article 4 of the texas constitution creates quizlet

Amended Aug. 11, 1891, Nov. 4, 1958, and Nov. 6, 2001.) Section Four requires the United States to protect each state from invasion, and, upon the application of the state legislature (or executive, if the legislature cannot be convened), from domestic violence. (d) A District Court shall conduct its proceedings at the county seat of the county in which the case is pending, except as otherwise provided by law. When first adopted, this clause applied to fugitive slaves and required that they be extradited upon the claims of their masters, but it provided no means for doing so. Upon an order for involuntary retirement for disability or an order for removal, the office in question shall become vacant. If an election is called under this subsection, the commissioners court shall order the ballot for the election to be printed to permit voting for or against the proposition: "Reinstating the office of Constable of Precinct No. The Supreme Court has held that the Constitution requires all states to be admitted on an equal footing, though the Admissions Clause does not expressly include this requirement. Sec. Yet, the principle it establishes, that the powers of government . The judicial power of this State shall be vested in one Supreme Court, in one Court of Criminal Appeals, in Courts of Appeals, in District Courts, in County Courts, in Commissioners Courts, in Courts of Justices of the Peace, and in such other courts as may be provided by law. Why is the Texas Constitution So Dang Long? If the Directors are appointed such appointment shall be made by the County Commissioners Court after consultation with and consent of the governing body or bodies of such city or cities. If the vote is favorable, then admission may be granted to such county or counties by the Board of Directors of the then existing Authority upon such terms and conditions as they may agree upon and evidenced by a resolution approved by two-thirds (2/3rds) of the then existing Board of Directors. What role do you feel Hyundai's 10-year, 100,000 -mile warranty played in its turnaround? The act which consummated her admission into the Union was something more than a compact; it was the incorporation of a new member into the political body. The office of every such Justice and Judge shall become vacant on the expiration of the term during which the incumbent reaches the age of seventy-five (75) years or such earlier age, not less than seventy (70) years, as the Legislature may prescribe, except that if a Justice or Judge elected to serve or fill the remainder of a six-year term reaches the age of seventy-five (75) years during the first four years of the term, the office of that Justice or Judge shall become vacant on December 31 of the fourth year of the term to which the Justice or Judge was elected. Why did the Constitution of 1869 grant blacks the right to vote and recognize the 14th Amendment guarantees of equality before the law? The State is entitled to appeal in criminal cases, as authorized by general law. County judges, county attorneys, clerks of the district and county courts, justices of the peace, constables, and other county officers, may be removed by the judges of the district courts for incompetency, official misconduct, habitual drunkenness, or other causes defined by law, upon the cause therefor being set forth in writing and the finding of its truth by a jury. The Supreme Court, Court of Criminal Appeals, and each Court of Appeals shall each appoint a clerk of the court, who shall give bond in the manner required by law, may hold office for four years subject to removal by the appointing court for good cause entered of record on the minutes of the court, and shall receive such compensation as the legislature may provide. A republican form of government is distinguished from a direct democracy, which the Founding Fathers had no intentions of entering. ", List of U.S. states by date of admission to the Union, Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph Co. v. Oregon, List of states and territories of the United States, "Common Interpretation: The Admissions Clause", "Essays on Article IV: New States Clause", "Federal Land Ownership: Overview and Data", "Essays on Article VII: Ratification Clause". (a) The State shall be divided into judicial districts, with each district having one or more Judges as may be provided by law or by this Constitution. 3: See Appendix, Note 3. Amended Nov. 5, 1985, and Nov. 6, 2001.) An information is a written instrument presented to a court by an attorney for the State charging a person with the commission of an offense. Log in. He is survived by many relatives-a spouse, children, adopted children, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunts, cousins, nephews, and nieces. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Article Four also requires the United States to protect each state from invasion, and, at the request of a state, from "domestic violence.". (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. There shall be elected by the qualified voters of each county a Sheriff, who shall hold his office for the term of four years, whose duties, qualifications, perquisites, and fees of office, shall be prescribed by the Legislature, and vacancies in whose office shall be filled by the Commissioners Court until the next general election. The court found that out-of-state judgments are subject to the procedural law of the states where they are enforced, notwithstanding any priority accorded in the states in which they are issued. The district shall not have the power to levy any tax for maintenance or operation of the hospital or facilities, but shall contract with other political subdivisions of the state or private individuals, associations, or corporations for such purposes. The vote in the House was 69 for repeal and 38 against, which was short of the two-to-one vote required to amend the Constitution. GRAND AND PETIT JURIES IN DISTRICT COURTS: COMPOSITION AND VERDICT. There shall be elected for each county, by the qualified voters, a County Clerk, who shall hold his office for four years, who shall be clerk of the County and Commissioners Courts and recorder of the county, whose duties, perquisites and fees of office shall be prescribed by the Legislature, and a vacancy in whose office shall be filled by the Commissioners Court, until the next general election; provided, that in counties having a population of less than 8,000 persons there may be an election of a single Clerk, who shall perform the duties of District and County Clerks. Once the new Constitution went into effect, however, Congress admitted Vermont and Kentucky on equal terms and thereafter formalized the condition in its acts of admission for subsequent states, declaring that the new state enters "on an equal footing with the original States in all respects whatever." However, the great majority of agencies are created by statute and must function under the separation requirement, thus compelling Texas courts to establish parameters for . Sec. The practice and procedures relating to the use of indictments and informations, including their contents, amendment, sufficiency, and requisites, are as provided by law. (13-a) The Commission may accept complaints or reports, conduct investigations, and take any other action authorized by this section with respect to a candidate for an office named in Subsection (6)(A) of this section in the same manner the Commission is authorized to take those actions with respect to a person holding that office. The Dennison decision was overruled by Puerto Rico v. Branstad (1987); now, the federal courts may require the extradition of fugitives. (b) Each of said Courts of Appeals shall hold its sessions at a place in its district to be designated by the Legislature, and at such time as may be prescribed by law. If such District is created, it may be authorized to levy a tax not to exceed seventy-five cents (75) on the One Hundred Dollar ($100) valuation of taxable property within the District; provided, however, no tax may be levied until approved by a majority vote of the participating resident qualified voters. (b) The Supreme Court shall promulgate rules of civil procedure for all courts not inconsistent with the laws of the state as may be necessary for the efficient and uniform administration of justice in the various courts. Sec. (Added Nov. 2, 1954; amended Nov. 2, 1999.) (Feb. 15, 1876. (Feb. 15, 1876. The appeal of all other criminal cases shall be to the Courts of Appeal as prescribed by law. A district may not be created or a tax levied unless the creation and tax are approved by a majority of the registered voters who reside in the district. The state legislature can propose amendments to the constitution. The Supreme Court, after considering the record of such appearance and the recommendation of the Commission, may suspend the person from office with or without pay, pending final disposition of the charge. Amended Aug. 11, 1891, and Nov. 5, 1985.). (c) When the boundaries of justice of the peace and constable precincts are changed, each Justice and Constable in office on the effective date of the change, or elected to a term of office beginning on or after the effective date of the change, shall serve in the precinct in which the person resides for the term to which each was elected or appointed, even though the change in boundaries places the person's residence outside the precinct for which he was elected or appointed, abolishes the precinct for which he was elected or appointed, or temporarily results in extra Justices or Constables serving in a precinct. ). (9) A tribunal to review the Commission's recommendation for the removal or retirement of a person holding an office or position specified in Subsection (6) of this Section is composed of seven (7) Justices or Judges of the Courts of Appeals who are selected by lot by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. The presentment of an indictment or information to a court invests the court with jurisdiction of the cause. 6: See Appendix, Note 3.). (2), (6), and (8)-(12) amended and (14) added Nov. 6, 1984; Subsecs. (b) If any such district is created, it may be authorized to levy a tax not to exceed Seventy-five Cents (75) on the One Hundred Dollar ($100) valuation of taxable property within the district; provided, however, no tax may be levied until approved by a majority vote of the participating resident qualified voters. One of them brought suit in federal court, arguing that Rhode Island's government was not "republican" in character, and that his arrest (along with all of the government's other acts) was invalid. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. If an office of constable is declared dormant, the office may not be filled by election or appointment and the previous officeholder does not continue to hold the office under Subsection (a) of this section or Section 17, Article XVI, of this constitution. Hi, it looks like JavaScript has been disabled in your browser. (e) Unless the legislature enacts a statewide reapportionment of the judicial districts following each federal decennial census, the board shall convene not later than the first Monday of June of the third year following the year in which the federal decennial census is taken to make a statewide reapportionment of the districts. Pa. 1823), the federal circuit court held that privileges and immunities in respect of which discrimination is barred include. A person charged in any state with treason, felony, or other crime, who shall flee from justice, and be found in another state, shall on demand of the executive authority of the state from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the state having jurisdiction of the crime. Any person holding an office specified in this subsection may be suspended from office with or without pay by the Commission immediately on being indicted by a State or Federal grand jury for a felony offense or charged with a misdemeanor involving official misconduct. 2: See Appendix, Note 1.). 8. COUNTY CLERK. Sec. The Judges shall have the same qualifications and receive the same salaries as the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court, and the Presiding Judge shall have the same qualifications and receive the same salary as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Each county in the State with a population of 18,000 or more but less than 50,000, according to the most recent federal census, from time to time, for the convenience of the people, shall be divided into not less than two and not more than eight precincts. COUNTY ATTORNEYS; DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. The board has other powers and duties as provided by the legislature and shall exercise its powers under the policies, rules, standards, and conditions, not inconsistent with this section, that the legislature provides. (2) prescribe a reasonable period, which may not exceed 45 days, after the provision of that notice during which the court may not enter a judgment holding the statute unconstitutional. Texas utilizes a "plural executive" which means the power of the Governor are limited and distributed amongst other executive officials. It also forbids the creation of new states from parts of existing states without the consent of the affected states and Congress. The Court shall hold the regular terms at the County Seat of each County in the Court's district in such manner as may be prescribed by law. Lieutenant Governor of Texas. The Court of Criminal Appeals may appoint Commissioners in aid of the Court of Criminal Appeals as provided by law. (a) The Legislature may by law authorize the creation of a Hospital District to be co-extensive with the limits of County Commissioners Precinct No. If the tax is authorized by the legislature and approved by the voters of the area to be taxed, the Amarillo Hospital District shall, by resolution, assume the responsibilities, obligations, and liabilities of Randall County in accordance with Subsection (a) of this section and, except as provided by this subsection, Randall County may not levy taxes or issue bonds for hospital purposes or for providing hospital care for needy inhabitants of the county. (d) added Nov. 4, 1997.). The legislature by general or special law may provide for the creation, establishment, maintenance, and operation of hospital districts located wholly in a county with a population of 75,000 or less, according to the most recent federal decennial census, and may authorize the commissioners court to levy a tax on the ad valorem property located in the district for the support and maintenance of the district. The Legislature may confer original jurisdiction on the Supreme Court to issue writs of quo warranto and mandamus in such cases as may be specified, except as against the Governor of the State. Amended Aug. 11, 1891, Aug. 25, 1945, Nov. 4, 1980, and Nov. 6, 2001; Subsec. Plan Your Visit to the National Archives Museum, Browse Revolutionary Era Classroom Activities. Its jurisdiction shall be coextensive with the limits of the State and its determinations shall be final except in criminal law matters. An Airport Authority may be created and be composed of the county or counties that vote in favor of its creation if separate propositions are submitted to the voters of each county so that they may vote for a two or more county Authority or a single county Authority. In 1912, Luther was reaffirmed in Pacific States Telephone and Telegraph Co. v. An attempt to hold a popular convention to write a new constitution was declared insurrection by the charter government, and the convention leaders were arrested. Most other benefits were held not to be protected privileges and immunities. In 1864, during the Civil War, an effort to repeal this clause of the Constitution failed. [7] With the growth of states' rights advocacy during the antebellum period, the Supreme Court asserted, in Lessee of Pollard v. Hagan (1845),[9] that the Constitution mandated admission of new states on the basis of equality.[10]. Notes of Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787,, Articles of the United States Constitution, Articles with dead external links from January 2023, Articles with permanently dead external links, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 01:36. A jury in the County Court shall consist of six persons; but no jury shall be empaneled to try a civil case unless demanded by one of the parties, who shall pay such jury fee therefor, in advance, as may be prescribed by law, unless the party makes affidavit that the party is unable to pay the jury fee. 4. (a) The supreme court and the court of criminal appeals have jurisdiction to answer questions of state law certified from a federal appellate court. The Governor of Texas heads the state government of Texas. Neither of these theories has been endorsed by the Supreme Court, which has held that the clause means that a state may not discriminate against citizens of other states in favor of its own citizens. In Mills v. Duryee, 1t1 U.S. (7 Cranch) 481[permanent dead link] (1813), the United States Supreme Court ruled that the merits of a case, as settled by courts of one state, must be recognized by the courts of other states; state courts may not reopen cases which have been conclusively decided by the courts of another state. Sec. When convened en banc, five Judges shall constitute a quorum and the concurrence of five Judges shall be necessary for a decision. LEGAL CHALLENGES TO CONSTITUTIONALITY OF STATE STATUTES. COURT ADMINISTRATION AND RULE-MAKING AUTHORITY. The taxable property shall be assessed on a valuation not to exceed the market value and shall be equal and uniform throughout the Authority as is otherwise provided by the Constitution. Under the law relating to the removal of an active Justice or Judge, the Commission and the review tribunal may prohibit a retired or former Judge from holding judicial office in the future or from sitting on a court of this State by assignment. VACANCY IN JUDICIAL OFFICE. IX, Nov. 6, 2001.) (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. 28. In other words, there is no one government official who is solely responsible for the Texas Executive Branch. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. The Guarantee Clause mandates that all U.S. states must be grounded in republican principles such as the consent of the governed. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. The Supreme Court and the Justices thereof shall have power to issue writs of habeas corpus, as may be prescribed by law, and under such regulations as may be prescribed by law, the said courts and the Justices thereof may issue the writs of mandamus, procedendo, certiorari and such other writs, as may be necessary to enforce its jurisdiction. Butler withdrew the clause. Said courts shall have such other jurisdiction, original and appellate, as may be prescribed by law. (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISION for Sec. He shall receive as compensation for his services such fees and perquisites as may be prescribed by law. Article 4 of the Texas Constitution describes the executive department (branch) of Texas. However, the Commission may issue a public statement through its executive director or its Chairman at any time during any of its proceedings under this Section when sources other than the Commission cause notoriety concerning a Judge or the Commission itself and the Commission determines that the best interests of a Judge or of the public will be served by issuing the statement. Sec. The court upheld Georgia's refusal to enforce the South Carolina judgment. (f) Nov. 6, 2001; Subsec. ), (TEMPORARY TRANSITION PROVISIONS for Sec. 10. For instance the Supreme Court struck down a provision which limited the jurisdiction of the state of Alabama over navigable waters within the state. 16. Sec. The structure of the current constitution of Texas (Constitution of 1876) is a Preamble, 17 Articles, and 491 Amendments (Since 2015) 3. 26. Amended Aug. 11, 1891, Nov. 6, 1973, and Nov. 5, 1985.). Since the establishment of the United States in 1776, the number of states has expanded from the original 13 to 50. This tax is in addition to any other tax authorized by this constitution. Create a standalone learning module, lesson, assignment, assessment or activity, Submit OER from the web for review by our librarians, Please log in to save materials. (c) The Legislature may by law authorize the creation of a hospital district within Jefferson County, the boundaries of which shall include only the area comprising the Jefferson County Drainage District No. Kilman, Johnny and George Costello (Eds). Sec. 14 added Nov. 6, 2001.) This clause was added to the clause that provided extradition for fugitives from justice.[4]. The Guarantee Clause mandates that United States guarantee that all states have a "republican form of government," though it does not define this term. Notwithstanding the population requirements of this subsection, any county that is divided into four or more precincts on November 2, 1999, shall continue to be divided into not less than four precincts. The Congress shall have power to dispose of and make all needful rules and regulations respecting the territory or other property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular state. (Added Nov. 4, 1958; Subsecs. The records of an office of constable declared dormant are transferred to the county clerk of the county. PARTICIPATION OF MUNICIPALITIES AND OTHER POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS IN ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OF MENTAL HEALTH, MENTAL RETARDATION, OR PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES. Each Court of Appeals shall designate one of its members for inclusion in the list from which the selection is made. 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