darlie routier dna results 2021

Interestingly, of the cuts Darlie had on her, the two areas she was most proud of, her face and her breasts, were uninjured. 93). Some Darlie supporters claim that Darin (or someone else) drugged Darlie the night of the murders. On July 5, 1996, the Routiers settled into the family room in their Rowlett, TX, home. 6)not sure if blood on kitchen flood is only darlins. She had met Darlie through one her friends named Renee Stanley. Darin Routier was thoroughly investigated from the git-go. Please stop spreading myths about this case! The paramedics "staged" or waited outside the front door waiting for the officers to secure the scene and tell them it was safe to enter. Were all these people paid to do this? It send a chill down my spin to imagine that shit happned in that trial. Even if by some remote chance Darlie won an evidentiary hearing and was granted a new trial for Damon's murder, the District Attorney could charge her with Devon's murder. In Darlie's written statement to police, 2 days after the murders, she never mentions anything about Damon saying "Mommy, mommy, mommy," she states the she woke up to Damon pushing on her shoulder and crying. Interestingly, these "YouTube educated experts" very seldom if ever mention the indisputable forensic evidence against Darlie, which or course convicted her, and they focus on theoretical evidence which cannot be proven against Darin. Darlie Routier: I got the towels, and I was calling 911 as I got the towels. Did you read the article? A small pool of blood indicated that someone bleeding, most likely from the hand or arm had been there. PARCHMAN: What we're talking about, a few to several more minutes. even though most of the things that she just couldn't remember were things she had already told other people. The case of Darlie Routier is controversial and has the support of the innocence project. If anyone is guilty as sin it's Darlie. The only blood discovered in the utility room, (Which led to the garage) was found on the edge of the utility room door and in two separate places on the left side of the washing machine; it was identified as belonging to Darlie. She's in Canada and that last comment originated in the Philadelphia area. Kezzy is batshit crazy, but she doesn't generally descent to the level of incoherence, Just a minor correction, but the utility room had several drips and splotches of blood on the utility room floor. While discussing the case on Quora with a seemingly intelligent fellow (good spelling, grammar, superficially adequate knowledge of the case), I brought up the bread knife with the microscopic fibers that match the garage window screen. Just dropped by to reiterate Darlie is going to die for killing her two boys! The website says "doctors" as if a whole team of surgeons were meticulously working on her in a race against the clock to save her life. For 25 years theyve been free to make whatever claim they want to; to distort the evidence any way they want to. The Darlie Routier defense team and Kathy Cruz, author of Dateline Purgatory: Examining the Case that Sentenced Darlie Routier to Death, have stated that the fibers on the knife could have come from the evidence technician's fingerprint brush.This was proven not be true though microscopic and chemical analysis. Image via Wikipedia. Hi yall! They feature juror Charlie Samford stating he was incorrect in his guilty verdict; however he has since recanted that opinion. Darlie Routier: Wrongfully Convicted of Murdering Her Children JustinCase976 Jan 13, 2023 4:38 PM EST Darlie Routier with Damon (left) and Devon (right) The Darlie Routier Case On June 6th, 1996, someone brutally murdered two little boys and got away with it. Officer Waddell stated that one of the boys (Devon) was obviously dead, and the other boy (Damon) was close to the wall near the hallway doing what he called "a slow craw" and making gurgling sounds as he tried to breathe. Obviously placed there after the fact. Photos . You may be privy to this info already, but I made it a point to dig for the validation and explanation. When Greg Davis was questioning David Waddell, the first police officer to arrive on the scene. Darlie told investigators that she and the boys had decided to sleep in the family room with the boys on the floor and her on the couch watching TV (As later discovered she had done for several nights before the murders) while Darin and baby Drake slept upstairs in the bedroom. TB3 was a mixture of Devon and Darlie's blood, and TB2 was a mixture of Damon and Darlie's blood. On the other hand, I will always hope that some crazy glitch appears out of nowhere and some stranger steps forward to confess to having committed this crime and can take us through that evening step by step, minute by minute and tell the world WHY. The knife used to stab the boys was also a knife from the Routier kitchen knife holder. The extended length of the blood stains indicated motion of the blood from downward to upward. luo xiao min from California on August 09, 2018: Wanttobelieve, with all due respect (i really mean it). Darlie Lynn Routier is currently on death row at the Mountain View Prison Unit, Texas Dept. Obviously deliberately placed where it would be quickly found, Close up of sock showing Damon and Devin's blood on it. Police dispatcher Trammell stated that she thought it was odd that someone who's children had just been murdered would make an obvious point of mentioning how their finger prints got on the murder weapon during the initial 911 call for help. I am so very happy I stumbled upon this article shortly after I was introduced to the existence of the case! This is the one area where I, the author, disagree with the prosecution. Darlie Routier - Part 1. She literally sealed her own fate on the witness stand. Rowlett police office Waddell (first officer to arrive on the scene) testified that when he first asked Darlie what had happened, she was upset but appeared to be perfectly alert and gave him a clear account of what had occurred. These photos were taken just hours before she was formally arrested and charged with a double homicide. As with most mystery movies, the Darlie supporters have thrown a black car into the mix. Judging by the preview, they are going just for ratings and sensationalism, incorrect facts already in the preview. Darlie Kee, Darlie's mother has stated in later years that the serrated knife couldn't have possibly cut the screen due to its rounded tip. The jailer assigned to escort Darlie back to her cell later stated that he observed both Darlie and her mother sobbing at the conclusion of the testing. Greg Davis: Did you look over to see if a rag or towel or anything had been placed on Damons back? April 30, 2021 8:31 am DALLAS (1080 KRLD)- The Rowlett woman convicted of capital murder and sentenced to death over the 1996 deaths of her two sons is getting a powerful ally. Most of towels were scattered around a good distance from the boys. While still at the house before being transported, she told police that she chased the intruder through the kitchen and in her words" I saw him open his hand and drop the knife on the utility room floor." ZERO evidence, and even Darlie herself has never made such a claim. 11) her polygraph test. Darin did NOT DRUG HIS WIFE. I was there from the beginning to the end of that nightmare and although I believed her at first, it wasn't until the middle of the trial that I realized she did it. Merry Christmas! Further, I can't bring myself to look at pictures of those gorgeous little Angels while knowing they are gone, that their own mother took their lives and in such an egregious incomprehensible way. She never said she carried into the living room where it had obviously been laid down next to Damon's body. Darlie Routier: I was calling 911 as I got the towels. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on March 06, 2018: What an awful story. The physical evidence found at the scene of the crime, points to no one else but Darlie Routier. Darlie must have sensed her guilty verdict. Then with the element of surprise on his side, the intruder attacks her but for some unknown reason he completely changes his attack style by performing slashes, not high force stabs as he did on the children. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on September 06, 2019: You're right, I'm not going to post your cynical hate filled comments on this HubPage. I found a LOT of bias unfortunately. Even then, it was quite difficult & broke my heart. It's difficult to accept the possibility of Darlie having planned this ahead of time. Rug in front of the sink. I didn't see mention of your having read the trial transcripts. I know thats the part that I wish there was an explanation for, Another thing that really bothers me is that Darin had his jeans on, I know at first he said he didnt but he also said he never left the scene and when the policeman showed up he had his jeans on. She's guilty and I've been shunned from the family for saying it and believing. On the 911 tape she told dispatcher Doris Tramwell that she fought with the intruder but didnt specify a location. In this author's opinion, the first red flag would have to be the fact that not once did Darlie ask about her youngest child Drake, or go upstairs to check on him. So that's why I ask for your sources. Ive never had a mental illness, she admitted in 2020, referring to what happened at her trial. There's a large group of amateur armchair detectives that sit at home in front of their computer screens watching YouTube video's critiquing the techniques utilized by the evidence investigators and lab technicians at the Routier crime scene. According to one version of Darlie's 5 different intruder stories, he supposedly had a knife, not a baseball bat. I grabbed the phone and called 911. Because of the new evidence gleamed from the DNA testing and the prosecution files, an amended habeas corpus petition will be filed in the state court, the status report indicated. In part 1 we discuss the crime scene, the injuries, and blood evidence. Anyone who's read anything about the Darlie Routier case knows that Routier was filmed spraying silly string on her son Devon's grave at a birthday celebration held for him. Both officers testified that it was not on when they initially checked the garage and backyard. Paramedic Jack Kolbye, the paramedic that tended to Damon in the house was called to testify. June 4th 2018 has a nice ring to it. Several neighbors told local press that Damon and Devon always ran up and down the street unsupervised and hearing Darlie use the "F" word outside around the kids was about an everyday occurrence. That is the precise reason why I blocked you from this Hub over a year ago. Home > Uncategorized > darlie routier dna results 2021. darlie routier dna results 2021. She was laughing. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 28, 2018: Trouble in paradise on Pollyannalana's site. She told her friends Barbara Jovel and Karen Neal as well as two nurses at the hospital that she heard Damon going " Mommy, mommy. Darlie Routier cannot be excluded as the contributor of the DNA from 10-2589-502. Some think she is innocent because DNA analysis has never been done on the evidence the police collected from the crime scene. There were knife wounds to Routier's neck, forearm and shoulder. One group has second thoughts about the trial and the evidence and in conversation will express their opinion of doubt and provide specific reasons as to why they feel that way. They presented their conclusions to Mr. Samford and explained methodically how they came about them. More than two decades later, the Rowlett woman remains in prison one of only. You think by calling yourself that were supposed to believe all that bullshit? Samford made clear that he had not changed his mind, and that he still believes Darlie is innocent. They said she spoke of being tired of the repetitive arguments with Darin over money and she had been planning a trip with her girlfriends to Cancun, Mexico, later that summer. the man was at her feet when she woke up2)no bruises on her arm while at the hospital. Their favorite claim is that she didn't have a motive, they love to say a motive was never proven. I appreciate the time you put into piecing all of this together! The nightshirt blood samples that were submitted with the hopes of finding male DNA only revealed Darlie's DNA as the prosecution originally claimed during the trial. When interviewed, she knows exactly how and when to cry and turn on the heart tugging emotions and people eat this up. Evidently this "big fight" did take place and it ended up with Darlie telling Darin she wanted a divorce and her two sons being savagely murdered. It was later identified as Damon's. Some people have suggested that she may have originally decided to kill her children and herself but "chickened out" at the last minute from killing herself, or Darin woke up from the noise of her killing the boys and stopped her before she was able to kill herself. There was also what was originally thought to be a spot of blood on the garage floor which turned out to be dried Kool-Aid that had been spilled there. They prefer to absorb information in a "pre-digested" form by reading and quoting the work of others. On June 6, 1996, at 2:31 am, the emergency communications center (911) in Rowlett, Texas received a call from a private residence in the upscale Dalrock Heights subdivision owned by 28 year old Darin Routier and his 26 year old wife, Darlie. Suggested theories as to the causes for the bruises have included the boys kicking with their legs to ward off the stabs. Cron was now doing consulting work for other law enforcement agencies in the Dallas area. This was confirmed by Darlie's attorney, Stephan Cooper. Not at all, LOL. His body was found near the wall almost directly in front of the bathroom. The majority of murder convictions are based on circumstantial evidence. Darin Routier taking a polygraph test (which he failed), Darlie Routier after sentencing being transferred from general population to the death row section of the prison and placed on suicide watch, Coroner's office removing Devon's body from the Routier home. These very same people turn a blind eye to the very evidence that convicted her, or simply say the crime scene processing was tainted and botched up. Another point about the "Mother vs. Texas" episode is that one of the jurors, Charlie Samford, is interviewed. The current owners say sightseers still photograph the house to this day. Shocked by your desire to defend a rightfully convicted BABY KILLER. After cutting the screen in the garage window, Darlie put the knife back in the block. So now, lets find out all that there is to know about her, shall we? Those darling, precious boys:( Peace, Paula. The police did check out the owners of black vehicles in the area, all were cleared of being linked to the murders. It's standard procedure for any patient in a critical care unit to have an IV, be placed on oxygen, capnography1, a heart monitor, and pulse oximetry2,no matter how serious the patient's condition is. "Within the past year, a Dallas County judge ordered the prosecution to permit inspection of its files on the case by Routiers team of defense attorneys. This is a portion of the trial in which Davis questions Dr. Parchman: DAVIS: Can you give us an estimate of how long this child might have lived if, say, stab wound 1 had been inflicted and then the other three were inflicted sometime later on? I really enjoy your articles as well. That falls right in line with Dr. Santos' expert opinion of bruising occurring within 24-48 hours. This was a very disturbing case and an emotional case. Doug Mulder: This towel that you say was on the back of Damon, was it still on his back when the police officers came in? ", He explained that it does nothing but interfere time wise with his appeals work on Darlie's case. Routier, Darlie Lynn: TDCJ Number: 999220: Date of Birth: 01/04/1970: Date Received: 02/05/1997: Age (when Received) 27: Education Level (Highest Grade Completed) 12: . Was that the only person that tried to get in? The overwhelming evidence against Darlie, and Darin's failing the polygraph convinced Pardo to drop his financial assistance. The only footprints found were Darlie's bare footprints and a partial boot-print found to be consistent with Sergeant Walling's boots from where he first checked the garage. Paramedic Jack Kolby testified that there was absolutely no towel(s) on or near Damon, and Paramedic Koschak testified that he didn't recall seeing any towels on or around Devon. Waddel testified that he immediately looked in the door of the garage when he arrived and there were no lights on in the garage or the back yard. THE "DARLIE SUPPORTERS" aka "THE CULT OF DARLIE". They are admitting two Project's lawyers to the appeal. Put their testimony in a timeline. ", Darlie completely folded up during her testimony, or as one court reporter put it, "The prosecution made mincemeat of her on the stand." Ironically in the state of Texas, 83% of past filicide cases (parents who murder their children) were committed by the mother. Darlie Lynn Routier is an American woman from Rowlett, Texas, who was convicted of murdering her five-year-old son, Damon. Darlie Routier's current appeals attorney, Stephen Cooper. This would explain why none of her blood was on the sock and none of her blood was found anywhere along the route to where the sock was found. I went over and picked up the knife. Some readers may recall that this same "selective amnesia" tactic was used quite a bit in the high-profile trial of Jodi Arias (convicted of brutally murdering her boyfriend) when she would get cornered by the prosecution on the stand or caught in a lie, she too would reply "I just don't remember. A few members of this group can be found right here on the Darlie Routier support HubPages blogs as commenters and one as an author. A significant amount of blood was found on the kitchen floor in front of the sink. My neck. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on April 22, 2020: You may be right, and that's a good point. Her story was now more detailed and changed a bit from her original story. This was very strong evidence suggestive of Darlie raising the knife up after completing a stab, depositing Devons blood on the back of her nightshirt, then bringing her arm down to stab again. A few years later an investigator representing another innocence project group by the name of Bill Clutter looked into the case, and then again, in 2003, David Camm and the University of Indiana looked at the case; Barry Scheck (of the OJ Simpson defense Team) showed no interest nor did the Innocence Texas group. *Date rape drug residuals stay in the system anywhere from 8 to 72 hours and would have shown up on her toxicology screen. Although their motives for Darlie committing the murders differed slightly, they unanimously agreed that there was no doubt in their minds that Darlie Routier alone committed the murders based only on the evidence found at the scene. There's something seriously wrong with that picture. There us ni motive the tineline doesn't fit and tge cops did make mistakes. A significant event has now occurred in this very intensive investigation, At approximately 10:20p.m. There's a child killer out there on the loose, why aren't you out looking for him? The "Darin-did-it" believers all say "Easy question, Darin locked the dog up in a room while he murdered his sons" They've yet to provide proof of that of course and who's to say the dog wasn't locked up every night when they went to bed?. It was there that Darlie announced to everyone that she and Darin already had plans in place to take a trip to Europe together, get some plastic surgery done to remove the scar from her neck, and hopefully conceive another child while on the trip, preferably a daughter. Some of Darlie's friends and acquaintances stated that she appeared to act differently and wasn't her usual self. The first witness called for the state, Dr. Joanie McLaine from the medical examiners office, testified that the defense wounds on Devons body indicated that he had struggled with his attacker and the wounds were savage in nature. There was no fiberglass rod on the breadknife. Write by: . 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