destination. People get confused between polite and friendly people, the Japans people are well mannered but that is part of their culture is ingrained in them!!! I found people extremely polite and warm in Paris. Yeah, the airport US Customs officers are the worst. But the others ruin it for them, and Ill never set foot there again. I dont believe you can say as a whole one whole country is full of bad or good people. Upon returning to France he gets on his computer and logs onto and writes The Americans can be ever so unfriendly, the main problem with them is their lack of French, when will these blighters wake up and learn to speak OUR language more fluently? The fid=rst 2 visits were tours. For example, in Western cultures including the United States, a woman who has a bronze skin and curved body with large breasts is considered more beautiful and attractive. The misery index was originally introduced by the late Arthur Okun, a Yale University economist, as a way to track the U.S. economy. anxious to begin their trip and then are treated like criminals by these thugs in uniform. Ive been to most of the countries mentioned in both lists & Sth. A man came to me, and said, Do you want to have dinner at my house? I politely accepted. Japanese are simply the most polite people on earth, there is no doubt that. But people in Madridhorrible. Actually, the whole Philippines itself is underappreciated and underrated. Even Ancient Greeks attempted to get to the roots of beauty. Rebellious Andean bear sneaks out of US zoo . We thanked them for thinking about us and kept moving on. I would put Italy and Ireland at the top of the list. Indian women are generally viewed as exotic and stunningly beautiful, having been crowned 5 times as Miss World. Home > Top 10 > Ugliest Cities in the World. Lets not over generalize. And when the Italians saw their forests, theyd have anticipated the truffles and porcini and other wild fungi that would grow there. Service and service personnel are bad and rude respectively. They are not only friendly, they are extremely generous. Particularly Orlando and Miami. We also turned to forum users at Body Building, Lets Run and Roosh V Forum among others to see their opinion on the subject and supplement our list. We recommend visiting the country and then making up your mind. . There are some FILIPINOS who are like that but not all. Guys u cant judge people like this!! , The 11 Rudest Countries and 16 Friendliest Countries to Visit. As a German living here I was shockedthey think we are rude but military folk say we are nice. more successful then they are. That makes no sense. Hands down US immigration is the worst. If customers dont, they are treated with disdain. Excuse me? There are good and bad everywhere but it always helps to treat people you are meeting for the first time with cordial respect and if they are not polite then maybe they are having a bad day, so dont judge to freely. I truly believe to travel comfortably you must understand the culture before you go.if you expect everyone to behave as Americans you will be disappointed, and possibly act rudely yourself in your host country thereby causing some rudeness in is about experienceing places different than ours. Italy can go either way as well. Ive been in Spain for two weeks and find the mostly unfriendly with exceptions of course. It is our favorite country. the mexico city dweller is more loyal and proud of his city than his nation, sort of like new Yorkers. Flashing out brightly about their cultures and caste system but what I saw on the street were lot of beggars, unfortunate children tried to find something to eat in a garbage, and many. I will visit paris again and again .wonderful City and wonerful people.The french that i learnt in school did help. For sure. Its going to be tough to build shopping malls up there.. 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