by faith: sermons on hebrews 11

By exercising this kind of faith the ancients gained the warm commendation of God. It's the faith. God walked with Adam and Eve in the Garden, but when they sinned, they hid from Him. The Word feeds your faith, and faith feeds your understanding (v. 3). And that's why we've got to take it seriously. Let's stop complaining about the evil of the present day. Now, what does it mean to live by faith? One place where it comes close to doing so, however, is in today's reading from the New Testament Letter to the Hebrews. He wanted Meacham, an Episcopalian, to defend the Christian faith against the sulfuric criticism of Christopher Hitchens. The word of God here does not refer to His written word, but to His spoken word. 1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. 2 For by it the men of old gained approval. Before we look at these three aspects of faith, it may be helpful to explain something about the nature of faith with reference to relationships. Faith, you see, is confident in the power of God's words. And only God can give me what I need. Your family. Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah (Gen 5:21 22). How did they know to bring an offering to God? Only the seed on the good ground bore fruit with perseverance (Luke 8:11-15). So in developing the theme of enduring faith, our authors first point is that faith is the means of realizing spiritual reality. The second is (p. 249), a proving of (or conviction about) unseen things.. 1. Hebrews, Chapter 11, and Verse 1. If it be so, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the furnace of blazing fire; and He will deliver us out of your hand, O king. We learn from them that: The story of Cain and Abel, recorded in Genesis 4, is a tale that is so well known that many people who never read the Bible know that Cain killed Abel. You may think, Thats a great story, but what if God hadnt delivered them? This is confirmed by a prophecy given by Enoch, that is quoted and preserved for us in the New Testament. They are making up their own religion. THE FEEDING OF FAITH: You are not born with faith as you need to have it. If the story of Cain and Abel seems short, the story of Enoch is minuscule by comparison. Adam lived to see his great, great, great, great, great, great, grandchildren. The seed sown on the rocky ground sprang up quickly, but it also quickly withered and died when trials hit. He believed that in His excellent goodness, God is ever willing to bestow blessings, and ever ready to reward those who come to Him. While we should never be needlessly offensive toward people, our focus should not be on pleasing people, but on pleasing God, who examines our hearts (1 Thess. For everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened (Matt 7:7-8). But true faith, faith that rests on God and his Word and believes all that he has said, true faith sees the unseen and say, "Yes, it is true.". For them it was all about the faith. (2) Faith enabled people in the past to overcome. At one point before we knew how things would turn out, I said to Marla, I am at peace that even if I get fired, God will take care of us, because I did the right thing. Live to please God and you will know His peace, even if people angrily oppose you. We must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor 5:9). God tests us so that we may know what is in our heart - 1 Peter 1:7 II. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? Hebrews 11:1-7 20210425 Hebrews 11a Watch on Sermon taped on Friday, April 23, 2021 at Mayberry Church Introduction to worship As I mentioned last week, the Session of both churches have spent time planning the future as we, God willing, come out of the COVID pandemic. If we are going to follow Jesus, we must do the same. Suddenly there is a break in the clouds. Hebrews 11:1-16 NASB. He was taken up into heaven (Acts 1:11). And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him (Heb 11:6). Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah (Gen 5:22). Knowing the U nknowable. By love, I mean, seeking the highest good of the other person. The highest good for every person is to be conformed to the image of Jesus Christ. You cant walk with someone when you are hiding from them. The author does not want us to have a temporary, flimsy faith that shrinks back to destruction. 2:8-9). According to Hebrew 11:6 he firmly believed that God is a rewarder. It seems that the responsibility of being a father caused Enoch to feel that he needed God in a way that he had not felt before. that the worlds were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. What if they had been burned to death? The answer is, they would have died in faith and God would reward them abundantly throughout eternity in heaven. And He says to us, I go to prepare a place for you andI will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also (Jn 14:2-3). That's as fine a tribute as you are likely to find, and not just about a public figure. Neither type of faith brought forth fruit to maturity. Faith A Sermon . If you look at the end of Luke 3, you will see that this is the line of descent into which Jesus Christ was born. He offered a first-born lamb from the flock. This story points us to the hope we have in Jesus who broke through the power of death and ascended into heaven. He went out, not knowing where he was going. Arguing from the greater to the lesser, since God can do the hard thing of creating everything from nothing, His is able to do the lesser things as well. Walking isnt easy when the wind is against you. And we know how Noah saved his family while the world around him perished. God will do whatever it takes to get us back. The fact that the author puts verse 3 at the start of his list of by faith examples, shows that faith in God as Creator is foundational to knowing God. (Hebrews 11:1-3) God spoke the universe into existence. For by it,'' that is, by faith, ''the elders obtained a good report. In Hebrews 10:39 he says to the congregation, "You are those who are of faith. As it is difficult to directly translate into English because it has many meanings, we must look at the context here. Thirdly, God chose the Son who is His express image to purge our sins. Let me remind you that you may believe what you want, think what you want, act like you want, but there is only one way to God and that is through faith in his Son, Jesus Christ. Hebrews 11:1-3 | Search Results | Sermon and Worship Resources Although I am not an example of great faith, I can share a personal example. As we saw in chapter 10, Christs sacrifice on the cross is the only basis for forgiveness of sins. Faith is the telescope that brings the future promises of God into present focus. Hebrews 11 begins with a short general definition of what faith is. You can only understand that by faith, because no one was there to observe it. The order is crucial: first the man, then the offering. There is a third principle for close relationships: Truth must be expressed in love. For example, God confronts our unbelief and sin. God always looks to the heart first and foremost. There have been many triumphs/victories faith has obtained against incredible odds and we've seen that. Ha! He uses the aorist tense in the infinitive "to please". 1. No wonder we are so unhappy. We have to believe it all on the strength of God's promise. That you are God's creature, that you have rebelled, that he is holy and you are guilty as a sinner before him, that he sent Jesus Christ into the world to atone for sin, that by believing in Jesus his righteousness and the virtue of his death are imputed to you so that your guilt is swept away and you are accounted righteous in God's sight, that, if you believe in Jesus, you have been made a new creature in Christ, have been given a summons to live a new life and the power to live it, that when you die and your body is laid in the ground, your soul will be immediately and gloriously in the presence of God in heaven, and Jesus Christ will come again to judge the living and the dead and to vindicate those who have trusted in him, and that endless bliss and perfect satisfaction of human life, body and soul, awaits, at the resurrection, those who have trusted Jesus Christ. Our hearts are restless until they find rest in you." Hebrews 11:1-3, Hebrews 11:8-16, Hebrews 11:1-16, Denomination: [Published with permission from Dr. Arnold Lastinger.] His faith proved the reality of the unseen God as greater than the reality of the flames that burned him to death. You are at peace in the presence of God, because you have nothing to hide from Him. It has to make a difference. Without faith it is impossible to please Him (11:6). Walking with God involves peace, purpose, progress, privilege and pleasure. In any case he walked with God for 300 years. Colin Smith; Our History & Mission; Our Team; Statement of Faith; Media & Radio Inquiries; By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him (Heb 11:5). It is the relationship you have with Jesus. That is exactly what happened. Adam and Eve chose a different vision. But here's what I wonder. Rick is a consultant, conference leader, communicator, and coach. The seed sown on the rocky ground sprang up quickly, but it also quickly withered and died when trials hit. The story of Enoch is told back in Genesis 5, where God records the generations from Adam to Noah, whose story we will look at next week. What exactly had Adam taught his sons about the proper way to approach God? Pink says that the name Methuselah can mean, When he is dead, it shall be sent. He suggests that perhaps Enoch gave his son this unusual name, because God had revealed to him that when Methuselah died, the flood would come. Think about this: Walking with God! That is the greatest privilege possible. This indicates that things were going to become even more difficult in the immediate future. This grim reality runs like a relentless drumbeat throughout the chapter. 2335 Presidential Drive, Suite 114 . You may say, Thats just the way I feel, and thats true. How does a person who struggles with doubts get faith and grow strong in faith? That would conflict with the entire teaching of the New Testament, that faith is simply the channel through which Gods blessings flow. Without faith it is impossible to please God (11:6). Whoever would draw near to God! Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him (Gen 5:24). It is essential for every believer to understand the nature of enduring faith. Any date. Not one word is ever said about the faith of his wife or the faith of Shem, Ham or Japheth or their wives. Faith is unconditional trust in the promises of God. The world often ridicules or despises the person who lives by faith. His faith saved his entire family. We must believe that he will keep his promise. By their choice, sin and the sinful nature entered the human race. That means more than that heaven is a place of great happiness. 2Indeed, by faith our ancestors received approval. Pastor Colin Smith preached this sermon on the faith of Abraham from Hebrews 11:8-16 as part of the series "Living By Faith." And God honored them because of their faith. The flood came in the 600th year of Noahs life and if you compare that with the long years of Methuselahs life, you will see that God sent the flood in the year that Methuselah died. And that promise was fulfilled when Jesus laid down His life for us on the cross. That's what the phrase "by faith" (repeated over and over again in this chapter) is all about. David says, at your right hand there are pleasures forever more (Psa 16:11). Charles Hoffacker On the whole, the Bible is not taken up with providing definitions in the way that a dictionary does. Again, this is clear from the numbers in Genesis 5. But Enoch did not go through it. Later in the day that Russert died Howard Fineman of Newsweek magazine made this observation during a television interview: "Tim Russert Did Not Pursue False Gods, He Pursued the Real One.". What is the faith that pleases God. Every time the boy became sick you would think This is it. The difficulty of the verse lies in the meaning of the words translated (NASB) as assurance (being certain of, NIV) and (NASB) conviction (certain, NIV). He trusted in God. In. Sermon Archive "Faith That Works" - Hebrews 11. Will you live it? Back then, there were only eight true believers in the whole world. Faith, Creation, Jesus, Abraham, Noah, City Of God, Enoch, Abel, Example, Perseverence, Justification By Faith, 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. Abel was commended as righteous because of a sacrifice that God accepted. Enoch walked with God and went straight to heaven. A lack of truth erodes trust and causes distance in relationships. Because faith allows us to overcome, we need to understand faith. Here, at any rate, he is facile princeps (easily foremost) among the divines of the Puritan schoolManton's Worksoffer real literary gold to the reading public.'- J.C. RYLEThe outstanding preaching ministry of Thomas Manton . This is an open invitation. Faith is the means of realizing spiritual reality, of gaining Gods approval, and of understanding the origin of all that is. Hebrews: All About Faith. Hebrews 11 begins with a short general definition of what faith is. Noah's faith saved his entire family. Ten generations are recorded. The Roman Catholic Church promised Jan Hus, the brave Czech martyr, safe passage to a hearing. He believed so deeply and obeyed so completely and walked so intimately with God that it was natural for his entire family to do what he did. And Noah had enough faith to inspire all of them to follow his example. But note this. Being unconditionally certain that it's true requires faith. By any standards this is a remarkable story. Men, God holds you accountable to set the pace for your entire family. And the author of Hebrews is explaining that by way of illustration in Hebrews chapter 11. Creation is dependent upon the Son for its maintenance. Hebrews 11:32-35a Elijah: Widow of Zarephath (1 Kings 17:8-23) Elisha: Shunammite Woman's Son (2 Kings 4:18-37). Since God created all things from nothing, then everything owes its existence to God who spoke creation into existence. We can't see sins forgiven, we have to believe it. The Word became flesh and tabernacled among us (John 1:14). It punctured the van's gas tank and set off an explosion that ripped a hole through the backseat floor. Their answer (Dan. He cites Habakkuk 2:4, But My righteous one shall live by faith, and if he shrinks back, My soul has no pleasure in him. Then he expresses his confidence in his readers (10:39), But we are not of those who shrink back to destruction, but of those who have faith to the preserving of the soul. His subject is enduring faith. Some of his readers were in danger of shrinking back to destruction. Here we see another side of the life of faith. All have to cross the river. Faith recognizes that God sometimes tests us (17a) A. I dare say many people in our churches have made up their own religion. Please open your Bible at Hebrews 11 as we continue our series, Living by Faith. By faith he endured, as seeing Him who is unseen (11:27). The author mentions Moses (11:24-26), who refused to be called the son of Pharaohs daughter, choosing rather to endure ill-treatment with the people of God. He considered the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt; . Imagine what those in the Egyptian court must have said about Moses: He walked away from the wealth and prestige of being the son of Pharaohs daughter to lead a ragtag bunch of common slaves out into the Judean wilderness! When Noah entered the ark, his wife went with him. were prepared by the word of God, so that what is seen was not made out of things which are visible. This is the first of 19 uses of by faith in this chapter. As we saw last week, there is a type of faith that does not endure trials and temptations. [2] For by it the people of old received their commendation. When Meacham wrote about Russert's invitation, and the phrase, "It's the faith, Brother," he drew this conclusion: "In that brief chat the many sides of Russert were on display: he was cajoling and charming, playing it straight, pushing others to be braver and bolder, all in the service of creating an interesting conversation about the things that matter most.". Finally, By faith we understand that the ages [lit.] v. 24. The Power of Faith will help you strengthen your confidence in God's promises. Such faith, as we will see in the numerous examples of Hebrews 11, is down to earth and practical. How do rewards fit in with faith? Faith believes God regardless of the circumstances. Follow Us Online. Enoch was surrounded by people who had no place for God. Hebrews 11 New International Version Faith in Action 11 Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. The phrase is appropriate because this story is dark and tragic from beginning to end. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. He had always believed in God, always come to worship, always offered the sacrifices. For 120 years he preached the truth and called the society around him to repentance. It renders the first phrase (p. 847), in faith things hoped for become realized (or, reality). This is for us today. God is the reward of those who seek Him. 3:14) as subjective, hold fast the beginning of our assurance firm until the end. But the respected Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (ibid., VII:587) argues that it does not refer there to subjective assurance, which rests within us, but to the objective reality of the faith. When the flood finally came, only eight people were saved: Noah and his wife, his three sons and their wives. Faith has its reasons. Suddenly they realize the heavy weight of responsibility that is upon them. The "end" is often the culmination of a lifetime pursuit of intimacy with God. Walking is not sitting and walking is not sprinting. To ensure you receive the best experience on, we use cookies to process information about your visit. We couldn't. You are watching the official sermon video of Sierra Bible Church. Man looks on the outward and makes his judgments that way. How could he do that? I need wisdom. For by it the elders: The great examples of godliness all had different circumstances and personalities, but they all had one thing in common - faith. Martin Luther " Do not be afraid, little flock ," Jesus tells us in today's gospel reading ( Luke 12:32-40 ). For more information, see ourPrivacy Policy. Finally we have the story of Noah (Gen. 6-9). Understanding these principlestrust is essential for close personal relationships; truth is the basis for trust; and, truth must be expressed in love, which means, seeking the highest good of the other personshows why faith (trust) is at the heart of a relationship with God. Hebrews 11:8 Sermons: By faith, Abraham, when he was called, obeyed to go out to a place which he was to receive for an inheritance. Its no good saying, If God wants me He can make himself known to me. Whoever would draw near to God must believe that He is! But, I have since pondered his question many times and I have sought to answer it. A.W. No wonder we jump from one job to another and from one relationship to another. His faith made real in the present the future promises of God. If the enemy can get us to doubt Gods love in a time of trials, we will draw away from God and disobey His Word of truth. For posting on the web, a link to this document on our website ( is preferred. But this first one goes back to Genesis 1, to the biblical account of creation. The example of Moses: v. 23. Truth is the basis for trust. I will seek to clarify the meaning of the verse as I understand it, but I admit that my understanding may be limited. There is much we don't know that we wish we knew. Justification by faith is one of the central doctrines of the Christian faith. As our pressures mount, we are tempted to disbelieve in God's . Noah was a righteous man who had great faith in God. And I will let you in on the secret of when it will happen: When your son dies, the judgment will come., Pink asks this question: What effect would such a revelation have on you? The word confidence itself means full of faith. The subjective understanding is, faith means being confident of what we hope for, convinced of what we do not see. An objective understanding is, faith means the reality of the goods hoped for, (Helmut Koster, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, ed. THE OLD Assembly's Catechism asks, "What is the chief end of man?" and its answer is, "To glorify God, and to enjoy him for ever." Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him (Gen 5:24). It has to change the way we live. By faith, he factored in eternity and looked to the reward. By faith he preached when no one would listen. Although the stress of the next section of Hebrews is on practical exhortations, doctrine is either taught or assumed in this part of the book as Read More Hebrews 11:1-7 - The Description of Faith The judgment of the world is about to come!. You are currently impersonating {{}}. I know you believe in Christ." In 1954 the phrase "under God" was added to our pledge of allegiance. J.D. "Through Faith" As we read on the context is the same.Vs35b-38. Habakkuk lived in difficult times before the Babylonians came to take away Judah into captivity. You will not share personal information because you are afraid that the person will use it in a way that damages you. It is important to define or give substance to such an abstract noun as faith. Enoch was given a prophetic glimpse of the day when our Lord Jesus Christ will come with His holy angels. Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Isaac's blessing of Jacob and Esau shows faith in God's promises, even when circumstances seem to contradict those promises (11:20). Order Curriculum, Literature, and Church Supplies, by Rick Ezell on Wednesday, January 01, 2014 at 7:00 AM. Try. Why is the doctrine of creation by Gods word crucial for knowing Him and for the Christian life. We have to believe it. Obviously sibling rivalry was present from the beginning. The reason that faith in God as creator comes first is not by accident. Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-4 Denomination: Baptist Summary: Every body has some type of faith, people have faith in many different things, when we get into our car we have faith that it will crank and get us to our destination, we have faith that our doctor knows what he or she is doing, every body has this mindse 1 2 3 4 Next "WHAT IS FAITH?" Abel had been killed, but that was before Seth or any of his descendants were born. He is one of only two people in the Bible who did not die - the other being Elijah. How do I know that? Abel found the righteousness that comes by faith. They become futile in their speculations, their foolish hearts are darkened, and professing to be wise, they become fools. Faith is the victory! When he is dead, it shall be sent. Enoch, the world as you know it will be washed away. The end from Dr. Arnold Lastinger. tragic from beginning to end pink says that the name can! 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