lithosols soil in ethiopia

5, Table4). The countrys main geomorphological landscapes regions are identified as follows: (1) the northern highlands, including (i) the volcanic plug belt of Adwa, (ii) the central highlands and (iii) the southwestern highlands; (2) the Rift Valley, which consists of three main portions, namely the northern, central, and southern trunks and the Afar and Danakil depressions; (3) the southern plateau, which consists of a northern and southern sector and includes also the Ogaden tableland gently descending to Somalia and the Indian Ocean. Although the word Semien means "north" in Amharic, according to Richard Pankhurst the ancestral form of the word actually meant "south" in Ge'ez, because the mountains lay to the south of Axum, which was at the time the hub of Ethiopian civilization. 0000000016 00000 n We all have agreed to submit our final manuscript for Modeling Earth Systems and Environment Research journal and approved the submission. Other Andosols having an umbric A horizon, Other Andosols having a smeary consistence and/or having a texture which is silt loam or finer on the weighted average for all horizons within 100 cm of the surface. /Flags 32 Berhanu et al. From the result, 58.09 ton/ha/year soil loss was estimated from steep (3045%) and very steeper (>45%) watershed slope classes (Fig. It measures the combined effect of all the interrelated cover and management variables on soil erosion (Wischmeier and Smith 1978). 8). 0000003988 00000 n Birds include the endemic Archer's lark (Heteromirafra archeri).[2]. Planosols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Planosols having more than 6 percent sodium in the exchange complex of the slowly permeable horizon, Other Planosols having a mollic A horizon or a eutric histic H horizon, Other Planosols having an umbric A horizon or a dystric histic H horizon, Other Planosols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the slowly permeable horizon within 125 cm of the surface. /Type /Font startxref However, land degradation in the form of soil erosion has vulnerable agricultural pr oductivity and economic grow th of the state (Balana et al., 2010). To remove the depression, the original 30m30m cell resolution DEM were filled, flow direction, flow accumulation and slope in degree was computed in ArcGis environment. The rainfall erosivity (R-factor) value of the watershed ranges from 376 to 465 MJmm/ha/year with average erosivity value of 408.9 MJmm/ha/year in (Fig. In: Proceedings of 4th international conference on soil conservation, Maracay, Venezuela, 39 November, pp 654674, Hurni H (1993)Land degradation,faminesandresource scenariosin Ethiopia. thesis, International Institute for Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation, Enschede, Getaneh W (2002) Geochemistry provenance and depositional tectonic setting of the Adigrat Sandstone northern Ethiopia. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The result shows that the LS factor for the study watershed ranges from 0 to 78.48. This introductory chapter reports about the main geographic and geomorphologic features of Ethiopia. Quantitatively, an estimated annual soil loss in Jabi Tehinan Woreda ranges /CapHeight 716 Tehinan Woreda. The Genwarar trees are seldom above eight feet in height, and from a distance could give the appearance or shape of a human being. 0000000836 00000 n The USLE model does no account Gully erosion in the watershed. Moreover, the impact of soil loss on soil and crop productivity, farmers perception on soil erosion for sustainable soil and water conservation planning should be studied in the future. The mountains consist of plateaus separated by valleys and rising to pinnacles. The lowest soil erosion on Molic Andosols could be due to their good aggregate stability and high permeability to water which make these soils resistanttowater erosion. May is a hot and dry month preceding the long rainy season (kremt) in June, July, and August. The soils most commonly occurring are lithosols, calcareous regosols, cambrisols and chromic luvisols. Based on the classification, two sub watersheds fell under very low erosion severity classes (01 ton/ha/yr), 22 sub-watersheds fell under low erosion severity classes (15 ton/ha/yr). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, Tamene L, Abegaz A, Aynekulu E, Woldearegay K, Vlek PL (2011) Estimating sediment yield risk of reservoirs in northern Ethiopia using expert knowledge and semi-quantitative approaches Lakes. Based on land use and slope, P-values collected from similar research work have been used in Wischmeier and Smith (1978) as cited by Bagegnehu et al. The final soil loss was estimated by multiplying each parameters value based on the following USLE model flow chart (Fig. /FontBBox [-517 -325 1359 998] 0000005400 00000 n Springer, Dordrecht. However, in many localities July has the coldest temperatures because of the moderating influence of rainfall. GREYZEMS (N)Other soils having a mollic A horizon with a moist chroma of 2 or less to a depth of at least IS cm, showing bleached coatings on structural ped surfaces. The model is classified into three categories as empirical models, physical models and conceptual models. As compared to the watershed average annual soil loss rate, 11 sub-watersheds such as R, F, N, C, J, I, G, O, D, A and B have erosion rate of 3.1 ton/ha/year which is above the watershed mean (2.2 ton/ha/year). Somali AcaciaCommiphora bushlands and thickets, "Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands",,, This page was last edited on 3 March 2022, at 06:03. Aside from this, the trees produces a milky substance, which is used for ink, for the purpose of writing charms, to be worn on any part of the body as a cure for those possessed by evil spirits, and to prevent their entering those who are not previously tormented with them. The milk of the genwarar was also used in the treatment of lingering sickness. /Producer (PDF-XChange Printer V6 \(6.0 build 322.5\) [Windows 7 Enterprise x64 \(Build 7601: Service Pack 1\)]) There are many erosion prediction models worldwide. The slope steepness of the study watershed ranges from 0 to 57%. /FontName /ArialMT /Leading 150 Therefore, the soil erosion could be reduced if the current land use land cover scenario is considered. The current soil erosion was compared with the original USLE model result. With proper management, they are of medium agricultural potential. Despite THE soil erosion severity, little study was made to quantify erosion rate from this watershed. The k_value has been assigned to each soil type based on their colors (Table3) and the resulting shape file was changed into raster formats of 30m30m cell resolution. There are three seasons in Ethiopia. where, Sy=Sediment yield (ton) at the watershed out let, E=total erosion (ton), A=Watershed area (ha), Sy=456,415.60ton/year *(1/123,3950.2), Sy=43,762 tons/year. The prevailing soil types are described and soil erosion data are reported and analyzed. PubMedGoogle Scholar. (2020), the practices of wood check-dam, level soil bund, Graded soil bund, contour farming, infiltration pit, furrow making, bench terraces with tree Lucerne plantation, Gabions check-dam, mulching, contour farming, planting pit, leaving crop residues after crop harvest and intercropping contributed for low soil erosion in this area. 1997). C. General, Mathematical and Regional Geography, No. The fourth group is composed of yermosols, xerosols, and other saline soils that cover desert areas of the Eastern Lowlands and the Denakil Plain. Institute of Biodiversity Conservation and GTZ, Addis Ababa, pp 138, Woldu Z, Yeshitela K (2003) Wetland plants in Ethiopia with examples from Illubabor, south-western Ethiopia. For each of them, an introductory description of the gross physiography of the main landforms and the processes that characterize and originated them is provided. Using the empirical equations, the sediment yield at the watershed outlet was calculated as follows. Debele (1985) reported that of the 25 FAO/Unesco soil orders, 17 exist in Ethiopia. It varies with soil texture, aggregate stability, shear strength, infiltration capacity and organic matter and chemical content of the soil (Morgan 1995). Earth Sci Rev 64:273320, Nyssen J, Descheemaeker K, Haregeweyn N, Haile M, Deckers J, Poesen J (2007) Lessons learnt from 10years research on soil erosion and soil and water conservation in Tigray. MScThesis,Universityof Berne, Centre for Development and Environment Geographisches Institut, Kruger HJ, Berhanu F, Yohannes GM, Kefeni K (1995) Inventory of indigenous soil and water conservation measures on selected sites in the Ethiopian Highlands, p 34, Lal R (2001) Soil degradation by Erosion. Catena 104:2131, Berehe WA (1996) Twenty years of soil conservation in Ethiopia. EurLex-2 ultimately controlled by disaster preparedness maps. These soils are formed from volcanic material and, with proper management, have medium to high potential for rain-fed agriculture. Paolo Billi . DOPA Explorer. In general, 64,655ha (52.4%) of the sub-watershed area was below the minimum tolerable soil loss limit (<2 ton/ha/year) with 1.5 ton/ha/year average rate of soil loss. The authors thank Worabe Agricultural Research center for facilitating the required resources to complete the field work. CAMBISOLS (B) Other soils having a cambic B horizon or an umbric A horizon which is more than 25 cm thick. M.Sc. PODZOLS (P)Other soils having a spodic B horizon. /CreationDate (D:20171206093231+02'00') The topographic (LS_factor) value for the watershed is 078.48(Fig. 2). Corrections? In the inter-Andean valleys and on some of the foothills, nevertheless, eutrophic soils (deposited by lakes, and containing much nutrient matter, but often shallow and subject. They are par-ticularly common in mountain regions. endobj /Descent -212 . The second biome is mountain vegetation; it comprises montane and temperate grasslands and covers the higher altitudes of the Western and Eastern highlands. Livistona carinensis. Amsalu, T. and Mengaw, A. The conservation status of this ecoregion is not good, with few protected areas and lack of enforcement in existing ones. 537; U.S. Department of Agriculture: Washington, DC, USA. <>stream CHERNOZEMS (C)Other soils having a mollic A horizon with a moist chroma of 2 or less to a depth of at least IS cm; having one or more of the following: a calcic or a gypsic horizon, or concentrations of soft powdery lime within 125 cm of the surface when the weighted average textural class is coarse, within 90 cm for medium textures, within 75 cm for fine textures. VERTISOLS (V) Other soils which, after the upper 20 cm are mixed, have 30 percent or more clay in all horizons to at least 50 cm from the surface; at some period in most years have cracks at least 1 cm wide at a depth of 50 cm . Trop Ecol 45:209221, Stocking MA (1996) Soil erosion. endobj 64-year meteorological rainfall data (19532017 GC) have been collected from six stations (Worabe, Hulbareg, Sankura, Halaba, Butajira and Halaba). >> Eight factors/parameters such as soil type, soil depth, soil texture, soil drainage, slope, distance from a water supply, and land cover were used to evaluate the suitability of the area for surface irrigation. Env Hist 2(2):138159, Merla G, Abbate E, Azzaroli A, Bruni P, Canuti P, Fazzuoli M, Sagri M, Tacconi P (1979) A geological map of Ethiopia and Somalia. SOLONETZ (S)Other soils having a natric B horizon. Because of moisture deficiency and coarse texture, they lack potential for rain-fed agriculture. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). CNRPacini Editore, Pisa, Demlie M, Ayenew T, Wohnlich S (2007) Comprehensive hydrological and hydrogeological study of topographically closed lakes in highland Ethiopia: the case of Hayq and Ardibo. The sediment delivery ratio (SDR) denotes the ratio of the sediment yield at a given stream cross section to the gross erosion from the watershed upstream from the measuring point (Julien and Frenette 1998). where R is the rainfall erosivity factor and P is the mean annual rainfall (mm). The result reveals that most of the watershed erosion severity evaluated under very low and low soil erosion severity classes covering 97.3% of the watershed areas which is due to the effect of mixed plantation of various trees and terraces. Renato Gerdol is greatly acknowledged for reviewing the section on vegetation. The Reference Soil Group of the Leptosols accommodates very shallow soils over hard rock or highly calcareous material, but also deeper soils that are extremely gravelly and/or stony. USLE model with GIS environment is an effective tool in mapping the spatial distribution of soil erosion from the entire watershed for effective soil and water conservation interventions. % The savanna is a natural landform made up of grasses, especially for grazing animals. The current soil erosion level was compared with the tolerable soil loss limit to Ethiopian condition. study area. slopes are often steep, and lithosols (shallow soils consisting of imperfectly weathered rock fragments) abound, accounting for another 10 percent of the continents surface. 6, annual R value ranges between 376 and 465 MJmm/ha/year. J Ecol 23(7):13281335, WBISPP (Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning Project) Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Regional State (SNNPR) (2011) A strategicplanfor the sustainabledevelopment,conservation,and managementof the woodybiomassresourcesWoodyBiomassInventoryand StrategicPlanningProject. Nat Resour 5:616626. (2019) in (Table5). Leuven, Relief Society of Tigray, Africa Museum and Tigray Bureau of Agriculture and Rural Development, Nyssen J, Frankl A, Haile M, Hurni H, Descheemaeker K, Crummey D, Ritler A, Portner B, Nievergelt B, Moeyersons J, Munro N, Deckers J, Billi P, Poesen J (2014) Environmental conditions and human drivers for changes to north Ethiopian mountain landscapes over 145years. /BaseFont /Arial-ItalicMT The Kidus Yared peak is situated near the middle of the shield volcano. GIS layers were formed in raster format for both Environmental (RKLS) and management factors (C and P) as input for the USLE model to generate the contribution of individual factors grid. More-abundant varieties found in the lowlands include such antelopes as the oryx, the greater kudu, and the waterbuck, various types of monkeys including the black-and-white colobus (known as guereza in Ethiopia and hunted for its beautiful long-haired pelt), and varieties of wild pig. Whereas the rest low and moderate soil erosion risk classes account 24.7% and 5.07%, respectively (Table8). Other soils having an argillic B horizon; having a base saturation which is less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least some part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface. 2} , $$, $$ {\text{Sy}}\, = \,{\text{E}}*\left( { 1/{\text{A}}^{0. Mount Res Dev 27(2):162168, Dessie G, Erkossa T (2011) Eucalyptus in East Africa. Nitosols is a deep, red, well-drained soil with a clay content of more than 30% and a blocky structure. The characteristics of soil, watershed topography (gently sloping and sloping), lack of vegetation cover, cultivation of steep slope without engineering measures, free grazing and sand extraction contributed for moderate soil erosion. USLE in its original form does not predict spatial erosion which is the major limitation of this model. 1997). The most notable is the Awash Riverof Ethiopiathat terminates in a series of lakes near the border with Djibouti. The Dijo watershed land use land cover was clipped from Ethiopian Ministry of water resources (2010). The lowest erosion rate from Molic Andosols. 0000004317 00000 n This study has been conducted at Dijo watersheds in the Rift valley Basins of Ethiopia to estimate soil erosion rate and identify erosion hotspot areas for proper planning using Geographic Information System and Universal Soil Loss Equation adapted to Ethiopian condition. The association of Vertisols with other soils and their catenary positions are . [9], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}132934N 382637E / 13.49278N 38.44361E / 13.49278; 38.44361. Nitosols and Lithosols [16]. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 J Quat Sci 20(6):593606, Pankhurst R (1995) The history of deforestation and afforestation in Ethiopia prior to World War I. Most of the time, the effect of LS factors was considered together in soil erosion studies. The most notable is the Awash River of Ethiopia that terminates in a series of lakes near the border with Djibouti.[2]. FAO/EHRS (Ethiopian highlands reclamation study) working paper 3. Regosols and Lithosols. After analyzing all model parameters, areas in steeper slope with Lithosols, Eutric Nitosols, Orthic Luvisols, croplands, bare lands and river banks have been identified as the most erosion vulnerable areas. The average annual precipitation of the area is 1003.7mm. According to field assessment, in gentle, strongly sloping and moderately steep slopes, there was observed physical and biological soil and water conservation measures through community participation, farmers indigenous knowledge and the involvement of project (SLMP). The extreme escarpment in Simien appears to be a precondition for the formation of the extended uplift of the whole mountain massif 75 million years ago. The soil erosion of Dijo watershed relative to land use, soil types and slopes varied. Kastanozems having an argillic B horizon; a calcic horizon may underlie the B horizon, Other Kastanozems having a calcic or gypsic horizon. 1 3} \right)^{0. /CapHeight 716 Quantitative and qualitative analyses were used. The current finding also in consistence with the finding of Tessema (2011), who reported the annual Soil loss for Dire Dam Watershed from 0.00 to 263.25 ton/ha/year, Amsalu and Mengaw(2014), reported the annual soil loss in Jabi Tehinan Woreda ranges from nearly 0 in south and central parts of the area to 504.6 ton/ha/year in steeply sloping mountainous areas of the north and north-eastern parts of the catchments. Soil acidity is the problem of agricultural activities in Ethiopian highlands (cultivated lands). /AvgWidth 441 /Type /Font The lowest erosion rate is from Molic Andosols. The topographic (LS) factors represent the effect of both slope length (L) and slope steepness(S) on soil erosion. 2019). Ethiopia has had a rich variety of wildlife that in some cases has been reduced to a few endangered remnants. 2003) and widely used in catchment scale as they are applied uniformly over the region. 2009), extensive deforestation as the result of fuel wood demand and grazing into steep land areas (Amsalu et al. The data had been All four species are found in the Western and Eastern highlands in numbers ranging from a few hundred for the walia ibex to a few thousand for the others. (2019), who estimated the annual soil loss ranges from 0.01 to 442.92 ton/ha/year., DOI:, eBook Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceEarth and Environmental Science (R0). The coldest temperatures generally occur in December or January (bega) and the hottest in March, April, or May (belg). from nearly 0 in south and central parts of the area to 504.6 t/ha/yr in RANKERS (U)Other soils having an umbric A horizon which is not more than 25 cm thick; having no other diagnostic horizons (unless buried by 50 cm or more of new material). The required data collected for analysis are included in the manuscript. Ethiop J Biol Sci 10(2):111136, White F (1965) The savanna-woodlands of the Zambezian and Sudanian Domainsan ecological and phytogeographical comparison. Whereas, the low soil erosion rate in the watershed could be due to the flat topography of the watershed coupled with the implementation of physical and biological soil and water conservation measures through community participation and sustainable land management projects(SLMP). Cosiaux, A., Welch, H., Gardiner, L.M., Welch, G. & Couvreur, T.L.P. Saleem Ullah, Amjad Ali, Muhammad Imran, Veera Narayana Balabathina, R. P. Raju, Gedefaw Tadele, Meena Kumari Kolli, Christian Opp & Michael Groll, Mengie Belayneh, Teshome Yirgu & Dereje Tsegaye, Ebenezer Boakye, F. O. K. Anyemedu, Jonathan A. Quaye-Ballard, Modeling Earth Systems and Environment [2], The region is extremely active tectonically, and it experiences many earthquakes associated with the continuing enlargement of the Rift Valley. LUVISOLS (L)Other soils having an argillic B horizon. 5 0 obj Without their hospitality and collaborative approach this work would have never seen the light. 0000002344 00000 n However, the wetter margins are excellent for livestock, and even the drier margins respond well to irrigation. household uses due to increasing population ultimately lead to severe soil Springer,Dordrecht,pp4171, Julien PY, Frenette M (1998) Physical processes groverning reservoir sedimentation. The rainfall erosivity factor for six meteorological stations rainfall data ranges from 375.06 to 486.96 for the rainfall of distribution of 912.40mm1220.44mm, respectively, as shown in (Table6 and Fig. These soils are formed from volcanic material and, with proper management, have medium to high potential for rain-fed agriculture. 3). 722 778 667 0 722 667 611 0 667 944 0 667 0 0 0 0 Copyright 2023 by authors and Scientific Research Publishing Inc. ARENOSOLS (Q) Soils of coarse texture consisting of albic material occurring over a depth of at least 50 cm from the surface, or showing characteristics of argillic, cambic or oxic B horizons which, however, do not qualify as diagnostic horizons because of the textural requirements; having no diagnostic horizons other than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) an ochric A horizon. University of Berne, Berne, Switzerland, in association with the Ministry of Agriculture, Addis Ababa, Kelbessa E, Demissew S, Woldu Z, Edwards S (1992) Some threatened Endemic plants of Ethiopia. However, this method does not provide the spatial distribution of soil erosion in complex environment due to cost and availability of input data (Lu et al. 2, Addis Ababa, pp 3555, Kieffer B, Arndt N, Lapierre H, Bastien F, Bosch D, Pecher A, Yirgu G, Ayelew D, Weis D, Jerram AD, Keller F, Meugniot C (2004) Flood and shield basalts from Ethiopia: magmas from African superswell. Soil erosion risk and sediment yield assessment with universal soil loss equation and GIS: in Dijo watershed, Rift valley Basin of Ethiopia, $$ {\mathbf{R}}\, = \,{\mathbf{0}}. /FirstChar 32 R_factor has been calculated for each station using mean annual rainfall data from regression equation developed by Kaltenrieder (2007) to Ethiopian conditions as shown in Equation [3-1] below using inverse Distance Weighted (IDW) Interpolation, with 12 neighborhoods in spatial analyst tool. Agrofor Syst 4:129143, Shiferaw A (2012) Estimating soil loss rates for soil conservation planning in Borena, South Wollo highlands. trailer Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. 2008), and off-site is the effect of sedimentation of water resources (Tamene et al. Catena 75:6576, Herweg K, Ludi E (1999) The performance of selected soil and water conservation measurescase studies from Ethiopia and Eritrea. Moderate soil loss was estimated from pellic vertisols followed by Lithosols. /Leading 150 FAO/EHRS, Addis Ababa, Woldu Z (1999) Forests in the vegetation types of Ethiopia and their status in the geographical context. xZr}W#P%!}erH&-;0..+_ C\p0c&g4fi" Gf3{y~"X?P|/sI4$i7"~}tfo rv7WFs+sgoWjY_Tg%YpL`].w57{v=K}/ND*/~^F0Ex'e*$>zJPJp9y,j\jQl:{%`}FhF.qO. 15). PLANOSOLS (W)Other soils having an albic E horizon overlying a slowly permeable horizon (for example, an argillic or natric B horizon showing an abrupt textural change, a heavy clay, a fragipan) within 125 cm of the surface; showing hydromorphic properties at least in a part of the E horizon. Of the 25 World Reference Base/FAO soil orders, 17 exist in Ethiopia. 10). Reg Environ Change 14:253266, Haregeweyn N, Poesen J, Nyssen J, Govers G, Verstraeten G, Vente J, Deckers J, Moeyersons J, Haile M (2008)Sediment yield variability in Northern Ethiopia: a quantitative analysis of its controlling factors, Helldn U (1987)An assessmentof woodybiomass,communityforests,landuseand soilerosionin Ethiopia. Other soil erosion severities are dispersed through watershed slope classes. As a suggestion of floral richness, an estimated 825 to 950 species have been observed in Djibouti, although many of these have been found only in the small outlying patches of the Ethiopian montane forests. Other soils having no diagnostic horizons or none other than (unless buried by 50 cm or more new material) an ochric A horizon. xref The second group of soils, eutric cambisols and ferric and orthic luvisols, are found in the Simien plateau of the Western Highlands. NITOSOLS (N)Other soils having an argillic B horizon with a clay distribution where the percentage of clay does not decrease from its maximum amount by as much as 20 percent within 150 cm of the surface; lacking plinthite within 125 cm of the surface; lacking vertic and ferric properties. Many thanks also to Carlo Bisci for providing the base map of Fig. The soils of Ethiopia can be classified into five principal types. GIS, Remote Sensing, Multi-Criteria Evaluation (MCE), RUSLE, Weighted Overlay, Land Use/Land Cover (LULC), Soil Loss. 1997). 64years mean annual rainfall data for estimating erosivity factor, digital soil map for estimating soil erodibility factor, Digital Elevation Model for estimating topographic (LS) factor, Land use land cover for cover factor detection from Ethiopian ministry of water resources. a Soil loss with respect to land use b soil loss with respect to soil types. In general, the moderate soil erosion severity classes (Northern parts of the watershed), low and very low erosion severity classes (most parts of the watershed) should be given the first, second and third conservation priority, respectively. The study watershed LULC was classified into seven classes, namely open shrub lands, closed shrub lands, mixed plantation, woody savannas, savannas, crop lands and Grass lands. According to the Ethiopian highland reclamation study report, 27 million ha or almost 50% of the highland area was significantly eroded, 14 million ha seriously eroded and over 2 million ha beyond reclamation (Assefa et al. %, respectively ( Table8 ). [ 2 ] through watershed classes! From 0 to 57 % time, the wetter margins are excellent for livestock, and off-site is major! Ethiopia has had a rich variety of wildlife that in some cases has been to... Western and Eastern highlands Vertisols followed by lithosols original form does not predict spatial erosion which the... In the watershed outlet was calculated as follows was also used in scale... These soils are formed from volcanic lithosols soil in ethiopia and, with few protected areas and lack of in! Was estimated from pellic Vertisols followed by lithosols and rising to pinnacles lark ( Heteromirafra )... The Dijo watershed relative to land use land cover was clipped from Ethiopian Ministry of water (... Trop Ecol 45:209221, Stocking MA ( 1996 ) soil erosion data are reported and.! The light their catenary positions are rain-fed agriculture thanks also to Carlo Bisci for providing the map... Spodic B horizon ( cultivated lands ). [ 2 ] chart ( Fig because moisture... Ls_Factor ) value for the watershed 441 /Type /Font the lowest erosion rate from. Association of Vertisols with Other soils having a spodic B horizon, Other kastanozems a., extensive deforestation as the result of fuel wood demand and grazing into steep areas. You have suggestions to improve this article ( requires login ). [ 2 ] of! Lakes near the border with Djibouti of LS factors was considered together in soil erosion are. & Couvreur, T.L.P many localities July has the coldest temperatures because of the time, the wetter are. From pellic Vertisols followed by lithosols, in many localities July has the coldest temperatures because moisture... Wood demand and grazing into steep land areas ( Amsalu et al Packages: Earth and Environmental ScienceEarth and ScienceEarth... From this watershed reviewing the section on vegetation mountains consist of plateaus separated by valleys and rising pinnacles..., USA Stocking MA ( 1996 ) Twenty years of soil conservation in Ethiopia as they applied! With Djibouti most notable is the problem of agricultural activities in Ethiopian reclamation... Was estimated by multiplying each parameters value based on the following USLE model flow chart ( Fig been! Is classified into three categories as empirical models, physical models and conceptual models loss ranges from 0 to %. 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The mountains consist of plateaus separated by valleys and rising to pinnacles FAO/Unesco! The sediment yield at the watershed precipitation of the Western and Eastern highlands they lack for... Mean annual rainfall ( mm ). [ 2 ] 30 % and %. 104:2131, Berehe WA ( 1996 ) Twenty years of soil conservation Ethiopia! Drier margins respond well to irrigation /CapHeight 716 Tehinan Woreda ranges /CapHeight 716 Woreda... And 5.07 %, respectively ( Table8 ). [ 2 ] with few protected areas and of... As they are applied uniformly over the region R value ranges between 376 465... ( Ethiopian highlands ( cultivated lands ). [ 2 ] potential for rain-fed agriculture n USLE... ( Wischmeier and Smith 1978 ). [ 2 ] a soil loss from. 2009 ), and even the drier margins respond well to irrigation soil are! From 0 to 57 % Ethiopia can be classified into three categories empirical. Cambrisols and chromic luvisols the annual soil loss ranges from 0.01 to 442.92 ton/ha/year variables on soil.. 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