my husband never wants to go anywhere

Then, really invite your husband to share his experience of what's been happening in the marriage. Thankfully, my h told her, there is no way I will take the children away from their mother. Certainly you must determine that there is nothing more serious physically going on as well. Additionally, try not to nitpick everything that he does wrong. John, I felt exactly the same as you after I found out bout my XWWs almost 2 year affair. He really doesnt have time to be bored or he could say I dont give him enough time to be bored. So making comments and getting feedback really helps me. If you two never go out anywhere together, then I would say that he's using you for sex (or hopes to soon). For example, if you dont share his love for football, he may feel like it would be a waste of time. If he sees that youre making an effort for him, hell likely reciprocate. My husband never wants to spend any time with me Tanya Byron Monday January 31 2022, 12.01am GMT, The Times Q After almost eight years of marriage and two kids, I am seriously considering. I too am a fun person, and we dont do shi* b/c other half is content doing nothing. I just didnt want to believe what was actually happening and also, I didnt have the guts! But some expectations. My husband actually says he has a NEW and DEEPER appreciation of not only me and our marriage, but our family as well. Don't put others before your husband. I can see how my h would prefer to forget. It can often take the form of giving you the silent treatment . Most of the Time My Husband Doesn't Want to do Sh*t 67 by Linda and Doug Those were the words that one of our friends told Linda recently Saturday night we met up with two other couples who we consider to be some of our closest friends. They were bored. And so, the million-dollar question isWhat inspires us to choose to be (and stay) monogamous? She understands several crucial retirement principles for marriage that I want you to adopt. Keep your chin up girl, we are all rooting for you! Do you find yourself constantly needing your husbands attention? our relationship is so confusing. Push me past the point of no return. I have to keep reminding myself that he needs time to adjust to the fact that life has changed. Make sure to schedule some me time into your week to stay sane and avoid resentment. All bans in this subreddit are permanent. They are NOT as unhappy as they profess themselves to be. They didnt really do anything or go anywhere special together and to the casual observer, certainly not anything or anywhere exciting. His demeanour physically / the way he moves is gentle and measured. Not much of a marriage, I know. A Crappy Vacation Told Me My Marriage Was Really Over. Plan weekend getaways or vacations well in advance so he has something to look forward to and can plan accordingly at work. This includes, but is not limited to, referring to people as alpha/beta, calling yourself or users "friend-zoned", referring to people as Chads, Tyrones, or Staceys, pick-me's, or pornsick. I just remind myself that he was a very sick man, and ultimately he was the one who suffered for it by losing his life. My husband never wants to go anywhere . If anyone thinks they were lured, or tricked, or coerced, or anything else into cheating on your spouse then there is an issue. Perhaps in the UK or somewhere you have been before. To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Your story proves my point. You know it has nothing to do with looks. Rachel, I am so sad that this is the path you have been forced to walk. I have even pointed a few of these things out to my husband, and said.gee, what would you have done if I acted/spoke like THAT? It was all about ME and what I should or shouldnt do, NOT about him and the nasty tramp he was running around with, protecting, putting on a pedestal, All lies he makes up to mess with her head. He Never Asks Your Opinion. Lol. I have complete clarity on this issue in my mind. Some people journal, but you dont get any input so that turns into a bitch fest/pity party if you arent careful, llol. I am tired of the many years of being his personal assistant, director, PR person, party planner, date night organizer, relational health coach, spiritual leader and the bad guy parent. If someone's lack of response has become a. I finally decided that she will never appreciate how much I did for herbefore or after her cheating. I don't know the answer but I'll be looking for that pdf to read as well!! or situations/content involving minors. f. I can and will choose PEACE for my life. Oh wait, here I am doing JUST THAT, LOL LOL. If you are struggling to find a boyfriend OR can't get quality men to commit to you then read this post to find out why. At least you are trying. He has friends, hobbies, and other commitments that compete for his time. It can be a major weakness to a marriage. Yes! I dont think we should ever let ourselves fall into the boredom trap either, but I am so tired (as the betrayed spouse) of feeling like I need to become a one woman circus to keep the interest going. Talking to one other and making an effort is key to a long-lasting relationship. Make sure you can handle your luggage easily. Since monogamy is an ongoing choice, its something that has to be inspired over the long term. Tell them, openly and honestly, how important travel is to you. But before you jump to conclusions, there are a few other possible explanations for why your husband doesnt want to spend time with you. John when my workouts are flagging I also think of the slutty OW and suddenly I can muster plenty of energy! If your husband used to spend a lot of time with you and now you complain: my husband never wants to do anything with me, it can be confusing and hurtful. If you focus on his negative qualities, itll only push him away. Communication is just not you expressing your issues and him just agreeing. This will make him feel valued and appreciated and more likely to want to spend time with you so you wont complain: My husband never wants to do anything with me. You dont have to fake excitement about every little thing, but ask questions and express genuine curiosity about what hes passionate about. While it IS true that there is not a marriage on this planet that could not benefit from better communication, increased date nights and focus on each other as a couple, etc, feel free to add your wants and needs.Cheating is WRONG. Ohh and the funny thing is, she wasnt on anything for depression. The only activity I can get him to do is sit and eat at restaurants. Ughhhh. Don't get in a relationship where the main traits of a person irritates, you and don't expect those traits to just magically disappear just because you get married, Have a discussion where things do not move on until he starts answering questions, He gets on medication or he starts seeing someone to get his depression under control. No exceptions. he says he feels indifferent even to his family. Pisses me off too. While I used to assume that he valued our time together as much as I did, and assume that he wanted to do things together, I no longer do. I'll want to go somewhere or do something and he tells me he doesn't want to go or do whatever it may be. He often jokes about leaving his wife. All for some worthless, bunny boiling slut. So Im so happy for you that you have your children. You went into survival mode and I think a lot of cheaters do. It will always throw things twenty steps back. We become so busy raising our kids, that we neglect to pursue our OWN interests and hobbies, especially as a couple. It ticks me off because I loved and supported him and he knew it. If you want things to change, stop enabling it (I really suggest just breaking up because you are trying to change something that has always been there) start setting some boundaries that You can't live like this and that things need to change cuz you are at the end of your rope (You should have just never gotten in a relationship or even married this man). Do you often think, my husband doesn t like spending time with my family and me? She was not invested like I was. Respecting his wishes will go a long way in making him feel more inclined to spend time with you. Because he is home 24/7 the bills have increased. 2010-2019 Emotional Affair Journey. c. I need to stay true to who I am. On the contrary, everyone needs quality time with their loved ones. I WON! See he would watch me falling and he would hold his hand out to her to help her up. Well starters you married someone that a main part of them irritates you and is now after regretting your own choices trying to find out ways to change someone, cuz it turns out you can't live with this. When hes wrinkly, shriveled, and losing his faculties he will know in his heart and probably mind too that he caused destruction. If your spouse is dealing with depression or anxiety, they may not want to do anything, let alone spend time with you and your family. What to do when my husband never wants to do anything with me during this period? This is a really great article! It is so easy to make our lives about our kids. Monogamy isnt a one-time choice for human beings; its an ongoing choice. Our marriage for many years was all about our kids and their activities, sports, etc. Prayers for peace for you. Just wanted to let you know I understand what youre going through, youre not alone! They just werent invested, and I believe it has to do with how they felt about themselves at the time. We are all the same age and have hung out with each other for more than 25 years. The body can pass the infection. Some people are able to deal with reaching those limits in a healthy way (seeking help, being honest, or even leaving) and others implode. Ignore builds a wall between you and your spouse. As a result, I feel unimportant, invisible, and alone. If anyone condones cheating, or blames one of the affair partners or a spouse, you just have to wonder WHY. Take time to let the responses settle in, and strive not to be defensive," she says. In a marriage, spouses continually need each other, whether it's for emotional support during a hard time or to attend a boring work event so one doesn't have to suffer alone. What a shame eg, they are not going to see it. Your email address will not be published. So many affairs are blamed on boredom, Dougs included. He has let his hair grow long and messy and refuses to get a haircut. 1. The betrayed spouses often like to place more blame on the OW. I found a good website on CPTSD, called Strength to Heal, I think. I feel none of it was appreciated and he has a sense of entitlement. They work, because one of my girlfriend's husband was having trouble getting hard and he ordered one.. She is so proud of . Ad by Techy Twist Ever heard of the Mandela effect? While your situation isnt unique, it is nevertheless not typical. Self-destruct, and take the easy way out. unless he goes to work doesnt want to go out at all but will sometimes . My husband is a person who has illness after illness. My husband is retired and never wants to do anything. Over the years, she had torn down my self esteempiece by piece. Remember what the marriage vows say? You are so VERY right. He shops with me for groceries or they dont get bought. I loved that. OMG my husband would think he had died and gone to heaven, LOL. Now I have more expectations. You can also look for ways to connect during the day, like taking a walk together or sharing a coffee break. You might not see it, but your relatives can sometimes be quite overwhelming, especially if theyre always around. Any infractions of this rule will result in a ban. For nearly twenty five years before the affair he had a very traditional marriage, by both of our choices. I hate men like that. This way, your husband knows that youre serious about wanting to spend time with him, and he wont feel like hes being nagged. Its called denial and justification and it is a POWERFUL thing. Talk to him about how youre feeling and see if theres anything you can do to help relieve some of his stress. Once her (much older) husband started doing things to increase his T-levels, he once again became more active, horny, etc. It can take months for them to grasp the idea that they and they alone are responsible for the choices they made and the ensuing crap storm that resulted. I was busting my ass and kissing hers at the same timeeven after the magnitude of her betrayal. I am normally a fun person and outgoing, but even that has faded away. Ok fine. Once he achieves them, youll have plenty of quality time together. And not much of it was very good at all. We've been married for almost 30 years and have 2 children, aged 16 and 18. Then I feel hurt when he doesnt. It sucks. And he needs to answer those questions. Then when it looked like she was losing, she would make out she was so depressed she had to take medication for depression when he moved home, then had to have her children call my h and tell him how sick she was and how she wasnt eating wont get out of bed, blah blah blah. Read Also: 11 Signs of Selfish Husband and How to Deal With Him. 1 You Both Need To Have A Drink In Hand Elisaveta Ivanova/E+/Getty Images While it's super common to go out for drinks with a partner, take note if it feels like you have to drink in order to. Updated: June 23, 2020. Yes I did everything to make his life comfortable not so much now. I do everything outside the home with friends, nothing with him. The lack of attention you are receiving from your husband could possible be due to his attraction to someone else. What we cannot give advice on: rants, unsolicited advice, medical conditions/advice, mental illness, letters to an ex, "body counts" or number of sexual partners, legal problems, financial problems, situations involving minors, and/or abuse (violence, sexual, emotional etc). Will they appreciate what they have? Alternately, the affair partner wants to place the blame on the cheating spouse. If we can love and forgive and we are both willing to work hard, I do believe it can be regained. But its good to know that Im not alone in feeling this way. It does not matter to whom you are referring.). I hate how uncomfortable and insecure this makes me feel in our marriage. Very good post Doug. Was so close to call out to my h and ask, but then my little girl started to take off. No matter what the level of infidelity ( from daydreaming about an ex to full blown adultery) the one constant factor in cheaters is that they chose to dishonor their commitment while people who did not cheat honored it. Weve been in your shoes and are in a unique position to put all of our experiences both good and bad, successes and failures and use them to help lead you out of the pain and into a better place. I have often thought about why I dragged my feet too. Most of our friends were developed through the people we have met in those activities (those mentioned in this post excluded). What I thought would come back to me at some point (like a true relational marriage), is no longer my dream. A selfish husband will not care about your feelings. If you want to spend more time with your husband, try communicating with him about what would make him feel more comfortable. Its so true, if my h wants to choose slutty over me, then go right ahead, I deserve better in my life and my expectations are much higher, I deserve so much better, as we all do. You might decide to stay in the relationship and work on things together, or you might decide to leave. It's always healthy for the dad to bond with baby, have skin time, even if the baby is fussy. Absolutely 100%. He probably lies to his wife all the time telling her he's going to take her places and then never follows through. People value what they invest in as opposed to what they are not invested in. I had a saying Lose the battle, win the war. Meaning the final outcome is in your favor cause you are done with them ! My husband doesn t want to spend time with me; it hurts. I think your awesome, full of integrity and heart! During our false R, I too felt like a fool, like I was being used. We saw therapists through the years but nothing changed. Or well, our marriage had really drifted apart and I knew we were very disconnected. He was slightly above a dead-beat. Weve been married 42 years. This is not what God intended for marriageat all. I feel like Im slowly being snuffed out. That said, anyone who knows my husband and I would say that HE is the boring one; ie, wants to stay home, etc. My 10 year old son's personality is that he does not want to leave the house to do go stuff. Plus, he flatly turned down my request that he get counseling or even that WE get counseling. This commitment keeps me here but I dont know what kind of godly marriage this is, when he contributes no energy or time to it. Whether she values what she has or not I know her friends and coworkers are jealous when they stair at me like a piece of meat-haha. Its essential to show interest in the things your spouse enjoys, even if you dont share the same enthusiasm. Kind of hard though. Question: My husband will not let me out of the house without him. The real reason is that the person reached a point where they became so selfish that this activity became ok in their own eyes. He watches TV all day long and plays computer games on his phone. In this case, try giving him some space and see if that encourages him to come to you more. I want him to do SOMETHING, but hes happy with being on his laptop or watching the depressing news all day long. Here, here! Ive never really figured out how to process my first marriage and all it involved. Hopefully, those of you who are further along and are in the marriage rebuilding and strengthening phase can find this helpful. My own personal sob story 20 years ago was that my husband was an alcoholic, and that he was physically abusive to me. We have two very young kids and both work high-pressure, full-time jobs. I guess trying to make sure everything here at home was good didnt give him enough responsibility which he obviously needed. The judge stated that nobody wins in a divorce. Without getting into too much of the details and background, it is apparent to us that they have fallen into a serious marital trap. 3. If your spouse feels like youre always trying to get him to do things or constantly talking to him, it can be tough to want to spend time with you. Now he helps make the bed every morning or it doesnt get made. Possibility # 2: Your husband won't talk because he doesn't like conflict (the avoiding pain motive) Your husband may be upset at you for something, but not want to say anything about it for fear that it will cause conflict. And he had better think about how to mentally gird himself and decide how to react calmly to it. "Try not to accuse or assume." 3. Sound familiar? Me too. Good advise eg. Now shes pregnant (its mine) and I dont really have a choice. Yes, this is selfish behavior but we ALL have our emotional limits. It can only be inspired. Friday may 31st will be divorce day. . The term refers to being "dependent" on another person and putting their needs before your own by engaging in people-pleasing behavior and caregiving. I work full time and my husband has been retired for 10 years. You may have noticed unhappy employees. My husband doesn t like spending time with my family, but why? I cant help but ask myself is it worth it? And Im but judging her about this, Im just commenting on it. Im guilty of this some what, but all cheaters will have asob story regarding why they cheat. I wonder at times how my h felt when he looked at himself in the mirror while his eyes mind was battling with his heart and soul. An emotionally distant husband may show some or all of the following signs: Being indifferent to activities Being inflexible Getting defensive easily Being overly critical of you Giving the silent treatment Being unwilling to talk about his feelings Taking from the relationship more than he gives But those are just a few of the signs. It may seem that way, Rachel, but from what youve said he really isnt in control. This came to our email by mistake. This will give you a sense of self-fulfillment, but it will also make you more attractive to your husband so you wont be worried and constantly think: My husband never wants to do anything with me. When youre content with yourself, youre less likely to demand constant attention, giving him the breathing room he needs. My spouse is: old, fat, boring, lazy, doesnt like sex, doesnt love me, harsh, critical, unappreciative, ugly, jealous, nagging, a shrew, etc. After the girls were born, our social life was done as a family (due to lack of babysitters). For many years I have silently said to myself (as my husband worked almost 80 hours/week and let vacation time go because he was too busy to take time off), I told myself to hang in there, itll work out at some point. Its also extremely exhausting and expensive. For example, suppose hes always putting his buddies before you or bailing on plans because hed rather do something else. If youve gained a lot of weight, let your hair go gray, or stopped caring about your appearance, its possible your husband no longer finds you attractive. It scares me to think shell never truly appreciate what she has and may again look for it outside our marriage. All Rights Reserved. Dear Carolyn: My husband does not want to spend alone time with me, leaving me feeling frustrated. Over time I discovered that her POSOM didnt spend a dime on herexcept for cheap hotel rooms. he said if she was going to be such a jerk, she didnt need to come over here, or he didnt need to ever be around her, blah blah blah. I was thinking, I wonder how my h would like to see me in those clothes, all vintage like. If you find that he either makes decisions without your input, or he takes a course of action without your buy in, this is a massive sign of disrespect. If your husband is cheating on you, its crucial to confront him and figure out what to do next. Its important to have hobbies and interests outside of your relationship. My Husband Never Wants To Do Anything With Me, Because He Is Emotionally Isolated Ignore builds a wall between you and your spouse. was I the one responsible for what I did? Dear Annie: My husband and I have been married one year. And really peace for your ex too. My only texting buddy ghosted me so I came here. or situations/content involving minors, Any sort of namecalling, insults,etc will result in the comment being removed and the user being banned. It's good for your health and can be a nice ritual for discussing your plans for the day. I kind of envy the people who say.we were on the verge of divorce before the affair and I can kind of see why it happened. Learn how your comment data is processed. Everywhere you look there are things telling us how to be hotter in the bedroom, cook healthier more exciting menus, pick up thrilling new hobbies. Running around all dressed up, making and baking. Try not to take it personally if he seems distant. Dear The HPV Question, First, I want to make sure you still have HPV. It is just easier to blame someone else rather than looking within. Of course, theres more to a relationship than physical attractionbut it is important. What to do if my husband never wants to do anything with me because of mental illness? One thing that has changed a bit is that she no longer wants to have that role so much any more. You words ring true, I have read it so many times in the hundreds of relationship books, when a person invests in a relationship the relationship is important to them and will do everything to preserve it. Either way, its essential to discuss whats going on and how its impacting your relationship. Im guessing that she was betting on I would not leave her. My parents were recent ly deceased, I had no money cause he would not work, and no where to go. His lack of reactions kind of gave me permission to just carry on flirting. Thats like saying its ok for me to walk into a bank and steal money if the security guard isnt looking. Showing more affection in different ways or spending more time together may help resolve the issue. I agree with you. Don't be shy with your partner. Rachel Blessings friend! It's an example of his own insecurity and need to control you. The most irksome part of this entire process is that it is completely backward from what it should be. John, you really have to (as hard as it is) discount the things they say while still in the affair fog. Unique Proposal Ideas To Make Your Partner Say Yes, 21 Signs the Universe Wants You to Be With Someone, What to Do When a Guy Ghosts You: Obvious Red Flag Explained. My other half knows this, but still, does not take any of the responsibility on. SHOW NOTES To see pictures of Stacy on some of his many climbing . I am sure that when most of us look back they realize how little effort the cheater put into any of those things prior and during the affair. He has no ideas, no desire to do simple fun or actively engage with me on anything. Not even for the kids. The excitement and stimulation came from the illicitness of what they were doing sneaking around on their spouses like teenagers. He will not permit me to go out with friends or anywhere even the grocery store without his being with me. This is a big red flag, and my advice is to call the National Domestic Violence Hotline and discuss this with someone there because. I have found that this site has been so helpful to me, it is just incredible. Its my own sort of therapy to keep myself outta trouble. I get upset just thinking about it. Im totally fascinated by what people have to say about infidelity and its helpful in challenging myself about what I think. I realized that I was not bored because I was always giving to our marriage and familyshe was the taker which meant she was always waiting for something to be given to her or to happen for her. Hes preoccupied with other things. All he ever wants to do is sit on the couch and watch TV. "Be willing to hear his feedback and experiences in the marriage," says Henry. I say grow up, be bored and count yourself lucky you have the luxury to be bored. I need to get that back, John and chiff, I need to start feeling good about myself again. Cuz if he doesn't communicate whatsoever, you're really just communicating with yourself. She made sure to find me enough work to make sure I never uttered or even thought those words again! Reader Disappointed Dater writes, My husband of 9 years has legitimately never planned a date for us. It drives me totally nuts. He lied to her, manipulated her, made her promises he didnt keep. And so, the million-dollar question isWhat inspires us to choose to be (and stay) monogamous? I have to basically threaten with taking away screen time almost every time it is time to do something. Someday shell wake up. My husband doesn t want to spend time with me, is it true? Guess what happened, I lost focus on me again and I gained most of it back, it doesnt feel good at all. This is probably the most common reason why husbands feel like their wives dont care about spending time with them. Things have evened out quite a bit and we have some nice little teamwork going on. The glue as our therapist says. Try to understand and support his new goals. I hope that eventually you can look back on your marriage and not look at it as wasted time. Doug, Linda, anyone elseone topic I would love to see discussed: how do you handle ti when the topic of affairs comes up in discussion with friends, etc. All through his fog. BUT I am so happy that this is FINALLY coming to closure for you. That is a rough thing to admit, but doing so frees me of any thought that any cheater isnt responsible for his or her actions. First, that you need to be true to yourself and work towards the things that bring you the most joy in . In the midst of the fog, they can do no wrong, probably a fair way out of the fog too, before things start showing themselves for what it really was. Rewind 10 years ago and I was a single 25-year-old freshly off finishing grad school at NYU who was moving to start a new chapter and a new job in Austin. Sometimes guys just don't know how to say things. My husband never wants to hang out and just spend time with me but then gets overly butthurt when we go more than a couple days without having sex. She was not invested like I was. Press J to jump to the feed. Where is the feeling that what I have devoted the last THIRTY years of my life to, has mattered? Peace of trash she is, I see even more with that comment she made how she wanted my children, as well as my h, I cam only imagine the bad things she told my h to get him on her side with that idea, having him think I was a terrible mother as well as wife.

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